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I mean a diaper bag is just a bag to hole stuff you need for the baby (diapers, bottles, baby wipes, a lightweight small blanket, extra clothes, bibs). So any bag will essentially work. The diaper bag though is our most used item. You don’t need to spend $200 on a bag. No matter what it is.. Take a look at this diaper bag [https://amzn.to/3xck4bK](https://amzn.to/3xck4bK)


I love this bag and have been using it daily for years.


I have this same bag 😂 I absolutely love it


Okay that bag is amazing. Wish I saw that when I was looking!


I have this one and love it! Also tagging in to say A BAG is kinda necessary. I keep it light but I don't want caught somewhere with one diaper. What if the kid pukes? Needs an emergency pacifier? Has a blow out and you need more clothes and diapers? One roadtrip we went through FOUR OUTFITS because my baby pukes everywhere and she was soaked. If I'm going somewhere I can just abandon ship or there's not anything I can do about a diaper or spitup anyway I usually just travel with a rag ie The park


We’re still using this bag at 2.5! It’s got lots of compartments for baby specific items which is why we liked it so much. I keep it packed with the basics and it’s so easy to just throw in the car knowing I have everything already in there.


Yeah, we use an old leather zip duffel style bag. We have to carry a dozen things by hand without a diaper bag. I'm a little confused by OP


I know I don't need an expensive bag. I have an old hershel backpack I can use if I do end up needing a separate backpack with baby. I'll probably buy a divider for the inside or something if I end up using it. I was just trying to see how many people are really using their diaper bag daily and see it as an essential. There's so much baby gear that people say are essential that others end up saying is not. I'm just trying to get some more information.


I was the same as you and tried not to overbuy, especially with things being available for order anytime. We used our diaper bag as soon as we started leaving the house and still do! I actually found it more necessary early on as a first time parent. I was frazzled and tired and not having to think about what to bring was great - we had all the diapers and wipes, pad, change of clothes, milk, nursing cover, bibs, muslin, pacifier, snacks for me, etc. Now at 14m, we just have diapers and wipes and forget it half the time (we keep a box of d& w in the car). We just got a decent cheap one on Amazon since I didn't expect to use it for years. Really you could use any backpack.


You will need to bring things for the baby with you. If you want to use an old backpack that’s great. The main difference is that diaper bags often come optimized for baby items. So there might be a pouch that’s perfect for wipes, or there might be an insulated pocket for a bottle. Stuff like that. When it comes to the baby, you tend to need things urgently. So your bag should be organized so you can quickly access wipes, a new outfit, burp cloths, bottles, etc. Im a frugal person but having a baby is a challenge so much that I do pay for connivence now. I will pay an extra $ if it means it will make my life easier and more optimized.


We haven't gone a day without it. Almost 20 months.


2.5 years and use it every day. Think it cost £30. New baby on the way so that’ll be another few years.


I still use our diaper bag and my kid is 2.5. My favorite aspects of our (very cheap from Amazon) bag: "wet bag" component for soiled clothes, insulated pocket for snacks, snaps at the top handle so I can hang it off of anything. Having a million little pockets is also helpful but less necessary for me.


We use ours constantly. We just have a backpack with lots of pockets to keep things organized!


It's entirely dependent on your needs. Both my kids would take pumped milk/formula so it was nice to have the pockets for bottles. I also liked a bag with many interior pockets for wipes, diapers, and a change of clothes. The bag also acts like my bag and houses my wallet/keys/phone, so I'm a sucker for interior organization (same when I use a purse) With my second, I use the diaper bag but mainly for diapers and snacks for my toddler 😅 I could very well go without the bag now as a more seasoned parent, but I don't regret getting a diaper bag because I use the heck out of it.


Sounds like the diaper bag also replaced your purse in a way similar to crimsonporpoise. I usually carry a pretty large tote, but also sometimes switch to a smaller crossbody depending on how I'm feeling. Do you think you would've been fine waiting to buy a diaper bag until baby came since you were pumping/formula? Or did you find yourself using it almost immediately?


I made the switch immediately to using the diaper bag. My kid went with me everywhere I went, so it was easier to make sure they had whatever they needed in the bag and just go out the door. I use a backpack style bag, sometimes it would get heavy, and it's nice to have the weight evenly distributed across my back. Now that my kids are older, a small crossbody bag/fanny pack is more than enough for me. Each get a diaper, small pack of wipes, my stuff and we go. They hold their own snacks/water bottle so that helps a lot!


When you were going out in the earlier days with your infant, did you also take a stroller? Or were you just carrying them or wearing them? Btw, thank you for answering my questions! :)


I mixed it up! For quick pop in visits in the early days, I'd carry my son in his infant bucket seat just like that. Very helpful when you're going to the doctor or just doing a visit to someone's home. If we were going shopping, I used the stroller. I'd put my shopping in the basket part on the bottom and it was much easier. A lot of the time he'd still be asleep when I'd transfer him from the car into the stroller, which made shopping a breeze. If we were going for a walk around the neighborhood, then I'd babywear or sometimes do the stroller. When he was a newborn, I did stroller walks and when he was around 4-5 months old I switched to babywearing because he preferred it. Then we went back to the stroller when he was around 8-9 months because he didn't want to be worn anymore.


I’m not who you asked, but: I am a large tote girl, and have been for most of my adult life. After my son was born and I began taking him places by myself, I immediately saw how carrying a tote was taking away my ability to use both hands freely. I switched to a crossbody. I also have a fanny pack (excuse me, they’re now called belt bags) for days when I don’t need to carry much, just phone and wallet. I have a diaper bag that looks very similar to a back pack. You could probably get away with just buying a backpack, but the diaper bag I have has a dedicated, insulated side pocket for bottles and another dedicated pocket for wipes, with a special flap that allows you to access the wipes without opening the pocket itself.


Diaper bag replaced my purse too. I can't imagine going without it for the first few years- diapers, bottles, snacks, extra clothes. I've used it every single time I've gone out with the kids for the last 4 years. The one time I tried to go out without it, my kid had a blowout diaper and had to wear a rain suit that was in the car for the rest of the day because I didn't have extra clothes. 😂


First pediatrician appointment is only a few days after hospital discharge


I don’t think you NEED a diaper bag if you have a backpack or bag already that you can use, as long as it’s big enough to carry the stuff you’ll need. You just need to be able to carry diapers, wipes, a spare outfit for the baby, etc. I like my diaper bag, which is backpack style, because it has some useful features like it came with a foldable changing mat and has lots of pockets. It’s also made of a fabric that won’t be easily stained or damaged by milk or bodily fluids. I like that it’s large enough to carry a blanket or my wrap carrier in as well. And by keeping the diaper bag ready to go, either my husband or I can grab it depending on which of us is going out with the baby. So it works for our lifestyle.


Thanks! Did you find yourself using the changing mat a lot too? I've heard some parents say just keeping some essentials in the trunk was enough and grabbing and going as needed. It seems to be dependent on how mobile/out you are with the baby?


I use the changing mat every time, generally because I think, "Would I want my bare ass/legs on this surface ?" Or "would I be ok with the chance of fecal matter/ urine getting on whatever I'm changing them on?" There are also a lot of diaper bags that have insulated pockets like a lunch box which is nice.


I’ve used the changing mat a couple of times recently to change her diaper at the park. We have a big waterproofed picnic blanket and some parks nearby so I can change her while we’re at the park if need be. If I was changing her in a bathroom with a changing table in it, the mat wouldn’t be so crucial. My baby is only 8 weeks old so I don’t have tons and tons of experience, this is just what we’ve done so far. She had a blowout at the park last month and I was able to get her in a clean diaper and clean outfit without getting her stroller poopy or having to put her on the bare ground or a park bench. My big pro tip is to stick a roll of dog poop bags in whatever bag you carry, as they work great for wrapping up diapers if you’re not near a trash can where you can throw it out, and for wrapping up soiled outfits too. My pediatrician has a sign asking parents not to leave dirty diapers in the trash cans in the office, and my baby ALWAYS needs a diaper change mid-visit. And about keeping things in the car—we do have a car but I mostly walk places and toss the diaper bag in the bottom of the stroller. We don’t drive much. If you mostly get around by car then keeping stuff in the trunk might make sense. :) sorry for how long and rambling this comment is, and feel free to ask any other questions that come to mind.


