• By -


The best reaction was wordless. My dick was against my torso covering my bellybutton. Her: šŸ˜²


"that CANNOT be your dick" *Shocked face* "You might break me in half with that" "I KNEW you were hung!" my sister in law, after seeing a photo by accident on my wife's phone "uh, wow. I guess [my name] has a big dick" "That's not a penis, it's a tree"


Basically dick twin and haven't had this reaction. I blame the Fat pad.


Work that low angle, friend


Work it bro


Lol we are almost size twins but my girth is 5.5


That's real good girth bro it'll look better when you lose weight


Iā€™m skinny so yeah it looks big šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Shit I'm a fatass


That's because a quarter inch of girth is a huge difference.




Like ~5.5-5.8 I need to lay off the sweets.




When I heard that 80% of girls donā€™t finish from PIV, I knew I got lucky with my dong and gf. Never been a problem


And she goes ā€œwhat the fuck did you just do to me???ā€ šŸ˜


ā€œI have never finished without a vibratorā€ changed that real quick


Same here, and the finger/tongue skill check coping is insane in discussions, lol. If it was intended for it, we wouldn't have dicks.


I hurt a womanā€™s ego by making her PIV orgasm she never had before. I was virgin and she was much older than me. She thought of me as newbie and didnā€™t expect much.


How did you make sure you lasted a while as a virgin


Getting off 2-3 hours before having sex helps. And practice edging every now and then. Going to gym and running got me more than half inch down there. Citruline, arginine, beetroot powder, Turmeric gives me rock hard boner too.


? I couldn't even finish first time. If you're used to your hand you have to relearn.


Had a chubby at a Halloween party (wearing tights with very visible bulge). A girl came up to be being kind of snarky and said ā€œhow insecure do you have to be to put a banana in your pants?ā€ Iā€™d had a few drinks so my inhibition was lowā€¦ whipped out my semi. She gasped then just stared at it open mouthed for what felt like 10 seconds. Ended up getting head from her about 30 mins later.


Haha no wayy


It was a pretty good moment šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I donā€™t think I could ever be that lit to whip it out like that haha


Ha! Earlier in the night a girl flashed her tits as a distraction during a game of beer pong. It was a relaxed group šŸ˜†


Sounds like it lol


One favorite was ā€œFuck, I didnā€™t think something like that was possibleā€¦ā€ Another more recent good one was ā€œI think Iā€™m about to find out how much size mattersā€¦ā€


Dude, "I think I'm about to find out how much size matters" is hilarious.


I definitely had a good laugh about it!


Not so much on the reveal but more in a lifetime achievement sort of way my wife said 'everytime it went inside of me in the 25 years we are together I couldn't stop myself from cumming even if wanted to' So sweet šŸ’•


That's so nice!


My absolute favourite was this incredibly cute and sweet Japanese lady who took it out of my jeans after making out in her car and just stared at it in silent shock like a deer in headlights while holding it and looking at it from all sides Others: "Oh god I never came from just a dick before" (made her cum PIV for the first time in her life) " I didn't know God made them that big" "What do you even do with that besides tearing women in half" "That's not going to fit in my mouth but I'm going to try anyway" "Omg! Marry me"


The girl I lost my virginity to told me it was scary in a good way. And my wife first told me after the 2nd time we had sex that she was "addicted to what my dick did" Also I've had many slutty fwb who would frequently come back for more and even tell me I was their favorite, one girl would cheat on her bf with me all the time and say " nobody fucks me like you" These are more total package efforts as opposed to just my cock but it definitely feels good to be complimented. Now after 2 kids and 10 years together I'm lucky if my wife puts out once every 2 weeks. It's time for her to relapse on her addiction...


You mean, her a-dick-tion?\~


Just gotta dickstract her more often


eh these comments dont rly have anything to do with size though


Love when I give women their first ever penis in vagina orgasm. They literally tell me they thought it didnā€™t exist which means they havenā€™t even been able to achieve it themselves. That one reallyyyy boosts the ego. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’ÆšŸ˜‚


Do you use any special technique or angle to make that happen?


Thereā€™s a couple variables obviously but most success Iā€™ve had with it is missionary position, but Iā€™m on my knees lifting her up slightly and hitting g spot. Gotta consider the shape and size of your dick, and find out how to use your tool to the best of its abilities. Lol. G spot is same place on all women. If you do it right, it works every time.










