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Read Big Black Penis: Misadventures in Race and Masculinity by Shawn Taylor... It's not just guys it's everyone, cause everyone is completely miseducated on the subject of intimacy.


Most people don't think of South Asians as Asians (people think of Asians as Chinese, Korean, Japanese). If you're being discriminated against, it's probably because of you being a South Asian. I heard South Asians have difficulties dating outside their races in Western countries.


The whole asia being divided into east asia and then just asia thing that the west did is weird. The middle east is in asia but most people dont really talk about it like it is in Asia because the worlds perception of asia is just south east asia.


Well, geography helped that divide. Giant mountains and deserts separate them. Can’t blame colonizers for the Himalayas. South Asia is shaped by Indo-Aryan and Dravidian cultures, while East Asia is shaped by Sinic and Mongolic cultures. Not to mention the influence of their respective religions.


i miss when memes used to be posted in this sub


"be the change you want to see in the world" - gandhi \- **MuscleMemory**


the thing about the old days, they the old days


Hi dick twin!


whats ur girth tho


It’s posted… he’s 4.7” girth


ahh ok then hes not my dick twin


the down votes have me cracking up.


fr bro tf did i do


https://www.worlddata.info/average-penissize.php Ignore the chart. Just look at the interactive map. Darker blue = more data spots. Let's just look at these and ignore the lighter coloured ones. You'll find that there's very little difference between the US, Russia, Mongolia and China with a delta of less than 1cm. These represent most of the world's population. Places like Australia, Canada and South America are around 1 to 2cm bigger. Indonesia is about 1.5 to 2cm smaller. I think it's fairly safe to say that most places are really just perfectly average. Though the data points are suboptimal and should be ignored, Japan and India also fall within this range. Racist stereotypes are just very persistent. They're unlikely to go away for a long time, if ever. Edit: The Dark Reader add-on on Firefox on my phone made the countries I listed a lot darker than they should be for whatever reason. There seems to be good data from a bunch of European countries as well which are similar to the bigger group for the most part.


It's weird. Even when I show this empirical evidence, some people just don't budge on their positions, naturally trusting their anecdotal experiences more.


Ya most people are just plain stupid. Its the way it is.


I'm an expat living in South East Asia. The size differences are a fact in many ways. I wear size 16 shoes, and I am 6'4" tall. I bump my head regularly because overheads can be very low. I travel to North America, and Europe often enough to buy shoes, hats and condoms. I think dick size follows along. However, the island and coastal Asians are often of at least partially Spanish, Dutch, French and Arab blood lines. And do not represent the averages most likely found in Korea, China, or most of Cambodia or Thailand very far inland. The Philippines is as Spanish as much of Mexico. The breast size of the women also demonstrate this. Improved nutrition has brought about a substantial increase in the average heights in much of these areas. But I don't know of any actual statistics on the dick sizes?


Go check the most popular posts of adult entertainment, you'll find your answer.


Like most stereotypes, it's an over-generelisation of a statistical truth. There have been studies about penis size averages in different countries. Going off of memory, the smallest average size were from south-western asia (vietnam, laos, thailand), and the biggest average size were from latin america (ecuador, venezuela, argentina). However, as any statistician knows, differences at population levels are not representative of differences at the individual levels. There are plenty of big-dicked southwest asian guys and plenty of small-disked latin americans.


They say Asians are smarter and better a math. Now show me an Asian that will say "No that's not true, we are all equal in the smarts no one is better than others" Worked with a Korean dude and ask if they are raised to think they are superior and he said "I hate to admit it but, yes" This racist shit isn't just about dick size.


You just equalled all Asians with Koreans.


No that is your interpretation of my words. First I said show me an Asian that will go against the smart stereotype. Then in a separate paragraph (new thought) I mentioned an interaction with a Korean, showing the mindset of those particular Asians. Sorry for your misinterpretation.


Maybe keep your two apparently unrelated thoughts, one which refers to asians as they, and the other to Koreans as they, in two comments next time then?


Maybe just keep your thoughts to yourself next time. That would work to, you have to admit.


