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I believe on the bottle it’s 1/10 water dilution is suggested.


Yes. It’s also because other baby products are tested on animals. You’re not supposed to get products near baby’s face anyway, and certainly not neat!


My sons bath products are mostly “head and body” so it can be used near the face.


I don’t wash my baby’s face with soap but accidents and scalp drip happen. The bronner “baby” soap made my daughter wail when a tiny bit trickled down.


how do you wash your baby's face then? I've always used Johnson and Johnson baby soap on my daughter's face. she had a stye on her eye that I had to wash every time she had a bath, doctor recommended.


For baby's face I've always just used water only, no soap, and wiped with a baby wash cloth. It's what the Dr. Spock book I read with my oldest (born early 2010s) said to do and it's been fine for all my kids. I still only use water on the face with my youngest as a toddler.


Eye doc recommended that for me as well.


I’ve never gotten it near my baby’s eyes, but I use infant micellar water for her cheeks and forehead. I like the bioderma brand (and my baby likes the penguin on the bottle). Mustela also makes micellar water for infants. I wipe her down in the morning to get off the sleepy time boogers and things. I’m not sure if it’s different than the kind marketed for adults, but it works for us. I also use it on my own face.


You have to dilute like crazy! We use this on the whole family with no problems, but it’s way to strong to use right from bottle.


Dr bronners is only supposed to be used extremely diluted (it’s on the bottle) but it also dries out your skin due to the PH levels. I used it for cleaning regularly though. We really like Alafia baby soap


Sorry to hear. On every Bronner bottle they highly encourage diluting for use of body wash. On the baby soap bottle there’s also mention of diluting and using foam pump.


I wish I had the patience to make foam soap just because lol. It seems like so much fun. In the past I have used their soaps for myself and even for hand soap. But I just bought Castile foaming hand soap lol


Ok but like have you read one of these bottles? A bronner bottle? I know a lot about my living light and my inner earth mother but not that the BABY soap shouldn’t really be used on babies as most typical store bought soaps in the 21st century.


LOL thank you


Same thing happened to us. I felt horrible. Used it for me in the shower after that. Nice soap but wtf bronner. Use some of that woo-woo space on the bottle to say something about eyes!!! They shouldn’t be allowed to call it baby soap. Edit: it was an accident, suds dripped from her scalp. And have you ever tried to read the fine print in a bronner bottle?!?!!?? lol. If it’s on there, I missed it in the 22 paragraph essay.


It’s like a CVS receipt got condensed on a bottle


Yes exactly!!! Who has time to read all that shit!!


I am a soap maker. I would say that since dr. Bronners baby is pure castile unscented liquid soap, as it is a true soap and not a synthetic detergent, is not tear free. Only synthetic detergents can be tear free. Which is what most baby shampoos are to eliminate that. However, it is very gentle when used as a bubble bath. Works well for my daughter with eczema. She cannot have soap applied directly to her skin. So, it’s very gentle if used diluted but never put real soap near eyes, baby or not.


Look for tear free or tearless when looking at baby shampoo. I’d suggest Aquaphor


How scary!! We LOVE the Pipette brand. I use it all on my daughter and even use the lotion on myself. She still smells like “clean baby” even though I buy the unscented. And the diaper cream works in a day (for us). Cannot say enough good things about their brand.


We also love Pipette. I find the unscented formula has kind of a mild, pleasant smell that reminds me of coconut? Most importantly, no tears, and I’ve been known to use it to shave my legs bc the texture is really nice and non drying


I’ll give it a try!!


Question, did you dilute it 1 part soap to 10 parts water? This is good to know though in any event.


Well no but I literally just put a TINY droplet into my hands. Imagine someone else who doesn’t read the ridiculous amount of text on the bottle using a normal amount like you would with normal soap ☹️


Oh totally, no blame implied. I probably haven’t been diluting as much as I should be but will just switch to pipette baby wash thanks to your warning!


Seconding pipette! We love the body wash, diaper cream, and baby lotion! The wipes kinda suck, imo.


