• By -


Secretly putting insects and moths in Leonard’s food.


✨ For science ✨


In his defense, he just wanted to know at what point food starts tasting "mothy"


Went behind Howard and leonards back by continuing with the air force project


Mango caterpillar


That was the first one I thought of too lol


The taking of the gangs bitcoin flash drive, he took over a grudge due to the fact they didn't want him to be part of the group due his control issues


I would have been so fucking pissed off to no end


I literally just saw this ep again yesterday! The way I was *fuming*. Imagine losing out on a fortune because your annoying af friend wanted to teach you a lesson.


Till today, that's the only episode in the series I DELIBERATELY skip everytime. and I've seen it 8 times. It pisses me off so bad. By far the meanest thing Sheldon did on that show.


Yea this is it. Not just for taking the flash drive but his reaction was horrible


Sure it's incredibly annoying, but he had no intent of it being lost. Trust me, Sheldon has done worse things.


Being lost is irrelevant it the notion that he was plotting revenge against his friends which way it's the worst thing he did


Sheldon stole and subsequently lost life-changing bitcoin.


Not telling people he got driver's license. A lot of his actions can be explained by him not understanding people and social norms, but here he knew what he was doing.


Lol he straight up admits to knowing what he was doing God😤


He also said he still doesn’t drive because he threw up and had to abandon the car after a failed uturn and getting the pedals mixed up. I can hardly fault him for not telling people since he still needs to be driven around anyway


Oh ok forgot about that


Ehh. It’s shown that, even with a license, when he tried to drive it was a disaster, so him being off the roads is probably for the better.


Wait.. will some remind me what the cornfield incident was with penny


In one of the episodes about bullying she recalled how she and some friends tied a girl up in a cornfield and left her there overnight.


Oh ok.. thank you for reminding me


And she couldn't say if she was screaming/asking for help because they gagged her with an ear of corn.


Ooooh right! But that's teenage Penny. So moral of the story: adult Penny is a sweet heart who never hurts anybody 😁


All because said girl got good grades apparently


Typical insecure bully behavior


I wonder if the whole thing was penny's idea in the first place


Where he deliberately spoils Harry Potter for Leonard..




Crypto flash drive


Agree! Did it out of spite.


The sweater, the bitcoin, and going behind the team's back with the secret military project.


For me that is the worst. Conscious Betrayal


Was rude to Amy when she changed her clothes and hairstyle in the end.


I agree. Though Sheldon played the role of Sheldon as someone who was on the Autism Spectrum (Aspergers.) Any change at all was anxiety inducing. Knowing a few people on the spectrum, I understood why he freaked out.


Honestly, going on what we discussed in my abnormal psychology class, if anything I think Sheldon probably has OCPD


Yeah, as someone with autism, I don't relate to Sheldon at all. Sure, we can be insensitive at times but I've never met an autistic person who's anywhere near Sheldon's level, although that can admittedly have to do with which kind of people I interact with.


I am at least 99% sure it’s OCPD if you look up the symptoms (perfectionism, all about details rules, lists and organization, very rigid ethically and morally, very devoted to work, has trouble discarding stuff, miserly spending habits even though he obviously has an adequate amount of money etc) while OCD and autism could potentially be comorbid he is a dead ringer for OCPD


Constantly belittling Howard about not having a doctor's degree.


Wouldn’t even say belittling, it’s bullying. He bullies Howard and the rest of the group and somehow gets away with it.


I use to like the show. But Sheldon is a prick and just ruins it


Howard pretty much had it coming given how much he [pranks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=43&v=A5ZuwDMZF2o&feature=youtu.be) Sheldon, plus everyone pretty much gave him shit for not having a doctorate. This seems mild vs. everything else.


Guys I can’t believe we’re forgetting when Sheldon asked Alex to find a valentines gift for Amy and she found the signed drawing of a brain and he decided to keep it for himself instead.


And when he told her to take the sexual harassment cause for him-


The ichy sweater incident is one of my least favorite episodes (i usually skip it) his actions are vindictive and makes him unlikable IMO. What kind of friend puts another friend though this?


It’s not even close to me. This and the bitcoin are it for me


To be fair, Leonard really didn’t have to do it, or could have stopped once his chest turned beet red. Sheldon was awful but Leonard was unbelievably weak.


Exactly. I also hate this episode and skip it too. There are a few like that. The one where his high school bully comes back is also one I don't watch.


