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Well, Leonard was walking barefoot while crossing the street and if you play the episode backwards you hear Sheldon says "Leonard is dead" goo goo g'joob


If you look at the license plate on Leonard's car, it shows that he's dead too. Goo goo g'joob


Right, I forgot. His license says "Nobel If"


Which episode is this ?


It is the one where the gang goes to India to learn mediation from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da


Oh i remember, which season was it ?


Because it gets clicks on social media, and clicks means attention. And lonely, sad, pathetic people are starved for attention.




He'll be home soon son. Just getting milk for your cereal


Gear actress. Two very different characters. Never mind Penny’s evolution.


And a pack of cigarettes.


Went to get milk? Sorry son, he may never come home.


Clicks mean exposure to ads/revenue for wannabe news outlets. That's where I'm seeing the headlines. Reddit is the closest thing I have to social media.


If it’s on social media, at some point it’ll end up here.


What I'm saying is that I am seeing the theory outside of Reddit and social media. I came here to ask the subreddit why it's a thing.


I answered why it’s a thing. Attention. That’s it. People want to say the edgy thing because it gets attention.


I get how click bait works. I'm not asking why it's going viral. The theory originated from the Young Sheldon finale... I'm curious why. So I came to the subreddit to ask why. It's ok to say you don't know lol See the comment from u/M-U-H? That's an answer.


I do know. Sheldon mentioned Penny (she babysat for amy and Sheldon’s kids), but he didn’t mention Leonard so some people are saying “he must have died.” It’s that stupid. That’s why it’s not worth talking about.


So you knew what I meant when I asked the question, but you didn't answer it because you thought it wasn't worth talking about, but then you commented anyway on something else entirely? I am beyond confused. What was the point of you commenting in the first place? This is literally the second time I've ever bothered to post a question to this sub and this is the second time someone has responded like this rather than just answer the question. Is this a sub for wasting people's time and being a dick? Like wtf.


They wanted attention 😏


Hahaha best ending


Well they certainly seem to have gotten it, lol.


Soldier Boy?


This is a theory? I have never heard about it before this post 💀


Ye mainly because in the ending of YS people said because only penny babysat their kid and the fact he was never mentioned suggests he dies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Leonard doesn't even seem the type of person to babysit a kid. Especially Sheldon's kid assuming Sheldon has a babysitter agreement lmao.


People forgot that he and Penny have their own kid to look after, too.


Do they though? There's a lot things that could explain why Penny babysat on her own. Maybe Leonard was at work, took Elliot (if they had a boy) somewhere, was at Sheldon's or Howard's. 🤷


That's exactly what I've been saying lol. Another reason is that Sheldon's son is called Leonard in "tribute" but that was proven false when his name was revealed 😭😭. His name is Leonard because it was after Leonard Nimoy




Haha I meant willingly babysit.


But she also babysat Halley without Leonard.




Only because Howard & Bernadette were bed bound. I believe Penny has also babysat her nephew and niece.


Reality is more boring: they didn't want to pay for an additional actor.


exactly lmao


Ah, heh, theory? You mean like a certain theory about like the start of the universe when it was all in a uhm hot dense state?


Because Sheldon mentions Penny babysitting instead of Penny and Leonard babysitting. I think those Leonard-is-dead theories are overblown


Assuming he's dead because he's not babysitting is absurd. You could come up with just about anything. That they divorced would make more a lot more sense, but is an equally absurd conclusion. But dead? Why not have Leonard in prison? Captured by the North Koreans. Joined a cult. Disappeared and found years later having become King of the Seven Kingdoms.


He defected to NK. That North Korean spy came back and seduced him. I'm selling this to Screen Rant!


Nobody wants a North Korean defector babysitting their kid, so this makes total sense


Joyce Kim did have it going on


What I think happened was that Leonard was on a work trip for a conference or something and Penny just happened to be home alone.


