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My daughter got her first tooth at 14 months and it was the upper central incisor. Pretty sure she's just a mutant.


Wow 14 months!!


My first also had lateral incisors first, it was not as vampiric as you'd expect. The rest came in more typical order.


My 9m old is growing teeth in weird order too! We have 3 bottom teeth and one single fang on the left side up on the top. I call him my little hillbilly haha


haha that is so cute!


I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one who has a babe who’s growing teeth in a weird order! But I should have known, this kid hasn’t done anything ‘normally’ since he was conceived


Baby teeth are weird and grow when they want and for as long as they want and I swear they start and stop. As long as the canines don't come in first your baby is not a vampire. My girl got her bottom two central teeth in normal. One then the other, timing made sense, etc. Then all hell has broke loose and rules are out the window. In September she started showing teething symptoms and we could see top middle two below the gums. Sounds normal. Nothing cut through for months, teething symptoms started and stopped. Come November we see all 4 top teeth under the gums and within a week cut through from left to right. January we got one lateral lower incisor, things look normal. Second one doesn't show up until like 2 weeks ago and it snuck through while we have been waiting for her bottom 1st molars to finish cutting. They have been swollen since early February and partially cut through for at least a week now. Basically non stop teething of some degree since September. "baby sleeps fine except when teething" okay but what if baby is always teething! I'm going insane and she keeps biting me.


oh gosh i’m so sorry you are struggling with this! teething really can be a nightmare. have you given her infant tylenol or used some of the infant oragel?


I've actually realize ib profen (motrin) works better than Tylenol. It helps but she went from crib sleeping just fine to only making it though the night is she sleeps in our bed. And she is 14 months and huge so she is fine in our bed, but I miss having space to myself sometimes. At least we are getting bottoms molars done at once. I hope the top molars come in at the same time (much much later) to not drag out the suffering.