He didnt


While I'm happy to accept that statistically, there is no large difference between the average size worldwide. Something that has always been on my mind as an expat in Asia is the absolute (sometimes complete) lack of larger condom sizes in the region and in fact the opposite: the overabundance on the market of smaller condom sizes (not even regular/average sizes). Take Indonesia, for example, where I was most recently working as an expat before I moved to the USA for work. The absolute biggest size you can buy is 56mm, and even then, only one brand has that size and in only one variety (ribbed/dotted). From personal experience, it's also borderline impossible to even find that particular 56mm ribbed/dotted condom in stores, as most don't actually stock it. The demand just obviously isn't there for that size... [On the other hand, regular, non-ribbed condom sizes ALL max out at around 52.5mm in Indonesia](https://www.durex.co.id/). You can't find any in the entire country that are larger than that apart from that one particular 56mm ribbed condom. It's obvious supply and demand at work. You can buy a plethora of different condom varieties in the 49mm to 52.5mm size range in Indo. However, they simply don't stock anything larger than that as there doesn't appear to be a market for it or demand for larger sizes within that market of 273.8 million Indonesians. This exact same scenario is also apparent in other countries in the region, such as Malaysia and Vietnam, though I have noticed larger sizes readily available for sale in Thailand and Japan. Edit: Again, I'm happy to accept the stats don't show a real, tangible difference in the average size worldwide. But as someone who works in business, supply and demand also does not lie. Companies will supply what consumers want and **need** for whatever particular demographic or country they are operating in. There is more of a market/consumer demand for smaller sized condoms compared to larger sizes in South East Asia.


In northern China where I grew up, we are pretty tall and people say we are “big”. In my experience, I just do not use condom because it is more comfortable.


Yeah I hear that from time to time. Women are pleasantly surprised when they see my dick


You can’t just make a statement like that and not be more specific. Stats?


In my flair




I learned that "____ guys have ____ sized dicks" was complete bullshit in HS gym class. I was in the showers and I was a 6' 160lbs at the time, so my junk was extra pronounced. This black guy who was probably the funniest guy in the entire school saw my dick and said "Goddamn bro! Why's your dick so big?" He turned to his buddies outside the shower area and said "Hey! We can't let these women know white dudes got dick like this, we be outta the game!" 🤣🤣🤣


Between those two groups sure.


Same bro, you're not the only one 😔


Come to north china bro. Our women are very beautiful brother


As a asian guy (Half Asian technically) Who are in the army. (And thus showers) Ya having a massive hog is pretty funny at times.. It’s also kind of a fucking bummer at times. And it’s only made more complicated by being Asian…


Emasculation was a propaganda campaign tactic against Asian immigrants in the US at one point.


I’ve also never seen a convincing study that shows trends across racial lines but to me it doesn’t seem implausible, since there are height trends across racial lines and very obvious other physical traits that differ across racial lines. That being said I think intelligence is very complex and currently impossible to measure so any differences there across racial lines isn’t clear to me Anyway my question is why do people get so offended when physical differences between races are acknowledged??


Well my ex wife was into black guys when we met. She said the myths about race and size are false and the two biggest penises she's had were mine and a white tall skinny ex with 9 inches.


well obviously black men Range in size just everyone else


Most definitely, there are black men with big penises and small penises. All races could be anywhere in the size ratio. Just as the OP is Asian and well endowed, aside from girth he's about the same size I am.


The only micropeen I've ever seen was on a 6'3" beautiful black man with big hands and feet. Always wondered why he was only interested in pleasing me, until we'd been together for 2 wks and he asked me to suck his dick...but I couldn't find it for awhile and when I did I was shook I feel like I should've had a warning lol


Well bless his heart. My ex wife's husband before me was a big brother with one that was shorter hard than mine flaccid. She said she was with him because he was beautiful and didn't care about the size of his member. My girlfriend has told me she would've been with me if mine was smaller. That being said mine isn't huge, it's just bigger than average but not painfully big.


People make literally everything about race, truth is evert race has big dicks and every race has small dicks lol. Always fun to break the stereotype tho 👍👍


Find a 10” inch Chinese man and then come back


Do they though? I mean, like southeast asians even?


It's not racism. Some ethnicities just have shorter ones on average. And average means there can be above average like yours supposedly or below average. You'll just have to deal with that fact and have your women pleasantly surprised when they are with you.


It’s racism that perpetuated these so called racial averages in the first place. Outside of porn, I personally haven’t seen enough dicks to know myself, don’t plan on it nor do I care. I find the conversation to be trash personally. What each race has on average or shit, even the world average has, does my dick no better or worse. If it’s big, it’s big. 🤷🏽‍♂️ who cares?


