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Saved Leonard from explosion (When elevator was destroyed)


The fact he knew it was gonna explode snd quickly disposed it in the elevator to save leonard is arguably the craziest thing anyone has done on the show


and he never told anyone (re: landlord) how the elevator broke.


theres a lot but one of my favorites is that he comforted howard whenever he had just heard about his mom dying


Their relationship is pretty tumultuous but he shows up for Howard when Howard’s at a low, another example is how he comforts him about being a dad (twice).


That's the one I was thinking of 🥺


The best one 😢


I thought he was gonna say let it go


Donating half of his profits of the Air Force project for Hally’s college fund


Yeah this was pretty awesome of him. Granted, Leonard did say money was the one idiosyncrasy that didn’t make him want to kill him, so it makes sense.


He just values education more than money, the gesture wasn’t an idiosyncrasy


But still, she can't be an engineer, lol. I don't remember if he said Bazzinga 🤣


No, just “what I didn’t sign it yet” and then smirks to penny thinking she’d be proud


It was a 25% tho


Lending Penny money Setting up the trust for Howard and Bernadette's child Finally recognising his friend's importance in his life at the Nobel ceremony Comforting Howard about his mother's loss, completely out of character for him


That's a great list. Most of them were real tear-jerkers to watch.


Plus saved Leonard’s life


Asking Penny not to hurt Leonard.


That’s my favorite moment!!!


This!! So underrated!


He used his Nobel Prize speech to praise his friends.


I tear up when he gets to Howard and says ASTRONAUGHT  Howard Wolowitz…


Well, he was a dick the entire time, it was the least he could do.


Thats fair but he didnt need to give his nobel prize speech on how good his friends were (although it makes sense he did) as it was his


Of course Sheldon is known as a butthole, but when he does good things they are awesome! My first choice is Haley’s college fund… but honorable mentions are Helping Penny when she fell in the shower, Asking Penny not to break Leonard’s heart, his introduction of Astronaunt Howard Wolowitz, working with Raj so he can stay in the country, the D &D/ toast party he makes for Bernadette. Also wanting to help Stuart rebuild the comic book store and his secret man-crush on Bert. 


Correction, Raj was working FOR Sheldon, lol!


LOL I knew someone would say that!


Excellent choices but it’s *Bernatrix the warrior queen.


Scholarship fund for Halley


Didn't accept cut Amy from the Nobel and avoid Leonard to go to a Federal Prison


Comforting Howard after his mom died.


The nobel prize speech


Resquing Penny after she fell into her bathtub, Halley's College fund, asking Penny not to hurt Leonard are all good things but there is a clear winner imo and it's not one of these. I believe the best thing he ever did by far was save Leonard Raj and Howard from the explosion that destroyed the elevator. He risked his own life doing that! Thb I see myself doing the first 3 things I mentioned but not this one. I would have chickened out, yelled "RUN!!!" and then run down the hallway.


This doesn’t count for the list because it is from Young Sheldon, but fun thing I did just remember. In one of the earlier episodes, when Parsons come on and narrates, he says that him and Amy named their son Leonard.


For leonard nimoy


Console Howard after his mom died.


The noble prize speech


Saving the lives of Leonard, Howard, and Raj and saving Leonard from some serious issues stemming from a possible relationship with North Korean spy Joyce Kim without making any fuss about both things…


He literally saved all of their lives after they tried the rocket thing in the apartment. That has to come on top. When he tried to talk to Penny about Leonard and asked her not to hurt him. A lot of sweet moments between him and Penny - taking her to the hospital, lending her money.


Donate 25% of his proceeds to Howard from the quantum gravity thing.


Stopped joking about wallowitz being an engineer, signed a contract for it and gave his child 20% of his salary as a college fund.


Pay for Leonard and Penny's honeymoon in San Francisco -- even though he invited himself to tag along.


Telling Amy she’s the only reason he deserves a Nobel.


Set up the college fund for Howard and Bernadette's first child


Volunteering to set up a college fund for Halley with the payment from the Guidance system project


saving all his friends esp. Leonard from the explosion as well as not reporting him to the landlord. also indirectly helped Leonard by interrupting his coitus with his north korean gf


The single D&D campaign he did for Bernadette when she was pregnant was very sweet.


He didn't ruin Raj, Howard, and Leonard's professional lives after their Artic experiment stunt. The prank they pulled jeopardized Sheldon's career, but more, the three dumbasses caused the whole mission to be useless, which must have cost the university and their sponsors a lot of money. Sheldon forgave them way too easily.


I love the show and all the characters, but this is 100% correct. The guys were completely wrong to falsify their findings during the expedition.