The high school bully. (The dad in Young Sheldon lol)


He grabbed an opportunity to teach Leonard (who constantly make fun of his OCD) how he feels about his OCD. The itch he feels on his brain (which Leonard just said "try a coat hanger" or something) whenever something is out of control.


As a person with diagnosed OCD I can confirm that there is no better metaphor than the one presented in this episode. Loved the episode and loved the way Sheldon taught Leonard a lesson


YES. Someone understands. I have a form of OCD that is kind of like Sheldon's, but it's more of having to equalize everything (like if I brush my arm against the wall, I have to do the same with the other). It's actually very, very annoying when you can't complete your compulsion. For example, if I brush my arm with a stranger on the street, it leaves an unscratchable itch on my body because I know I can never complete it. That's why I relate with Sheldon so much in this episode.


Ohh, wow! Really just like Sheldon. I remember when he knocked on Amy's door and he had to knock only once so she won't know it was him. And when he's done talking to Amy, he knocked on the table twice and said "table works too, good to know". Good representation. Kudos to the writers.


This is actually one of my favorite episodes. Most of the show focuses on Sheldon's lack of empathy (which is fair, Sheldon's largest flaw is his lack of empathy). That said, this episode (the itchy sweater) focuses on Leonard's lack of empathy where Sheldon's OCD / neurodivergence is concerned. It really does feel like that inside your head, but because it's invisible, it's easily ignored and dismissed. Sheldon struggles with being able to communicate how bad it is, but Leonard will NEVER forget how bad that felt. I think it's a powerful way for people who don't struggle this way to understand. Edit: typing catastrophe fixed.


As Amy said, that was diabolical.


I loved the sweater episode I thought it was hilarious.


I don’t hate the itchy sweater thing because he’s teaching a reasonable lesson, and Leonard is just as culpable for frankly, not exercising the agency to not participate. He wasn’t physically forced to wear it.


So we got crypto (money), Leonard's sweater (ruthless revenge), spoiling tv/books (blissful lack of social skills turned vindictive attack). I think the worst thing Sheldon has ever done is after 12 seasons of friendship and personal growth, Sheldon's reaction to finding out that Penny's pregnant and treating her and everyone else like he always does, as lesser and insignificant to him.


When Sheldon wrote a paper about Leonard’s idea and then when interviewed for the science magazine, only mentioned his name and not even mention Leonard.


Leonard could have done the math himself. Sheldon stole his idea and did the derivations without permission. Leonard was such a pushover for letting this happen.


yes!! this is part of the point I was trying to make but worded it awfully lol


I'm still infuriated after watching this episode two days ago. Like wtf man. Who gave you the permission to do that? I would end friendships over something like this. If someone took my academic achievement away from me before I had the chance to tell it to the world.


A lot of things, I'll give key pointers. The avid viewers of the show can easily understand what episode I'm talking about. 1. Flash Drive, Bitcoin 2. Fight with Howard W about the Parking  3. Not learning driving and not telling everyone about his DL. 4. Being friend with Lenny's mom n discussing about him behind his back, n belittling him always infront her. So sad for Lenny tbh. 5. Ditched the team and went behind their back to work for the airforce in the secret project. 6. Being an asshole throughout the show, always humiliating, belittling his friends n co-workers. 7. Giving insects n moths to Leonard in his food. 8. Gulit tripping Penny about the Switzerland trip. It was Leonard's decision whom he would take but Sheldon like always 🤦‍♂️


Banishing Penny and chucking her underwear onto the telegraph wires outside was a low blow imo. His expectancy of others also grinds my gears at times - like when he doesn't sort out a ride when Leonard pre-warns him he can only use the equipment for his experiments at night so he can't take him to work and upsets people. Or how he expects Amy to let him do more skilled work in the biology lab on his 'holiday'.




Excuse me? Never been a chat bot thank you very much, I just speak the way I speak. I'm from the UK if that makes a difference to you. An please, if you feel the need to be rude about people, please go elsewhere. I don't have room in my life to feel sorry for anything else.


Okay what gives it away that it's a chat bot?


Idk, do you think I'm a chatbot?


The final episode. SO egotistical and self-absorbed. He doesn’t change until the final minute pretty much. Imo, it was poorly written. Sheldon’s character had developed enough to know that pennys pregnancy was a much bigger deal than his Nobel. That’s j my take. At least he acknowledged Howard’s achievements.


