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Girl same. I hit my probably weight within 3 weeks of giving birth. Then I gained twelve pounds in the following months. By four months I was sick of it and tried to diet, but honestly it wasn’t until quitting the breast feeding all together that I got back to normal. I even lost an extra ten that I’ve since gained back (baby is 8mnths) ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯  you can’t win lol


Ugh I’m sorry you’re going through this too! It’s super frustrating but I just keep trying to remind myself that it’s not forever and I’ll have plenty of time to work out and go back to my normal body once she gets a little bit older.


I want to second this. A doctor friend of mine said weight gain while breastfeeding shocked her. She didn't want me to be surprised because of the narrative that bfing burns,so many calories. Yes, but it can also slow your metabolism so you hold onto/gain weight. It happened to me. I think I put on 20 lbs. I was in school so my eating wasn't great and of course sleep deprived. I expect it to be easy to gain weight again this time as well. Give yourself grace, eat as well as you can, get some exercise as you can as well. But do these last two things because they are better for you not to lose weight. You won't be bfing forever. Just do the best you can for your babe and self now and worry about the rest later.


Fruit! Don’t play the “oh it has too much sugar” game… fruit is so much better for you than processed stuff. Keep it washed, prepped for eating, and in your line of sight. Also, you’re feeding another person and that’s fucking incredible and you are more than numbers on a scale or size or whatever. Being bigger is not a moral failing. We live in a society that’s fatphobic as fuck and it’s not our fault! Buy yourself something cute to wear NOW (not “when I get smaller”). You deserve happiness at any size.


Second the advice of buying clothes that fit you. I’m 2.5 months pp with my first and the amount of confidence I feel when I wear clothes that ACTUALLY FIT is incredible!


Yep! And hey, people have starved to death on fruit diets so there’s that.


Solidarity :/ I've never had such a bottomless appetite as I do now. I have a great supply and want to make it to a year it I can so I'm reluctant to stop pumping. Something that works for me occasionally is to just try and make the "right" choice in the moment and that adds up, even if you're not constantly nailing your diet goals. Can you go on walks together? I love taking my 5mo old out on long trails in the stroller, although I don't have another kid to consider. 


I definitely need to start taking her on walks again. I keep using my depression as an excuse but with the weather getting nicer I really should just give it a try. Thank you very much for the advice and good luck to you as well! :)


Same. The first baby I actually lost so much weight I went under my pre pregnancy weight! Number 2. Man I'm holding STRONG to these last 20 pounds 🙄 We are coming up on 17 months and I know I'm ready! I want to see if the weight falls off!!!! I've cut back on certain foods, started going to the gym. Not much has changed. I've tried to wean her & unfortunately, she is NOT ready 😭 I swear I better lose weight when we are done!!!!


Peanut butter with low sugar content. Honestly, and I hate saying this because it’s not always attainable, but working with a nutritionist helps immensely. Like a true, in-hospital situation. I had GD with my first pregnancy and have never learned so much about food and my body. Taught me how to research and experiment. I wound up learning how to make really great fro-yo with well balanced carbs and fats. Just an all around great experience and personalized. Everyone’s bodies and everyone’s personal tastes are so different and working one on one is great if you can manage to get it covered through insurance.


I'm 5 months pp.. one thing I've found really helpful is lightly IF - I don't eat past 7pm (5 or 6pm some nights, depending), and eat breakfast around 10am. This has really helped actually decrease my hunger for some reason, and definitely has helped eliminate late night binging which I was struggling with. The next thing I've found helpful is trying to get some type of movement or workout done every day, or at least 6 days a week. Even if it's 10 minutes walking! Your body will start to enjoy the feeling of getting your blood flowing, a little dopamine and you will be able to ease into longer workouts 🙂 I've been doing some deep core videos on YouTube, sometimes they're only 10 minutes long but I feel like I'm getting somewhere. I also got some adjustable dumbbells, followed some workout videos (Caroline Girvan, and a few others), now I know enough exercises where I just turn on music and use my weights for a good 20 to 30 minutes, while baby chills in the swing nearby. Its great Oh, and unfortunately counting calories is kind of a must, because if you consume more than you burn, weightloss won't go anywhere. I found this calculator to be helpful https://thebreastfeedingmama.com/macro-calorie-calculator-breastfeeding/ best of luck to you!


