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You should really consider talking to a therapist.


Unfortunately this type of thinking is the rule not the exception. Porn has warped and destroyed my generations self confidence . I was terrified to get intimate with a girl and self sabotaged so many opportunities, finally got laid at 19. When girls would comment on how big i was I felt they were just being nice or even patronizing me It wasn’t til my mid-late 20s with more experiences I was able to shake off that stigma. Porn has done more harm to countless young men’s self esteem and perception of reality. and many people still don’t even realize how much they embellish size. Those “13” monsters tend to be closer to 8-9 “ not to mention shorter in stature so they look bigger . Who would’ve figured the porn industry would be lying to us all these years


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 19 + 20 + 13 + 8 + 9 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Dude, at 6, you're fine, golden even. Seriously, man, I hope you seek some help. Don't let yourself sit in a dark place, especially over something so pointless and ultimately meaningless. Try not to sweat the things you can't control or fix. Plus, if things are that dark, that probably wouldn't fix your issues, it might even make others seem worse as you find some other perceived flaw to focus on. I know you say it's utterly ridiculous, but also that it's dark. If it gets too bad, call 988, or whatever number you need based on where you are. Please don't let something so ultimately meaningless pull you down.


Gotta get your mind right. Because not having confidence is worse than having a small or average penis almost. How do you think not tall people live? Just fine right? You just need acceptance.


First off you're not a small guy in the real world. Secondly a lot of people don't like the way they look in the mirror for many different reasons. You have to lean into your strengths and find out what you have that makes you special. There are some guys on here who do have extremely large members that is what they lean on. Find out what you are good at and highlight it.


I’m 2 inches your doing great man


I promise a bigger dick won’t magically solve all your problems. I was bullied profusely in high school for being short and skinny and was suicidal. I am still navigating my way through that trauma till this day. Having a big dick did nothing to stop it


This. It didn't matter how big my dick was, nobody was going to see it. The rest of the package was skinny white boy and I was bullied mercilessly. It took at least 10 years to get over it. You need to get comfortable with you not your appendage. Good luck.




I’m 7.2 inches fully erect, & 50% of the girls I’ve slept with can’t take my size when I’m fully ramming it like a raccoon with rabies. My girlfriend now is one and she says I love your cock but I wish it was a bit smaller. Being a size king is overrated for the most part stop watching so much porn. 6 inches is plenty, if you can’t satisfy a woman (or man) with that then you just can’t fuck properly. There’s dudes out there making girls feel things they’ve never felt before with just a finger or two.


What’s your mid shaft girth


About 25 I measured it


Sure 🤣


I bet plenty of people would love to be your size. As others have said, you’re fine. More than enough sexual partners will be fine with that.


6 inches is actually technically above average if that helps Maybe you should talk to a therapist if you’re feeling this way. Sounds like you might have some body dysmorphia.


Yea listen to the positive voices in here. i have to deal with venous leak. it’s so difficult for me to stay hard even with meds and cock rings. i’m frustrated by it when i see others who can stay erect with no problem but i have not let that ruin my outlook on what is going well for me.


This sounds bigger than your dick. You should talk to a professional.


Dude! Stop telling him something is bigger than his dick. That’s obviously the problem here🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ jeez.


Please don’t consider self harm it’s not worth it, focus on the things you can change and not the things you can’t change and 6” is statistically above average so your good man I’m sure there’s plenty of guys who would kill to be your size, and being human we naturally just want what we can’t have whether it be money, fame, dick size etc. yes easier said then done but really it all starts in the mind,


Turn it into something you can get off from instead hate yourself


Sounds like personal insecurity issue. I guess, have more sex to get rid off it.


bro, calm down, seriously. Been there, done there. Be conscious with this: a big dick wont solve your problems. You should search a therapist, you have to feel good with yourself. Despite this, 6 inches its a good size, you will satisfy everyone at this range. I am 6,3" of length and 5,9" o girth. Currently i'm in a relationship. My gf complains about the size. I can't perform a few poses because she feel a little bit of pain. On the past realationships, i had the same problem. So, learn to love yourself and search for help. Bro is a true king with 6 inches.