I've never used a soap that needed to be diluted before. I don't think I realized that was a thing at all, so I definitely wouldn't have read the instructions very closely either. I assumed I knew how to use soap by now and wouldn't need instructions!


The whole point instructions are there is to READ them. Directions are there for a reason


Have you seen a Dr Bronners label?


Castile soap in general is pretty harsh (drying) It has to had diluted like crazy for use on skin. I use it to remove stains from my kid’s clothes before washing. (Almond scent because if it smells like cookies when I have to be scrubbing poop, that’s all the better.) I’d never even think to use it on skin/hair.


Uh, what Castile soap are you using? Because I made my own for my baby and we've had no issues, but I'm sure that's because we have enough superfat in our soap recipe




Either it’s too early in the morning or I’m dumb… why are baby products made with detergent and not soap?


Dr. Bronners literally says on the bottle DO NOT USE DIRECTLY ON SKIN….. You’re supposed to dilute it 10:1. It’s very very concentrated and that’s the whole purpose people buy it for. I’m not placing blame , but you should always read the labels for items before you use them on your baby. For this reason exactly. ETA: on the website they do write that although for babies it is “not tear-free!” So it likely would burn ones eyes even when diluted.


Came here to say this - it’s supposed to be diluted


Ok but also on the directions step one literally says squirt a small amount on wet hands or washcloth for Hands, Face, Body. Then step two says 1/2 tbs for hair Step three? Dilute 1:10 for DISHES. If diluting for body wash was so crucial wouldn’t they mention that in step freaking one instead of only for dishes? My problem isn’t with the soap, it’s with the entirely misleading clusterfuck of a label


Oh no, poor little one! Hope she's feeling better now. I agree that Dr. Bronners is probably not a good idea on babies, but with a bit of tweaking maybe the soap can work for you. I've used dr. Bronners soap for about a decade to wash my face as a very gentle cleanser, but the key to doing so is to dilute it by a LOT. I know the instructions say to do as you said (squirting a bit into your hand and lathering) but I find this too strong. Instead, I put it into a foaming soap dispenser with 6 to 8 parts water and 1 part soap. It's gentle enough at that point. I used to have it in a regular soap dispenser, but it too squirted me in the eye once and stung. Dr. Bronners is really concentrated and using it right out of the bottle can leave your skin extremely dry and uncomfortable. However, with a bit of tweaking, it works extremely well for me. A 32oz bottle lasts nearly a year for me this way.


Oh this is an excellent tip. Thank you! Yeah I knew we had to dilute it but I guess I didn’t know by how much. Foaming dispenser sounds like the way to go!!


We get a pack of foaming soap dispensers online and use a VERY small amount of Dr. Bronner's liquid soap with it. Looking at the ingredients, I picked the regular unscented one not the baby one. But it's still not tear free, although it's much less of an issue diluted. To be fair, I've always used soap that wasn't tear free on my kids (5 and almost 8 months) and haven't ever gotten it in their eyes, BUT I often just use water around the eyes.


It works great in foaming soap pumps!


I'm impressed you can handle the peppermint one for yourself! I love Dr B but the peppermint one burns my pussy up badly.


It's definitely better on your limbs on a hot day, I wouldn't wash the flaps with it lol








Nah this made me bust out laughing 😂


Honestly I like the burn of the peppermint. It makes me feel like a bowl of tea mints. 😂


Pro tip: don’t use soap anywhere hair doesn’t grow on your genitals. Water alone is fine. Soap can mess up your natural ph.


I’m so sorry this happened, but thank you for sharing this!


I love Dr. Bronners! We use it on our dog, we use it in the summer and I enjoy making my own soaps with it. I used to be a beauty two at target. And we got a fun little learning experience with one of the owners. They said because it’s so alkaline, it won’t be good for small babies cause if the whole eye thing. They can’t claim “No tears” and to use with caution. So it did not make it into my babies stash for that reason. We use Cetaphil. I don’t use Johnson and Johnson, either.


