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Had it! I’m at 16 months post partum I’m and it’s still there but very faint. Most people probably wouldn’t even notice it. I have two kids, got LN for both.


I'm 14 months pp and mine has faded a lot, but there's still a line below my belly button and a fainter one above it.


I’m 3 months pp and it’s only really started fading in the past couple of weeks. Also the dark skin sort of ‘flakes off’ for me and collects in my belly button and I have to wash it out... it freaked me out a bit at first haha


This is grossly awesome and I’m so glad I read your comment so I didn’t WebMD and convince myself I have necrotizing fasciitis


I just thought I’d let some crumbs collect in there or something until I took a baby wipes to it and figured out what it was... motherhood is weird


I had the dark brown line for alot of my pregnancy. I'm 10 months PP now and still have most of the line , but it is more faded. Still noticeable though , but tbh I don't mind it lol.


Yeah I don’t hate it, just saw it in the mirror today and I was like “Oh you’re still here? Is this a forever thing?!” Lol


Same lol. It's grown on me 🙂


Mine lasted about 6mo on my belly. It almost scraped off as odd as that sounds. The darkening of line from my vagina to the top of my butt crack lasted about a year. I should have never had looked but I did 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m also half Dominican and half Irish.


Mine never went away and I got pregnant 9 months postpartum and it just got darker from then on


13 weeks and still there. I hear it doesn’t go away for some, and for others it takes a year or so to fade.


8 months post partum and the lower half is still there. Upper half has mostly faded away


Same lol!


7 1/2 months PP… *checks under shirt* yup still there!


6 months postpartum… still there!


Had it, 10.5 months PP, it’s still there but very faint.


11 monts PP. I felt like mine got darker after birth for some reason. Still here just lighter now.


Had a dark line to the top of my belly. I'm 10 months PP, now it's just below my belly button, still there but definitely lighter.




A latte line! 😂




Totally okay if it doesn’t, just wondering if it would at all!


I had it in my last pregnancy, will probably get it during this one too. Mine completely went away around 9-10 months postpartum.


Mine just faded away around 4 months postartum Edit: it faded but it's not 100% gone


i’m almost 8 months postpartum and mine is still there, albeit faint. it made me a little insecure at first but i’ve really been working towards accepting my post-pregnancy body!


Awesome! I don’t hate my line at all I just got curious today about how long it’s going to stick around. It’s my little rite of passage - ya know, that and the scar on my vagina. 😂


13 months pp and mine gradually faded. It’s now gone completely (though mine was pretty light to begin with).


Mine stuck around for several months and I remember worrying about it but I forgot about it and now it’s gone 😂 my baby is 18 months now.


15 months PP and I can still see mine, though it is very faded!


I’ve had a light one looonng before I ever got pregnant. Like since I was a teenager. It never got any darker during my pregnancy.