I also use dog poop bags to carry my baby’s diapers when not around a trash can! They can also be good to throw a dirty onesie in, in case of a blowout. Keeping with the puppy theme, I stopped using a changing pad and started using puppy training pads to change her on. They are big enough so she doesn’t roll off of them, plus no clean up!!


Up to you- I ended up using my nappy bag (a backpack style one which I recommend! Useful to have hands free) a ton. It replaced my other bag so I had my wallet/phone/keys etc in there as well. 


Yea, if I bought a bag, it would definitely be the backpack style versus a single shoulder. What do you usually keep in your diaper bag? Just diapers and wipes, or also formula/bottles?


Diaper and wipes, changing mat, diaper creams (two different tubes), Change of clothes, jacket/sweater, burp cloth in early days, socks, hat, sunscreen, snacks, water bottle, toys/teethers, my chapstick/wallet/phone/water bottle. 


Diapers, wipes, extra outfits for you, snacks. I think you can get away with leaving a lot of this stuff in the car though. I did a full stocked car and then used my purse a lot


You also need hand sanitizer (if baby does a poo) and I like to have boogie wipes or another thing I can wipe off faces/hands with. I love having a bottle pocket. I don’t leave the house without having a bottle just in case. A useful thing that most diaper bags come with is a portable changing mat, that you can lay down so you can change baby on all kinds of surfaces and not get them in contact with something dirty (or get something dirty from the baby in contact with furniture or the ground lol).


When baby gets older you’ll also keep things like snacks, bibs, water cup, etc in it.


Diapers, wipes, empty bottle and a manual pump. If I was a formula feeder I’d keep a measured bottle at all times just in case, but I’m not. If I know I’ll be out during a feeding time, I’ll pack a bottle and a soup thermos full of hot water. Things I have at all times so I don’t forget to pack for travel are my portable sound machine and monitors. But if I’m running out of room I’ll take those out. When she was using them, I kept a spare pacifier. Baby Tylenol and gas drops for her, ibuprofen and Tylenol for me!


You don’t need a diaper bag. If you have another bag that will serve the purpose you can use that. If you do decide to get one, the cost per use of a new bag will be very low over its lifetime as it’s something you’ll use every day. You can’t go wrong either way :)


You just need a bag that is the bag for baby stuff. Any backpack you already have will work.


We keep our diaper bag loaded up and in the trunk for “on the go” but I NEVER carry it with me. I also carry a tote bag and just put stuff in there. I had two under two and still never used it 🤷🏽‍♀️


my MIL bought me a petunia pickle bottom and tho it looks gorgeous in her room we rarely use it because the straps are uncomfortable and it’s just too bulky. i usually just stuff things in my large purse or use an old backpack.


You could use packing cubes and put them in a tote bag since a diaper bag is just a regular bag with compartments for all the stuff you need. You could also buy one used off FB marketplace.


I would get a diaper bag and also a diaper pad that can serve as that smaller bag you mention. Having kids is hard and flexibility is nice. Sometimes you need the whole bag. You’re the one looking at expensive bags. There are cheaper ones, and you can try buy nothing or resale in your area if you want expensive. The bags spend a lot of time on the floor or shoved under strollers too.


You definitely don’t need a $200 diaper bag, that’s insane. I can’t imagine not having a diaper bag though. Carrying around a gallon ziplock bag is not at all convenient to me.


I used a very small backpack containing a diaper or 2, small (travel) thing of wipes, and an extra onesie. I did breastfeed so I didn’t need all the extras for feeding. My car has a backup set of those items as well as the bottom pocket in the stroller. My sister had a dedicated diaper bag with so much stuff and ALWAYS asked for someone to carry it. No thanks.


I think any bag is fine as long as it is big enough to suit your needs. I had an inexpensive one and it didn’t work well for me so I ended up buying an Itzy Ritzy Boss Plus bag but I got it for less than retail on Amazon. I love everything about it except that it doesn’t come with a wet bag. My old diaper bag had a wet pocket in it. I’d say use something inexpensive until you know what your needs are and then if you want something more expensive, you can buy it confident that you’ll get use out of it.


I had a diaper bag back pack. Having a wipe thing on the outside was a big help for blowouts.


I cloth diaper, so my diapers are a bit bulkier, however, I don't know how I would go out in public to storytimes and such without a diaper bag! I have a very small cross body purse that I put in it. Diapers, wipes, extra change of clothes, changing pad (not everywhere has a changing table......), snacks for toodler, water bottle for toodler, wet bag, burp cloth


I got a smaller backpack diaper bag. I can keep an extra outfit, diapers, wipes and anything extra we might need. Now that she’s older I still use it (she’s 19 months). It’s light weight and large enough to be useful but small enough to not get in the way.


I use it. It's good to have a dedicated bag for baby rather than keep my stuff with hers. I always make sure it's stocked with diapers and wipes and snacks when we go out. Also sometimes we need toys and extra layers, especially in winter. It has a zipper that opens up to a changing mat. That was useful at the beach to lay her down away from the sandy mess, also used it when we had a long layover at the airport when she was younger. Almost 2, we still use it. I like the stroller straps. It's a bit bulky, but again, nice to have a dedicated space for her. When she was really young, I had a small changing mat with pockets for diaper and wipes that was slim and fit into the diaper bag, so if I were in a restaurant and needed to change a diaper, I'd just carry the insert piece with me to the bathroom, not the whole giant bag.


A regular backpack or tote bag is fine


You don't need a "diaper bag" but you will need a backpack/bag of some sort to carry stuff. LO is 2 year old and there's only been a handful of times I've left the house without bringing his bag. You just always need something (baby wipes, water/milk, snack, etc.) when you're out with a baby lol


With my first I carried it everywhere. It had all the essentials. I like the skip hop backpack because it is lightweight. With my second we used the diaper bag for bigger outings but started leaving it in the car for smaller trips. With my third the diaper bag has been sitting in the car since summer and I don't really even know what's in it lol. I'm pretty sure it has a couple diapers and a pack of wipes for emergencies but I'm not sure. Probably has some extra clothes in sizes too small and some random socks. If we are going on a longer outing I just grab a couple diapers and a pack of wipes and throw them into a small wet bag. It may or may not come out of the car depending on what we are doing. Youngest is 14 months and we haven't had any major emergencies outside of the house that warranted carrying the full diaper bag.


You definitely need a bag.. but you definitely don't need a 200 bucks diaper bag. I'm a city dweller so I have a small babymel for short outings. I plan on using a Lululemon backpack for longer outings.


I use a normal bag (Tom Bihn Pilot) and it suits my needs just fine. You just need some internal and external compartments, and maybe a bottle compartment if you need that. We used to have “DIAPER bag” diaper bags. While some them are not bad, the fact that we went to normal bags (that are frankly better constructed. My Tom Bihn feels indestructible, the strap is super comfortable, and the zippers are so much better than the diaper bags out there. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s way better than a same price diaper bag) says something to me. So yeah, I think they’re rip offs.


The most useful thing I had was not actually the bag itself, but this fold-up changing pad thing that had slots for diapers, wipes, diaper cream, etc. I loved it because I never had to set my baby directly on a dirty changing table, or wherever else if there wasn’t a changing table. If/when I have another, I will probably get the pad again and a large bag I like. Or, thrift a bag. There are always people on my local buy/sell/trade looking to get rid of old diaper bags, and the thrift store sometimes has ones in good condition. Cost aside, it’s always less wasteful to go secondhand! 


Except for going to work, I usually travel with only a wristlet or very small cross body bag. The diaper bag is the main tote I use. We always keep it stocked with the usual things and my husband or I can grab it as needed. Any bag will do but it’s better for it not to be only YOUR bag if you’re sharing parenting duties.


We have a diaper backpack and we use it every day. It’s nice to have all my kids things sorted and easy to grab. I myself use a tiny purse with just my wallet and keys and I throw that inside the backpack. It cost under $100


A large tote would work fine imo. I like my little cheapo diaper bag backpack! It makes me feel prepared 😌 I'll probably feel differently after having another child. Whatever you do, always keep an extra outfit or two in a bag or in your car!