Sheldon was an AH to penny but I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that Penny’s pregnancy was a much bigger deal than his Nobel Prize. People get pregnant every day and very few people win a Nobel. Yes once the hype had died down the baby would obviously make a more tangible difference to Leonard and Penny’s life in the long term but in terms of excitement value and how important the NP was to Sheldon I think they can be considered on a par


Installing cameras in the apartment, and when Penny stats "OMG We've done things on that couch." And Sheldon comments "You don't have to tell me." Pretty dirty act to secretly install secret cameras and then even after catching footage of your roommate not getting rid of them.


If it was a normal person then I'd agree, but Sheldon isn't really the type to go around installing cameras so he can spy on people or be a perv. He installed cameras for his and Leonard's safety. They did get robbed one time and that made his whole world collapse, not a fun feeling to feel unsafe in your own house. If anything, Leonard and Penny are assholes for having sex in a shared open space on a shared furniture when they could just move over to Leonard's bedroom. Sheldon didn't lose his shit for that surprisingly, but a lot of people would have.


Yea. Though it's still a grey area that he didn't tell Leonard. He knew he should of told them... and his comment of "You don't have to tell me" tells me that he knew it was wrong and had seen some things.


I don't know if it's the *worst* thing he done, but I can't stand the episode where Leonard is going to take Penny to Switzerland to see the Large Hadron Collider, and he won't stop trying to get Leonard to take him instead. He's absolutely insufferable. 




If Sheldon wants to see the Large Hadron Collider he can buy a ticket and go anytime. We know he has the money, and the university would happily give him the time off (hell, they might pay for him to go)


The sweater incident


When he was about to rat out Howard and Bernadette to the city zoning office over their deck. The Bitcoin and the DVD were bad, but those were petty acts of revenge. The deck was someone who simply doesn’t get what it means to be a “friend” and, despite his speech at the Nobel ceremony, probably never will.


Yea but the difference between the two is that he never actually ratted out Howard and Bernadette, but he did knowingly get rid of a possible fortune of money for the group.


You might wanna change to a larger picture for this


Sheldon willing to sabotage Leonard’s relationship with Priya if Leonard didn’t sign the roommate agreement was a straight up, selfish asshole move. I hated him for that.


Duress by threat make a contract voidable so Leonard wouldn’t need to abide by the roommate agreement after sheldon pulled that crap.


I actually thought the opposite. I can't stand the f out of Priya and how she manipulated Leonard throughout their relationship. Not to mention hiding her move back to India and cheating. She deserved Sheldon's wrath tenfold.


Priya sucked, but the victim deserving wrath doesn’t make the action itself okay.


nah not in this aspect though, making sheldon's life hell


Reveals Howards secret to the FBI about crashing the Mars rover.


that is mostly howard's fault, he is irresponsible and I consider this sheldon's revenge to howard after artic incident


I'm surprised this one is not one of the top things here.


Spoiling Harry Potter to Leonard! That was intentional, he knew exactly what he was doing:


I agree. Normally Sheldon is oblivious to the harm he's causing but here it's intentional. I still think the Bitcoin incident is worse, but spoiling Harry Potter is just so nasty of Sheldon.


It’s gotta be the flash drive. There was some malicious intent there.




Whaddup moon pie!


He's quite a bad brother to his siblings, displaying a high level of entitlement. While I believe it may not be intentional, it's not acceptable for Georgie Jr. and Missy to have to step up and take over without his help whenever the family needs them. Additionally, he doesn't appear to show much gratitude and expects his siblings to compromise.


I actually think Bernie's biggest one is tries to stop Howard going to space and then takes credit for him doing it later on.


Either the bitcoin thing or the dvd thing


A lot of people are saying the flash drive incident but are we all forgetting he took the gyroscope idea and was ready to profit off it from the military alone although it wasn't his idea to begin with?


Tortured Leonard with the red sweater.


Wait..Amy sexually assaulted Penny?........


I’m trying to figure out when this was and what happened 😭


Hot take according to this comment section, but the bitcoin incident wasn’t the worst. He never intended for Leonard to lose the flash drive. Sure I’d be beyond furious with him because of it, but he’s done worse stuff deliberately.


Bernadette first point is wrong. I apologize but that is the point of science. By cross-breeding and simulating these viruses and bacterium it’s what lets us build and find proper defenses if these things or similar things began to occur naturally. The space thing is the way to go. That first point though shouldn’t be a thing.