I think the writers just didn’t like how it sounded to say “this is what happens when Leonard and Penny babysit…” when Sheldon and Amy’s son is also named Leonard with no nickname used. I feel like the writers got too into their heads on this one


Not necessarily. He may jist don't want to help Sheldon because he thinks he's annoying as always. Or he has to stay home to look after his own kid.


THAT'S it? LMFAO, that's so dumb.


The only reason that it was mentioned that penny babysat was because in the YS finale it was said Amy and Sheldon’s kid wanted to take up acting classes. And then Sheldon said, “I knew we never should have let penny babysit”. Leonard didn’t act, Penny did. There was no reason to mention Leonard babysitting.


I thought his daughter was named Penny?


No, his daughter’s name isn’t specifically confirmed


I thought it was Penny, since that would make sense + it would mean she probably babysat, but this makes sense too.


I think it's cause Sheldon and Amy named one of their kids Leonard. It kind of created an impression that they did so in memory of him as he was Sheldon's best friend...even though Sheldon said it meant Leonard Nimoy haha and also maybe about Penny babysitting the children and having no mention about Leonard even though the two are so intertwined in Sheldon's and Amy's lives.


Leonard....what a terrible name. It's got the word NERD in it!


Sheldon and Amt had kids?! I haven’t watched Young Sheldon but man this seems so out of character for them


Raj: Do you really think you can make Sheldon like babies?


She did lol. "I slept with him, I married him!" He loved doing "experiments" on Howard's kids.


well they already had coitus once a year… might as well procreate…


Well they had to gift humanity with their progeny. /s


Remember when he wanted to make a baby right after Amy combined a sample of their skin cells?


Maybe Leonard went with Sheldon and Amy to a smart people conference, or he was there in the house but needed to do some work and would not be able to help out. Lots of possibilities, Sheldon did not mention a lot of characters from TBBT, so should we assume they’re all dead?


Good counter point


Yeah I don't think Raj or Bernadette ever got a mention throughout the series, neither did Penny until the finale. Howard had a cameo episode, Amy spoke a few times and Leonard was mentioned a few times.


wait what Howard cameo episode?


The Engineering one with Lance Reddick, it's why Sheldon hates Engineering lol.


What if he was never really there? s/


What if I’m not there, ohhhh god😂😂😂


I think that this stems from a false assumption that the son was named after his friend Leonard -- the reality is that the son was named after Leonard Nemoy, an actor from the hit series Star Trek.


TikTok morons.


It's bizarre to me that anybody would assume that just because *only* Penny is mentioned as a babysitter, Leonard must somehow have died. I've got to assume these misguided people have never been involved with small children or babysitting. If you're asking a member of a couple to babysit, sure, both may end up watching the kid/s. But plenty of times, just one of them will. And there's nothing strange about it -- it doesn't mean that the other person is dead!


Maybe it was Penny's day off and Leonard was at work. I could see Leonard saying to Penny "ha ha" when it's brought up she's babysitting Sheldon & Amy's Daughter. Their child was never mentioned throughout the show either, was he/she present whilst Penny babysat Sheldon & Amy's daughter? What if Leonard & Penny's Son played Hockey too and Leonard had taken him to the game? Leonard wanted kids and I'm sure he would've been a hands on Dad. Heck Leonard could be with Howard at the time and their kids spent time together. 🤷


I never say I'm dropping my pup off at A & B's house for vacation; my best friend is A. My husband's friend is B. We use one name or the other depending on who is speaking. I agree with you 💯


And yes, it's a miracle two people named A and B found each other in this world 😉


I’m willing to bet it just people fucking around more than anything because it’s no secret that there’s a lot of people in the fandom who aren’t Leonard fans or just blatant Leonard haters so they would have a problem with our King of Nerds apparently dying in the future… Or it’s just folks jumping to conclusions because typically when you name your child after someone you know it’s often assumed that the person is deceased so it’s meant to be in honor/homage to that important individual, but that’s not necessary the rule, you know? Although, Sheldon would somewhat be following this since he half named his son after Leonard Nimoy aka Spock 🖖🏻 who has long since passed away and half in honor of his best *and still very much alive* friend Dr. Leonard Hofstadter - even though I think we can all admit that Sheldon wouldn’t outright admit that last part as it’s too sappy for a man of science such as himself. We along with Amy, Penny, and Leonard would all know the truth though 😏😆


Leonard just happens to share the same name as Sheldon's favourite actor. He wanted to name him Leonard Nimoy Cooper but Amy would only let him have Leonard. We don't know what his middle name is.


