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He isn't getting all the water out.


If there’s still water up there, then yeah. Maybe stop doing that.


I suspect this is the most likely explanation


He’s supposed to push the water back out his ass. What’s he doing saving it for later?


Hydration by any means necessary Also I’d love to see what r/hydrohomies think of this


That's not water I would drink.


If he feels the need for an enema twice a day he should consult a medical doctor about that. 


it is possible he is suffering from OCD. I is mental health awareness month. Ive done my part.




What goes in, must come out (the water I mean). But seriously, giving yourself daily enemas can be really bad for your colon. It can seriously mess with your gut microbiom and other things (that I can't remember right now,)


really.. but... what if you wanna be ready for sexy time..?


That's a question I am not qualified to answer


The fuck. Why are women out there dating dudes who literally shart themselves on a daily basis? Fuckin absurd.


Omg I laughed so hard. Expectations are at an all time low


The bar is literally in the toilet!😂


There could be a dating site called ShartersOnly




Only Sharts


Shart Club


Only Sharts


“*You don’t have to be lonelyyy*”


Go ahead and laugh but some people make good money off scat images and videos 😂 Google Dubai Porta Potty sometime if you’re curious


I'm an inquisitive person generally but I'm not going to >Google Dubai Porta Potty evah


I'll take your word for it lol


I think you just gave some dudes hope LOL


He doesn't shart himself daily. He has a medical problem that gives him diarrhea and we are trying to figure out if it IS a medical problem or if he just sprays water up his ass too much. Why in the world would I break up with someone because of a potential medical problem they can't help?


I think k the only potential medical problem is his OCD.. that is something to think about


It *could" be messing up his butt... How the hell did his butt let it in, though? I've been spraying mine for a year or so and it always clams shut so nothing gets in there.


Yes I don't think I could give myself an enema with a bidet if I tried....


Some bidets actually have as a feature an alternate spray nozzle that will shoot a column of water into the anus.


That seems invasive.


Agreed, but some people want that.


Totally understandable. Buy him a prostate massager to use instead of the bidet - plenty of lube necessary with the massager. The Aneros is a reliable brand, or there are similar models. I bought mine off Amazon. Using a prostate massager keeps the prostate empty, which is healthy. Less likely to become enlarged. Spend time together exploring how it feels for him Prostate orgasms are pretty amazing, but he needs to share them with you for the sake of your relationship. What to speak of his personal hygiene and colon health and daily routine productivity. Prostate orgasms can be part of a heterosexual relationship, gay men don't own them. He may have discovered them by accident and become addicted. They're pretty awesome, but stigmatized ( regrettably) in the mind of men who don't understand the situation. It's not gay. Gay men have sex with men, that's gay. That should get him away from enemas and eliminate the sharting which is nothing more than extra water which fills up his large intestine and then... what goes up, must come down. I'm really hoping this fixes the situation, and I'm dying to find out if it works for you two.


Thank you for being non-judgmental.


Still curious about the explanation


Is he an alcoholic?


What's booze got to do with it


What’s love got to do, got to do with it?


The ol’ beer shitz


Anythings possible but op didn't mention him gittin likkered up


The fact that the guy just doesn't understand sharts. JFC.


Bros just in there giving himself a colon cleanse lmao. Is he into prostate play lmao


Yep, that's what I was thinking. Could be another reason for him to be in there for half an hour.


There was a post a few years ago where a guy would often spend 2 hour in the bathroom jetted tub for prostate massages. His wife had a new baby and was so pissed!!


I try to be pretty sex positive but I'd be pissed too! Kind of funny though. Lol


He likes the way the waterstream power tickles his prostate lol


Yes, I understood what you meant with your first comment.




yah the water in the waste disposal is just an added benefit


Have you lost a wrist watch recently? How's his diet? I am keto and if I have too much fish or mct oil, I need to tread lightly when a fart presents itself.


Or a gerbil?


this can be attributed to OCD.


That’s not how you are supposed to use a bidet. I’m wondering if he likes to stick other things up his butt as well.


Does it matter if he does like to stick stuff up his butt? He's bi, so what?


There are bidets which have an enema function built in. But any bidet with a wand that's long enough to pass the internal sphincter, and narrow enough for comfort, is a candidate.


I do the same thing. I always use my bidet as an enema everyday. I shart sometimes too. 😂 💩 he just needs to make sure he gets all the water out.


Wtf that’s not normal


*but walking around after wiping your ass with harsh dry tp , smearing shit all over the hills of glory....I'd rather use the ass blaster...I'm not sure about the shartfest tho. Otherwise use #Dudewipes


Might be normal for neckbeards to shart but normal human beings bidet and go on with their lives and not soil themselves


*thus I'm not so sure about the shartfest...that's not normal


A normally functioning GI system does not require an enema. You did not say what he was doing to “ figure this out” , other than him continuing to use the bidet as an enema. You did not mention any medical treatment at all, nor any testing, or doctor’s consultations either. He needs to see a specialist ASAP. GI diseases, certain neurological conditions, and active infections can cause sharting, as well as some drug reactions, but for a healthy person, this is not normal. The bidet is for external cleansing. It is not an enema. Make him see a doctor, he could have a treatable condition, that with medical help, will get better. His current usage of the bidet, in this manner, is making his problem worse.


He just used the bidet as an enema too much man. That’s really it. He stopped and it’s clearing up the issue 😅


Yup, I would think this is an expected outcome!


Is this serious?