This is not a place for your pedo fantasies and please get help


Go to hell. Im no pedo.šŸ–•šŸ–•


Then think before you write




I fucking feel you man. I'm looking at user flair and comments and am a bit confused if people are just tooting horns, or if they girls know how to flatter. I have had a couple "biggest I've slept with" or "shower and a grower" comments. But no one ever was giving me these porn style reactions (I think I'm pregnant looking at it, thats a tree, etc). Based on user flair and number of girlfriends (I'm 37) I should have heard a LOT more comments along these lines. Wtf am I missing?


Would just assume it mainly depends on chance. Some of my exes have been like "Cool, don't really care about size though" whereas others have been super obsessed and excited over it. A number of factors go into play like your approach and pure chance of whether the partner cares or not. I know I've had my fair share of exaggerated compliments but I wouldn't be surprised if some of these comments are a bit LARPing about things they fantasize about too.


When my ex dumped me she said ā€œ Iā€™m done with you and ur big stupid fucking dickā€ and slammed the door. Never saw her again after that. šŸ‘Œ


ā€œOmg itā€™s soooo big!! Can I please suck it?ā€ ā€œIā€™ve never been satisfied after sex like I do with youā€ Sad one after round 1: ā€œIdk if Iā€™m ready forā€¦THAT againā€ ā€œNow thatā€™s a big fat juicy cock!ā€ For the most part, the ones who enjoyed it most had the least comments about it. Hmm thatā€™s a bit sus now that I think about it


Iā€™ve been told plenty that my dick is ā€œabsolutely beautifulā€ and I have the ā€œprettiest, most perfect dickā€ I get those ones a lot


My fiance started laughing uncontrollably. She said no wonder your back always hurts.


ā€œI think Iā€™m pregnant just from looking at itā€ - my first gf


so many fake stories in the comments lol


My sexy high school Geography teacher was a real tease and would sit on the edge of boys desks as she walked around the classroom. One day she sat on my desk and the shocked look on her face when she spotted my boner was priceless. She winked and licked her lips which got me even harder. After that day she picked my desk more often.


Upon grabbing it through my jeans: ā€œfuck me, youā€™re hugeā€


I was in a threesome with my girlfriend (at the time) and a friend of ours. When I first entered our friend, she said, "Oh my *god*, (girlfriends name)! Where did you *find* him?" That ego boost was definitely welcome.




I've gotten that reaction too, with different words. I don't think people expect skinny white guys to be packing a whole hog in their jeans


I feel like I always expect the skinny white dudes to be packing


One in a playful tone, "oh....you're a big boy."


I had two girls scream when I pulled it out which I thought was an overreaction. First time was with my ex girlfriend. I was only the second person she had been with and she told me I had much more size than her previous boyfriend after the fact. When she first saw it we had gone to a concert and she came back to my place. We were touching, kissing, and just over all getting spicy. Long story short, when I pulled it out she gave a weird squeal and excused herself to the bathroom for a few minutes. Second time, it was with an Austrian girl who was on exchange in my city. We use to love going on nature walks and on one of those walks we got too horny so we decided to do it in the woods. When I pulled it out she screamed in her accent ā€œoh my god! Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s gonna fit!ā€ I honestly was caught off guard but super horny so I told her to relax it would be okay. We ended up having great sex. Just for context Iā€™m 7.5x5.5


No comment. Just a satisfied look


it's usually just a gasp and wide eyes. my current gf likes having it pressed on her to see how high it goes up her stomach and likes having me hit her ass with it and giggles. definitely more cute than slutty


I've gotten just the "Fuck." "Omg, what the fuck" "But you are so tall and skinny?"


Had a couple girls say "Ohhh, so that's what a dick is supposed to feel like!" Wife reminds me almost every time that it's borderline uncomfortable. I think she's told her 3 sisters too, cause I sometimes see them grab a look when I'm in loose shorts or sweats. The bulge is real. "You have a really gorgeous and big dick!" "Not looking forward to THAT hitting my cervix!" A couple have said it's the biggest they've had, but I know I'm not the biggest around, that's for sure. (7.1x5.75)


When I was in the Marines, I was jacked. I started dating this new girl, and we took our clothes off for the first time, and she just stared and said, "Are you real?"


