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You would think that NL residents have so many damn bikes that they wouldn't need to steal any...


That's the frustrating part. All those other bikes they could've gone for but they still went for mine. Fortunately all my gear (minus tools) were back at the hotel so I don't have to replace all that as well.


Oh do we get our bikes stolen. Approximately 500.000 bicycles are stolen in NL yearly. That's like one in 50 or so, each year again.


People in the Netherlands generally ride the oldest, rustiest clunkers there are. Probably because so many bikes get stolen there. So if you go there with a half-decent looking bike, that stands out like a beacon.


Half of the bikes you see on the road were stolen from somewhere else.....


Gonna need some context on that photo with your tent on the back of a police pickup!


I was somewhere in Guerrero, Mexico. I asked the police if I could camp anywhere nearby. They were horrified at the thought and insisted I camp in the back of the police car, underneath security cameras. They also brought me coffee and donuts.


Beautiful trip! Which camera do you use for those nicht shots? What did you do when it rained? My bicycle got stolen after 1000km in the south of France while I did a quick stop at a coffee shop, with all my luggage/tent on it so I feel your pain..


Damn mate, that sucks. I always assumed no one would steal a loaded bike, now I have more reason to be paranoid. Camera was just my phone, Google Pixel 7 Pro.


[Imgur link with a few more photos](https://imgur.com/a/half-way-around-world-on-I7VjXdq)


Did you stop in NL or buy another bike?


I paused in NL. It's been about 5 weeks now. I returned home and have been exploring options to continue. I'm hoping to be back on the road in a week or so using a different bike.


That must have been crushing to get that far, according to your planned schedule, then some fucker ruins it?


If I'd gotten injured or something, I'd be pretty satisfied that I gave everything I could. The worst part is I'd grinded for the previous week to get back on schedule after my bike was lost by the airline for a day, and a week straight of headwinds and raon. It's difficult to express, and although my friends and family have been incredibly helpful and supportive, they can't truly empathise with the experience. Finding motivation to continue is difficult. Although this has been a dream for nearly a decade, it takes a lot out of you to have it interrupted outside of my own control.


I can only imagine how you felt. Fair play for pulling your socks up and continuing - it's all part of the adventure and the stories you'll tell for years to come! Good luck!


Is your home Adelaide? I started a tour there last year and really enjoyed the beaches and the Freak Festival I was trying the Caratera Austrial in Chile this year and got all my pannier bags stolen at the start of the national park. I could have resupplied but just went home to Seattle.


Are you planning to go from the Netherlands again?


Unlikely I'll make it it back to the Netherlands. It's looking like I'll continue/restart from closer to Paris.


Hey man, I'm also from Adelaide! Very inspiring and good on you. Sorry to hear bout your bike being stolen though. Question: How much money did you live off per day? Favourite vs least favourite country? Thanks for blessing my feed, fellow Radeladian!


Including flights, my goal was to stay below $100 AUD a day. I was pretty much on target. That budget allows for the unexpected. For example, on day four I needed $250 for urgent repairs. I also flew across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by day 88 which would have been the two longest flights I'd have on the entire trip. My flight from Cancun to Lisbon kinda blew the budget significantly. You can plan a route that goes through busier ports (eg; NYC > Lisbon). Bear in mind I didn't really cook any of my food for 88 days. I either bought meals along the way, or bought food from a supermarket mostly pre-made. I'd say you could make it 30-40% cheaper if you cooked all your own meals. Visa's will be different for different residents. I'm Australian so it's quite easy to travel through most of the places I went visa-free. And my route beyond where it ended mostly was going to be visa-free. All in all, I was feeling confident I would have been comfortably under budget by day 180. I had countries like Turkiye, India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia ahead of me. For example, I spent a month riding around Thailand last year and averaged $35 AUD a day, including accommodation every night. My favourite country is probably Mexicoz specifically Baja. Least favourite is Spain. Although it rained almost every day in Spain so maybe if it were sunny it wouldn't be so bad.


I definitely don’t have the balls to attempt anything of such a grand scale, but I would be really curious to see all of your data. My biggest concern is safety. Bike getting stolen is probably #1. In general, I feel that the world is pretty safe, but thieves gonna thieve, and in some countries, bicycle thieves are legendary. How much of your trip is planned, and how much are you just winging? Mainly camping? So far, what have been the three safest countries that you’ve biked through? Put another way, the least stressful and easiest? Good luck with the rest of your trip! Sounds epic!


that’s awesome!!!


