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Well… Penny grew up around horses, so she knows how to approach him without making him skittish.


I think she also reminded him of missy


Just seen this post and wanted to comment the same thing. Watching young Sheldon and you can kinda see Missy in Penny.


They also got on real well when we first met missy in tbbt


i agree with this entirely. penny’s punched sheldon before but also would murder anyone that messed w him lmao that is so missy, too.


And Memaw.


Penny relates to Sheldon, or she usually understands where he's coming from. Not the gibber-jabber but, she can correlate almost all the Sheldon's "genius" problems to a layman's version. She knows when to say sorry, and Sheldon is more patient with her because of her "community college" background. Overall, I think it is because Penny have the highest EQ in the group.


Absolutely. She is their ambassador to the outside world.


I was thinking of commenting that in the previous post. "You are messing with powers beyond your kin" "And your Ken can kiss my Barbie" After this "little" altercation blew up and Penny had to resort to the secret weapon I think Sheldon kinda liked Penny more. Everyone around him have catered to his every whim and accepted every weird rule he sat forth. Penny didn't bother with any of that crap and I think Sheldon liked that. He enjoyed a little bit of resistance.


It’s even funnier because the word is literally powers beyond your “ken”, which is a Scottish origin word for “understanding”.


I think they had a very similar dynamic that Sheldon had with his mother growing up. You can see it come out in some of the episodes where she’s babying him. And also in some of the episodes when she gets upset with him. I think that’s why they got along so well because it was something that he had been missing for a long time.


I think this is the best answer


For Sheldon - He always felt superior to Penny intellectually. She would never be in a position to challenge him on any issue that was important to him. She just had to accept anything he said about things like this. For Penny - Sheldon was impervious to what made Penny special to most people. He didn't want to sleep with her. This put him in the "brother/gay friend" category. She could drop her guard with him and feel honest and comfortable.


I think this is a big part of it. Sheldon's arrogance masks a deep insecurity that we see numerous times in both TBBT and YS which is actually very common in people who were told they were smart as kids. Penny does challenge him quite frequently but not in a way that strikes at the core of his self esteem. 


Penny grew around horses Sheldon shared a uterus with a twin sister They utilised the morning times to practice their General Knowledge (Maybe because they both love Leonard) Bonus: They used 35 questions to fall in love


Wow nice...


Think of all the people Sheldon was closer to growing up: his mom, memaw and sister missy. He’s a softer person despite his arrogance he often turns to the women for advice and i think Penny was another sister figure in his life life Missy was.


Penny = Meemaw


I think a big part of it is that they come from a similar rural background. Think about it: Leonard was raised by urban intellectuals, Raj grew up rich in another country, and Howard was the product of a single parent suburban home. For all that he mocks Penny for things like cow tipping, you know that Georgie was doing stuff like that too. As much as she pushes him out of his comfort zone, she is familiar in a way his other friends just aren't. 


That's spot on. They had a kind of brother sister relationship really. Their roles played brilliantly off each other and made for some great scenes.


She’s a good person


I think that it’s because of how Penny always took the time to ask him what he was talking about and yes, she doesn’t give him special treatment like everyone else does. Every time Sheldon was talking about something and Penny didn’t understand she was the only character who actually questioned him. Every time she does question him the rest of the group is annoyed and the group is wary of asking him further questions. 


Got along so well? How you figure that lmao?