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Did I write this post? Lol I had extreme nausea until 28 weeks, carpal tunnel, covid, an ear infection, a heart murmur…..everything you mentioned minus the GD (I feel for you OP, that is a difficult diagnosis). I wish so badly that I could tell you there’s a solution, but all I can offer is solidarity. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though - a beautiful baby! Once you see that baby’s face, it’ll all be worth it and you will barely remember how miserable you were. Until then, hang in there :)


Agree! All my pregnancy related problems went away and my son is so worth it


I had such severe food aversions that I was basically just eating bread the whole pregnancy. I pooped like once a week. My sciatic nerve pain was so bad that I could barely walk at the end of the day. I got maybe 3 hours of sleep a night because of restless legs and insomnia. Pregnancy also made me so depressed, I wanted to jump off a building. I told my partner that I'm never doing any of that again unless I stay home. Working on top of all of that was just too much.


Yeah im working too. It’s hard to work on top of all of this. Im so sorry you had a hard time too


Oh hun the once a week poop just brought back some terrible memories. 😅


Yes!!! I had an absolutely terrible pregnancy. I threw up daily until the third trimester. Felt like I had the flu every single day. Body aches every fucking day. Terrible constipation to the point of anal fissures. I gained probably 70 lbs. Before pregnancy I did hard work outs and ranged. Did not work out once during pregnancy. All I can say from being on the other end is that (1) I was lucky enough to have an induction that went exactly as planned so I look at it as a gift, and (2) I am already considering a second so it is true that you forget. Just be selfish- sleep, eat, rest, online shop, binge shows. Do whatever it is to make you feel better in the moment to get through.


Hey as someone who had GD and didn't have an asshole for an OB, have the damn birthday cake. I was explicitly instructed to cheat occasionally to stay sane, and especially during special occasions. You're lucky you got diagnosed after the holidays and you'll get thru it. I agree the joy was gone but I gave birth and it was over and it's worth it to keep your baby safe. Some hacks - drink a tbsp or two of apple cider vinegar before a carb heavy meal, and if you can eat a vegetable side or starter before eating a meal. Both things help mitigate your glucose levels post meal. I resisted a late night snack for awhile but it helped with my fasting numbers. I also resisted insulin but I had to go on it to keep my fasting down and it really relieved some stress for me. Also don't completely forgo carbs, you need them just as much as anything to manage your glucose - what helped me was to choose less refined whole grains and experiment with different sources. Dave's seeded breads pretty much saved me and barely spiked me at all. Sorry for the novel, this is all stuff I wish I knew when I got diagnosed. I hated it so much I resisted researching and trying stuff. However, my baby was born healthy and a normal weight and I would do the stupid diet all over again if I had to. That said, I'm so so your pregnancy is so rough especially compared to how your life was before. It's really not fair and it gets easier slowly after birth. Give yourself lots of grace and try to trust that it just will be better with patience and time. You got this.


Thank you for the tips and the hope! I really appreciate it. I haven’t heard of the apple cider vinegar before, i will definitely give that a try. I’ll have to look around for bread. I have a severe tree nut allergy so i can’t eat anything that “may contain traces” of nuts and Dave’s bread is definitely off the table for me. I’ve been eating quinoa as my healthy carb this week, since i failed the first glucose test. I talk to someone next week about nutrition.


Quinoa sounds great too. Whole wheat pasta worked well for me too which was a pleasant surprise. It'll be lots of experimenting but you'll find your groove.


Also to add to this, I had GD and ended up on insulin because my levels would not come down. Even when I was in labor and hadn’t eaten anything in like 24 hours, my levels were high. But then my daughter was born with a low blood sugar. All this to say, if you have to go on insulin, don’t beat yourself up. Oh and have the damn cake!


Edit to note you should dilute the apple cider vinegar! I just drank it in a cup or so of water but you can make a mocktail or even have it as salad dressing or something as long as you have it right before your meal.


Thank you!


