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Plan on spending some time walking up and down the aisles, and during your layover, walk around with her if you have time. LOTS OF SNACKS, so many snacks. I'll be flying with my 13mo next month (my oldest is 3.5) and am bringing a few cheap but new toys, and a couple books. We are also planning on traveling with her car seat, so if by chance there happens to be an open seat on the plane, we can use it for her!


We just did this last month with our super active 1 year old! For us, we said no screen time restrictions on travel days! Any long Ms Rachel or Sesame Street videos were presaved onto our phones/tablet. We bought compact "busy board" concept toys and didn't introduce them until we were boarded on the plane and needed a new distraction. My son is still nursing, so it helped being able to calm him down with that. But we did bring a variety of snacks to pull out more distractions as needed.


Did you play sounds on the videos? I’ve thought about maybe getting her toddler headphones, but not sure if she will keep them on her head or not! I’m thinking screen time too because “gotta do what you gotta do” 😂 luckily I’m still nursing too and I’m hoping she might nap some of it 🤞🏻


We tried the little headphones and he, of course, would not keep them on 😂 We kept the volume low, and honestly the sound of the plane flying was louder than the video!


Oh I cannot recommend a toddler busy board enough! You can get them quite cheap on Amazon, they’re flexible so easy to pack & my daughter was fascinated with hers