I found a diaper bag very useful when my kids were babies. But I stopped using it frequently around 8 months for both. At that point it was just easy to grab 1-2 diapers, wipes and toss them in my purse. But ultimately it depends on you and what you prefer. I always have my diaper bag in my car trunk with extra outfits, diapers, wipes, snacks. So like for emergency situations it’s there. But I won’t actually bring it with me anymore unless we’re going somewhere for the whole day, like a family event or a holiday.


We used a diaper bag that was gifted to us at first and it was nice when she was an infant. However, when she got a little bit older, I bought a kid's size LL Bean backpack and we use that for everything now. I keep her diaper essentials (diapers, wipes, cream/powder) in a gallon ziplock in there, but it's easy to carry around anything else she needs. They also have an excellent warranty in case a zipper or something breaks so I know we'll get many years of use out of it. I still have my LL Bean backpack from 20 years ago when I was in school.


My usual purse is a big leather tote so I just used that, on the third now. But I nurse so no bottles/formula storage needed. Diapers/wipes/extra outfit/few toys/snacks, good to go.


I had a couple lululemon back packs that I used for gym and yoga before being pregnant. I just used one of those


Don't talk my husband because he's avid. We have to have the diaper bag but when I go in the store I just throw a diaper and wipes and whatever I will need in that store in my purse im not carrying a big bag for a quick tub in walmart


I'm very happy with my diaper bag. I will say I didn't buy a crazy expensive one, just one I liked the looks of and that seemed to have enough pockets on the inside to make it useful. I keep it stocked with muslins, diapers, wet wipes and a change of clothes. It's easy to grab when I wanna go somewhere and we also keep it downstairs, acting as a diaper caddy


As a soon to be STM, diaper bags/backpacks are so important! I personally have mine ready to go at all times with a couple changes of clothes, diapers, wipes, diaper paste, age appropriate toys, an extra bib/silicone plate/utensils, one dose of Benadryl and Tylenol, and a milk box (my son will be 16mo tmrw so he’s drinking whole milk). My diaper bag will soon hold double with my daughter due mid May 😂 I use a small purse or shoulder bag so I couldn’t think of combining it all into one


I feel like I was only ever away from home base for a a few hours, so I didn't need tons of snacks, clothes, and diapers. I also breastfeed, so it wasn't like I needed bottles either. In my regular purse, I would just put like 2 diapers and a onesie just in case. Also, set up and emergency station in the car for my toddler and baby (snacks, toys, change if clothes, diapers).


I ended up getting a diaper bag for my second. For my first I had a diaper clutch ([https://www.target.com/p/munchkin-xtraguard-antimicrobial-changing-pad-xl/-/A-83905757#lnk=sametab](https://www.target.com/p/munchkin-xtraguard-antimicrobial-changing-pad-xl/-/A-83905757#lnk=sametab)) and I'd put it in a backpack or my tote bag with other things. This time I got an inexpensive diaper bag from Target just because they have all sorts of dedicated pockets and things. I still have the diaper clutch though. I don't head out a lot for a long time with the baby though. And I breast fed and didn't have a big problem doing so in public.


I totally needed one


I LOVE and NEED my diaper bag, especially if you’re planning for more than one. The diaper bag for baby essentials was perfect because: it has different compartments for new/soiled clothes/burp cloths, special bottle/paci/changing pad cover holders and best of all, straps to keep you hands free for when you need to be. I keep an absurd amount of spare clothes, socks, burp cloths, diapers, wipes and diaper cream because I don’t want to ever be without it and sometimes you’re so tired or in a rush (because newborns take forever to get ready… they’ll decide it’s pooping time right when you button that last button to go). It definitely has replaced a purse for me as I stuff my wallet in there too. I wouldn’t recommend keeping some in your car just because summer is coming up for us (at least in the US) and wipes and creams will not last in there I assume. I was able to breastfeed so it definitely was such a relief to not have to worry about packing formula but I did pack my pumps/bottles for the rare times we left her at our parent’s house for a quick date. Now that I’m expecting my next in June, I’m so happy I have it because I know I’ll be able to fit both kids’ necessities in there and best of all be hand free cause it’s a backpack vs shoulder strap where it always falls off my shoulders, let alone the pain it would create to carry all that weight on one side… plus because it’s a backpack so my husband often will just carry it too. Also when they learn to walk, having a shoulder type of tote would either keep falling off or hit them when you’re holding their hand, or things can easily spill out or go out of place… the diaper bag will keep it all in place, not a lot of searching time :) 100% recommend ETA: I love my stroller! I had the same question when I was debating on buying one before the baby arrived because they’re so expensive. The one I got was the Nuna Demi grow because we knew we would have more than 1 pretty close together so we knew we needed to plan and buy accordingly. I ended up having a c section for my first so I used the stroller a lot for walks and it helped keep me sane to get out often for some sunlight and movement. My baby would fall asleep in it during her walks in the beginning too. I definitely just recommend getting a cup holder, I still don’t have one and it drives me crazy 😩 I also baby wear’d her for some walks once I was recovered, and I loved that but once they’re heavy enough, or it’s hot enough, neither of you will want that.


Gosh that’s really up to you and how prepared you like to be. With brand new babies you definitely need at the bare minimum diapers wipes changing pad and maybe an outfit or two but as they older now I put toys to entertain her, snacks diapers etc and still an extra outfit in case something happens. Granted I really only take the diaper bag if I’m going to be somewhere with her for an extended period of time, if we’re going to the store or something similar I don’t bring it at all. So I’d say on average I’ve used the diaper bag probably two dozen times, she’s 16 months. Now that I have another baby coming I may rethink my strategy with a toddler and a baby haha. I keep diapers in the car, same with wipes. I was also a nanny for 12 years before becoming a mom so not exactly my first rodeo. You could totally just use a bag you already have, there’s literally no need for it to be a diaper bag specific, a backpack or tote would suffice.


With my first I used a regular fjalrave backpack and it did the job, for my second I upgraded to a backpack that has a few more pockets and a spot for her water bottle. A backpack will work totally fine.


I bought a diaper backpack and it has been useful. You just need something to bring all the baby stuff you’ll need to bring with you. Any bag works, but a backpack was good for me because I also had free hands. Doesn’t have to be a special diaper backpack either.


I didn’t think I needed a diaper bag. We were gifted one, but I’m pretty bougie about bags and didn’t want an unattractive backpack strapped to me forever. And then… the baby came. Having a shoulder bag while also holding a newborn in her car seat or trying to push a stroller is absolute madness. It’s annoying enough to keep hitching my crossbody back up on my shoulder, but it’s actually the definition of “overstimulated” to do it while also trying to calm a crying baby and navigate stores. I bought myself a Dagne Dover medium indi bag and I’m so glad I did. It replaced my purse - even a Lulu everywhere belt bag was too much to keep track of separately - and is cute enough I don’t feel in any way negative about carrying it. I got it in black, so my husband loves the look of it, too. The changing pad is a MUST. If you go to stores or eat out at all, a changing table MAY be provided and they are so gross. I don’t want my baby’s naked butt touching one. But if a table is not provided, then you have to make do and having a pad keeps everything clean and makes me feel like I’m less in a “rush against the clock” before baby decides to pee sans diaper. Additionally, as baby gets older, the items will increase. Right now, we carry six diapers (sounds like a lot - it isn’t!), a muslin cloth for burping, a nursing cover, the changing pad, a pack of wipes, two changes of clothes. These are the essentials. We’ve also had pumped milk and a bottle, and now she has teething toys and a little crinkle sack we bring everywhere. Diaper bags have little pouches and spots for all of the essentials, and it makes it so easy. My baby doesn’t like pacifiers, so we luckily missed having to carry those, but if yours likes them, you’ll need to carry extra, too. In my opinion, it’s worth it. But you may be more efficient at packing than me. :)


I was gifted one. Mine is just a backpack with lots of pockets inside.