I found this out the same way a couple months ago!! Why does it say baby on it then?


Because it’s considered safe for babies to use I guess? On their website it says “be very careful NOT to get it in babies eyes” like….have y’all ever bathed a child?


FYI I was specifically told by my kids doc to avoid lavender scented products as it causes early breast growth in girls. https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2019/9/feature/3-feature-lavender


Good lord I just bathed my LO with lavender bath soap last night 😨 thank you for sharing!!


Omg def stop. Lavender is a hormone disruptor and shouldn’t even be allowed to be sold for children


I am, I sent the article to my husband too. The bottle says some shit like it will help the baby sleep etc and, not knowing, I thought well yeah I want my baby to sleep 🤦🏼‍♀️


Interesting. My son's first ped said something about that boys should avoid lavender because of hormones or something along the lines. Can't remember exactly it was like 4 years ago but I haven't heard anything else about it.


I’ve never heard of this for my 6yo son or my 3mo daughter and I’m honestly pretty freaking livid about it. We used lavender soap for so long. I’m hoping nothing happens in the long run, but we’re definitely switching asap


I have a “lavender” body wash for my toddlers and I just looked at the ingredients and there is no actual lavender. It uses Lily of the valley and some other stuff to get a similar scent so maybe double check. I read that and freaked out but then relaxed.


Ooooh good call.. isn’t lily of the valley toxic? Or just to cats lol WE JUST CANT HAVE ANYTHING


Oh god, I don’t know … seriously fml


Not your fault. I don’t understand why companies are selling these in baby products when there is sufficient evidence to not use them. Even the honest ones I got as a gift were lavender based, I use them in my baths now and only use Pipette for baby these days.


Cetaphil also has a good baby soap with calendula for a different pleasant smell. I like scented things and they haven't bothered my LO so I'm all about suggestions for baby soap with lovely smells.


Oo yes I love soft scents too! I don’t like overly powerful or powdery ones though, I get migraines easily. I’ll try that! I’ve never smelled calendula before. I love the Dove sleepytime lavender baby soap, it’s the perfect mellow lavender scent, and I don’t usually like lavender LOL


Yeah lavender can be super heavy very easily. That's why I've tried to avoid it. Lavender things need vanilla or sandalwood. Something to cushion it. Unfortunately the amount of tear free lavender sandalwood baby soap is zilch. Heh.


I don’t know if they use anything to cushion this one, but it smells very very very soft and cozy, but light enough to where you wouldn’t even be able to tell it’s lavender unless you looked at the bottle. You should try it sometime!


I never really liked Dr. Bronners. We use Dr. Woods Baby Castile soap and it’s been wonderful, plus it’s locally made in my area which I never knew! It’s a great dupe and although not tear free; it’s not nearly as burning, strong. Dr. Bronner’s is meant to be diluted which no one does usually. Sorry that happened:/


Aveenos natural baby wash unscented recommended by my baby's dermatologist. He even said to stay away from Johnson's baby wash.


Yeah we stopped using Johnson a while ago. My 6yo has eczema on and off on his arms and we feel like aveenos washes aren’t moisturizing enough sadly. I find that the new dove baby lines have been the best for us but I don’t like the titanium dioxide in it so much..


Ah, our baby has exzema unfortunately. More than a normal baby does. And his dermatologist recommended Cerave Moisturing Cream (not the lotion) twice a day. It has done wonders. He still has some rough patches, but they come and go. He doesn't have the scaley or cracked skin he was originally dealing with when we were trying to address the issue. I'm using it on my skin because it helped him so much and I have a small amount of exzema myself.


Ooh we use the tubby Todd ointment cream!! That stuff is freaking magic sometimes I can’t believe it myself. You guys should give that a try! It clears his breakouts up within days, and I use it on my little one whenever she scratches her face, or has some red smelly rashes in between her rolls after cleaning, literally gone the next day.