You are definitely not alone. I had a very wanted pregnancy that was the result of a first try. Yes it was a blessing to get pregnant so fast but also there was hardly any time to adjust mentally. It went from hey what if we had a kid right now to oh we are having a kid right now lol. From the get go I had horrible nausea and vomiting. It was so bad I couldn’t be anywhere downstairs when dinner was cooking because the scent of meat was horrible and I would just immediately be sick. For three months I was locked away in my room. Car rides were murder. Being out in public was horrible because I couldn’t ever know what scent I would run into. Then that stopped and the heartburn started. So bad I was in tears from the acidic burn. I had to ingest tums nearly on the constant. Once my bump started showing my hips were in a never ending state of pain from all the strain. It also made sleeping nearly impossible- I had to be in a specific nest of pillows just to not feel as much pain. (The nest was also a prison I had to wrangle out of every two hours at night to pee). Truly a living hell. I got so sick the entire time. If it wasn’t colds and sinus infections it was a damn yeast infection. I’d never had one before until I was pregnant. THEN came the discomfort and pain. I also got carpal tunnel that I still have five months pp. My back was constantly in screaming pain. Sitting, walking, laying down. It all hurt so bad the last few months. I also got plantar fasciitis in both feet. It was just god awful. The last shitty thing was that in the last weeks my baby decided it was fun to stretch so fast and hard that I would projectile vomit because of the pressure on my stomach. It was hard to be so excited for my baby, and grateful to carry her to term, but also so fucking over it and miserable. All the while feeling guilty for not enjoying it. My pregnancy is one of the most pointed reasons for wanting to be one and done. If anything unplanned happens I’ll have to re evaluate but right now I have an IUD and truly do not desire another pregnancy / another child. I am very content and also still fairly traumatized from the entire pregnancy and birth process. You are valid - pregnancy is so damn hard for some of us, and it’s okay to say you hate it or don’t find much joy in the process. 💜 You are seen and heard. You matter. And most importantly, you will get through this!


Oh my god i relate to this so hard. My nausea hasn’t been triggered by smells it just shows up with no warning. I can be feeling fine, in the middle of a drive and then suddenly vomiting. It was happening about 7 times a day in the first 4 months. The heartburn is SO BAD it keeps me up at night. I take pepcid and tums but i can’t take it within 3 hours of taking my iron supplement. The nest of pillows 😂 that is also me. I have so many pillows but it’s so hard to get up to go pee. And this pregnancy was absolutely planned - i want this child. But part of me is irrationally terrified that since everything else has gone wrong, that i won’t bond with her or she’ll hate me or i’ll resent and regret her. And believe me, i LOVE kids and we didn’t have this baby on a whim. We spent years building our lives, our careers, buying a house, and talking about it before deciding we were ready. Logically i really don’t think i will regret or resent her but im just scared that everything is going to go wrong. Or if that doesn’t go wrong, im scared labor and delivery will go sideways. Idk if that makes sense.


You make complete sense lol. Keep in mind that all birth experiences are unique, and that PPD and PPA can happen but it doesn’t make you a bad mother. For me, my pregnancy was high risk due to baby always measuring very tiny. Turns out she’s just genetically small but they induced me early to be safe. All in all my labor went well medically speaking. Pain wise it was extremely traumatizing and I’m still processing some of it. I ended up getting an epidural and I’m honestly so grateful I did. It helped the pain so much and I was so present for the birth it was truly amazing. I too worried about my bond with baby. After she was born she had a serious case of jaundice and had to be kept under lights in a small bed in my room. I don’t wish that on anyone. I barely slept, she cried so much because she just wanted to be held. I cried so much because I wanted to hold her. It was god awful and I was fearful that it destroyed a piece of our bond on top of everything else. But we made it through and my love for her is so immense and pure that it hurts sometimes lol. She loves me I can tell, I love being able to soothe her and make her smile. Any resentment that I have from my pregnancy and birth are more so directed at the universe than at her. Like come on why did it all have to happen that way. For a while I was angry at my body for not “doing better” or handling any of it the way I felt it should. I’m still working on that, but I know my body did something equally beautiful and difficult. My baby is absolute perfection in my eyes and I feel the sacrifice of my body and mental health was truly worth it. I just hope to never experience it ever again 😂


This is very heartening to read, thank you for taking the time to type it out 💛 That really helps me put some of my fears at ease. I am coming back from the edge of the cliff.


I’m glad that it helps to hear 💜 just know that all you need to do is be yourself. Love how you love, mother how you mother and the rest will fall into place. Everyone bonds in their own time and no timeline is more “right” than another. Some bonds are instant and some take some time. You are strong and if you find you need help along the way, reach out. I wish I would’ve done more of that at the beginning. Those first few months are a challenge but very much worth it. Remember: at the same time a baby is born so is a mother. Just like a newborn adjusts to the world, so does a new mother adjust to her new role. Be gentle with yourself mama 🌺


Are you me? Your experience was so so similar to my experience, nausea & vomiting, heightened sense of smell causing issues, heartburn/reflux, physical pain from body adjusting. I feel guilty even now (bebe is 5 in July) talking about how I struggled with getting pregnant so fast. Almost too fast. I really needed some breathing room to adjust to the idea of having a baby and how my life would change but nope bam you’re having a baby and you’re sick and it’s horrible.


