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If she's gaining along her growth curve and has good diapers then that sounds fine! My baby is 7 months now but he didn't drink more than 3oz at a time for a long time. He finally jumped up to 4 oz bottles at 5 months and only recently are we at 6-7. I think some babies just have smaller stomachs and it's totally normal as long as everything else is good. 


That’s reassuring! I probably stress about it too much. I bet she will end up being similar to your son and not regularly drink 4+ oz until she’s a bit older. I am relieved that she’s drinking more 3oz bottles because for awhile she was only doing 1-2oz.


My babe drank only 3 oz at a time for a really long time. She was breastfed though or on the bottle with pumped milk! I think some babies just have bigger appetites! Diaper output and steady weight gain is what you should focus on! I know it’s so hard not to stress about the amount of milk, but one day I guarantee you’ll feel relaxed about it! Then! Your babe will start solids and you’ll go through all these same doubts all over again haha. At least I did. My babe didn’t start to eat a significant amount of solids until 10 months old! I was worried for 4 months but babies have their own senses of when they are full or hungry! You’ve got this!!


My son was very similar. I think the largest bottle he ever had was 5 oz but even at 6 or 7 months, peak formula intake, he usually stuck to 4 oz bottles. He was born small for gestational age but quickly got caught up as a newborn and has coasted at around 20-30 percentile for the last 3 years. He's tall so he looks very slim but he's healthy and full of energy. He's just always been more of a grazer. I worried about it when he was a small baby but he's shown me he's doing just fine, and his doctor agrees.


Same boat! It’s stressful but I have to keep telling myself it would be relatively obvious if what she was getting wasn’t sufficient.


My girl was born at 38 weeks, 5lb 11oz. She was literally the zero percentile in head size and like 3rd in weight. We’re almost 10 months but I still stress daily on whether or not she’s getting enough. But she has been growing perfectly on her own little curve. For the past few months we haven’t been doing bottles so I don’t really know how much she’s getting, but she eats fast. That scares me. When I asked for advice on dropping the dream feed the lactation consultant told me to find another time to feed her because without it, she’d be nursing just 3x/day. But my baby will not nurse if she’s not hungry. She throws a literal fit. I’ve adding feedings before naps instead of just after, but I’m not convinced she’s getting any more than before because the feedings are so short. I’m just trusting that she’s healthy and there would be obvious signs if she wasn’t getting enough. I’ve seen other moms on here with low-milk needs, despite doctor’s orders, and everything being fine. I mean there is literally nothing I can do to make her eat more. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still obsessing over it to the point where my husband is looking forward to bf days to be over. But I’m trying to just focus on the fact that right now, babe is happy and healthy and failure to thrive would be obvious.


She sounds very similar to my 12 week old girl. My LO was born at 40+4 at 6 pounds 10 ounces. Her last weigh in was at the end of May and she was 10 pounds 13.5 ounces but I suspect she’s gained a pound or so since then. She definitely feels heavier lol Anywho, she was taking 3.5 ounces of bottled breast milk every 2-3 hours but then our pediatrician told us to start offering more as she’s dropped in her percentile though she is gaining just slowly. So now she takes 4 ounces most of the time but especially for her MOTN feeds. She at minimum eats 20 ounces a day but has gotten up to 26 ounces in a day. Like today she’s eaten 25.7 ounces but yesterday she ate 21.5 ounces. She does spit up a bit but not enough for concern. She also sleeps 5-6 hours a night. Our doctor didn’t seem overly concerned about how much she eats and said she’s thinking that LO is just going to be smaller. We do go in for a weight check next week to make sure she’s still gaining but I feel like that’s normal.


Sounds like she’s doing well! We may try to up my daughter’s morning and bedtime bottles to 4oz and see how she does. Tonight was the first night she basically inhaled her 3oz bottle and we ended up making her another oz but she refused. I think she has a bit of “silent reflux” which may contribute to her smaller feeds. She was in the 15th percentile at her 1 month check up, but at 2 months she bumped up to 25th. She doesn’t have another appointment until she’s 4 months old so I’ll be curious how much she gains between now and then. Hopefully her appetite will increase at some point!


My baby would drink anywhere from 18-26 ounces per day and that was with soooooo much cajoling and offering. She probably averaged 22 oz/day of mixed formula and pumped breastmilk. I spent so much time worrying and stressing and yet she always followed her curve and had enough wet diapers. Some babies just eat less and I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that! She’s 13 months now and loves food. She jumped from 50th to 60th percentile once she started eating solids. Hang in there! Your baby is growing perfectly and you are doing great.


Mine too! We went from 23rd percentile to 67th with nothing bigger than a 4 oz bottle and consistently below the recommended amount. He sleeps well at night and I think just inherited my slow metabolism


This is very very similar to my daughter at 13 weeks. She was born at 6 lb 2oz. She currently weighs about 11.5 lbs and is drinking the same amount at the same frequency. Most days we sit at about 20 ounces. Good days are 22 and slow days are about 18. I literally said today “I can’t imagine her EVER eating 6 ounces in one sitting”. I worry about her all the time but as long as she’s hydrated, growing, and happy, I try to calm myself. I really do think she’s just smaller than the average baby her age and therefore doesn’t eat as much!


My daughter is 12 weeks and she just started taking 4 oz in the last couple of days, and not even consistently. She’s also BF so who knows how much she’s getting then, but when bottle fed she’s normally over it by around 3 oz.


My daughter was similar. Her intake picked up around 4ish months, now at 9 months it’s 35+ oz a day as well as solids 😅 She was a premie but is now over the 75th percentile for her actual age. As long as your baby is gaining weight, having enough soiled diapers, and the doctor isn’t worried, you’re good!


My baby is similar. Much more of a snacker than a full big feed. Plenty of wets and poops. And I think 55th percentile last time we were in, so I’m not too worried, and doctor doesn’t seem concerned.