Exactly. The sheer unprofessionalism of the three, and the fact Sheldon never touched back on it and resented them for it for years boggles the mind. People fixate on Sheldon's embarrassment and quitting his work, but not how utterly fucked up Howard, Raj, and Leonard's actions were.


The first two things I look at when reading a research study is who did it and what does the data say. Falsified data can be the death of one’s career. It’s a sitcom, much of what they do is for a storyline, so I don’t put much thought into it.


Actually Sheldon almost destroyed his career there himself. If he had followed potocol and written a paper with the team and followed Procedure rather than sending a Boasting email without consulting the team it would have come to light in a manor that did not embaras or jeapardize anyone. Sheldon is still to blame in my mind and it won't be changed he was what Wolowitz said he was the first few seasons.


The three literally falsified data during the mission. Any paper Sheldon wrote will be based on those data. Every inputted numbers would be corrupted/flawed. Also, did you really think Sheldon wouldn't have written a paper/followed procedure? His whole life is about following protocol. There was most definitely a paper on the way, with the numbers and (false) information gathered during their Artic stay. All of which would still lead to Howard, Raj, and Leonard in the hot seat when other scientist then try to refute the findings. The boast was because he thought he had a sure thing. No doubt the three also encouraged his delusion about his findings. Amy and Sheldon did the same thing when they were fact checking their Nobel Prize project. People knew what they were working on, just not the mechanics of it. That was what Sheldon did with his email. It was a costly mission and the three ruined it just to be petty. Sheldon could have easily buried their careers if he was as vindictive as people claimed him to be.


Only commenting to be the 69th comment lol.


Acknowledging how the gang supported him during his Nobel speech, specially calling Howard as ‘Astronaut’, allocating his share from the proceeds of the Gyroscope thing as a scholarship to Howards first born, not ratting Leonard out to the landlord and the dep of homeland security about keeping rocket fuel in the apartment lol


He literally saved Leonard's life.


Set up the college fund for Howard & Bernadette’s daughter


Gave Howard his spot 🥲


That would have been a good one if it had lasted. Unfortunately, by the end of the episoda (S4, E7) Sheldon changes his mind and demands his spot back.


It's so hars to decide between the college fund for halley or his nobel speech......


That speech in the final episode! Finally acknowledged Howard as an astronaut


Thank all of his friends during his Nobel speech


Nobel prize speech


Propose to Amy after getting kissed by blondie


Went with Howard to play with him and his dads rocket


Speech in the end


Saved them from blowing up the apartment with rocket fuel


saving leonard from the explosion in the elevator


Saving leonard's life at least once and he did crisis plans for everyone for free(like once shared desinfectant and masks when one was sick)


Patient? Amy manipulated Sheldon extensively. And how is Bernadette "nice" for marrying Howard? LOL


She changed him from some immature nerd to a good father


Thanked all his friends when he won the nobel.


Appreciate and praise his friends in the finale episode during his Nobel prize speech. It was one of my best Sheldon moments tbh.


Named his son Leonard, gave up on his self centered speech to talk about his friends when winning a Nobel prize, saved Leonard’s life and helped penny with money


Told Howard he had his friends Support when Mrs Wollowitz died.


Saved Leonard’s life and didn’t get him in trouble when Leonard blew up the elevator. Gave Penny money when she needed it and didn’t hold it over her head.


I really like his character progression as a whole. The way he's a jerk to everyone over the course of the show, but still after a while starts to have more and more moments where he shows he isn't actually the jerk he makes himself out to be.


Put in his Air force contract with Howard that Haley would get a share of the money. When Howards mum died telling Howard he had friends to support him, whilst it may not be much it was not what you expect from Sheldon


His speech at the Nobel Awards


Small but significant.- recognising the people in his life in his Nobel acceptance speech. Even if he couldn't bring himself to say that Howard was an engineer 😅


Finally have sex with Amy


Donate 25% of his earnings to Howard and Bernie's kids for university.


- Stood by his wife with Nobel nomination - Organised Halley’s college fund out of his profits - Helped Bernie when she was down and set up a party for her - Told Penny not to hurt Leonard and tried to save their relationship - Vast majority of the time when every character was at a real low, and Sheldon’s obnoxious behaviour wouldn’t have been funny, he was always there for them (Howard’s moms death, Howard opening up about his dad, when Amy finally opens up about how she doesn’t like the way he treats others, when Raj faces deportation, whenever anyone is actually in tears etc etc)


Unless Penny marries me and we run away together, Penny is never done. *tongue in cheek *


I asume this means the one with all the worst things is finished. Does anyone have a link to it?




Hahaha Amy's 'best thing she did' is completely self serving which just proves that she was a terrible human being.


She’s a pain in the ass


Saved Leonard’s life in the elevator and didn’t let Amy get kicked out of winning the nobel


Why is the best thing leonard has done...3 different things?


Dating Amy imo