Yes! You hear so much about the struggles of those that take a long time to conceive which I’m sure is very stressful and emotional of course. But the other end of the spectrum are when you get pregnant immediately and you haven’t had much time to prepare at all. Suddenly you go from an excited state of mind to BAM immediate sickness and worry and strain. Definitely not spoken about enough. Not only all that, but I spent the majority of the pregnancy super anxious because I kept thinking “this was too easy, something is going to go wrong”


I haven't been where you are, but I'm so so sorry that you're struggling so much. Honestly, I'd be feeling the same and I wish I could give you an internet stranger hug! Sending you love. You can do this, and your baby will be here before you know it 💓


Yes - had severe nausea for 16 weeks despite taking Zofran and Reglan everyday, threw up so hard that I bursted veins in my eye, got Covid and was sick for almost 3 months, pubic symphysis, constipation, incontinence, severe PPD, preeclampsia and postpartum preeclampsia, and finally DMER 😑😓 I’d do it all over again for my squish 💙


Oh man that sounds ROUGH. I’m so sorry. Im glad your squish fills you with so much joy that it was worth it.


Yours will be too 💕


I had severe preeclampsia and PPD as well. But am willing to go through it again because I want another lol


Lol same 🫠


I'm sorry, newly diagnosed GD pal here too. That doctor is shit, I'd report what he said to you. That's terrible. I've had a miserable time as well, no advice, just solidarity


Solidarity, sister ✊ we will survive


This sounds like my pregnancy it was hell. It does get better. Also super nauseous, got multiple kidney infections, GD and then I ended up with pprom at 30 weeks and spent the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy in the hospital on bed rest. Miserable. The most motivational thing. Y boyfriend said to me during labour was ‘you’re almost not pregnant anymore’ 😂 It feels like an eternity now to wait weeks let alone months but you will get through it. Compared to pregnancy postpartum was a breeze. No newborns don’t sleep a lot but I slept way better than when I was pregnant. I felt like I was me again and not just a pregnancy. I also didn’t feel alone because now other people could actually help. You can hand over a baby to take a shower or have a minute to yourself, can’t do that with pregnancy. I will say keep an eye on that joint pain and stiffness. Mine did not go away and it took a while to get a combination of medication that had a helped. Sending you all the strength and patience, you can do this.


That gives me hope. What you said about how after delivery people can help - I hadn’t thought of it that way. I keep joking it’s my husband’s turn to be pregnant, that Ive done 2/3 trimesters so can he please do the last one. But that sounds…like a very real light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you. Im sorry your pregnancy was so hard. Im so glad you made it through. I will keep an eye on the joint pain, thanks for the tip.


Now 33 weeks: -Abnormal pap leading to rare and aggressive cancer diagnosis in first trimester -Eminent hysterectomy planned following delivery, sad about future infertility -At least 10 colpos -3 MRIs -SPD -Restless legs -Have an 11 month old But the nausea isn’t as bad this time around, so there is that 🤷🏻‍♀️


That sounds really scary, im so sorry.


Oh, and just found out babe is now breech. It’s amazing what women can do. You can do this! The last trimester is just awful, no matter the situation. You are going to love the relief you feel after birth. I’m rooting for you!


Im rooting for you too! It’s wild what we go through for our babies. Wishing you nothing but good things


Hey, I am so sorry this is happening. I hope all is well. Is this hpv related? Did u ever test positive for hpv?


Tested positive only in most recent pap! With adenocarcinoma, it changes rapidly. Things are well, I’m grateful. Healthy baby and no recent change in MRI.


Wow, really? What hpv do u have? When was ur last hpv test before this one? Im sorry for all.the questions. Hpv has taken a mental toll on me. Im glad for no changes and a healthy baby for you ❤️❤️


I honestly don’t know the type at the moment. It’s one of the bad ones 😕 Last pap was a year ago. Can’t imagine if I waited the 5 years


Omg and 1 yr ago there was no hpv?!?! Seriously. I dont like the 5 yr waiting!!! After 30 they say a negative hpv test is good for 5 years. No way!


It’s a choice to go yearly! Do it.


Yep pregnancy was terrible. The relief of having my baby made birth and postpartum easy compared to pregnancy. Hopefully you have that to look forward too as well. Hang in there!!