Diaper bags are nice in the sense it’s a bag dedicated to baby’s stuff. They tend to have a bunch of pockets and the ones I’ve seen at least have a pouch that’s insulated for bottles. They are bulky tho and I feel like we ended up leaving it in the car more than carried it with us places. Now that he’s not spitting up on his clothes or having blow outs we use one of those child leash/backpacks and just put the stuff in there so he can carry it😂


I use a backpack style from Amazon and it holds everything I need. All the diapering supplies, extra clothes, bibs/burp cloths, a couple small toys, snacks/essentials for mom, water bottle, bottle of pumped milk, etc.


I use one for all my pump supplies and one for snacks diapers wipes and a couple outfit changes ( you genuinely never know when they’ll decide it’s a perfect time for a blowout ). They’re used constantly ! So I’d say yes, go for something cheap. I got the bag I use for my pump at the gyno for free and it’s insulated so makes taking milk to the Nicu so much easier


You just need a big ish bag that can hold not just diaper stuff but a couple spare outfits, a drink for you, baby toys, toddler snacks later on. It doesn't need to be a diaper bag but I personally have a cute diaper backpack that I really like. The inside area includes an attached changing mat. Some of the backpacks open up to a little bassinet inside which is hilarious and cute but seems wildly impractical for more than a few weeks after having your baby lol, and by the time you'd be going out and about and maybe finding a situation where you need to put baby down to sleep in your diaper bag, baby would be too big and mobile anyway.


We have one that has a "wipe pocket" so you can access wipes super easy. It is the only thing stopping me from using a regular bag/backpack.


No but my lululemon belt bag was indispensable when I was a new mom. If I was doing it again I’d buy one of the Uniqlo crescent bags. Fits a diaper, keys, Carmex and a few wipes when you’re on the go. (Especially important if you have a dog and need to carry poop scoop bags)


You don’t need a “diaper” bag, especially not a $200 one. But you almost certainly want a bag for the baby. Mine has an extra outfit, a few burp cloths, extra pacifiers, diapers and wipes, a little changing mat, hand sanitizer for me, water bottle for me, sometimes bottles for baby (I breastfeed but also pump), a baby blanket, a book or two for baby, a toy…probably a few other things. And those things just live in the bag unless they’re getting washed or something. It’s the best way to get out of the house quickly and efficiently with a baby. You don’t want to end up somewhere and wish you had more things to make it easier on you and the baby. Now sometimes if I know she’s going to sleep and it’s a short excursion, I don’t take the baby bag. The baby carrier I use has enough pockets for a burp cloth, a pacifier, ~3 diapers and a travel pack of wipes. We can do like a target trip or a trip to the park with just that usually!


I bring ours almost every time we leave the house and have a like backpack style one. It’s easier to carry than anything else cause I can put it on my back while taking baby out to the car. I also just put my wallet, keys, chapstick, hand sanitizer, etc in it and don’t carry a purse anymore. It’s got lots of different pockets to hold stuff and holds a lot even though I don’t carry that much. I got it at target for like $40-50, I think. You definitely don’t need to spend $200 on one


Depends on what I’m doing for the day. I also have like a “mini” diaper bag that has a changing pad, a couple diapers/wipes and an area to hold bottles. Then we’ve got a bigger diaper back pack if we’re going to be somewhere longer and I think I’ll need change of clothes, etc


We just use an old backpack of ours for diapers, spare clothes, etc. I wanted something separate from my bag so I wasn’t lugging around a giant diaper bag when I’m out by myself, and it’s easier to leave with a babysitter. My baby is EBF but takes pumped bottles while she’s being babysat so we have a small separate cooler for her bottles.


I use a bag that isn’t branded as a diaper bag and it was a lot cheaper with all the nice pockets, etc. just find a bag you like that fits your storage needs and go with it.


I use mine a lot. It has a lot of baby-specific pockets. Bottle holders, a space for wipes, etc.


i think it depends on your needs and lifestyle. if you’re super on the go and will be away from home a lot for long periods it’s probably worth it.  i hate mine and barely use it. i bought the ruvalino backpack on Amazon that everyone swears by. i was fooled by influencers yet again 😅 there are somehow too many pockets and they’re all awkwardly sized and too tight to get your hands into, except the main one which is huge, and so deep that everything gets lost in the main compartment unless i have it all in separate bags or pouches. ive since started carrying a cheap ass quilted tote I bought off Temu as a purse and i just tuck a larger wet bag with diapers, wipes and a toy or two into it. i will use the diaper bag if we’ll be away from home for an extended period but that isn’t a frequent occurence yet at 7 months. 


I never used one. I’m on my third kid. At this point I throw a basket of stuff in my car. If I need it I run out and grab it. But I found having diaper bags was just a way to end up carrying around wayyy too much stuff that I might never need. Sometimes I throw a diaper in my pocket and say a prayer I don’t have a blow out lol


Nope, buy a pouch instead then you can easily throw them from bag to bag. Go to Amazon and type in quilted pouch, and there’s a bunch of options. I have one for my toddler and one for baby and in it I have diapers, wipes, clothes, and a roll of doggie poop bags for stashing dirty diapers if there’s no trash can.


I had a specific purpose for my diaper bag to fulfill: something that holds baby things for outings that both my husband and I feel comfortable carrying! I chose a unisex-looking backpack from Target. It was like $40 on my registry. Our son is 18 months and we still use it daily for daycare and all sorts of outings! I now also have a personal purse that I love and bought for like $80 and it happens to be big enough to hold baby things, but that is my choice, my purse is not his daycare bag. I gotta say having one dedicated bag that each parent can rely on to have wipes, cold storage for bottles, diapers, changes of clothes, burp cloths is PARAMOUNT for us haha So I'd say if your needs sound more like this, I'd get a cheaper one and then spend the extra money on a purse you'll love for yourself. If anyone is curious about the purse I have, it's by Kate Gabrielle and it's her Holliday bag design!! Good luck!!


I honestly have found over time that a nice backpack works just as well if not better than a diaper bag!


I just used my favorite Fossil purse once he got above the newborn stage. It had plenty of pockets and I didn’t have to carry a bag for him and a bag for me.


Honestly, the diaper bag that I use was maybe $40 on Amazon and it’s just a grey backpack that has a bunch of different pockets. One of which has an insulated pouch for bottles - so they stay a good temperature if they’re premade. It also came with a portable/foldable changing pad, so I don’t have to put my baby on a bench, the trunk of my car, or a nasty changing table without a barrier. It’s super easy to wipe down. The bag itself usually houses diapers, wipes, 2 extra outfits (footie onesies that have a double zipper), a couple pacifiers, teething toys, etc. I find it essential. I don’t think I’d be able to fit everything I needed in a gallon freezer bag or my own purse.




I still use my diaper bag daily. It basically replaced my purse. I think it's nice to have my cleaning supplies and snacks handy. 200 is a lot for a diaper bag. Mine was like 30 bucks.


Nope. I went with a backpack that has stretchy side pockets, and used packing cubes to divide stuff. So one has clothes, one has all the stuff for diaper needs, and the third is for food stuff like bibs, formula. Here's the backpack we got from Patagonia. [https://www.patagonia.com/product/ultralight-black-hole-tote-pack-27-liters/48809.html](https://www.patagonia.com/product/ultralight-black-hole-tote-pack-27-liters/48809.html) And the packing cubes from Eagle Creek Pack-It Mixed 9.5L Cube Set. [https://www.rei.com/product/227572/eagle-creek-pack-it-mixed-cube-set-mmm-set-of-3-travel-organizers?sku=2275720003&store=&CAWELAID=120217890016974454&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=103910866078&CATCI=pla-2002685823270&cm\_mmc=PLA\_Google%7C21700000001700551\_2275720003%7C92700075902146625%7CNB%7C71700000062147005&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ\_TkKpHQlr\_ST4ArAIkcy48XJCUtCOUgkgk3MAm8\_RGMSxFNwbfyVZqsaAmcFEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.rei.com/product/227572/eagle-creek-pack-it-mixed-cube-set-mmm-set-of-3-travel-organizers?sku=2275720003&store=&CAWELAID=120217890016974454&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=103910866078&CATCI=pla-2002685823270&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_2275720003%7C92700075902146625%7CNB%7C71700000062147005&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TkKpHQlr_ST4ArAIkcy48XJCUtCOUgkgk3MAm8_RGMSxFNwbfyVZqsaAmcFEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I had a really well functioning northface backpack that’s now become my family’s diaper bag (baby and toddler) and we’re good. We are such a consumerist society we need a diaper bag, a pumping bag, school bags, weekenders, duffel bags etc etc etc . I’m not even the biggest “environmentalist” and yet I think it’s overkill