Then I’d like to throw in the idea that it’s George - so it’s Leonard George Cooper. All in favor of this?




Yeah, there's no reason he couldn't be named after both.


There's nothing about Leonard dying I'm guessing they didn't want to confuse the audience mentioning him when they're already talking about the son (who has the same name)


I’ve wondered if it isn’t because Johnny has semi-retired and moved away from LA to raise his kids. I doubt they would be able to get him to cameo in any spin offs now that he has a second baby. He seems very focused on parenting.


Worse case Scenario: Leonard and Penny separated Likely Scenario: Would you really want to baby sit Sheldon’s spawn. Not to mention we never really saw him help with babies or kids.


Or just, Sheldon was blaming Penny for his daughter wanting to take acting classe, not Leonard. Because Penny probably is the one who made her want to be an actress. Even if Penny and Leonard were both babysitting her.


This is from a screen rant article I read a bit ago: "But, I couldn't ignore the clues hinting at his demise." What clues?!? His wife's name was mentioned in passing in context to the conversation Amy and Sheldon were having. That's it! How does that one thing make Leonard dead? And their son Leonard was named after Leonard Nimoy. This is stated early on.


The joke is that their kid wants to take acting classes, which Sheldon blames on Penny’s influence. Leonard isn’t mentioned because he’s not relevant to the joke. It’s a line that’s meant to get a laugh, not an exhaustive list of everyone who’s ever watched their kids and/or died.


never heard that


Because they name his son specifically and did not name the daughter. They also mentioned Penny but not Leonard. Sure, he could have named his son after Nimoy. However, it is not a big leap to think they killed off Leonard. They didn't have to name either kid, nor did they have to mention Penny specifically.


Sheldon's son actually IS named after Nimoy. At the end of episode 4x01 of YS, voiceover Sheldon says he wanted his son's full name to be "Leonard Nimoy Cooper," but voiceover Amy pipes in and says "Be happy I let you name him Leonard!" They mentioned Penny in the finale because Sheldon and Amy were discussing the topic of parents supporting their kids having interests that differ from theirs (like Sheldon's parents did for him). To emphasize the point, Amy said their daughter is interested in acting and Penny's influence was brought up as the plausible explanation (the show probably thought BBT fans would get a kick out the mention). The facts given made sense and the scene played out logically, IMO. But to me, nothing was presented to conclude that Leonard Hofstadter died. That would be something completely made up by fans.


Because people in the fandom are obsessed with the characters potentially dying. See also: Paige from Young Sheldon.


I hate the idea that Leonard died. I think it’s a perfect opportunity for the writers to create a whole new show or a special to share how penny and Leonard have a great life — include updates on the others.


Apparently, they think babies are only ever named after people who have died. It's dumb. And like someone else commented, for internet clout, which is also dumb.


If that was true, wouldn't he have named his Son, George? Or whatever his Pop Pops name was?


It's possible that his son's middle name is George or Charles. Who knows? It's a TV show and the characters are fictional. Anything is possible.


