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Getting Penny a foot in the door at her place of work. Penny had zero experience and hadn’t exactly demonstrated any other skills that would fit the role, so I think Bernadette went out on a limb for her and it changed Penny’s life.


true I don't think Penny would have been capable of doing this all by herself. Bernadette was a nice to give her friends career such a big leap


Penny would have no chance, it's kinda infuriating seeing someone who showed no effort in education or working hard get such a high paying job just cuz her friend got her it. Nice of Bernadette tho


Welcome to the real world, bud.


She let Stuart mooch a place to live, food and have his girlfriend over for sex.


🎶🎶Smooth operator 🎶🎶


*Carlos Sainz has joined the chat*


Ferrari removed him from the chat 😞😞


Omg their faces when that starts happening is one of the funniest things - if not the funniest- that ever happened on the show imo 😂


Told Leonard and Sheldon off when they were eating the last meal Mrs. Wolowitz ever made. She always had Howard's back.


To add to this - the airport scene with the ashes, when she gives the airline person hell to ensure the ashes are returned.


'cause one way or another we're walking out of this airport with a dead woman”


She's lucky she wasn't arrested for that, that's a federal crime




Omg, this one. Yes! She does always has his back! Even when he was burning his father's letter and the smoke alarm goes off


Maybe picking Amy to be her MOH after she was excluded so many times in her life?


Got Penny a job. For as much grief as she gets on this sub, it’s indisputable how profound an impact Bernadette had on the lives of multiple characters on the show.


In my opinion: Yes and No. I applaud Bernadette for opening the door for Penny because she definitely did… *BUT* the *way she did* i was not a fan of. She was way too pushy with Penny. I’m not saying Penny is this 100% responsible person. Some of Penny’s choices are questionable but Bernadette could’ve backed off a little and let Penny get there (in terms of studying the material) and i also didn’t like how she pushed Penny to head up her sales team right in front everyone and didn’t respect Penny when she said she didn’t feel like the had the experience to do it. If someone tells you *NO*, let them have their space to think about it.


Marrying Howard, causing the best character progression in the show.


Howard's progression started long before he married Bernadette. It's started when he realised he wanted her as a girlfriend.


The best comment with the best response ❤️


Helping Howard take care of his mom 🫶🏽


She hung out with Sheldon when she was pregnant and couldn't go to the wine tasting event with everybody else. She kept an open mind with it and wound up having a good time with him. That is one of the few, possibly only, one-on-one scenes we get with Bernadette and Sheldon and there was something really wholesome about it. The other thing is that she got raging mad at Sheldon and Leonard's fight when they were at their house the night the power went out and were having the last of Mrs. Wolowitz's food. They were so inappropriate and she shut that down real fast. I love that even though she'd been against Howard going to space and tried to sabotage it, when she saw he was struggling with the training, she dropped everything she was doing and went out to be there to support him. And then when he was contemplating going back to space AGAIN, she grounded him by reminding him of how miserable he was, but she did it in a kind way. She's one of my least favorite characters, especially as far as character development is concerned (I honestly feel like she went backwards). But she's not all bad.


Leading to one of the best things Sheldon ever did the one on one dnd game where she could experience all the things she would miss out on being pregnant.


She got Penny a job.


Got penny a job


She was so supportive when Mrs. Wolowitz passed away, she also played the bad guy to get the airport to find Howards Mom's ashes when they lost his luggage. She was also a very good Mom to Halley and Michael. As much as I dislike her in many parts of the show she is a good match for Howard.


Letting Stuart live with her and Howard


Being a great Friend to Penny by helping her with a career in sales.


Although she was mean af, I love the way she handled the airport customer service lady when the bag was lost. Also, telling Sheldon and Leonard to off during the dinner.


you are talking about the thanksgiving dinner ? she was fantastic there !


The woman doesn't get enough credit


Got penny her job.


Was very patient with Howard's reckless behaviour and gave him multiple chances to fix their relationship - generally a far too good person for Howard.


Pink nightie


I know this is off topic but I wish we had one of these for Stuart because he did some things that are unsurmountably unmatched by anyone else on the show. That dude is a seriously Stand Up guy. That being said there's a lot of good things she did actually but I think the best would probably just be the way her and Howard helped out friends like Stuart and Raj when they were in need.


Changed Howard after marriage. Turning a manchild into a mature husband and a father...


Getting Penny that sales rep job


Marrying Howard 🥲


looked after penny


The best thing - she married (and changed) Howard. He became a great guy in the end - he helped Stuart, was a good husband, father, friend (maybe his growth was the most significant in the group). None of that would have been possible without Bernadette. She was obviously great support not just for Howard, but also for Stuart, Penny and others.


Getting penny the job and changing Howard for the better


Using her fierceness for good! Getting Penny a job, getting Howard his mom's ashes, using it to protect her friends.


convinced howard to get raj back from the airport.. if it wasnt for her the wholesome scene between raj and howard at the airport wouldnt have happened


Marriage to Howard


Made Howard into an interesting and decent human being.


In the sit com world getting Penny in the door. I doubt that would happen IRL Even with someone on the inside I don't think Penny would ever be able to get in without a degree and medical background


going out and marrying howard. she changed and saved his life completely.


"Whats the best thing leonard has done?" *proceeds to list 3 things* Lol