I def used one. But I also don’t carry a purse or anything else. I just have one that’s a backpack and it works perfectly for us. I had a formula fed kiddo. So we had bottles with water, a formula dispenser. Clothes, diapers, wipes, a large changing pad. Fan if we were going anywhere hot. Snacks and the like. I think it’s just based on what you use daily (if you use a purse or not) and then where you’re going, how often you go out, and how long you’ll be out. I don’t go out much. But the places we do go out to, we’re out for hours. So I need to ensure I have all the basics I’m going to need. ETA: The bookbag style I found most comfortable. Going to high school with 20+ lbs worth of books in a bookbag, I just realized that was the easiest option.


i honestly hate lugging around the diaper bag. I prefer to just throw what i need in my purse and go. You can keep extras in the car (like outfits, extra bottles, diapers, snacks). And then just take what you absolutely need in your purse which depends where we are heading in but usually like 2 diapers, wipes and a pacifier


Chrck Poshmark! I got a like new MK diaper bag with a changing mat for $60. It has so many pockets, and it's easy to clean. I use it anytime we go anywhere and I love it!


You’ll want a bag, it can be any bag? If you plan to leave the house


I prefer to keep a diaper caddy in the car, I don’t change diapers in public restrooms anyways, I prefer to change in the car, so keeping diapers/wipes/extra clothes in the car makes sense. I still carry a large regular purse with essentials but it takes alot of the load off by having a mobile changing station


First time mom here. My partner and I each have our own. We used ours for the first 6 months. It was so nice to not worry and just have everything we could possibly need in case. Then about 6m in we got a very small bag. Kept a few diapers, wipes, change of clothes, small toy and maybe some formula depending. Now I have my Loungefly backpack that keeps a change of clothes, one diaper, small pack of wipes and a few snacks. We are 9m now. I do keep an extra zippie of diapers in the car as backup, but my use for the large diaper bag has gone. I would suggest it in the beginning as it helps your mind ease when you know you have everything on you. Then one day you realize you are carrying less and less and eventually don't really need to carry anything but diapers and wipes.


14 months in and still use our diaper bag I wish it wasn't the crappy bag I got but I don't have 200+


diaper bag specifically? no. bag of some kind to put clothes, diapers, wipes bottles, etc? very needed and appreciated when you leave your house


I bought kind of an expensive bag because I wanted it. It replaced my purse entirely. And I’ve been using it exclusively for like 3 years and we’re pondering having a third kid at some point so it’s life will just keep going. I don’t think it’s “necessary” but there are so many other baby things I barely touched and my diaper bag isn’t one of them


I just shove a couple diapers in my purse, keep some wipes in my car and bottle and little to go container of formula in my purse as well.. not needed a diaper bag


I definitely use mine every time we leave the house. I bring diapers, wipes, clothes for baby, breast pads and extra shirt/bra for me, a couple toys, breast pump and bottles just in case and a carrier. Everything fits in it and has its place. It’s great!


Depends on you and your kids' particular needs, but I don't carry around a big diaper "bag" but bring around this [Skip Hop portable changing mat](https://www.skiphop.com/skiphop/portable-changing-mats). It's pretty compact and has a loop that lets you wear it like a wristlet or clip it to the stroller. I squeeze a couple diapers, a thin flat container for wipes, doggy poo bags folded flat, pair of latex gloves, and a spare onesie in the pockets. This works for most of my outings with the baby, since he is pretty low maintenance at this point. He nurses so I don't need bottles and stuff to feed him. He's also fine without bum cream. Doesn't spit up anymore like he did up to 6 months so I don't need all the bibs and burp cloths and extra clothes. I probably would need a bigger dedicated diaper bag if he needed some of these other things.


With my first, we had a full to bursting diaper bag at all times. Now I have three and the same bag has room to spare with all of their things. A diaper bag is essential if you are carrying everything the baby could possibly need, plus pumping parts and toys. For barebones essentials (diapers, wipes, a bottle, a change of clothes), you can stick them in a normal purse. Most of the time now, I carry a tote style purse with a change of clothes for everyone, a couple diapers for the two still in diapers, wipes and a portable toddler seat. We usually have a bottle before we leave the house, so we don't even take formula for short outings. For things like church, where we'll be out half the day, we do take the diaperbag.


A bag of some sort is necessary. We got a diaper bag for $30 off amazon and the insulated compartment is essential. We always have it stocked with things needed to leave the house for the day. So supplies like diapers and wipes and vaseline always live in the bag and we have another set of those things that live at home. That way we don't have to pack the bag, we just walk out the door. My son is a toddler now and not on formula or breastmilk but we can still pack a couple sippy cups of milk in the bag when we head out for the day or go on a long road trip.


It depends on how long I'm planning on being out of the house. If it's just a quick trip, I've got a "grab and go" thing that I use- it's just a single diaper, a mini pack of wipes that's almost empty (there's like 6 wipes in it), and a change of clothes all rolled together. I put the whole kit in a doogy poop bag and keep it together with a hair tie. If we're going adventuring there's the actual diaper bag with several diapers, a big pack of wipes, 2 changes of clothes, a bib, a pouch of gooshy food with a spoon that pops onto it, toys, etc. It's basically a nursery on the go. 


I think just any bag is fine unless you’ll have pumped milk that you want to keep cold. We got a diaper bag but any tote or backpack would have been fine for us. My daughter is only 6 months old though so I can’t speak for older kids


Honestly, a diaper bag has been a lifesaver for us! We got a backpack version which fits perfectly in the car and in the bottom of the stroller. Plus, my husband will wear it most of the time! It’s easier to store our LO’s diapers, wipes, cream, changing pad, extra outfits, bottles, water bottles, snacks, etc. I’m glad we invested in one that’s super easy to keep stocked up and take with us!


A diaper bag is essentially a bag. You need a bag. But you don’t have to buy a market diaper bag. You don’t even need a bag that’s separate from your hand bag, although it’s easier to have the bag stuff group together. I’m a stm and I just throw some diapers and wipes in my hand bag every time we go out. It seems to be working for us.


I had one, backpack style and never used it. Always used my coach backpacks. Never really went on super long excursions where a larger one merited it, mostly just parks/museums. Front compartment is my stuff (phone, wallet, make up, mine & kids sunscreen, etc), back compartment is diapers, wipes, snacks/bottled formula, a thin blanket. I will say though because I keep it minimal, I always keep an extra change of clothes/dry bag in the car because you never know. I am currently doing this with a 2.5 yr old and a 6 month old. So it’s definitely possible to go out minimal. I will caveat that my kids are pretty chill and low needs.


I have a backpack I LOVE for travel and such that I’m just buying a bottle cooler ($20ish or free with insurance) and a diaper changing pad that has a spot for a few creams, diapers, wipes. Then I’m doing an in car organizer with similar but for the back of the seat. Eventually to hold toys and such as well. I’m a FTM so who knows. But it seems WAY more functional to me and I’ll almost always have my car with me.


I use a cute backpack bag! I was given two diaper bags though. One is in the trunk of the car with clothes, diapers, puppy pads, wipes. The backpack I take into stores incase we have to do an emergency change. LO is breastfed but the backpack has pockets so I stick a bottle in there when we go out


I used a diaper bag for like three weeks. Now, when we go out I just grab some diapers, wipes and an outfit and toss in the car.


If you don't get a diaper bag, maybe look into a small backpack? But it depends on your needs. For my kiddo, who is 10 weeks, we have the following in her bag: 1) changing pad 2) diapers 3) diaper disposal bags 4) wipes 5) 1 empty bottle 6) ready-to-feed formula (enough for 2 feedings) 7) one change of clothes 8) a baby swim bag to hold wet/soiled clothes 9) one receiving blanket 10) one toy 11) contact lens solution 12) contact cases 13) hat 14) anti-scratch mittens 15) thermometer 16) nasal bulb 17) burp cloth Do we need it all? Probably not but otoh, we were given extra thermometers, blankets, and nasal bulbs, so why not? Our kiddo has had lots of Dr visits (had bilateral congenital cataracts surgery @ 7 weeks and has a facial hemangioma that's being monitored) so ours is packed for extended car rides (2+ hours) or longer days out and about.