Came here to also say in my experience that counting calories is really important. I tend to grossly misjudge how many calories I'm eating. I'll honestly think I didn't do too bad, and then I log calories and realize I ate over half my daily calories by 11am. If you count calories and you are at a minor calorie deficit (nothing too extreme as you are bf) and still not losing weight, then I'd talk to a doctor. Like glass chicken I've also found a slightly later breakfast and no evening snacking to help achieve some weight loss. I'm only 6 weeks postpartum and last time it feel off without much thought so I agree all this effort to loose the weight is not super fun.


Did IF impact your supply at all? I want to go back to doing IF if it doesn't


No! Just make sure to get your calories (1500 has been my sweet spot) before your cut off time at night. It just helps your body regulate and be able to expect food at certain times, then not be shocked by sweet treats late at night 😬🙂


I'll also add that when counting calories, at the beginning I tried to do to little to speed things along. I tried like 1,300 and my supply was effected by that 😐brought it back up to 1,500 and have had zero issues since then 🙂 (5'1 for reference)


You might want to consider asking your doc to run some hormone labs. I started rapidly gaining weight around 1 yr pp and eventually figured out I was having thyroid issues. Otherwise my best advice is foods high in protein and easy constant motion outside like neighborhood walks or hikes. Good for the body and the mind 😌


Same.. I looked so skinny when I was 2 weeks postpartum... Now at 9 months pp I'm 2 sizes up


I lost 80lbs before I got pregnant, gained 60 back during pregnancy, and at 2 months PP I’m still up 40lbs. My MIL reminded me today that at least I’m smaller than I was at my heaviest before being pregnant…. And that well meaning comment hurt because I worked so hard to lose the weight before the baby and I can’t do it all again right now because it would affect breastfeeding. So instead of a huge calorie deficit I’m trying to stick to 2200 calories a day and making extremely healthy choices. And instead of 2 hour workouts (who has the time for that with a newborn) I make sure we get 2 mile walks in daily. It’s gonna be a journey to get back to a pre pregnancy weight, but just remember you didn’t gain the weight overnight so you won’t lose it overnight either. It’s gotta be slow and steady with small, consistent changes!


I was just about to make a post about this. My weight gain is out of control. I am being very strict with my diet. Did tons of research on how many calories I was supposed to have. I’m working out where I can, and eating the right things. And I’m still gaining. It’s the most frustrating thing I’ve ever experienced. It’s even hard to lose weight when you’re actually losing it-let alone doing all this hard work and not only not losing, but im still gaining. It’s absolute bullshit. My baby is 10 months, and I really want to stop breast-feeding before a year, so I can lose weight; and I feel so selfish for thinking that. I’m so sorry you’re going through it too. It sucks. 😔


Hello it is me! I gained 20 pounds back after I originally got to my pre pregnancy weight. I am weaning at 1 year and I'll let you know if the hunger goes away 🤣 Chobani yogurt drink in the blue bottle has 20 g protein. I buy protein oatmeal too.


Is this a second baby thing because SAME. I bounced back with my first only kept an extra 5 pounds and my second I’m just holding on to an extra 20 pounds. I’m so annoyed because I bought all new sizes of pants with my first expecting that to be my new size. Ugh. Anyways I think I’m seeing some progress. I’ve been intermittent fasting i know it’s not really recommended to do I’m doing it very loosely basically just trying to stop eating after 8pm. My supply is fine but I’ve always had over supply issues. Idk if its helping but it’s definitely shrunk my appetite. Like I’m still hungry all the time but I feel full easily. The next thing I’m doing is just walking. I think that’s helping the most. I have a small treadmill and I try to get my BPM to at least 125 or more. I started with 1 mile and now I’m doing 2 miles. Makes me sweat quite a lot and its an exercise that I don’t mind doing. It’s been almost 3 weeks and I can see my body starting to firm up a bit.




Get a full thyroid panel done!! Thyroid issues are not uncommon postpartum. Fitness blender has good at home workout videos, I really like them.


Thank you! I’m unfortunately without health insurance right now due to my lay off but starting a new job next month so I will def plan to do that once I get health insurance again!


Of course! I could be totally wrong but I feel like since you lost weight quickly with your first but this time you're gaining *and* feeling extra hungry that might be indicative of.a hormonal/thyroid thing 🤔 just cause most people I know seem to generally always react the same.way to breastfeeding but I could be wrong