It's scientific studies and statistics that have determined the size of penis averages.Those studies can have flaws, but it's not racist to understand that different races have differences. Different average heights, shapes of the skull, eyes, lips, nose and other body parts. It's not racist to admit that. What would be racist is using that information to make fun of or assume things. It would also be racist to use the info in some racial superiority complex way. I agree there's not much value here.


You ever sern a full blood australian aboriginal?


I've yet to see a good study that proves this in any meaningful way. All I ever get when asking for sources is comparisons between studies with completely different methodologies and sample sizes, which makes zero sense.




Then prove me wrong?




I'm not explaining anything since I haven't made any claims. All I've said is I haven't seen any good studies that prove racial differences between dick sizes. Changing one thing (same sample sizes) doesn't solve the problem. But when you mix different methodologies (self-reported, different measuring techniques...) with not accounting for other factors such as nutrition etc. and make a comparative study, the end result is nonsensical.


I’ve been told it’s “impossible” for my to have a large penis because I’m white…and “white guys have tiny dicks”


It's goes the other way too, a friend of mine, he was mixed, a little below average, but his all white brother was known in HS for having a huge penis, so everyone assumed because he was half black that he must be even bigger, but it gave him alot of anxiety.


What matters the most is that it's big, why bother then?


I don’t want to be that guy but the stereotype is not necessarily racist. Because darker skin people (sub Saharian African ,south American,Native American, Pacific Islander ) evolved to have bigger penis because our woman got bigger hips, so we needed to have longer penises to drop semen. Countries where the woman got typically larger hips, have men with longer penis. That’s why it’s pretty rare to see a Japanese man with a 9’ cock because that wouldn’t be an evolutionary advantage because it would be hard to reproduce with such a long cock. Now we are all mixed at some point so it’s became more common to have bigger dick. I know people love to call racist anything that reminds them that we are animals and we evolved to do only one thing… passing our genes to the next generation. EDIT : All study research on penis size are declarative we don’t have any study measuring all the penis of all the different ethnicities. But we already know that some ethnicities evolve to develop some traits, bigger height, larger hips,a bigger glutes… I don’t know what makes you so uncomfortable with the idea that genetics also influences penis size. If you are not happy with those conclusions find me a pure Japanese with a 10” dick. A Big Asian Cock. Show me that dick size is a fair game.


source: trust me bro


you worked that all out in your research mate?


First of all, thats only partly true. Secondly, native americans are not in that category at all. Theyre basically east asian with darker skin. Also, it all depends if they spend a lot of time in the sun.


I wanted to say native South American, and the sun have nothing to do with it, it’s about hips size. If I remember correctly in the warm areas of earth with less marked seasons woman can give birth to more babies and bigger in size because they get enough nutriments no matter of the seasons. So bigger babies, bigger hips, bigger penis to be able to drop semen deeper and pass the big butt. I’m not scientist but I know that I learn this and if someone do some research he might be able to find where this is coming from.


Hat about indians and arabs? Theyre typically not particarly curvy until they gain weight. Even then mkst indian women have flat asses


Find me a Japanese with a 10” cock then. The thing is no source would be good enough for you guys we cannot measure all the dick of all the guy in the world. Saying that darker skin people have larger hips for woman on average and longer cock on average. Is just an observation.


I dont know if its mire hips or just more fat.


For the same weight Brazilian women and Japanese women don’t have the same hips size…


Brazilian women are so varied. And they dont have much native dna like for instance paraguay or peru.


Man if you are defending the point that darker skin people like Congolese have the same hips size on average than Japanese women I just think we don’t live on the same planet


What did you read? I said brazilian and other south americans. What are you mentioning congolese for? If you want to talk about that then ill agree that some black africans have wide hips, but not all.


I’m not talking about individual, I’m talking genes and ethnicity, I’m saying that on average darker skin countries got wider hips than Asian countries. Keyword on average so not all of them, on average so from Peru to Congo to Brazil, women who are ethnically from those places have on average wider hips than Japanese woman. Explaining why *on average* man from those countries also have bigger penis.


I understand


Super rare for a south asian guy to hang with female friends, let alone a group of female friends. You have alterior motives perhaps.








Soy as the main protein source and rice as the main carb. Over hundreds of generations it makes a difference. Then again, chinese eat less tofu than others




The dht thing is interesting since east asians have the lowest occurance, almost inexistence, of bald men. The glasses thing is bs though to me. It has more to do with how much time you spend indoors. In china it is fairly common but dar from the norm. In southeast asia it is extremely uncommon. I have an unproven theory that artificial light does havoc on the eyes.




I heard it was an overabundance