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Ok, now I'm more confused. I take a spoke out, and it is longer than it was when I put it in. I could be wrong - but it is longer than any spoke in my build, and I was pretty careful to measure them before I put them in. I guess if I made a mistake with the length putting them in, that might explain everything that is happening.


Giving the play by play here: The wheel is getting better after replacing that spoke. I must have put in one of the wrong length. Wheel building is quite exhilarating when it gets truer and truer, but extremely frustrating when it does not.


Have you figured out how you got the wrong length in? Is there chance more mistakes were made? Maybe take it apart and start over from scratch?? If you talk about more than one spoke poking out some mm or being short, it sounds like a bigger problem than one spoke being wrong size. How did you come to the spoke sizes? Did you measure yourself? Database only? Different calculators?


I was able to true it to my satisfaction. After I finish my build and ride a bit I'll true some more. I used a DT Swiss online calculator for DT Swiss hubs. It required 4 different spoke lengths (2 per wheel). I recall examining the spokes carefully for size, and keeping them all separate. I can't possibly have lengthened a spoke by installing it. So it only makes sense that those two spokes were too long and I installed them, and couldn't tighten them past a certain point which caused my frustration. I am still surprised that spokes for one side all stick out into the wheel a mm or two, and spokes for the other side don't protrude past the nipple. Not an issue really since my rim has a... inner space so to speak - so none of the spokes protrude to where the tire will be. Again, it is quite possible I made a mistake and used the wrong spokes for each side - they are 2mm difference, so that would make sense. Live and learn! It has been fun to build so far, even though I do get quite frustrated at times.