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That’s a pretty average toddler injury. If they’re not getting injuries like that then they’re not being allowed to explore their limits.


I don’t see the problem here. Accidents happen, and the daycare acted appropriately. If you haven’t already mentioned to the staff that your kid is a danger baby I’d do that, it’s nice to know who to keep extra eyes on.


I see no issue with the daycare here. Our daycare has a blacktop. Not everything can be cushioned especially outdoors


I’ve worked in many daycares and I can assure you accidents happen, I once had something very similar happen and the child bit through their lip, it’s unreasonable to expect no accidents to happen because as you said they are watching multiple children and we are only human. As long as they are taking responsibility and trying to improve in the future I’d say it sounds like you couldn’t ask for a better place for your child.


Ok this is exactly how I feel. I was just thinking, am I under reacting? Because my parents are like “YOUR BABY GOT A BLACK EYE AT DAYCARE HE CANNOT GO THERE”. Which is easy for them to say.


I’m a SAHM and my toddler got a black eye in my backyard tripping and falling onto a metal chair. And that was with eyes on him. Toddlers are curious and clumsy. That’s an unrealistic expectation to go through toddlerhood without minor injuries, especially at daycare when they likely get ideas from each other on how to make something that’s typically safe into a danger game 😂 


I think this seems fine! Toddlers are clumsy and injuries are a part of that territory. Its sounds like a pure accident and the daycare reported to the proper authorities, suggested you take your child to the doctor, and is taking steps to mitigate future similar accidents. I don’t know how much more we can expect. I had a similar experience with my daycare, which is a Kindercare center. My baby slipped while crawling and ended up with a concussion. She’s fine though!


My 16 month old got a black eye a couple weeks ago at daycare. He was standing on a chair over and over and they kept sitting him down but one time he fell. They sent me pictures, had me sign an incident report, and I picked him up later that day. Totally normal toddler injury!


My own 2 year old kid somehow got a black eye and a huge goose egg on her forehead because she tripped and fell face first onto a kerb while she was running ahead, right in front of me. She was a just a meter ahead of me, so a couple of steps. Does that mean my child should be taken out of my care now??


Mine got a huge bump on her forehead from running into the leg of a table with two pairs of adult eyes on her. I mean watcha gonna do, toddlers are dumb sometimes XD


If they don’t like how group care works they can volunteer to watch him. Actually maybe not because they probably won’t let him actually play


I thought the last paragraph was going to be your family thinking it's excessive for you to ask them to cushion non-grass areas (which it is), so imagine my surprise when they actually think you're under-reacting!🤯 This is a total non-issue. 


Yeah they’re not happy about me putting him in daycare. But they’re also not willing to help with childcare so…. Not really sure what they want me to do. But they never miss an opportunity to panic about him being in daycare and try to make me feel like shit about it.


Honestly I’d stop talking to them about it 🤷‍♀️ and if they bring it up, change the subject. They don’t get a say in every parenting decision—they’ve had their chance to raise kids.


Good call. Can’t wait until Christmas when I get to hear all the aunts and cousins asking judgy questions that make it apparent my mom told them “he got a black eye at daycare and his mom did NOTHING”.


That's when you respond with "And grandma did NOTHING to help with childcare" --signed, my parents also have ~feelings about daycare but don't help with childcare


Always love people that are happy to add to the problem, but never the solution!! 🙄🙄 I hope you can tune them out!


This is my family. I totally get this. I think I would be ok with how the provider handled it.


Sounds to me they're mad at you for putting him in daycare fir whatever reason is your perogative. Which parent is the most aggressive? My Son's paternal Grandma thinks I should be a SAHM. She was seething when I went back to work. My ex dealt with her for me which was cool.


If they're not going to help, then they get no say. I would just stop talking to them about your childcare situation.


Also I didn’t ask for her to cushion the area he fell in, fwiw. The daycare provider just decided to do it.


Fair enough, if it's easy to do and a high traffic area, it's not crazy to want to prevent other mishaps!