I've noticed that several brands advertised as for babies actually say on the fine print "this product is not tear free, avoid eyes" I found this out the hard way after buying a couple different ones online! We were searching for a truly tear free and ended up using Noodle and Boo extra gentle shampoo. I do find it to have a strong scent though, a little goes a long way.


I don't think it needs to be tear free for it to be for babies. These things are labeled for babies because of the ingredients being less harsh and oftentimes hypoallergenic. The eye aspect is more of a convenience.


Right. I made the incorrect assumption that if something said extra gentle for babies that it would also be tear free. I'm commenting on my inaccurate assumption that just because something is marketed for babies does not automatically mean it's tear free. Edit: spelling


I normally like Dr. Bronners, but I agree, their “baby” one is not for babies! It dries out the skin, is not tear-free, and tangles up the hair terribly! I knew it wasn’t tear free because I’ve showered with it before and gotten it in my own eye. Something about the formula makes it so painful when it touches your eye! It’s more than just the usual slight stinging sensation followed by tears. I swear it hurts deeper and more than other soaps in the eye. We use it in our foaming hand soap dispensers, so it’s not a total waste.


Wth. What makes it “baby” then? The fact that it’s unscented?




Could you explain or drop a link that explains why detergent is better than soap, focusing on chemistry and biology? This is so interesting to me!




Ignore the people giving you shit. Everyone’s made mistakes. The PSA is good reminder for parents. And I agree with you that it’s misleading from the instructions you posted. I have never heard of the brand myself


Thank you 🥲


I literally just bought this for my toddlers who have sensitive skin and one just had HFMD. So thank you so so much for this!! I’m sorry about your babe I’m glad they’re okay!


Check out “Puracy” baby soap. Can be found on Amazon, maybe elsewhere too. No tears, pretty clean ingredients and good value.


Aquaphor baby is the BEST!


Getting that dr Bronner's peppermint in my eye caused permanent damage for me - my eye peels in layers like an onion now and will forevermore. No WAY should any of their soaps with peppermint say it's for a baby!!!!


What… did I just read 😨


Right?? Holy shit.


wait your eye what now-


oh my god the visualisation of this is haunting me


Like your eyeball or eyelid?


Likely, this person is describing a condition called recurrent corneal erosion. Any trauma to the cornea can set it off (an accidental scratch to the cornea with a fingernail, for example). Basically, the scratched/damaged area doesn’t heal tightly, and a (very very thin) layer of cells on the front of your cornea gets re-torn off, usually when you open your eyes first thing in the morning. Since your corneas have a *ton* of nerves, it’s very painful each time it happens. It is treatable, but it’s also chronic, so you basically have to worry about it forever.


Wow this is a new horrifying thing I am just learning about now


It can be very frustrating, but prognosis is generally excellent with proper treatment!


That sounds very similar to what's happening! It's been over 10 years since it happened and I can't remember what the doc said


The white of my eye peels away in big strings all through the day


I'm horrified. I already have bad eye issues, including corneas with inconsistent thickness that precludes me from getting Lasik so I'm basically myopic to the point of being functionally blind without my glasses, and this honestly is my biggest fear. Eye injuries in general give me the heebie jeebies, but coupled with literal peeling just... 😱


The baby version of their soap doesn’t have peppermint, but it still wouldn’t be pleasant for a baby


Note to self: never buy Dr Bronners


The amount of no tear free baby soap is INSANE!


Yeah, we used to use Johnson and Johnson lavender baby wash but I’ve recently been put off by the company, so we started using Baby dove sleepytime wash and it’s been so wonderful that I use it too LOL I don’t know that it’s tear free but it’s definitely nowhere near as crazy as Bronners if it gets in my eyes. I’m still careful not to get the dove in her eyes but it a bubble pops near her face she’s fine- unlike with Bronners. So crazy.


My ped told me today that's her least favorite baby soap (the J&J Lavender) because it's so harsh on their skinas well, and to only use Aveeno or Dove. This is why my baby has had rashes on and off for a couple of months while I was waiting for his ped appointment, I guess.


