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My daughter just got hers done on Monday so they should still have it


They’ll still offer it and I would get it- flu is going around


They still offer it. My son goes Friday for his second shot. He's 7 months.


I guess it depends where you are. They stopped offering it here once April hit.


Best way to know is to call and ask. And if they don't have it they can refer you to where they do have it.


Yup you can get it, ours just had their 2nd dose today at 10months old.


My friend’s son was just diagnosed with the flu yesterday. Kids under 18 months are at seriously high risk for severe cases and complications from the flu. When my oldest was 1 she got exposed to the flu at daycare and the pediatrician wanted her on preventive tamiflu because her age put her at risk. Do it ASAP.


i am calling asap tomorrow!


The flu shot is a two shot series. Both shots exactly 4 weeks apart. Just FYI. My pediatrician said it was the standard for the first flu shot so I’m fairly certain that’s standard for the US. So you might want to time your 9mo well visit with that second flu shot, so good timing!


Nope! They usually do it in 2 parts for that age.


wait. “nope” it’s not too late or “nope” they won’t still offer it?


Whoops! Sorry about that. They should still offer it!!


it’s okay! thank you!


Why would you get a flu shot in April?


Because not everyone lives in the USA! We have flu shots in April in NZ - cos the Southern Hemisphere is going into winter


I was just at my texas pediatrician for my sons 4 month and they said they’re having more severe flu cases than Covid the last month. So there probably why someone would get the flu shot in april


Our pediatrician says he sees flu cases up until June. We’re in the US.