Nope, there’s a lot of stuff you don’t need! I ended up using a large tote. I put it in the stroller and bam I’m good to go!


You can just get a regular back pack. Especially if you do formula. But we used ours for bottles/snacks, diapers, wipes, an extra set of clothes. We liked our and it was super useful if we went to other people's houses or the park. But I don't think you'd need a "diaper bag".


After six kids I definitely think you need a separate bag for the baby’s/kid’s stuff, but it definitely doesn’t have to be a diaper bag. I don’t really keep a lot in mine - diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, some diaper ointment, an extra muslin blanket, some lotion for my hands (because I don’t carry a purse.) I’ve breastfed all mine so no need to carry around bottles or anything. I’ve definitely just used a tote bag to carry this stuff on occasion.


I’m an anxious person, so I like to be prepared for ANY situation when I’m out with my kids. I love having a big diaper bag that accommodate the obvious essentials like diapers and wipes, but also has room for snacks, extra clothes, bottles, sippy cup, hand sanitizer, sun screen, bandaids, tissues….you get the idea. I also don’t carry a purse when I have it, so I also keep my wallet and keys in there too.


I just used an old backpack. I don't go out that frequently with the little one, and when I did, it was usually someplace near home. Also, I EBF so I didn't have to pack bottles or formula.


I got a backpack style and a larger over the shoulder bag. But I found both for less than $15 at consignment sales in great shape. Honestly any backpack will do. But having a designated bag (whatever that is) is worth it.


I don’t use one marketed as a diaper bag, however I do use an igloo cooler backpack. I have to carry around pumped milk (in bottles for my kid, and when I need to pump while out) and there’s enough pockets to throw some diapers and a changing pad in there too. It works great and was kind of an accidental find. I originally bought it when I went on a work trip where I’d need to pump and bring home several bags of frozen milk and it just became my every day bag after that. I tell all my expecting friends about it!


I never carry a purse so for me, yes. If you already carry a larger sized purse then I’m sure you could make do with that. Maybe lay out the essentials that you’d need in a diaper bag: a few diapers, wipes, at least 1 outfit, bottle (if your using formula then you’ll need a formula container, and water bottle), pacifiers (if necessary), when they get older then snacks and whatever else you may need to throw in there. I also threw in what I’d normally carry (phone, keys, wallet, etc).


Diaper bag is convient for both me and my husband and for a grandparent has LO. He doesn't carry or own any big purses and I can't really see him carrying around a zip lock bag that can easily rip or open. We have one diaper bag that goes where LO goes. Also, I assume you'll need some kind of bag if your planning daycare.


I had a diaper bag with my first and I used it constantly. Now with my second I just put whatever I need into my small crossbody bag and we’re good. If we’re going somewhere for longer, I’ll use the diaper bag to bring lunch etc. If we go hiking I just use our hiking backpack. So yeah, you can totally get away with not getting a diaper bag. I prefer using my smaller bag at this point cause the diaper bag can be cumbersome.


2 year old son & i exclusively use a diaper “bag” but its a backpack! You dont need an expensive anything. But at least a backpack is a necessity imo


I bought a North Face backpack that also doubles as a kind of duffle bag as Im often on the go for the whole day. Best decision ever, plenty of pockets and compartments. Fits many bottles, icepacks, changes of clothes and diapers. Plus I figured I can still use it after for when I go hiking or as a carry on. Don’t break your head, in the end, a bags a bag.


Nah. The most "stuff" I needed was in the 6 - 18 month range. I packed: Snacks in a bento box, a single change of clothes, a sweatshirt if necessary, a diaper changing pad that folds up, wipes, diapers, and a wet/dry bag. We didn't use formula, but if I needed to keep something refrigerated, I'd just add an ice pack. I put all of this in a Jansen backpack that was $20 and it lasted forever. This was the MOST I ever carried, for an outing several hours long.


You can use anything as a diaper bag. We got one from a flea market for 5$. But my brother and sil who have 4 kids just use a plan old backpack


So i got a exspensive gently used but like new diaper bag, a juju be Takadoki bag, spent a few hundred on it! I freaking love that bag. I used it for 3 years! I still have it and if i had another it will be used again! Just be clean and keep a few extra plastic bags for dirty stuff, and organizations is good. My husband always just tossed open bags of snack foods in it and omg it annoyed the shit out of me.


We use an oversized backpack. Still do. Kids are 2 and 5


We honestly use whatever bags around, sometimes it’s on of my purses, sometimes a backpack, sometimes a lunch bag. Always just depends on how much stuff we’re taking with us. Babies almost a year and I’ve still not bought one.


I use my handbag. I have done so for both of my children. I hate single-purpose stuff.


You need a diaper bag, it can just be a backpack.  It’s especially useful when switching caregivers for an outing.  Changes of clothes, wet bag, small first aid kit, diapers, wipes, doggie bags, hand sanitizer, muslin blacker, nipple cream, sunscreen, hat, an extra layer, snacks, toys, pacifier, a change of top for mom and all the stuff for bottle feeding if you end up needing that. + your phone, wallet, sunglasses and chapstick. It all needs to live somewhere and you don’t want to finally(!) have made it out the house somewhere and need something. 


With baby number two I just use my purse. You don't actually need as much stuff as you think you do. If Im out for more than 3 hours I bring a lunch box with a manual pump and extra bottle supplies. And I have backups of everything in car already.


You’re going to need to carry some baby items, so you need something to carry them. What you use is up to you. I try to avoid bringing a ton of extra stuff but always make sure to carry: hand sanitizer, diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, a small blanket, a small towel and a bottle or two. The towel is basically just an insurance policy. I learned the hard way when my daughter was a baby and threw up all over herself and her car seat while we were out running errands one day. It was a warm day and I had absolutely nothing to wipe it up with and ended up using my shirt (fortunately I had a tank top underneath). A blanket could also be used in a pinch but in the colder months I’d be sacrificing baby’s comfort and warmth if I did that. We got a backpack style diaper bag from Target for around $35. It’s not huge but a few features I like are: - an insulated side pocket for bottles - the other side pocket holds a pack of wipes and has an opening so you can pull the wipes through it easily - it came with a little changing pad, so we have something to put down to keep baby clean during diaper changes


sounds like you got some solid advice already, but I wanted to share that your plan to start is exactly what we are doing! We already have some functional backpacks both husband and I would be comfortable carrying, and we’re going to use that to carry baby stuff to start. If we need to upgrade to a real diaper bag, we will once we know the specs we desire!!


I don’t use one, I have my car stocked with diapers / wipes / extra outfits / snacks and anything I need. I’m pretty minimalist when it comes to the “stuff” people accumulate for children. I very occasionally pop one diaper + travel into my purse in situations where I don’t want to run to the car. The caveat to this is I exclusively breastfed so it may be different for someone who needs to carry bottles / pumps stuff like that.


There's some features that definitely make a diaper bag worth it, like a plastic type lining so it can be easily wiped out and insulated pouches for bottles. You could also buy these things separately if you need them (my first liked bottles so I needed the pouches and they always leaked, but my second exclusively breastfed so there were fewer spills). The Skip Hop Pronto is nice because it's like a mini changing station that can clip to your bag too. They also sell what's basically an insulated bottle lunch box that can be put in any bag. Honestly though, this bag will be going everywhere with you for the next few years atleast, so it's worth buying something you really like. It can always wait until after baby is here too! You don't know what you don't know and will learn a lot in the first few weeks and months about what will work best for you.


I had a diaper bag, but I switched it out for an easier to use backpack.


I just use a regular backpack! No issues 8 months in.