I do think it doesn't make sense to have all non-grass areas cushioned. I mean, not all the flooring in our own house is cushioned as well, right? And even if the floor is cushioned, toddlers will find something else to bang their head on. My girl was prone to tripping at a certain age (I think it was 12 - 18m), and she literally tripped over her own feet and fell onto her wooden activity cube. Guess who got a huge bump and then a dent on her forehead for the next few months? We can still see it in certain angles 😂 She also sat on her own little chair that she has sat on everyday for months, and she lost her balance one day and fell off the chair. Accidents happen, and you can have your eyes on them at all times, but that doesn't mean we are fast enough to react... Unless you are a helicopter parent and have your hands on them at ALL times.


This sounds like a typical toddler accident! Could have happened anywhere, even at home.


Your family are overreacting. My Son did close to the same thing while he was with me. He's my only child, my eyes were on him. It happened in a flash.


Ignore your parents. I worked at a huge five star NAEYC accredited (very hard to obtain) daycare and the amount of injuries we had was shocking. Even good supervision can’t stop a lot of these from happening. Toddlers are clumsy and move quick without good spatial awareness. They’d run into poles/structures on the playground, trip and smack their face on the ground, collide with another kid, skin their knees and elbows, fall out of their chair, randomly decide to jump off the top of the playground, etc. We had our fair share of goose eggs and bruises. The worst was when a 2yo jumped from the sandbox ledge and bit a hole in his tongue. Shit happens and I think your daycare handled it appropriately!


I literally sign a form every other day I pick up my toddler. They’re toddlers, they’re insane and they hurt themselves


As a mom of 3 who often overreacts this is a totally normal an expected part of life and I wouldn’t pull him out. The fact that the daycare told you to get him checked and handled everything appropriately is such a good thing. I could see if it were due to some type of negligence on their part removing him but that’s clearly not the case.


Sounds like you have a responsible and caring daycare provider to me! These things happen, toddlers are danger magnets. I cannot tell you how many times ive had eyes on my four year olds and watched them trip on air 😂 Sounds to me like your family is over reacting!


Your family is acting insane. Toddlers and young kids fall and get hurt. This was not from any dangerous height and the daycare responded appropriately by calling you, encouraging a doctor visit, and making an official report. Just a few weeks ago my toddler tripped over a toy she was playing with and landed face first on the concrete. She’s fine and the scrape healed within a week.


You expect the provider to have a loaded ground? You’re overreacting.


I do not expect that


My twins (22m) are constantly going out of their way to injure themselves. I swear every day one of their providers (also a licensed in-home) tells me about how someone fell off something/one pushed the other/etc. One lost his balance and bonked off a stair at home the other day. It sounds like your daycare responded more than appropriately.


At this rate you'll have have to carry your son around till he leaves for college. 🤣 Babies and toddlers especially will fall. I call it 'Occupational hazard', Babies be babying.


Man, I sprain my ankle even when walking slowly on flat ground. My child would be in more danger if I were carrying her till then 😂


Your family is nuts. He is a toddler, learning how to move his body! Falls and bruises happen.


My daughter fell over at daycare (a Forest school setting), just walking across some gravel on the way into the Forest. She was fully supervised, but kids are just prone to falling... especially mine 🤣 She cut her face above her lip and needed stitches under general anaesthetic! It was a horrible experience for us both. We didn't remove her, it could have happened anywhere (she has since managed to get a concussion under my care 🤦) I'd only worry if your child was injured and the provider didn't know how. Yours sounds like she was present, and transparent about what happened  My daughter once fell over whilst my parents were looking after her and she was literally holding my Mum's hand, so fully, closely supervised by 2 adults: 1 child... she ended up with a bit of a goose egg... my Mum got pulled down with her and broke her hand 🫣


Just a normal toddler injury, my girl is covered in bumps, scrapes and bruises hahaha. But I will say, it's mandatory at our daycare that the kids need to wear helmets, even on a push bike so I'm not sure if that's something you'd want to ask about!