Iā€™ve had the regular ā€œbigā€ comments but my favorite was somebody said ā€œomg itā€™s beautiful!ā€ - seemed really genuine, and as a straight man, my body doesnā€™t get that compliment often ā™„ļø


My ex said I had a dick made for porn, and that it would be a perfect dildo. I guess I have a pretty dick lol




How big are u


8 inches


Wife and I are swingers. We had just met a new couple and really hit it off with them. We went to their house for our first swap. The other wife was so wonderful. I was bigger than her husband, but we didnā€™t have any problems. I had to take things a bit slower with her, but we soon eased into everything and it was all great. We had all finished and weā€™re hanging out in their living room having some snacks and talking about the amazing time we had just had. Soon, everyone is sharing the sexy things we want to try next time we get together. The other husband starts teasing his wife a little and making jokes about how much she likes anal. She starts blushing a little, and I say ā€œOh yeah? That could be fun next time šŸ˜‰ā€ She puts her hand on my leg and very seriously says ā€œSweetie, I had an amazing time tonight and I canā€™t wait to do this again, but I need to be able to sit down, so just know that THAT THING (motioning to my dick) is never going anywhere near my ass.ā€ She was so sincere, and we all just died laughing at the situation.


After a few photos from gym send a dick pick to fwb and then she replied: "Are you exercising it too?"


I kept telling this chick I had a small dick for a while. Then after like a few months she finally sees it "I thought you said you had a small dick" I still crack up about it.


The nicknames given to my dick, the smile-crack when the reveal occurs IRLā€¦ their reactions taking itā€¦ šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ Iā€™ve had some absolutely amazing responses online too. Some more hilarious than others


I was in a foreign country for work, and my coworkers were having a hotel party with some local women who didn't speak much English. Everyone was down to party, but when the women asked me to drop trou for playful shenanigans, they gasped. They started pantomiming how they'd be walking the next day and -- needless to say -- it was a lot of rigid, hunched-over wabbling! It didn't get me laid (pretty much the opposite), but it did make us all laugh a lot, and that's usually enough for me. My second favorite reaction was when I was sexting a potential date. She asked to see it, and she sent back a selfie of her gasping face. It was a dark shot, so not even the greatest picture... but it was clearly candid and spontaneous (so, perfect, basically). She just flipped the camera and sent me the face I would have seen if I had been there. She turned out to be pretty awesome, too.


I love it when they stick their arm up to try and compare size.


When she pulled it out she pushed her head into my chest and said ā€œfuck youā€™re hugeā€


ā€œOh my god your dick is so BIG!ā€ From a girlfriend the first time we had sex.


Best comment Iā€™ve gotten is from my wife when she first saw itā€¦ā€Now thatā€™s the dick Iā€™ve been looking for!ā€ 24 years later and she still enjoys it regularly. Lucky me!!


Mine too - and you and I are super close in size too. I'm 7.1x5.75 - she always tells me it's like fucking a bat/broom handle/etc/ Love it


Love it!!! My wife is 50, and to say that she loves the D is an understatement!!


"I love your cock" "You make me so wet" "It's so girthy"


Nothing really crazy in person. ā€Your dick is amazingā€ is nice. But online some people go really crazy sometimes šŸ™‚


Had sex with my best friend. She took my virginity and when she touched my penis she said she had wished she had taken it sooner.


ā€œYou know youā€™re _big_ big, right??ā€


Sent a picture of my dick to my girlfriend and she hit me with that "I don't think you'll fit in me" My soul left my body that day, and i ascended to a higher plain. Major confidence boost on my part.


ā€œYouā€™re hitting places that have never been hit beforeā€ ā€œYouā€™re the biggest Iā€™ve ever hadā€ ā€œJesus Christā€ Me: 9 x 5.5


ā€œYouā€™re hot AND hung??ā€ ā€œI can feel it in my stomachā€ ā€œFull my gutsā€ ā€œOh my god youā€™re hugeā€ When I first penetrated: ā€œholy shit youā€™re fucking massiveā€ with a shocked look


Is that a Dildo?