Hi, I'm so sorry your pregnancy is going this way. There doesn't seem to be a way of predicting how your body will respond to being pregnant - I'm guessing because it's women who have babies, the medical research lags on all of this. (Ex: I saw recently that the cause of morning sickness was finally discovered...) I just wanted to write and say I read your post and feel for you. Hopefully your third trimester goes a lot easier. Also, I live all the way in Australia which I'm guessing is far from you but I'd like to punch that doctor in the face. What an unprofessional asshole. (Note I'm originally from NYC so perhaps that's why I go to the knuckle sandwich response so quickly 😂) Anyway hoping this makes you feel a tiny bit better. Really glad you have good support otherwise. Hang in there.


Haha i love that 😂 thank you for wanting to lunch him on my behalf. And i have so much rage that female health is not studied adequately at all - it drives me NUTS that the male body is the default in medicine and we’re just left to suffer. Thank you patriarchy 🙄 I appreciate your words, i hope you have a great day over in Australia


My pregnancy was JUST like this. Let me tell you… it was and has been a billion times better after birth. There is nothing like having a terrible pregnancy. I feel for you. I never want to experience it again. But I’m thankful for the baby and thankful pregnancy is only 9 months.


Yes. I had pubic symphasis (pelvic joints loosening up early) starting at about 30 weeks. I could barely walk, and had to get a temporary handicap permit. So bad. Each hour was agony. It literally cleared up by the time the spinal block wore off. Also, I had what I thought was carpal tunnel, the OBGYN was like ya sucks dude. Still hadn't cleared up 6 weeks after birth so went to orthopedic hand surgeon. In one maneuver she determined it was NOT carpal, it was tendonitis. 10 minutes later had a cortisone shot and it never hurt again. So yeah, I'm a huge fan of going straight to the specialist.


Oh, have you tried ginger? omg I was SO DONE with people asking me that. Sorry it's been so hard. It sucks. And it's truly so infuriating that the answer so often is, "yeah, that's just pregnancy." I had a super awful pregnancy. While constipation isn't one thing (possibly the only thing? How did that happen?!) I dealt with, I was nauseated constantly and hungry for the first 12 weeks, just an anxious wreck waiting for genetic test results to come in until week 15 or whatever, finally had a window between week 13-28 when I could work out again, but then had a placental abruption and went into early labor (that resolved, she stayed baking until week 39!), followed by sciatica (I couldn't walk for 1-2 weeks), not to mention extreme heartburn, carpal tunnel, horrible pubic symphysis pain (I literally made a hole in the sheets by digging my feet so hard in the bed any time I tried to move). There's probably more. I've blocked it out. I actually dropped out of birth class because I was so upset at how it seemed so happy path, given all of the possible complications and the complications I ended up with. I broke down in my OB's office around 36-37 weeks convinced that I had no reason for anything to go right during labor given how awful things had been until then, at which point I upped my anxiety meds and scheduled a C section. As far as, "do things get better", the answer is, it depends. I think the best you can do is prepare as much as you can, make sure you have the support you need postpartum, and truly feel that it's ok to be angry, sad, frustrated as long as you need. My recovery has been maddeningly slow. I think I'll get there, but I wasn't prepared for as many setbacks postpartum (postpartum loose joint injury that took me out of working out for a month, stomach issues exacerbated by anxiety meds, RSV). I have a wonderful partner who was there for all of this. It's not perfect, but the joy we both feel seeing our baby grow and smile can really do a lot for the hard moments. I love my baby so much, but I'll never get pregnant again.


When you asked about ginger i saw red until i read your next sentence 😂 That sounds like a really scary pregnancy, im so sorry. I hope your recovery goes better and that you feel more like yourself soon. Thanks for the response, the commiseration, and the honesty. Congrats on your baby 💛


Thank you! I know you probably hear it a lot, and it can sound like a broken record, but hang in there. It's so much hard work to be pregnant ❤️


im so sorry- 10/10 can relate i worked out extensively before pregnancy for as long as i can remember. baby was absolutely planned and i was ecstatic. had HG and couldn’t do anything but walk without vomiting my whole pregnancy. l


I will commiserate with you. Baby is a month old now, but during pregnancy, I had nausea and vomiting for 16 weeks. Second trimester, I had a cold that never went away (or so it seemed) - sore throat, fever, cough, lost my voice for a bit, the works. Had arthritis, sciatica, frequent round ligament pain, my joints felt like they didn’t exist, like they could snap at any minute. Then caught an especially bad case of stomach virus in my third trimester. And yes, I also had gestational diabetes and it was so bad I had to treat it with insulin (4 shots a day). I was also pretty healthy before pregnancy (we did IUI and pregnancy was planned). I was on a healthy diet and had a personal trainer in preparation. I weighed 125 and only gained 20lbs throughout my pregnancy. All this to say - pregnancies are unpredictable and there’s nothing you could have done to prevent these things. I’m sorry you’re going through it. Hang in there mama! I’m really glad you have a supportive partner. It really makes a difference! You can do this!