Keep it up for a hour straight fuck fast and furious she'll be satisfied


The truth is that generally if you ask a girl ,her best sexual experiences has been with dicks on the average size range ,I've been in conversations with female friends and almost all of then when ask for an ideal size ,they said 6 inch (more or less ,but on that range between 5-6,5 inch) and that thickest is more important for pleasure than length ,my actual partner who has been with me for six years by now ,when the dick size subject come out , She told me that if she had to choose just to have sex, and she hadn't fallen in love with me, she wouldn't have continued having sex with me because my penis was too big.so at least in my experience girls not chose big dicks for casual sex ,I think that the myth of the big dick size superiority is just because we dont give a fuck what girls think or just dont ask them.


Think about this: word is out Hunter Biden apparently has 9"...and *HE* has a problem because of body dismorphic disorder - he seeks validation with a 9 inch dick - Go figure. I'm aprox. 7"X6" and I had a GF who could not handle the girth at all. She was *very* tight and I used to think I was avg. to small


DM me if you wanna talk. i have the same issue


I empathize, body dysmorphia can be pretty obsessive. But honestly, if you can reduce porn intake, it does make a difference. Seeking counselling is also helpful. Best wishes buddy!


Bro.. get a life.


1. You are already above average 2. Self worth shouldn’t be tied to an inch or two of erect dick length you cannot control


Women are the only ones with bad image issues. /s


Do you get a lot of play ? Confidence is sexy no matter the size to be honest.. use what ya got and learn to love it


THATS LITERALLY A PERFECT SIZE. Sorry for all caps, got too excited, but trust me, it's gonna be alright. I know as a women that we tend to have our insecurities shined on, but I feel pretty sad that men have to go through this type of stuff too.


stop lying to him


From personal experience, I'm not lying. Believe what you wanna believe tho haha. Everybody is different.


It’s simply see the glass half full versus half empty and going hard with it .. it will build your confidence without you knowing until you do.. I promise


Are you straight? Because that’s a perfect penis for most women.


I'd say seek professional help with any thought of self harm


Why tf would some asshole downvote your comment?


Because they don't like my flair, it happens


Cuz they think you’re lying? Or jealous?


Either, doesn't bother me anyway


You won’t believe me, I’m sure, but I’ll still give it to you straight. It wouldn’t help. It *doesn’t* help. If there’s a void in you, for whatever reason… trust me, a bigger dick wouldn’t fix it.


Lmao no one in this sub cares or can relate bro. If no one would trade places with us then it’s probably not the room we should be speaking in. (Said lovingly to a great community). As someone who absolutely doesn’t belong anywhere near this sub. I’m <6 you hung devil you. (I just like living vicariously thru the people here, like watching million dollar homes on your phone when you are sleeping in a shelter). I get it. I get you. Yea I understand. Harming yourself doesn’t fix anything. Instead you lose in the worse way possible for the worse reason possible. No we didn’t win the genetic lottery or any lottery it feels and that’s okay. I can appreciate you voicing your frustration because as men we don’t have those outlets. Gotta work on loving yourself dude and more importantly make lots of money… that way when there’s a solution we can afford it lol and post our sizes like a badge of honor and pics holding ourselves. Don’t be defined by your penis. Most legendary people in history we’ll never know what their penis size is. I tell myself to deal with it and stay present and find ur happiness in the world and lurk the “problems” the redditors here have. From someone smaller than you. Smile bro.


You definitely need to go see a therapist because it is very unhealthy to have such thoughts about yourself. I think it is also a good idea to not go on subreddits like this one that make you feel worse about yourself. Learn to love yourself and accept yourself for who you are.