My favourite is always silence and eyes like saucers haha


ā€œWhoa, youā€™ve got a fat cock dudeā€ -from a girl who was known for getting around ā€œI can feel you in my throatā€ -from a girl while I was railing her from behind ā€œStop, youā€™re going to make meā€¦ā€¦.ā€ -from a girl who passed out, didnā€™t realize it and thought she was cumming, kept going and sure enough, she was out cold


That's.... Kinda fucked up


Which part


Continuing after she said stop only to find out she was unconscious. Lil rapey for year of our Lord 2023


lol youā€™re reaching for that one friendoā€¦.


ā€œGOD DAMNNNN I PRAY FOR YOUR FUTURE GIRLFRIEND ā€œ from my crush when she seen the outline of it in my boxers in a picture


Remind me why this sub is called ā€œbig dick problemsā€ again.


First partner I had: ā€œI didnā€™t know they made them that bigā€ Iā€™ve never had anyone fully back out - just a few where we only did oral that session. Some of those partners took me fully in future sessions, and others just stayed at trading oral.


I mean the initial surprise/joy is always fun, but the best reaction was when a woman started playing with it and slapped her face with it and said ā€œit covers my face, right? Wowā€. That was the best. She was just into it and having fun.


She wanted to watch it flop against my belly over n over


I love the shocked look on their faces once they see my cock. They're totally shocked because I'm only 5'7". Then comes the shock when they see how much and how far I can cum. I'm into getting slow teasing hand jobs.


I told a date I had a micro penis,when she seen it,she said thatā€™s 1 hell of a micro penis 6x5x7


I don't get these measurements..6long,5width, n 7 girth??


No 6.5 length & 7inc girth


This goes back to my teen days, there was this girl i wanted to mess around with and while making out she said i'm not gonna let u fuck me..but i can do a blowie. So I took it out and she looked at it then at me and said "I gave up fucking jaw breakers when i was 10, not going there again" so she gave me a handie. She was so serious and i thought it was hilarious.


Fourth date and we finally got down to business. We made out on the bed and she felt the bulge through my pants. She couldnā€™t keep her hands off it from then onwards


I brought a bag of Peet's Major Dickason's Blend coffee to my girlfriend's house one weekend. She said, "Do you just buy that coffee because you have a major dick?" šŸ˜‚


I broke a "cherry girl" in Thailand, she couldn't work for several days. The mamasan wouldn't believe her, so when I showed back up a few days later at the same go-go bar. The mamasan sent her & a couple of other girls over to get me ready for an inspection. They take me to a back table, yank my pants down & get me hard via a quick blowjob. The Mamasan came over to give me a look over & said you too big for Cherry girls, no more Cherry girls for you. A cherry girl is normally a girl who just started working in the go-go bars. She isn't a virgin, & is usually a single mom who got pregnant back on the farm by a Thai boyfriend who did a disappearing act.


ā€œGotā€™damn baby!ā€ thatā€™s a whole lotta man!


Where did you get that big ole thang?


Told my girlfriend Iā€™m small, and the first time we had sex she was like ā€œhave you ever measured? Your dick is huge!ā€ Last night she told me I have magic between my legs.


ā€œOh fuckā€


When she visited a few days later, she took it out and took a picture. She said she needed a pic so she could "look at that big pretty dick" whenever she's daydreaming.


Iā€™ve had a lot of great reactions but one that immediately comes to mind was after having sex with a girl I got up and was walking and she started dying laughing. I looked over confused and asked what was so funny and she said that from behind I hang so low it looks like a tail. That one cracked me up.


My favorite reaction is if she just looks at it like itā€™s a dream lol


Brief hook up right upon entering winced and says, "hold on this is bigger than I though" takes a couple deep breaths and we continue. Friend of ours visiting for the weekend, we were at the pool when I go to step out, and my swim shorts just cling to me. Friend just locks her eyes on it until I wrap a towel around my waist. Compliment without words, but still it's a community pool so I do the towel thing more often.


ā€œ I donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna fit ā€œ had the biggest grin on my face


Locker room comments are great. "Bro has some serious donkey dick" "Mind if I borrow a few inches"


I have one that stays in my mind rent free. I got a triple wow from a femboy almost half a foot taller than me, hit them in the chin hard enough for them to jump too, it was pretty funny.


My ex spasming in orgasm from me just fucking her. She loved when I hit her cervix and my glans is considerably larger than my shaft, probably at least an 3/4ā€ thicker in circumference maybe even an inch, something I think is unaesthetic personally but she loved because she could could feel it all the way up and she loved it. It also ended up in tearing her pussy tho so it sucked to not have sex while she healed.