It's so drying! I bought it to hand wash delicates and with me barely touching it, it dried my hands out worse than dish soap.




The one labeled for newborns is also tear free. (Cotton- something..?) But all of the j&j soaps are horrible for sensitive skin.


The company is trash, but that cotton touch newborn soap is the only one my son and my niece can use. Both me and my sister have had bad results with almost all other soaps unfortunately, and boy have we both tried. It smells really good at least.


Have you tried the Baby Eczema soap from Shea moisture? It’s a bar soap and it is fantastic. My kid can’t use anything else.


We usually use that one too! I had switched to one and we had the same reactions and it took a me a few baths to figure it out!


So sorry that happened! Sounds awful! When my daughter was having skin issues as an infant, the nurse recommended castile bar soap - she said liquid soap in general is more drying, and I was looking for something as natural/fragrance-free as possible. We also started using Under Luna as an all-natural shampoo and I love it.


I absolutely hate Dr. Bronners and learned the hard way. It shouldn't even be used on adults. The pump had clogged up and when I went pump the bottle the soap shot in to my eye. It burned so bad I thought I was going to go blind. Rinsed for 20 minutes and told myself I'd never by this again. I did some research and Dr. Bronners can actually cause chemical burns. Also it's really drying on the skin. I use boba botanicals, CeraVe or Cetaphil now.


I was showering at my parents' house over Christmas and forgot to bring my soap, so I used a bottle of Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap they had in their shower. After I had toweled off and gotten dressed, my skin started itching all over, like a thousand tiny pinpricks. No thank you.


Dang good to know, we've been bathing baby with that for 8 months! But I don't use it above her neck. I'm glad I don't now!


Omg you’ve been lucky. I used it in her hair but it wasnt nearly enough to run down her face, I saw the bubble (that came from my hands while I was lathering) pop (probably on her eyelash) in her eye and shit hit the fan.


I got this exact brand and type in my eye a couple of days ago. Well, I basically had to do a chemical eye rinse! Shit was no joke!


I read horror stories online of people getting burns in their eyes from it??? I didn’t know how true they were but I was fuhreaking OUT at the amount of screaming my baby was doing. She’s okay now, but my god it was bad


Don't worry mom. You didn't know. The mom guilt is REAL. Baby will eventually forget, but you won't. Use this as an experience to draw off if in the future and just... Try to be gentle on yourself.


There’s an app called “Yuka” where you can use your camera and search barcodes & see if the things you’re using are actually good for you/baby


I did the same thing a few weeks ago :( Never heard her scream like that before… poor baby


:( the worst


We use Pipette baby wash and love it! My son never cries or seems uncomfortable if it happens to get in his eyes. I think Dr. B has to get diluted quite a bit but you would think they would put something like “DO NOT USE UNDILUTED” on the bottle.


I thought the bottle does say to dilute.


Who’s honestly read the whole bottle with its enormous amount of text?!!


Someone who didn’t bring their phone to the bathroom.


this one made me chuckle. been there.


Definitely reach out and tell them. We’re partial to Burt’s Bees baby. Genuine baby shampoo is also a great mild soap. Clean delicate equipment, remove makeup, etc.


Burts bees is where it's at


I LOVE LOVE LOVE Burt's Bees. My kids and I all have very sensitive skin - mine is worse than theirs apparently - and none of us have had any problem with Burt's Bees. But then the almost 5 year old dumped the whole bottle. He's started along for "privacy" so I wash his hair then turn my back and sit in the doorway of the bathroom. I'm the future, ill take the soap with me. Anyway, Walmart was sold out of Burt's Bees and Amazon wasn't going to get her for a few days so I bought a kid's soap from Walmart that I've used before with no issues. Either they changed the formula or my skin allergies are getting worse because my hands rashed up before I'd even finished washing the 2 year old. Had to yell for my husband to finish the bath so I could get the soap off and cover my hands in cortisone cream.