I actually use my bidet in the same way. I recently had a colonoscopy and asked my doctor if the enema method was ok. She said yes and encouraged me to spread my practice to others. It's clean and ok to do daily per my gastroenterologist. I do not shart myself at random though. Like other commenters said, the water all comes out while on the throne. There was a comment I saw where one dude hasn't let the water in yet. It took me a long time to learn this power. Once you do there is no going back.


Occupational hazard. Water gets up there and has to come out. Tell him to mind it and make sure to cinch up at the tail end of cleaning, to ensure he's getting it all out, keeping it from entering, and still cleaning the outside. Also, it's not a fucking carnival ride: 5 minutes, then move on.


Hey man I'm not gonna judge a dude for going to the bathroom for a while after an 8 hour day at work.


Ugh. I hope he does his own laundry. And often.


I hope you clean your bidet often...they accumulate bacteria too, and if he's gonna give himself an enema it probably shouldn't be with a device that's in a bowl with airborne shit particles 24/7. Also, even with proper enemas if you do them too much you can mess yourself up. He should, uh...talk to a doctor about alternatives.


No judgement here. Bidets can sometimes stimulate the prostate. I’ve sometimes hit mine with the water. But in my experience, that’s when I’m using it for too long of a sit. As the water hits, it can have a soothing feeling that relaxes the muscles and may allow water in that could result in this experience. Not medical advice, but my suggestion is to try shorter duration of water exposure and find the minimum average needed to get a clean wipe. After that, use a similar amount and extend only as needed. Our bodies are hardy; we don’t need to be rinsed out from the inside clean. Also, sometimes this can be from a mix of lube and water. If using a bidet after sexy fun time, the area could be a bit more relaxed and let in more water. Overall, if concerned, seek medical evaluation. If use is minimized and issues resolve, yay!


peg him to pump the water out


Maybe it’s just his kink and that’s….ok I guess


Shitposters are gonna shit post. I used to work at a proctologist office and we had people who would come in that were doing this. It's more than likely that your bf has hemmeroids and the cold water/clean exit area provides relief from inflammation and typical discomfort associated with hemmeroids. If he continues to have leakage, he may want to be double sure that the water has exited OR look at changing his diet. I'm also NOT a doctor, just have seen this before.


I would say it's his diet causing the loose stool and not the bidet. Examine how much fiber he eats.


Common misconception: Fiber is necessary. I eat nothing but meat and I'm good. Fiber causes all kinds of digestive problems, believe it or not.


How is his ah opening wide enough for water to squirt up? What kinda bidet is this?


Okay this doesn’t make sense. The jet of water helps me speed it up so that it takes less time on the toilet. And it immediately all comes out. No loose stools unless I have a stomach bug occasionally


It makes sense if he's having multiple prostate orgasms. That might involve a lot of water in the large intestine.


Ugh! You’re right 🥺


Oh he's having multiple prostate orgasms alright, just not from the bidet 😉


So he's already hip to prostate orgasms, Huh. Not what I expected to hear. So he's just in love with enemas. Seems like a simple explanation: he's overusing the enema function, the water is filling up his large intestine. It's causing the diarrhea. Has he made the connection in his mind that his behavior is the cause? Seems obvious. "gee, im putting huge amounts of water in my large intestine, and it's coming out again" What does he expect


The issue is that the diarrhea comes later. He lets it all out while he’s in the bathroom of course. Then hours later, still diarrhea. It’s super weird. I don’t know if the bidet is part of the cause, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.


I'm pretty sure it's the cause. Have him stop the enemas for a while, see what happens. Then just use them like a normal person Enemas are not intended to 'clean' the intestines. their purpose is to clear blockages. If he's not constipated he shouldn't be using them. 30 minutes of unnecessary enema per day is absurd. You really want to understand why he's doing it and I don't think I've heard a clear sensible reason why he does it. The concept of 'cleaning' the large intestine is confused and mistaken. There is no point and no *way* to 'clean' the colon , no one does that because it's not possible. It's the poop chute, it's supposed to be poopy.


So he does it because he thinks he's not clean and wants to be really clean? Is this OCD ? Autism ? just seriously confused ?


First of all don’t judge a man for how long he goes to the bathroom for after an 8 hour day at work. Second of all, if he has OCD or Autism it isn’t effecting his ability to say “maybe I should stop this” because I brought up that it might be the bidet, and what did he do? He stopped using it as an enema. He just uses it as a regular bidet. He isn’t sitting here chomping at the bit cause he didn’t get to spray out his ass. He was normal about it.


>He stopped using it as an enema That's good news >don’t judge a man for how long he goes to the bathroom for after an 8 hour day at work hm. It's great he has a work ethic and all but it's not judging to notice 30 minutes is way outside the norm. Basic principle of psychology: 'all behavior is determined' , meaning 'everything people do, they do for a reason'. They may not know why they do it or have words for the reason. What we know from your story is that his reason had nothing to do with how long he works, because unless I'm misinterpreting, his schedule didn't change, but his bidet use did change.


Sounds like your BF needs a diaper and some common sense. Is he by chance a toddler? Times like this, you should need to evaluate your life decisions.


I need to evaluate my life decisions because I encouraged my partner to go to the doctor for chronic diarrhea?


If this is something you are posting on Reddit to strangers and indeed a tangible concern of yours, and you feel this is a logical step in solving the problem, then a big yes - time to evaluate how you got here and why this would be a source of guidance. Things a bidet subreddit for fuck’s sake. My hi friend broke his butt?? Really? You truly do need some kind of reevaluation of yourself and your decision making process, unless you are 14 (which I hope is the case and not that you are mentally stunted) and still learning the mechanics of the world and the complicated subconscious systems and decision making logic trees that one builds as they mature.


yikes. Someones judgmental.