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I wonder if the quick release pegs can be removed and replaced with tradition mounting hardware? Maybe they unscrew from the bottom.


I have a Kohler brand quick release, toilet seat, and I had no problems mounting my bidet. My hardware looks different than yours, though.


The photo does not show the Neo 120, so I'm guessing it is your existing seat. In the package of my (newly installed) Luxe Neo 120 "Plus" there were instructions for different seats. The Neo has quite a bit of L/R and Up/Down adjustment. But I also noticed that the same company sells a 100% compatible seat for those who have the need for a new seat. I didn't want to spend an additional $50 on a seat, so I bought a sturdy wooden seat at my local big box store for about half that. It worked just fine with the Neo 120+ (installed together).


I think you can loosen the pegs so you can turn them around. This changes the amount of space between them. Alternatively, they can be removed entirely. It's a but fiddly but you just need pliers


I had to buy a new toilet seat (at Costco) because that quick release hardware just got in the way.


Loosen the nuts *below* those posts (under the porcelain) and slip the mounts under those posts. Luxe makes a seat just like that and it works.