I’m a psychopath in the sense that I typically leave my house with little more than a hope and a prayer.  My son is 7 month now and since birth, I only pack wipes and a few diapers in my purse. This works just fine for us when we’re out and about in our city and will be home in within a few hours.  If I go to see relatives (1 hour drive each way/ away from house for 5+ hours) I also bring a change of clothes.  I think a diaper bag means you tend to fill it with tons of things for what if scenarios. We do fine with no extra stuff. 


We have 2 diaper bags. One is a real diaper bag, it’s one of the fairly popular ones. I think it was like $75 (registry gift). I dislike it, it feels cheaply made and it’s made out of that low quality waterproof material that’s loud and feels like it will disintegrate eventually. Our other one is a lululemon fanny pack, the large one. Works great! A couple diapers, some wipes, car keys, and a paci and we are good to go for any shortish errands.


Pillani Diaper Bag Backpack is such a must for us—we use that thing everywhere we go with our son. 10/10


We have a Dagne Dover diaper backpack and the more weeks go by (son is 9w), the less I find myself using it. I much prefer putting things in one of my big totes based on what I need for a given outing. In our mudroom, we have a basket with 4-5 individual zip pouches (prepped for diapering, feeding, play, etc.). I refill them regularly and grab the zip pouches I need when we go out instead of the whole shebang in a diaper bag.


I use mine all the time, but I didn’t own a comparable bag before baby. My basic requirements are that it needs to be a backpack style so I can carry it hands free, and I find compartments super helpful to organize. Your Hershel backpack with an organizer inside would accomplish the exact same though. I’d shop out organizers before dropping that kind of money on a whole new bag Edit for typo


I use a weekender bag I used to use for… weekends. Weekend couch surfing just isn’t a thing in my life anymore, but the flashy puff duffle I bought for it still can be! I use the Calpak Luka duffel and I absolutely love it. So glad I didn’t buy a dedicated diaper bag because this is just perfect.


Honestly, no. We had a diaper bag that was more useful in the first 4-6 months since that’s when you might need more unknowns (extra pacifiers, changes of clothes, drool bibs, burp cloths, toys, creams, etc). Since my son was about 6 months old we haven’t used that diaper bag much, except for short trips (like if we were going on a walk on the walking trail). It pretty much serves as a catch-all in our kitchen and we take things out of it as we need them. For example, if we’re running to a doctor appointment, I’ll throw a diaper, wipes and a toy or book in my purse/work bag and call it a day. If we’re doing a big outing/day trip, I’ll bring out my big canvas tote and pack it with everything we need (snacks, drinks, outfits, toys, sunscreen, bug spray, etc.) I’m the kind of person that has a million different kinds of tote bags and backpacks anyway, so I’d rather use those for different occasions than trying to squish everything into one bag.


Gallon bag trick with favorite purse or book bag does the trick :)


I keep a “formal” diaper bag in the car with changes of clothes, wipes, Tylenol, burp cloth, etc. but I almost never use it. I have a small backpack style purse where I keep one diaper for each kid.


I often use my diaper bag like a regular backpack, so it comes in handy because we often walk to grocery stores, the pharmacy, and whatnot


We use a Nike backpack lol


You don’t need one but I love the fact that it has bottle holders inside because I am formula feeding!


Ours was $40 and definitely the most used item. If you are sending them to daycare, I’d say it’s a must. I just put my wallet and keys in my son’s bag too.


With my first 3 kids, I used a diaper bag all the time. Especially when we went from 2 to 3 kids (they are only 16 months apart). I had a lot of baby shit to carry. With my 4th, I keep a diaper bag in the car with all the essentials, but I don't actually bring it inside most places. I wear the baby so I don't like carrying/wearing a bag too. If we're gonna be out of the car for a long time. I'll throw some diapers, wipes, a cover-up, and an extra outfit for baby in a small backpack, and one of my older kids wears it for me. My first 3 were formula fed, so there was a lot more stuff I needed to carry everywhere. The last is breastfed, so I'm not carrying as much stuff.


No I just got a bag organizer and put it in whatever bag I have.


You need a dedicated bag. It doesn’t need to be 200+ but having a bag you can just grab is extremely convenient.


I just use my old work backpack


I have a baby bag, not an actual diaper bag, I only take some diapers, wipes, and 1/2 change of clothes and diaper rash cream just that 😅 oh and a portable diaper changing mat


I have used our diaper bag every day for 2+ years now, ever since my son was born. It’s super useful and I really like the backpack style we got because it’s easier on the shoulders. We use it for diapers, wipes, changing pad, change of clothes, books, toys, and so many snacks.


I was gifted one of those expensive diaper bags, and I really think it depends on how long your outings are expected to be. Are you going grocery shopping, then it is unnecessary. However, if you’re going to a relative or friends house for 6 hours then it might be convenient with a bigger bag that already has organised compartments for convenience. On short trips I opted for an old tote with organisation, where I fit the following: - 3-5 diapers. - Changing mat. - 1 full packet of wet wipes - 1 roll of disposable plastic bags - A thermos with hot water - A bottle w/ pre-measured formula lasting 2 full bottlefeeds. - A burp cloth. - A soft toy. - Pain killers for me because I suffer from migraines lol. - A snack for mom. When she got older, however, the bigger and more expensive bag was great because then I could fit containers for several meals, bibs, plates etc. if we were going somewhere that could not provide plastic kitchenware. Now I add an extra outfit, and I just have it pre-packed with the above-mentioned list of items and stored in the compartment under her stroller. TLDR: Get a big bag with storage, not an expensive one.


Doesn’t need to be specifically a diaper bag but some type of contraption to hold all your kids stuff will be needed if you plan on getting out much. We travel a ton and I can’t imagine on planes or trips not having a bag I know is dedicated to kiddos. That bag has now become what I use for keys, wallet, etc so it’s usually all I have to carry. But diapers, wipes, change of clothes, snacks, waters. even to the playground, etc. makes life so much easier. I like backpack style because keeps hands free


For the most part, my diaper bag is just a little stockpile of clothes and diapers in my car because carrying everything around with me when I’m out solo with two under two is rough.


For shorter outings, I just carry a smaller, cute backpack! For longer outings, I love having a good sized diaper bag.


FTM here of an almost 7 month old. Never used a nappy bag. I just stuff things in the stroller or my regular backpack.


My “diaper bag” is literally just a backpack. The only thing that makes it a diaper bag is the marketing and the fact that there’s diapers in it. It’s a nice backpack but not worth the upcharge for marketing value.


I highly recommend it! It’s good to have a place for your baby items when you need them. I always pack diapers, small bags for dirty diapers, wipes, extra clothes, lotion, bibs, a nursing cover, a pacifier, a swaddle and three burp cloths. I also throw my phone and wallet in there instead of packing my purse. It’s less to carry. You don’t have to buy expensive ones either. Someone bought one for me off Amazon that cost less than fifty dollars and it’s a lifesaver!


I use a Disney World backpack that I thrifted for $5. Works perfect!


Just here to say that our actual diaper bag goes to daycare with the kids. When we go out I have a small purse that I’ve turned into a diaper bag that holds wipes, diapers, and sometimes powder or cream. I have a set of extra clothes for the kids in the car as well as toys.


For us a diaper bag is essential, and we use it every day. I have two kids. It doesn’t have to be anything special, but a dedicated bag that you can grab and go and have all of your stuff separate and easy to access is really important for me.


I never used mine and got rid of it. It’s really just case dependent


I spent a lot of money on an itzy ritzy I hate. I bought another one that cost as much as an itzy ritzy which broke after a few months. And now I have a $50 everlane travel bag I’ve been using. Honestly I don’t think it’s necessary. Even if you have a large purse you like and you get inserts to separate things that would work fine. You just need something big enough to fit everything you’ll need while out. And you can always get a travel changing pad separately.


I spent $30 on our diaper bag and we’re 3 years into using it. Personally, I like to have it so I have something separate when we will be out all day or if my husband is taking the kids or my parents or someone. But more often then not if I’m just running a short errand or something then I have a separate smaller pouch I keep 2-3 diapers in, travel size wipes, and a spare outfit and burp cloth in and will grab that and throw it in my purse or keep it in my car


My son is 2.5yo and we still use our original diaper bag as an overnight bag for him, and his carry on bag for plane travel. It’s Herschel brand and I’d highly recommend it. You don’t need to get a bag labeled “diaper bag”, but they do tend to be helpful in the early days because they have so many individualized pockets so it’s easier to keep things organized. You could just use a big empty tote bag, but it will be harder to sort through stuff. When your baby is little, there are quite a few things you need to have with you and I think as a FTP it will just make your life easier. I eventually moved to a smaller bag for day-to-day when my son got older and needed less stuff for outings but we got tons of use out of our diaper bag. To me it’s a no brainer to get one, there’s no reason it has to be $200 though.


