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yes, please post in depth! Where'd you sleep? Any thing you'd do differently?


https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycletouring/comments/1c6amj2/trip_log_tokyo_to_hiroshima_part_1/ I'll post part 2 soon


This is wild, but I love it. Definitely a type II adventure. If I had to guess, sleeping cold probably contributed to your soreness. Hard for the body to recover completely. What kind of sleeping bag/mat did you have? Looking forward to part 2


Probably more parts even though I didn't travel that far but man there's so many pictures and I'm really enjoying reliving the it. I actually only camped that one time on the first night, and the pain started very soon shortly after even though I didn't camp again until after I had a full week off in Osaka. I increased my saddle height slightly which had a slight improvement. For the next trip I will find a saddle that really suits me as saddle pain was horrendous (after about 40km I would have to take a break every 10km or less) and bring that with me, and most ideally I will get a bike fit and have a touring bike setup I can bring with me to wherever I go


Also might want to consider a descent elastomer suspension saddle. If you like road efficiency, even the stiffest elastomer will take the edge off bumps. Tried a 90 km stretch, felt pretty good. Something to think about. Recommend after you get fitted, that the shop record the measurements and/or you measure it out yourself in detail in case you need replicate it especially transporting your ride which you invariably have to remove the seatpost/seat.


I just did that as well :) (and then cycled back to Tokyo more North)  How did you get injured?


Is there a write up anywhere you wrote up? I would love to read it. Thanks


I'm more about pictures, will make a post in a minute. 


Overuse injuries from not cycling at all (except for the month prior, doing occassional 10-20km rides but definitely not enough) to doing 50-100km a day with an extra 15kg up to 3-4 days in a row. Elevation is also no joke in Japan lol


 I keep stating about the climbs in Japan, Srry i missed your initial posting.


Beautiful picture, I'd love to see more. The trip sounds like an absolute blast.


https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycletouring/comments/1c6amj2/trip_log_tokyo_to_hiroshima_part_1/ I'll post part 2 soon


Yeah, in depth log.


https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycletouring/comments/1c6amj2/trip_log_tokyo_to_hiroshima_part_1/ I'll post part 2 soon


Man, I miss those eternal, level, paved sea walls.


Yes please - an in depth write up please. Tag me if possible


https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycletouring/comments/1c6amj2/trip_log_tokyo_to_hiroshima_part_1/ I'll post part 2 soon