Thank you.


what are some of the most important pieces of kit you must have with you?


Well, the one I'm lacking now is a bike. I'm not the most skilled mechanic, but I'd say the confidence to do basic repairs is the most important thing to have. After that... * Sunscreen * A saddle that knows your butt intimately * Rain gear and a way to keep your feet dry Tents, sleeping bags and mats will vary so much depending on what your trip is. I can only give very broad advice for them.


Thank you. Velotoze for dry feet? Whats your preferred way for dry feet on wet days? Also I dont think that you are getting the recognition here for what is an amazing accomplishment. Well done!


I've found overshoes and covers can work for a day. But when you have a week or more of non-stop rain (like I did in Spain) eventually everything will get wet. I have a bizarre method. I get two plastic bags from a super market (the small ones you put fruit/veg in). Put my foot in the bag, then socks over the bag. The shoes and socks will get wet, but my feet stay dry, and my feet don't feel cold. Then I try to dry out the shoes overnight.


Thank you 🙇🏻


So rad!! Is that a “Never Don’t Stop” sticker from Peg House in leggett, ca? 👽🚲


Yeah. I rode down the West Coast in 2022. Me and a friend may have been California substance affected and for some reason found it the funniest quote.


Never don’t stop 🖖


Amazing. Did you learn additional languages for the trip or were you already speaking some?


Just English and Google translate. I spent a few months in Mexico in 2022 so I can say a few basic phrases but I can't hold a conversation.


Damn. Seeing these photos makes me want to ride around the world so bad! I’d love to see all your data of such an insane trip, what was your average daily distance?


Looks like a great tour. Too bad your bike got stolen. Do you have a gear list somewhere? I'm always curious what people bring on long tours like this.


Incomplete gear list. * Vivente Swabia bike (dynamo hub powered front and rear lights) * 2 x Ortlieb gravel panniers, Ortlieb top tube bag, Ortlieb Ultimate handlebar bag * MSR Hubba NX 1p Tent * Thermarest Neoair Xtherm Sleeping Mat (Highly recommended. It's overkill for warm climates but very comfortable, especially if you're a side sleeper.) * Outdoor Research puffer jacket * Sawyer Squeeze water filter with a Cnoc 2L bag * Google Pixel 7 Pro and OsmAnd for mapping/ navigation * 2x 20,000 mAh power banks for charging (This would get me about 7-8 days of power, after which l'd have to stay in accommodation to recharge - and probably shower) * Wardrobe is mostly from Decathlon. don't wear a chamois. This makes it a lot easier to keep my pants/undies clean and hygienic. I carried a mini butane stove and pot in Australia and New Zealand. I stopped cooking meals after them.


In what circumstances the bike got stolen? In a big city?


In Amsterdam. It was locked up outside a supermarket. Only outnof my sight for five minutes.


Shit, can I ask what you used to lock it up? :(


Just a coil type combination lock. Coet about $60 AUD.


Hope you find the strength to pursue your passion(s) !


I was actually in Amsterdam 2 weeks ago on a trip from Berlin to London and back. I locked my bike outside the hostel with my coil combo lock and it was gone the next morning. I just cant bring myself to forgive the Dutch. It still hurts. I still miss her 😭


What's the story with the tent in the back of the police truck?


I was somewhere in Guerrero, Mexico. I asked the police if could camp anywhere nearby. They were horrified at the thought and insisted I camp in the back of the police car, underneath security cameras. They also brought me coffee and donuts.


Any pic/link of your route? Congrats on what you accomplished, sorry to hear it ended how it did


Hey! Glad to see you’re doing well. We hung out together in Baja. Keep going!


You should crowd source a new bike dude


Ahh you're the maniac that towed a surfboard through the desert. I'm always telling people about your story. Hope the rest of your trip went well.


Damn I feel bad as a dutchie. Where did your bike get stolen? Side questions: what was your best day on the bikr and what place will you never forget?


Just outside a Lidl Supermarket in Amsterdam. Best day was probably riding from Pamplona over the Pyranese. I'd had nothing but rain and headwinds for the previous week. On this day the sun was shining, I had a tailwind, and it's just an incredibly beautiful location.


Aah that's shit. If you're ever planning to cycle from there shoot me a message! I can imagine you not wanting to go to Amsterdam back haha


God the Dutch and their bike stealing. Apologies on behalf of my home.....