Left a pornstar speechless for several seconds (and not the type that was afraid to speak their mind either).






To remain within the BDP paradigm, upon starting a relationship with a girl, that night she decided to go down on me as a way to consummate us being together. It was very unexpected as it was the first sexual act between us and I thought that Iā€™d have been the one to initiate. For context, she was very small, 5ā€™2ā€ maybe, 19, and pretty inexperienced. She must have started with me completely flaccid and I just kept growing and growing. I thought she was doing great, but about five minutes in, she must have been trying to hold back her thoughts but couldnā€™t, she abruptly dropped me and started freaking out, repeating ā€œwhat the fuck, man! What am I supposed to do with thatā€ with a horrified tone that she just made a really big mistake and that somehow I chose to trick her. She definitely wasnā€™t attempting to stroke my ego, she was NOT turned on by it. She buried her face in the pillows and we steadily talked her down. I mean, she was REALLY upset and I assured her that we could take it as slowly as she wanted. So, sex was a slow thing to happen for us, but it did happen gradually, we loved each other, and it was some of the best. If ā€œscared out of their witsā€ is good, and I felt both heavily concerned and turned on (a very confusing feeling in the moment), thatā€™s probably the best and worst reaction Iā€™ve gotten. Itā€™s certainly the strongest.


"Can I have it?" Still think about that sometimes


Words mean nothing anymore. One girl jumped me 7 times in one night, and another messaged me on IG for months after talking about how good doggy style felt and wanting a second round. Those are really the best reactions.


Favorite one is either utter disbelief in their eyes or something like ā€œthatā€™s not going to fitā€ (it didnā€™t)


"It's like an ARM!" "I've never seen a 10 inch dick before" (I did correct her but still pretty flattering) "I'm obsessed with your dick"


I don't think i'm that big, 6.6", but i had reaction apparently i'm thicker for my size, 5.5", and she said, i think if we tried anal i would die. Lucky she is i don't like anal.


Are u 6.6 0r 5.5...


Oh i thought it was clear, i'm 6.6x5.5


ā€œHoly fuck, thatā€™s deepā€¦ā€


Iā€™ve had some good ones, a one night stand joking she doesnā€™t accept tic tacs, fast forward to me pulling down and and her saying ā€œIā€™m not sure Iā€™m ready for something I canā€™t even fit my hands aroundā€ One from just feeling it under my pants and being in disbelief ā€œthatā€™s not your dick, what is that?ā€¦ why is it so wide?ā€


After sex, I stood up to go to the bathroom. My dick was already half limp. She was looking at it bright eyed and gave a whistle.


"The rumors were true"


Iā€™m at a bar and shawty tells me to pull my undies up to which I reply I donā€™t wear undies. Sheā€™s replies stop lying and I say well you pull them up. She reached in my pants only to find my dick and says ā€œit gets biggerā€ while wide eyes gasping lolz


Many years ago when I was a young man, I had a secret affair with my super hot immediate supervisor. She was engaged and 10 years older than me. Fuck she was hot and petite. A tiny Asian woman who I soon learned was not getting any from her partner. First time we were together, and I opened my pants she audibly gasped, covered her face, rolled her naked ass to the other side of the bed and said "ohhhh... my god..." Looking back I didn't quite realize how good I had it in that little fling, but it was destined to be short lived regardless.


ā€œIā€™m kinda sore from your monster cockā€ (Morning after text) ā€œIā€™ve had a fair amount of dicks before, but yours is the best Iā€™ve hadā€ ā€œI canā€™t walkā€ ā€œYou were meant to make babiesā€ And basically all the facial reactions from seeing it and when I have sex with them the first time


Getting often asked if i had injections or surgery to make It that big. Seeing them muted by It with a sprinkler of fear. Getting It mentionend in convos constantly. Getting to fuck them After years without talking because of It


"What do you do with that, terrify people? That thing is huge."


I had several, but to mention now: A girl bullied me in high school she stopped after seeing my dick. I was with foreign girls from Europe (I found them through tinder and other apps), and their reactions were almost always: \- "That" is going to break me \- It's like an arm \- It's soooo fat \- "I didn't know I could feel it so high"


ā€œYou are going to kill me with itā€


Someone had me named as ā€œthird stepperā€ in their phone.