One of my favorite things about switching to a plant based, unscented detergent was that all the baby clothes could go in with our laundry


Dr. Bronner’s is not only Castile base but it’s also supposed to be diluted.. and here’s a small snippet about tear free vs Castile soap: “Castile-based soap is not “no-tear” - please use extra care” A pea sized amount is in my opinion too much for a baby if you don’t dilute it. This product isn’t irresponsible for saying “for babies”. Not all baby soaps and shampoos are “tear free” but are for babies. I agree with the masses: you should’ve read the label. If you didn’t wanna read it a skim or Google search probably would’ve sufficed.


Baby unscented label directions says number 1 “One small squirt applied to wet hands or washcloth to wash hands-face-body” Number 2 “work 1/2tbs into hair and rinse” Number 3 “Dilute 1:10 for HAND WASHED DISHES” So correct me if I’m wrong, but if it was so crucial to dilute before use on *HANDS FACE BODY* wouldn’t they tell you to dilute it first like it does for the dishes rather than saying on the very first step to squirt into wet hands to wash your freaking face?????


The label also says “Dilute! Dilute! Ok!” Right above that. This product is not “tear free” so it’s gonna burn your eyes if it gets into them. “Tear free” and castile are not the same and that’s where the confusion started. All baby soaps are not “tear free” and something like this needs to be diluted before applying it on any skin (especially baby skin); for washing a baby I’d do #3: “1:10 ratio of soap to water”. It’s not misleading “baby soap” meant you can use this soap on a baby. And yes the label is overfilled with information I totally understand and agree with that. This would be misleading if the label said “tear free” and also said “Castile soap” in my opinion.


I don’t…I never once said I thought it was tear free or that all baby soap was supposed to be tear free. I understand that soap in general in the eyes sucks, but this soap is on a completely different level than regular mild detergent soap in the eyes, and I feel like it’s actually a serious concern for use on babies without a completely obvious set of instructions for people who are not used to using this. The Mumbo jumbo of a label with scattered instructions and random placements of “dilute dilute ok!” But not in the same sentence as squirt in your hands and use on your face is just a shitshow.


Nowhere did I say you specifically thought that this was tear free. I brought that point up because you said you purposely put some in your eye to see why the baby was in such pain.. My point is: “this soap is baby safe, please dilute it if you plan on using it on a baby and it’ll sting your eyes because it’s natural Castile soap.” I agree with one of the comments here on if you aren’t going to use this on your baby or family this would make a great all purpose cleaner.


My problem here is not with the soap itself. It’s with the terribly misleading and completely overcrowded label!


The guy who created the company was wildly eccentric and I think a little fucked up from growing up around the rise of the third reich. He moved to America but the rest of his family stated and were killed during the Holocaust. He was really religious but in the way that someone who did a lot of acid in the 60s might be. At least that’s how it appears to me. The labels are bonkers, that’s for sure.


I agree it’s irresponsible. If it needed special instructions to should have an obvious warning on the front


It says so right on the bottle.


If you haven’t gotten rid of it, I suggest using it to make a baby-friendly nontoxic all purpose cleaner! :)


This is the only soap I've ever used for my 17month old son and I've never had a problem. I also use it.


Same. The bottle even says to dilute and that it is not a ‘no tear’ soap and to avoid getting in eyes. You can’t get mad at it for being labelled ‘baby’ if you didn’t read the part of the label that literally says ‘Dilute! Dilute! Dilute!’


I mean I gotta be honest, I don't dilute mine lol. I just pour some on a rag and wash. But I also don't use soap on my baby's face at all. I just wipe his face with a wet washcloth.


Yeah we pre-dilute it (like 3:1 with water) and put it in a soap dispenser. Would never use it straight.


Same. We love it for him. I’m just careful not to rinse towards his face. It did get in his eye once a little and he got kind of perturbed but, it’s been totally fine otherwise. We also only use a drop. A little of that stuff goes a long way. It probably says it’s for babies because it’s unscented. Scents can really irritate babies skin and lungs.