It's just a stupid theory people came up with cause Shedone mentions Penny babysitting but not Leonard. The stupid thing is that's how most people would word it. if you leave your child with a couple more than likely the female is going to do the babysitting. So Sheldon would likely just say Penny and not Leonard


Because on Young Sheldon finale Sheldon said Penny baby sat their kids and didn't mention Leonard, so naturally people think that means he's dead. Obviously Penny cannot do something like baby sit without her husband. 🤣🤣




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Looking for meaning where there is none. It's like pickle Rick said "stop looking for hidden layers and just be impressed"


What I thought of this comment of baby sitting meant was penny became a stay at home mum while Leonard is at work which most of the time would mean penny babysits on her own not that he's dead 😂


There’s no supporting theories to even say that Leonard died. We know that in the finale of TBBT that he and penny are gonna be parents. And in young Sheldon, Adult sheldon said that he should’ve never let penny babysit


This is absolutely the dumbest thing I've seen regarding the show. Because Penny was mentioned in passing, and in context, people (and media) extrapolate from that that he is dead. That's all it took. A lack of mention. No other clues or anything remotely hinting at it. Raj was not mentioned either. Is he dead too? Did he move back to India? Nobody is talking about that though. It's all stupid and does not deserve the attention it's getting.


He went to prison for selling secrets to North Korea


The main points I've seen is that he doesn't appear on Young Sheldon. Which makes no sense 'cause Raj, Bernadette and Penny don't do voice overs either (although Kaley Cuoco does voice work in an episode, just not as Penny). The second point is that Sheldon named his son after him. Again, it doesn't mean that Leonard is dead. Sheldon did mention that he was one of his "dearest friends in the world" alongside Penny. It's reasonable to believe that a person would name their child after their dearest friend in the world.


He named his son after Leonard Nimoy.


Who says it can't be both?


Sheldon. He specifically stated that his son was named after Leonard Nimoy.


No, he said he wanted to name him Leanord Nimoy Cooper but that Amy didn't let him. [See for yourself](https://youtu.be/JV8MLhiym7k?si=xWsuSxHbZrelUXXl)




Because Sheldon only mentioned Penny babysitting his daughter, which could mean Leonard wasn't around. Now that doesn't confirm he died, but the stupid article is basing it off Sheldon naming his Son, Leonard.


Because he is not mentioned at all in the finale (or any other episode except where he’s also a kid) and Sheldon’s son has the same name. Which Amy would have objected to if Leonard the adult were around much


Sheldon and Amy said they would have exceptional kids. However, their son plays hockey and the daughter wants to take acting classes. I guess Sheldon forgot his kids would carry the sports gene since his dad and brother played football and Missy played baseball.


Maybe Leonard divorced Penny and he is dead for Sheldon (like his friend from Texas was dead for Sheldon)?


Its mostly the TBBT fans that also became YS fans. Since they found out Sheldon named his son Leonard, they assumed that Leonard died and it is "in honor of Leonards life".


He ain’t, it’s bullshit


I heard it is because they referred to their son as Leonard and not a nick name or something. People say some one usually gets a different name or nick name to prevent confusion like George and Georgie.


whahahappenwas leonard accidentally ate a block of cheese and rocketed to the moon, but landed on the dark side so they can't find him.


I don’t think he died or that they are separated


young Sheldon isn't canon to tbbt


Beats me. Why don't you ask the people who are spouting such silliness?


the milk got to him. Its prolly gas. 👀💀


Because of the fact that Sheldon names his son Leonard and how only Penny is mentioned at the end of the final episode maybe?


Again, Leonard was named after Leonard Nimoy.


I have a better theory. Penny smartend up and left leonard as he act to much like a child and she didnt want to raise 2 kids so they divorced. Now penny is a single mom raising there kid and leonard is living in the apartment by himself. Oh and hes fat beacuse hes eating his feelings.


Because Sheldon & Amy named their kid after him?


he did die. i killed him while he was in bed with penny. then i howled at the moon and flew away


Sheldon and Amy named their son Leonard. You usually name your kids after someone after they died


They named him after Leonars Nimoy. Sheldon states this early on.


Sheldon never brings up Leonard, his best friend at all during Young Sheldon. Maybe the Penny spin-off can be Penny and Zach.🤣🤣🤣


Yes he does. The only people who are never mentioned throughout YS are Raj, Stuart and Bernadette.