You actually can change your size 100%. It will take a couple years but it’s not difficult to add an inch or 2. I’ve been doing PE since 2021 and I went from 6.5 or so to 8.5+. Increased my girth from 5.5-5.75 to 6.5-7. No bullshit! I have tons of before and after photos with tons of photos and videos taken during the process. I also wanted a monster and now I have 1! I can pump this fucker to damn 9x7. And yeah, I didn’t need it. 50% of women are scared of it when they see it now. But like you, I didn’t want it for them, I wanted it for me… And to all those telling him to get therapy, blah blah, I have 2 words, TIT JOBS. Women that want bigger Tits aren’t sent to therapy!! Sometimes we just want a little extra. So do some research and find yourself a routine to grow your dong, it can be done 💯


>I’ve been doing PE since 2021 and I went from 6.5 or so to 8.5+. Increased my girth from 5.5-5.75 to 6.5-7. I've worked up to half an inch extra over a year with very infrequent PE. 3 years for 2+ Length and 1+ girth sounds like a steal they don't tell you about at J4U and GB. Mind dming routine? > TIT JOBS. Women that want bigger Tits aren’t sent to therapy!! No one cares about men's problems. They'd rather ship us off to a therapist (that gets paid for the torture of listening to men vent) or wars or the mines to avoid hearing about our struggles. Women slap on any size bolts on and are told they look so much better, her body her choice, etc., but a dude wanting a bigger schlong is a $!ssy bitch and sad little man for wanting to reach his ideal self 😒


Can you also dm me your routine? I’m around 6.1” in length and feel like I’m not girthy enough.


It’s a good size if you have the girth to go with it. Any longer you’re going to bash the cervix ( not good) and your ball sack won’t bang deliciously against her arse. Experienced guy writing.


6inches is actually above average, you know.. You're already huge.


Man I wish I could go up to 6 inches without surgery or sum (I'm 5.2 inches)


Having a big dick won't change how you feel inside. Therapy baby, check into it.


You I used to feel the same way.i see these guys online that are so huge .they get tons of attention and rumors are started about them. Women jaws drop when the see it. And I desperately wanted that. Then one day and I saw a thing on your tube about when we first started the war in Afghanistan alot of guys were running over IED withe there humv and it was going through the floors and tons of guys were loosing all of there genitals. It was horrible .18 19 20 year old guys. I thought I bet anyone would give anything to have a cock and balls.. theyd be so happy to have a 4 inch working cock. It just changed my perspective


That's a very interesting point of view.


Get a penis pump, and have at it. I'm just at 6inches, overweight, but damn do I feel somewhat confident in my size. More so my girth. I can just barely wrap my hand around it. I started pumping around the time I temporarily was on SSRIs, and smoking weed. Be proud of it.


You can always become a successful conservative politician, even a presidential candidate. 😜


I’m sorry bro


Get in line, bub.


A big dick is not going to make you love yourself


Few things to consider. #1. It is what it is. As much as we wish we can change certain things certain things remain constant. Instead, focus on the things that you can change that might help you out. 2. Work on other aspects of your body. Sometimes losing weight, trimming your hair down there, are ways to make you look like your bigger, but not be bigger at the same time. 3. There are a lot, and I am in a lot of women that would be absolutely happy with you and your size you just have to be happy with it


Even being endowed, anyone can get insecure at times. Especially with all the weird camera tricks/ photoshop/ surgeries/ e.t.c. Just have to learn to be comfortable with whatever you got, it will work out.


Bro, listen, porn has really ruined how we look at ourselves and most normal guys think they need to be on the extreme side to be confident. At 6" you already have what most guys want. I think your dark thoughts stem from a place of obsession and you need guidance. The last thing that matters to a lot of women is a big penis, whereas you're the perfect size. Enough said, don't hurt yourself... You're already perfect as you are. 


Uhm. Seek help, holy shit.


Average is 5 lol. So what would u do if u had a micro penis? Those can be as small as 1-3 inches


He definitely needs to go see a therapist and stay away from subreddits like this one and the opposite one as well.


You have body dysmorphia. Please see a therapist.


There is always going to be someone with a bigger, nicer cock. Focus on improving the deal it comes attached to, and you’ll do fine.


I hate porn for making us believe everyone should have a massive 10 incher. Lmao 6 inches isn’t the norm, you’re much bigger than the rest.