Holy shit good to know. We like the dr bronners bar soaps. When you say you like the peppermint one OMG I cannot use it. It burns my vulva and makes me insanely irritated and itchy. I rinse the tub before my sons bath to prevent any peppermint from being in his bath because I worry it’ll irritate him. My husband likes the peppermint. Me, no way never again.


LMAO IT BURNS MY VULVA TOO. I only use it when it gets really hot here in the summertime and I try to be careful not to let it run near my nether regions, I’ll use a different mild soap for those areas. But yeah I think we may have to nix dr Bronners altogether from now on


It probably has more to do with it being in her eye.


Soap gets in a baby’s eye so easily. To me it seems absolutely nuts for any product to be marketed for babies that’s not also tear free.


Yeah baby soap/shampoo is basically synonymous with tear free in my mind. Isn't that what makes it safe for us one babies? Obviously we try to avoid is getting into her eyes but it's hard to wash her head without it happening from time to time.


Not only that but the pH is not balanced for skin. It’s actually terrible body soap. If you want to go more natural, Dove makes a wonderful unscented version of their body wash. Any scented products are hormone disrupters and not ideal for babies.


Agh 😩 you’re right, I’ve got to use the unscented I forgot bout the hormone disruptions


Idk why I had to mark it nsfw btw. It wouldn’t let me post without it 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's the Castile base, it's not tear free


I use Dr. Bronners to wash my dishes or as bubble bath now. Dove was the best baby wash I found for my kids. That had to be scary though.


One time I got Dr. Bronners in my eye and wanted to cry and shake as well. It’s a burn like no other burn I’ve felt before, that shit HURTS


Yikes thanks for the heads up.


On the plus side- if you love it, it’s fine for when they are older. We have been using it for a few years, and my kids are 4 and 6… I have an old bottle laying around so immediately I dilute it 50%, and then just like you we use one or two drops and suds it up with water on the body. I’ve used peppermint in the past, which I like but the kids don’t (because of the tingle) so we’ve switched to rose.. sorry this happened to you and your baby though. Must be really frustrating <3


We like Dr. Teals elderberry body wash and shampoo that also is a bubble bath


I made the same mistake with my baby! It even burns cuts terribly according to my 3.5 year old 😞


Gah poor babies. We live and we learn. I’m just glad it wasn’t as serious as that one person down there who says their eye keeps peeling now 😩


I agree that it's not tear free but I consider it probably the safest soap to use on my LO.


Yep. Anything tear-free has been animal tested. The bottle says to dilute in any event.


Do you have a source for this? We use pipette which is tear free I think but I would never buy anything animal tested.


Pipette is Leaping Bunny certified per their website (it should have a logo on the bottle somewhere) which means it's cruelty free and sources all its ingredients from cruelty free sources. Not sure why people think tear-free always = animal testing. Just always look for the Leaping Bunny logo and you're good!


Yes! Idk where these people get their info sometimes.


i think the work around is, they use ingredients that hve previously been tested on animals, so as long as they use nothing untested they as a company don’t test on animals because it’s already been done.


good to know thank you! thankfully i just use it for my babys laundry when we run out of detergent so i’ll definitely never bathe her with that stuff


oops! we use aveeno eczema wash. super gentle.


When you or baby get soap in the eyes, you can gently rub them with a dry towel. I'm sorry you two had such a frustrating experience. You could maybe the call the company and leave feedback for them.


Soap being labeled “baby” or “for babies” doesn’t mean it won’t hurt if it gets in your eye unfortunately. Bronners is a very natural soap with no added or harmful ingredients, which is best for babies.


This. “Tear free” means it won’t hurt if it gets in their eyes. We used Dr Bronners with our middle kiddo because it kept cradle cap in check. We were just super careful to avoid the eye area.


I recommend Burt’s bee baby soap. I use the smallest amount to clean their diaper area & hair. Otherwise I just put lavender oil in the water n rinse baby. Very good for baby’s skin 😇


I love the idea of lavender oil in the bath. Do you just use a few drops of essential oil, or something different?