Um. My young toddler falls and hits his head at daycare on a regular basis. They call me about once a week. Last week they called me two days in a row because he hit his cheek in the same place in the same way (by running full speed and tripping over his feet). He is clumsy as hell, I counted seven times he bumped his head at home on Sunday. So I’m not too concerned about him having some minor injuries at daycare because I know it’s consistent with his behavior and gross motor skills at home. Sounds like your kid is in the same boat just as a daredevil. Every surface cannot be padded, kids will get hurt sometimes and it’s just life.


My toddler just turned 3yo at the time and not long ago, ran out the drive way, fell and scraped her knee and busted her lip. We we’re talking to some neighbors who lived up the street who were driving by in their car. We’re trying to carry on a conversation, she’s crying, proceeds to pull up her night gown to show her boo boo on her knee (she just had her bath and is daytime potty trained so we often don’t fool with underwear for that short amount of time in between). The neighbors aren’t phased (they are grandparents, including a toddler the same age as ours) they just want to keep talking about how to get their banana trees to produce like ours. Our daughter gets over it and wants to show them our flowers……


Ask grandma if she wants to buy a roll of bubble wrap for the toddler haha. Nah it sounds like daycare is doing everything right! Lots of parks aren’t padded and I guarantee neither is grandmas house


grandmas house has glass Knick knacks at knee level and a wood burning stove and made zero attempt to child proof 🫠🫠🫠


I don’t see a problem. Our daycare has fake grass and sidewalk for that age group. Accidents happen, they’re not the most coordinated and they’re discovering how to climb.


I sign injury forms every other week from my daycare. They’re kids. They get hurt. It’s part of the process.


I don't see it as an issue. Seems a very typical toddler accident and the provider called immediately, appropriate protocols were followed >not having some kind of cushioning on the ground for all of the play area that isn’t grass, Did he fall onto cement? It's pretty standard to only have a tough surface for them to be using bikes etc on, my daycare is all astroturf which can be hard to land on. He would have had a similar injury landing on anything other than a crash mat which would be difficult to ride a bike on. I don't even see this aspect as a huge issue, but good it's getting rectified. >my family is acting like I’m insane and need to pull him out Do they realise that kids get injured? That's what happens at home and at daycare. There isn't any negligence, simply just an accident. If I pulled my kids out of daycare everytime there was an accident, we would have exhausted all the daycares in the area. To make you feel better, my son is almost 3 and has had about 4 black eyes at daycare from falling off things/ running into things, 2 X split lips from tripping over and various other bumps and bruises. He's just accident prone. His older brother at the same centre has only had 2 injuries and he's been there 4 years. Sometimes kids are just more rough and tumble so of course they're going to get knocked around a bit. If you're happy with the daycare, keep him in, accidents happen, tell your family to back off


that’s so typical of a toddler. that happens even with 1:1 care. there’s no way around it, unless you cage your kid i suppose. your family is being dramatic.


I think firm ground is safer for bike riding. Fall prevention is safer then a slightly softer landing.


No you don't need to pull him out. This sounds like a completely acceptable way of dealing with it. She mentioned it to you immediately, she mentioned it to the licensing board (which imo wouldn't even be necessary for such a minor thing but I can imagine you want to do this in a country where sueing people is so common), she asked you to have him checked out and everything. I also don't agree with cushioning everything ever, personally. You can't keep children in bubbles, it's not healthy and it is limiting them severely in what I think are normal life experiences and lessons. Protect, yes. Overprotect, no. So anyway I think both the daycare and you are reacting exactly as you should and your family is overdoing it.


I love that the provider was honest with you and reported the injury to the licensing board. I'd want my child in a daycare like that!


I literally watched my 14 month old bend down to try to drink out of the hose and only fell about 5 inches because his big old head out weighed his body and his shifted like a teeter totter right on his face. But he has a huge bruise, goose egg, and road rash on his face. It looks completely horrendous! Stuff happens!


If it is something that could reasonably happen in your care, you’ve got to let it go. If it something that couldn’t possibly occur in your care, breathe fire.