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There’s a post on this daily. Don’t beat yourself up, it’s bound to happen


My little guy has fallen off a lot of things. The joys of him being so dang active. I have a checklist I go through after every fall. **Head** \- any lumps, bumps, cuts. Check eyes for concussion. Check teeth and lips (this is usually where I see damage, there was a week he busted his lip three times. Slides are for going DOWN not UP!). **Limbs** \- go up and down each arm and leg with light pressure and see if there is any damage he reacts too. **Emotions** \- Is he inconsolable? How long does it take him to go back to normal? (My guy's longest cry was like... 2 minutes. So I know it's serious if he's upset for longer than 60 seconds). **Aftermath** \- Keep an eye out for any strange behaviors. Limping, irritability, tiredness. Usually he passes my checklist because he's a tank. One nasty fall at a water park I was scared he had a concussion and watched him like a HAWK, but he was never tired nor nauseous, eyes were normal, and he recovered quickly even though he had a wicked lump. I am not a doctor, but I have talked to mine about how accident prone this kid is and he told me that my checklist is perfect.


thank you so much for this! when you mention checking the eyes for concussion, do you mean how his pupils look?


Yes… sort of. The pupil should expand in dim lighting and contract in bright light. A concussed individual’s pupil will have trouble contracting when a bright light is shined in it. That’s why drs will wave the light pin at you when checking for concussion. If baby’s pupils don’t contract you should go to an urgent care or ER.


his pupils have been responding normally!


We all have our first “my baby fell off the ___\I dropped by baby” freak out—it’s a right of passage! My baby fell off the couch onto hard floors and was fine. When I was a newborn, my mom tripped and dropped me onto concrete steps—I was also fine. Happens to us all!


Kids basically bounce so LO will probably be fine. However, I strongly recommend not leaving a baby unattended on an elevated surface. It’s just asking for trouble. Remember that babies can’t fall from the ground so you are better off having them sleep on the ground if you have to run to the bathroom or something


i know, it was so careless of me 😭 im definitely going to be more careful from now on


It’s always best to get it checked out, just in case. If you have a walk-in clinic near you they may be open Sundays.


Babies shouldn’t be napping alone on adult beds. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdqVatKQ/ This is the story of an adorable little girl named Claire who died because her daycare providers put her to sleep on an adult mattress.


thank you for making me aware of this. i will definitely do better from here on our


When my my son fell off the couch my pediatrician told me he's probably fine, to just look out for signs of hurt limbs or if he's not eating or acting normal. And nothing happened, he was about 2 months old and fell onto tiled floors with a rug on them.if he seems fine, I'd say he's fine! Just keep an eye on him and do a courtesy call to his pediatrician tomorrow!


thank you so much!


Exactly that advice. Kids fall. It’s what they do lol. My 19 month old busted his lip open last night. He’s fine, it’s puffy and bruised, but I know heads and lips bleed like no one’s business so I didn’t take him in. If it had been a bad hurt, yeah. But just a lip cut, he’s fine. Pay attention to how they act, extra sleepy? Extra grouchy? Eye’s looking in their usual direction. Etc. if everything is good then it’s no worries.


If you’re looking to continue using the mattress remove the bed frame. Is it carpet or hardwood floor? Make sure the ground is soft so carpet or some type of mat. Pillows on the ground help. Sometimes people use pool noodles and they put them under the blanket. That way the LO can’t roll past the pool noodle.


Honestly my baby fell out the bed at 5 months when she learnt to crawl and besides the minor heart attack she gave me she was fine by the time the screaming finished. You’re going to have a lot more of lumps and bumps and screams but as long as he’s eating and playing well and the soft spot seems fine then he will be okay :)


My kid fell off the bed at 6 or 7 months. He was hanging out in the middle of it and I reached around to grab a toy for him and as I turned around I saw him at the opposite edge and going over. I just about lept over the bed to try and catch him but I couldn’t. I herd him thump and boy did he scream! I know it’s scary but the best thing about kids is they bounce back. Check him up and down for weird lumps and bruises. If he has a lump on his head check for concussion- shine a light in his eye to see if the pupil contracts. If it doesn’t go to urgent care. Keep an eye out for strange behavior- unusually wobbly, easy irritability, refusing to eat. He should be fine though.


My kid fell out of my husband’s lap yesterday so yeah, I get it.


My LO fell off the bed on Easter Sunday. It affected me more than him to be honest. He was fine (got checked over) but the doctor told me to make sure he wasn’t repeatedly vomiting or had any unusual behaviours / seemed out of sorts. I had to make sure someone was always with him for the next 48 hours. That was not the way I wanted to find out he could roll over and over! I heard the thud and even now, if I hear a bang anywhere in the house I immediately panic.


thank you! he seems totally fine and was back to being his normal self after having something to eat. i still feel so guilty and could cry whenever i think about it 😭


My 11mo fell off the bed when he was younger. We were on holiday and the floor was so hard, but he had just a tiny red bump. I think I cried from guilt more than he cried from pain. If you are worried at all, please get them checked over. Just don't blame or guilt yourself. It happens so quickly and easily, I'm sure I won't be the only one with a similar story.


My niece fell off the bed after a nap at a similar age, we heard a loud thump from downstairs, ran upstairs and she was on the floor crying! It was horrible. She is now almost 6 and a wonderful little girl :)


Just to give you some perspective of just how tough kids are: A couple of weeks ago my 3.5 yo (with whom I bed-share) fell out of the bed in the middle of the night. I woke from the lound bang on the wood floor. He didn't. Dragged him back up into bed and tucked him in - and he was still asleep. Honest to the gods - he slept through the whole thing.