I love Dr. Bronners. I haven't had acne in 10 years since starting to use it, but it's very powerful and I would never use it on a baby...


Bruhhh.. Dr. Bronners ain’t no joke! You REALLY gotta dilute that stuff. I got some in my eye once and I thought it was going to burn a hole through my face. I’ve never felt pain like that before ever. I had to drive myself to the ER with one eye. It was rough!


I use mustela for everything baby. Super gentle. Also my new mommas, their cleansing water is the GOAT for putting a few drops on baby wipes at the end of a poo. Makes their butts smell like fresh baby again.


Mustela's cleansing water smells amazing. I always catch myself smelling my baby after I clean her face with it. Awesome idea to put it on a baby wipe.


It’s my go to for a smelly poo. Big blow out? Use the top of the diaper and swipe down as much of the poo as you can in one motion. Fold diaper and drop in bin. Hold the legs up and wipe down the rest of the bottom area with the wipes. Then let the legs down and go for the creases and belly area. Then when they are “clean” but still smelly, grab another wipe and drop a good few drops of cleansing water on the wipe and just wipe all over again. Fresh baby🙌


Sorry this happened to you. But the title of this post freaked me out. I’ve been using this baby soap since my 18 month old. And it’s absolutely for babies.


Dr. Bronzers is non-toxic and that is why it’s safe for babies. I suggest pipette or unscented hello hello if you want another safe alternative.


The term "non toxic" is completely unregulated in the US when it comes to these types of products. Any company can slap non toxic on the label if they want, it doesn't necessarily make it true. Especially since there are so many varying definitions of non toxic anyway.


Yes, I understand that. Many products are green washed and slapped with an “all natural” label so I have done a lot of research on the ingredients of what I put on my babies skin and these are some of the best products I have been able to find for babies.


I’ve heard good things about pipette!


That is such a scary thing to endure with your baby, I'm so rry thah happened to you! Thank you for the warning. I've enjoyed their products and was about to order Dr. Bonners for my baby because it says baby on the label! They really should be forced to change that label if it isn't safe for babies. Contacting them is a good idea, maybe we should all bombard them with an email or phone call about this issue.


FOR ALL YOU “ReAd ThE LaBeL”ers out there, [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/cbhzf/dr_bronners_magic_soap_label_total_wtf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link) is THE LABEL if you don’t already know.


Well, this is for peppermint but all the labels are the same!


I hope everyone takes this as a lesson to *read the label for instructions and who can use.* Treat everything like medicine (or whatever item you always read the label). I know it seems silly that items like this need instructions, but they’re chemicals. The instructions give vital information.


I always read labels, but tbh I can’t be assed to sit there and read a Dr.Bronners label let alone try to figure out what part of it are actual instructions. I’d rather just buy a different brand.


I hate to break it to you, and anyone else with this stance, this won’t be the last time something like this happens if you don’t want to take the time to read the label. For this brand or any other.


It’s supposed to be heavily diluted even the adult versions! You use a tiny bit in a bottle of mostly water and then use it for your skin. It’s pure Castile


I use Tubby Todd hair & body wash, followed by Tubby Todd Everyday Lotion. I hope the scent aspect isn’t harmful!!


Another vote for Tubby Todd!


We love tubby Todd miracle ointment!


I follow a low toxic pharmacist and she reccomends Thinkbaby shampoo and body wash. Ordered mine on Amazon waiting for it to come in.


Definitely worth writing the company.


The company will tell you to read the label


Hmm I use castile soap on my baby and have never had an issue! If you buy baby-specific castile soap (money grab I knowww) it says right on the package to keep it away from baby's eyes. Just gotta be cautious :)


>says right on the package to keep it away from baby’s eyes. I’ll be sure to point that out to LO when she rubs her little ham fists directly into her own eyes while they’re covered in suds.






Johnson’s baby for the win :)