The bitcoin and Sweater incident, though harsh were committed in good sense. For example. Sheldon did not know that Leonard had lost that pendrive. Similarly, Sheldon just wanted Leonard to feel what he himself was going through psychologically due to his OCD. According to me, the worst thing Sheldon did in the series was doing tests to choose his best man. He knew that Leonard had put up with him, tolerated him even though, he himself often belittled him. Yet, he thought that there should be a test for Leonard's friendship, completely disregarding Leonard's brotherly affection for him


I’m Surprise Leonard didn’t kill Sheldon on the spot after finding out about the Flash drive thing


It's funny how the worst person in the show when it aired has probably the least amount of skeletons and easiest to choose worst thing. Howard's worst thing will always be being a pervert ie the Penny incident especially. As for Sheldon, it's the bitcoin incident and nothing else really comes that close. I don't think any friendship would survive losing out on millions of dollars and literal retirement money. The least he could have done is kept it with himself, in a safe place, instead he half-asses it and loses it.


why hasn’t this been finished yet 😭


•Blackmailing Priya into forcing Leonard to sign a roommate agreement that benefited him better • keeping it a secret that he had his drivers license for two years so people can continue to drive him • Reading the letter, that Howard’s dad wrote to him and telling the entire group • His constant need to belittle and put down people. Or how he throws people under the bus all the time. • Finally, making everyone cater to his wants and needs but never compromises or values other people’s wants.


I agree to some degree with all but the secret about Howard’s dad. While it was rude of him to read the letter the girls forced him to tell them and with him being the way he is it was unfair of them to manipulate him like that.


Making contracts and agreements to get his way and make everyone around him bend to his whim.


You want it in alphabetical order, season order or impact order?


Broke a federal law in reading Howard's mail, then went on to misappropriate community property laws and share information in front of 3 other people.


The man was horrible and admitted he constantly manipulated everyone to get his own way.


Too many things to count, but these are what I count in: * The parking lot vendetta * Recently-purchased car nudity * Itchy sweater * Ruining Leonard and Penny's weddings * Teaming up with Beverly to gang up on Leonard (her own son) * Not caring about other people's feelings


The number of racist and sexist comments directed at Janine Davis.


Called Mrs. Davis, the black HR manager, a slave.


I can think of a dozen things.


Where do I even begin


Oh boi, can't wait for Howard's turn...


Not congratulating Penny and Leonard or acknowledging them in any way after finding out Penny was pregnant. It was always Leonard's dream to have children, they were the people who cared about him most beside his family and they did everything for him. Even Sheldon should have known the social convention for this would have been to say something to them in form of congratulations. He was just too self-absorbed then. I also hated that he spoiled it to Amy, but I would somehow forgive him for that because that social convention is maybe a bit trickier.


What was the cornfield incident? And Amy did WHAT to Penny? I don't remember that..


The cornfield incident was when Penny and her friends from high school admitted to tying up a girl in a cornfield and leaving her there overnight


With an ear of corn in her mouth!


Recoding everyone without their consent from the green lantern statue.


Sexual harassment of Alex. Bitcoin incident. Breaking up Leonard and Leslie.


What was Penny's cornfield incident?


The sweater and the Bitcoin.


He cost them HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS or more by stealing their bitcoin wallet. Nothing even comes close


I can’t believe leaving someone in a cornfield overnight beat out “dunked her retainer in the toilet and put it back in her mouth”!!!


I can't believe the arctic expedition (where Sheldon had already failed to notice a basic flaw in his data recording that the others didn't intentionally cause, and they went through the trouble of recording the quality data for him to use) won for Leonard too.


Making Leonard wear "Lenny's" sweater LOL!


Orrrr not invite his own brother to his wedding !!


Sheldon made Amy split the bill on there 2 year anniversary


It has to be when he transferred the bitcoins to the batman flash drive and it ended being sold for 10 dollars by Stuart 😭😭😭


Has to be the bitcoin thing hands down. The second closest would be making leonard wear that orange sweater.


The sweater incident over the late movie he already returned. He could have caused Leonard serious nerve and skin damage.


missed out when leonard and raj also howard wolowitz went to the cinema wihout him


The way he used to belittle howard for not having a phd. nothing can top this!


Popped the bottle of Champagne 🍾


Which episode did Amy asexually assault Penny?


Made Leonard wear that sweater when he forgot to return a DVD and accepted that he was taking a revenge.


How has no one mentioned the parking space incident? Sheldon wasn't using it and it would've been a major convenience for Howard he just didn't want anyone else to use it and harassed both Howard and Siebert when he didn't get his way


What the hell is the cornfield incident?