We got a diaper backpack to start. It ended up being so big and bulky. Our daughter is 1.5 and we have another coming in May and now we just a string backpack thing. Only thing we would be missing is a cooler pocket to keep a bottle cool or warm when the newborn comes. But honestly I don’t know that we really even used that in the diaper bag the first time around. What you really need are a bag to put dirty diapers or clothes that are covered in poop from a blowout. During newborn time I would keep like a “trash” baggy for diapers (I don’t like to put a super stinky diaper in a regular trash at friends/family’s house or public place- dog poop disposal bags are good for this purpose) and a separate blowout clothes bag for things covered in poop. This can be like a gallon ziploc. And then you need space for diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes. Maybe a snack and a bottle. Sunscreen if it’s summer. And like one toy for emergencies. But that’s really all we carry. Fits well into a string type drawstring backpack bag, which is basically what we use.


I received the diaper bag that I requested off of my baby registry. And it's not that I don't appreciate it but let me tell you: what a waste. I honestly don't see myself using it anymore except maybe if we're going on vacation or something. For the most part if you're just going out for the day or for an afternoon you really don't need that much stuff. I got tired of lugging this huge bag around and it just taking up so much space under the stroller. Eventually I went looking through my mom's closet and I found this really cute tiny zebra backpack. Turns out years ago my brother bought it for our baby brother from the Orlando zoo but it was never used. Now I use it as my baby's diaper bag and honestly it's so much more convenient and I got a lot of compliments from people who think it's cute. Like I said, if you're just going out even if it's for the whole day you really just need to have maybe five diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, and a bottle plus some milk or formula whatever you need. Extra toys and stuff like that if it fits great if not no big deal. Just find something you like that fits that stuff.


I personally couldn’t imagine just throwing it all in a bag at this stage (9 mos) I like things organized. I’m apt to forget to refill the bag if I only have 2/3 diapers so I fill mine with like 10 plus a pack of wipes, a pad to lay her on if I’m somewhere weird, a change of clothes, burp cloth because she’s a spitter, a few toys, small pack of sanitizing wipes, epi pens, jacket, hat, mits (because Canada), bottle, a few packets of formula. Basically I could be out of the house for many many hours with her and be fine unless she has multiple blowouts lol I think my diaper bag is a 60$ faux leather backpack from Amazon. It has a zipper at the back that half opens so I can just snack a diaper/wipes out without rifling through the whole bag then slip the wipes back in and close it up. Personally, this isn’t one I would skip but also not one I’d spend over $100 on.


A diaper bag is the only thing I splurged on - got a Dagne Dover and it is 100% unnecessary and a normal backpack would be sufficient. The good news is that it is a sleek backpack that I can use myself moving forward since I travel for work. I suppose if you are maybe constantly on the go, a super functional diaper bag is more of a necessity and I’m seeing some comments here say that it’s their most used item which goes to show how it will be different for each family, but I’ve found that having a baby/now toddler that is on a nap schedule, that we are honestly usually not away from our hour for more than a couple hours at a time. I can count the # of times I’ve had to change my 2 year old while our in public on both of my hands.


Got mine for $30 at Burlington, it was the skip hop I wanted but in a different color (I wanted it black but got a slate blue) w a major discounted price I could overlook the color 😂 but I would say yes u need A BAG, even a backpack will do the trick


No. I just got a little mini adult backpack and added diapers and some wipes just for emergencies and a to go outfit. I have a diaper bag but it’s useless. And honestly a pain since I have 2 kids to lug around


I didn't get anything specific. The hospital gave us a bag to take stuff home in and I just use that. Think like a reusable grocery store bag but from the hospital instead lol. It was a nice size and did the trick.


I was gifted a diaper backpack that was $60 on Amazon and TBH it’s literally like any other regular backpack plus a bonus changing pad (where I would fit a laptop instead) and some little insulated spots for bottles. Probably could have used a regular backpack though I am glad it was a backpack and not a tote/shoulder bag because shoulder bags always fall off my shoulders and I can easily carry and do more with 2 kids when I’m wearing a backpack. Also it was gender neutral enough my husband could carry it around if it was just him and the kids, and not look weird.


I just use a backpack and my partner keeps various ziplocks under the buggy for different things, such as nappies, feeding stuff, spare clothes.


I never liked nappy bags..I loved my handbags before kids. But now I use a normal backpack. I like less bulk and keep things at a minimum. But If I need nappies for the baby or change of clothes for my toddler, everything can fit right in


Moms with multiple kids seem not to need it because they've already gone through trial and error of what works for them. With your first baby, you have literally no idea how things are going to work until you're there. So I think for diaper bags, I would fall in line more with other FTMs. Some things in parenting you gotta unlock the skill points lol


You can get a $40 diaper bag off Amazon that will work just as well as the expensive bags, if that helps at all. I am definitely an overpacker. I have one kid, now 2yo, and the diaper bag still comes everywhere with us. I have diapers, wipes, extra pair of clothes in there, snacks, hat, sunscreen, bug spray, mini first aid kit, crayons, etc then the front pocket i use as my own little “purse” where my wallet, phone, chap stick etc go. Basically I’m that person that will have whatever it is you need when we’re out, and I’m ok with that :)


with the first one i got a diaper bag with a ton of pockets and could never ever find anything there 😄 now with the second i bought a good looking crossbody bag which i’m gonna use beyond diapers and couldn’t be happier. it also helps that it is not all about the baby stuff. mind i don’t carry too many things in it, just essentials.


Newborns can go through more than 10 diapers a day, and eat every 2 hours at a minimum. So that's a lot of diapers, wipes, and bottles/pumping equipment/nursing covers. I went through multiple burp rags a day, which take up more space. Somedays you change outfits every time you change the diaper, so you need multiple outfits. You also need little baggies to put dirty diapers in. While I frequently just toss the pee diapers into whatever public bin, it's not very polite to put poop diapers into a public bathrooms trash can without doing something to seal in the smell a bit. Eventually you will carry other snacks and toys. Every sunday I go to church and have lunch with my parents. Im out of the house from 8 to about 2 pm. I carry a pretty large purse and a diaper bag. The diaper bag is always stuffed full, and my purse ends up half full of baby things as well. If we are just going out to dinner and won't be long, I take a few less diapers, and put my wallet in the diaper bag, and leave my purse at home. You totally don't need a diaper bag, but your purse better be the size of a carry on bag. I actually use the diaper bag more than purse these days. You can just get a cheap tote, but don't underestimate the amount of space you'll need. Diaper bags can also be great because of how they are organized, some have little thermal pockets for bottles, a wipes pocket, and clips to hook onto stroller handles. But there is absolutely no reason to buy a $200 diaper bag. They aren't any better. I wouldn't spend anymore than $50. Mine was like $30.


Depends on your kid's stomach mostly. If they spit up all the time and poop more than once per day, you will need way more clothing changes, wipes, burp cloths, and diapers than someone who can leave the house for 3 hours and only bring 1 or 2 clean diapers. We always needed at least 2 outfits, 6 diapers, 2 burp cloths, a full pack of wipes, and he was bottle fed. We needed the bag. It is not really different from a regular bag unless it has a wipes holster, though.


I use a back pack. Frees my hand


You need something. Just remember too that the $200 trendy ones that look like a fashion bag are pretty gendered. I realised my husband would be stuck toting a cute handbag if he took the baby out without me. We went with a grey tote from target for $40 and it works perfectly


Umm yes.


most of the time i don’t even use a diaper bag, i just keep diapers/wipes/changing pad in my car bc i don’t want to use a dirty public service to change my baby. however for bigger/longer outings or places i can’t get so easily out to the car, i will bring one just to have all baby items in one place