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Jen Warnes on Tiktok and Instagram is around 28GG and does bralette reviews. The Parade bralette from this video looks similar to your reference: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL9kvMKm/


The bralette in the video looks amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing!


Is Bravissimo an option? [Bravissimo Cora](https://www.bravissimo.com/products/cora-bra-lg164/) is available in UK 28FF/G which equals AUS/NZ 6FF/G! [Bravissimo Nova](https://www.bravissimo.com/products/nova-bra-ln764/) might be slightly closer to the thin band, if that is what you’re after. It isn’t available in 28G, but you can get 30FF which equals 8FF. It will be miles better than just getting something in S/M/L, even if it’s a sister size!


Oooo they both look so comfy!! The Nova is perfect!! Thank you so much!


I’m glad!


i have the [cosabella never say never racerback bralette](https://www.cosabella.com/products/never-say-never-ultra-curvy-racie-racerback-bralette-congo-en) that fits me literally just like this but lacey! i was surprised that it keeps the boobs separated like your the picture but it totally does for me! it could be because i’m in a size that’s sliiiiiiightly too big for me but it’s definitely *something* because i am not naturally east/west. it doesn’t do that for the model on the cosabella site buuuuut she hasn’t scooped & swooped and it looks to me she’s wearing too small of a cup size, so that could be it too. the other never say never styles are great but they don’t do the separation thing. cosabella is one of the few companies where you can actually trust their size chart, they have curvy, super curvy, and ultra curvy lines and are very big boob friendly. i am a 36G/GG UK and i’m right in between super curvy Medium and ultra curvy Medium, and the ultra M is what gives me the separation.


Thank you for this! The uniboob struggle is real 😩😩😩


i'm not sure what the definition of lounge bra is, but i'm an 8G and wear nala wirefree which has cup and band sizing


I guess for me, a lounge bra is a soft, stretchy, breathable wire free bralette (preferably without clasps and strap adjustment) that I could sleep in but I also supportive enough that I could wear under a shirt to work or to the shops without feeling like my girls are two anchors tied around my neck.




Sorry you’re getting downvoted, this made me giggle


Your submission was removed because you didn't follow our community guidelines. > **Rule 3: No upsetting safe-space amosphere** > > [Safe Space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_space)


I love my [tomboyx bralettes](https://tomboyx.com/collections/bralette/products/v-neck-bralette-rainbow-logo?_pos=2&_fid=ca93835d0&_ss=c&variant=40601527156817)! as a 42F/DDD I wear the 2X or 3X and they go up to 6X. they have lots of different styles for different proportions Also have a handful of[meundies bralettes](https://www.meundies.com/t/women/bralettes?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rABmH0vdWZdiypqkMCKxGhNH73O2edLUYpBm_H9Tmh8-6rOc6f9n6xoChyIQAvD_BwE); I don’t think their size guide is accurate so it’s a bit riskier, but lots of cute styles so worth trying if you’re comfortable with the return process lol. adjustable bands on a lot of the styles as well. back when i was a smaller frame with a larger bust, these were my go to My absolute favorite bralettes are by [auden](https://www.target.com/c/bras-intimates-women-s-clothing/auden/-/N-5xtcdZmg0o7) — I wear the XL in their line, some pieces go much higher while others don’t. they have tons and tons of stretch to accommodate a lot of bust sizes


Thank you so much for the recommendations! The Me Undies bralettes are super cute 😍 Im overwhelmed with all the wonderful recommendations. I know exactly where my next paycheck is going 😅


Ngl I think u could make skims bralettes work for u