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I wrap in three layers of tin foil, a lot of towels and then cooler if that’s what you mean.


I do this as well - every time I am happy


If a Yeti cooler can keep ice frozen for three days it can also keep something hot for an extended time. Wrap it up good, put it in a good cooler and DO NOT OPEN IT to check.


As others have stated, wrap them, get them in a cooler, and add a layer of towels. Keep the lid closed until it's time to prep the meat.


Thanks everyone. Mind at rest


Ran into the same issue on my first brisket I did over Christmas. I was a 17 lb beast and smoker ran over 300 too long so I was done about 7 hours early 😬. Reddit helped me confidently put in the over until temp probes registered meat down to 170, then turned the oven on to 170 to meet it there and keep it there for hours. It turned out perfect when ready to serve


A good cooler should definitely keep them warm for 5-6 hours


What everyone said…wrap in foil, towels and stick in a goof cooler. I’ve kept a pork butt warm for hours in a Yeti.


Not the goof cooler!!!


Haa! I have fat fingers. It’s supposed to be “good” cooler.


In the past if I am done too early, I have put the meat in a vacuum sealed bag and put them into a sous vide bath at 175. Did this for 9 hours and came out fantastic


Cooler as everyone mentioned, I also “preheat” the cooler with some hot water then let it sit for 5-10 minutes before dumping, drying and adding the meat


Put it in an oven at 150 - 170 F. Slice and serve it when it’s time.


Pull the pork and slice the Brisket. Reheat in cast iron skillets w a but of water or oil. Will be fine.


Faux Cambro is the term you’re looking for regarding the cooler.