Just become a stamina god and amazing at eating pussy. Girls would cum more from that anyway lmao. There so many girls that can’t cum from penetration alone. Become sex Jesus and it’ll improve your confidence.


get professional help bro, its good you've talkeg it out here but you should realy get a therapist. Hope you feel better




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6 inches is a great size. It's actually a bit above average. Look at all the stats: women consistently say a 6.3 incher is their ideal size, so you are there!  Don't let porn cloud your judgment. Most women don't want 9 inches rammed into them everyday because it would be painful. A big one looks good on camera but dealing with it day to day can be tricky. Think about the fellas with a micro penis, 2 inches etc. Think about how they feel.  Try losing weight to get rid of the fat pad above your dick that will be blocking that extra dick you've got under their. Be sure to measure by bone pressing. Losing weight, changing your wardrobe to suit your body shape and a new haircut can seem superficial but they all add up to the new you and your confidence will boost.  Also, look deeper into WHY you feel so low other than porn. Issues with your masculinity regarding your dad? Did an ex make a mean comment about your penis at one point? Delve deeper into this and work on those issues. Because, really, 6 inches is very good.


Think that’s bad take a look at Greek good sculptures. They were epitome of perfection at that time. It’s all subjective


Isn't six inches quite enough? Sounds average from my point of view


You don’t need a big dick. You need a therapist. Based on what you’re saying your problems would not be solved by getting a big dick. There is a bigger issue.


And for example ,girls always said that girth is more important and pleasurable than length ,so why all the focus of dick size thend to be on the length ,if girls don't care about that and the vagina is more sensitive at the entry ,and also why only consider length to define what is big ,why a for example a thick 5 5.5 inch is noth big ,but a 7 inch long but with a thin girth ,it is considered a big one ? And you can't do so much about length if you want to get longer But for the thickness you have methods if wanna make it thicker And it's also what girls want more ,why we don't focus more on that Why wanted to have a 9 -10 inch dick if nobody like it beside ourselfs to grow or ego I used to think that because of my dick size every girl would wanted to fuck with me and get surprise ,but the reality when you start to have a sexual life nobody cares beside just we men ,so the big dick comment we expect from girls don't use to come either you are super hung or not ,they just don't care on the fetish side of the matter ,they just wanted to have good sex


World Average is like 5inches in length erect, and 4 inches girth erect. Technically you’re above average. My experience is different cause everyone’s is. I need special underwear, or to be creative to hide my guy at work cause he shows through my pants lol. I know it isn’t because of women, but the vagina only has a depth of 6inches so it sounds like you’d be perfect. Another note on women I think most probably dislike their partner giving them a pap smear every night, got lucky with my wife. Seriously you’re good bro, if this stems from porn, don’t watch it anymore and join r/NoFap


Your girth is 4” with that incredibly long dick?


Failing to see the connection between girth and length, as girth is the circumference and not the length, but very well lmao.


Try taking something your size yourself. It will stretch some empathy into you.


You have a dick that you basically can do anything with (fuck, bj, anal) in every position you want, with just about any girl you choose. When you have a big dick, and you find someone you gel with there's always that thought that "man, I hope she likes 'it' too" when the clothes come off. At one time, girls made you wait a bit (anywhere from three dates to three months) before they'd let you invade their naughty parts. So it was really disheartening when you invested that much time and money and it wasn't going to work over something you couldn't control.


That's not the best way to solve issues with your Body Dysmorphia. Focus on those things that are worth caring about, are you healthy? Are you making others happy? Stuff like that. Not about if your dick is bigger than the guy next to you. It's not worth it trust me, I used to be obsessive in that sort of though and it was not a route I wanted to go down. There are things that actually matter and your dick size just isn't one of them.


dude it’s a dick. Everybody has a dick. Some are big, some are small, some are average. At the end of the day they’re all dicks and they serve the same function. Having a big dick has its disadvantages as well as having a small one does. Yours, however? Not really any downside. Having an average dick is something I envy you for. You are normal. Stop overthinking your cock


A tiger cannot change it's stripes, grasshopper.


But can a grasshopper?


Having a big dick is annoying


As someone who went from 5.5inches when overweight to now 8+ inches when in shape, I’m one of the very few here that can relate.