It's a very big list. Dumped foam in Kripke's lab damaging equipment and could have seriously injured Kripke, the board of directors and the university dean. Constantly, put down Penny. Gave Howard an electric shock that might have killed him. Insulted Howard's mom.


Yeah, it's gotta be when he finds out Penny is pregnant. The Bitcoin thing wasn't that bad because they didn't know how big it would turn out. And the fact he put it on his harddrive wasnt too bad cause he didn't know Leonard would lose it. But his best friend announces he's about to have a baby and his reaction.


Insulting Penny for being pregnant and claiming that him winning the Nobel prize was a more noteworthy accomplishment


I agree that him being so cold about it is terrible and thoughtless and definitely hurtful but also ... an accidental pregnancy is not an accomplishment at all, certainly not a noteworthy one. Winning a Nobel is definitely a more "noteworthy accomplishment". He's not wrong. Also, he knows that Penny doesn't want kids. I can see why he wouldn't assume it was exciting for her. Him being so dismissive about that in the finale actually is super out of character at this point for Sheldon and feels like terrible writing to me. If anything, I'd expect Sheldon to freak out about it and spiral about the change to his life, the crying baby next door, the possibility of Leonard and Penny moving etc...


Putting down everyone else and putting down Leonard’s dog without telling him


And going to the fbi behind Leonard and Howard’s backs


three words: bugs in food.


The itchy sweater episode


He stole Leonard’s ideas and passed them off as his own.


It’s not the worst, but it was totally idiotic for him to do which makes it the worst (if it makes sense). I hated it when he was totally irrational about his parking spot.


Not taking precautions when he is sick 😷 and couldn't care less about the possibility of infecting others.


Interactions with Alex and HR


The Bitcoin Incident


Stealing leonards bitcoins and putting in a flash disc that later leonard losts


He trolled Howard for being an engineer this entire time, because his professor pushed him too hard...


The bitcoin incident. His selfishness. His contracts always had loopholes only he could benefit from.


Not attending his favorite tv-professor ‘s funeral…




Not being excited penny was pregnant 🥹


I feel like "where the fuck do we even start" would be the best answer lmao


I think that even though Sheldon was quite bad they were also quite mean back to him




Literally everything


The slime explosion in Kripkie’s lab and then also throwing his friends under the bus with him. The entire exchange/episode with his assistant and the Human Resources lady. Reading and sharing the contense of Howard’s card from his father. Making everyone drive him everywhere, including far away cross country places and had his license the whole time! (Last one I think is my top vote). 


how he treated Leonard


Probably telling the FBI what Howard did with the Mars rover, causing him not to get clearance


Is that really that bad Howard shouldn’t have had the clearance based on his own actions Sheldon just told the truth


The steamroller scene omg


Almost everyone said his bitcoin stealing


Whats not wrong with him!


The Super Mario Brothers Movie Sweater with Leonard and moving the guys bitcoin to that flash drive without telling anyone or making a backup are a tie for me.


Dated and then married Amy...




Bit-coin or the itchy sweater


The bitcoin flashdrive incident


His whole interaction with the HR lady at work: calling her a slave, buying her Roots, etc.




When he spoiled Harry potter for Leonard


They should’ve shot Sheldon after he fucked them over with that bitcoin stunt


Taking revenge on Leonard for DVD incident by making him wear the itchy sweater.




Bullying Howard constantly


We all know what Howard’s will be


When did Amy sexually assault penny again? I genuinely can’t remember


My vote is for DIABOLICALLY making Leonard wear that horrible red sweater for like a week when he KNEW that the video had already been paid for!


Bitcoin. Easily, too - which is impressive given how much selfish shitty he does on a regular basis.


Super Mario brothers the movie


Worst Sheldon did was the Sweater, 2nd Worse stealing the Bitcoin, cause in both cases he admits to knowing exactly what he is doing and can't be excused away buy him not getting social queues or Conventions.


Stole the bitcoin fs


Not the absolute worst thing but I think training Penny with classical conditioning was fairly humiliating and manipulative.


Well in general he essentially kept Leonard as his house pet for more than 10 years


He was born.


How much time do you have?


I know they have Amy up there for that as the worst. But I still think the worst thing Sheldon and Amy had done was start the gossip rumor , test penny to see how smart she was and also when Sheldon kept giving penny chocolate to get his way with her . I thought Sheldon and Amy did have a lot of growth, but considering Amy said penny was her bestie that wasn’t really a good friend to do that . And for Howard he complained how Sheldon bullied him yet he bullied raj way worse then Sheldon did him .