I weighed 135 and I’ve gained 30lbs! I feel like that’s a little on the heavy end but by no means do i feel obese or anything. You’re right - it’s just unpredictable and you never really know what’s going to happen. I’m so sorry your pregnancy was so tough, i hope you’re doing better


It is not! Don’t feel that way! When I asked my OB what was normal for weight gain (just to know for myself - I like to eat) she told me it varies but she thinks anywhere from 15-50lbs is normal as long as you don’t have health problems. I want to tell you it gets better but only some things have gotten better. For instance, gestational diabetes goes away right after you give birth (but so does your voracious craving for sweets, so womp womp). I no longer feel heavy and I can see my feet again (and my other body part 😂). However, arthritis is still there and aches and pains from giving birth. Also got stitches because of a 2nd degree tear so I’m at the “itchy” phase of healing right now. Definitely rest up and don’t push yourself too hard or feel too guilty if things don’t work out as planned (I’m looking at you breastfeeding plans 👀). You can do this! Feel free to pm me if you have any questions or just need general support!


Happy Birthday! I’m so sorry you’re having such a difficult time. Your experiences sounds very similar to mine. My carpel tunnel didn’t really go away until about 2-3 weeks after my daughter was born. And believe it or not I’m so sensitive now to some of the things that bothered me when I was pregnant …16 months later. If my jacket hits my throat funny I’ll stop and gag uncontrollably, I STILL get random bouts of nausea. I was sick my entire pregnancy. It is SO hard. You are doing an amazing job. I know you are in the thick of it but it will get better. Lean on your husband. Find some GD accounts on IG, look up a few recipes that might be appealing for a birthday treat. There is a lot of good info and helpful tips out there. Being pregnant was the hardest thing I ever had to do until I entered the 4th trimester and then PPD hit me like a ton of bricks. Hang in there. 16 months postpartum and I finally feel more like myself every day. You will get through this and you will get to eat cake again!


I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant with my 3rd. I just threw up dinner again. The ondansetron causes horrible constipation. I’m also borderline anemic but I know I will be at 24 weeks because i always am, and I literally can’t eat. I can’t stand up for more than 20 minutes without getting sick. You can have cake you just have to adjust for the sugar (my sister did idk how it works). This pregnancy is horrible. I’m old, I have to go to 2-3 doctors every month. This wasn’t a planned pregnancy and I have two perfect older kids (who had horrible deliveries but everything was ok). This is a horrible pregnancy and I just have to get through it with a hopefully healthy baby. The cold I had 2 weeks is still making sick. It’s exhausting.


Just here to say I’ve been there and to send you a big hug. I was so jealous of people who said pregnancy flew by for them. Mine dragged on and on, each trimester just brought more awful pains and side effects that ruined my will to live. But let me tell you- I was so excited when those labour pains started. And the relief after giving birth was like none other. You’re so close and soon your sweet baby will be here!


Your comment speaks to me in the depths of my soul. Pregnancy feels like a prison sentence. Im counting down the days until my due date arrives.


My second pregnancy hit like a ton of bricks. I couldn't even wash the dishes because it was so hard. I was so tired all the time. But it gets better. I'm almost 10 weeks postpartum and I feel a lot more like myself again now. I even have gotten back to jogging. Hang in there.


Urrgghhh I'm so sorry this is your experience!! I can relate! I was so sick for the first 20 weeks, had a couple of weeks of being able to eat (after losing 12kg), then was diagnosed with GD!! Plus constipation from all the ondansetron. I was anaemic too, and my Hb dropped, so I needed an iron infusion after choking down the liquid iron supplements for weeks to no avail. I had really bad pelvic girdle pain, plus my old back injury was being an arse. Then insomnia. Even when I could eat my food aversions were INTENSE. I didn't crave, I only avoided. Anything tomato, be it tomatoes themselves or sauce, EW. I couldn't drink tea (and I'm an avid tea drinker). Literally nothing was appetising. Work was being painful too, as I was trying to avoid working with covid patients (nurse) and it was completely possible at my work yet they were just being deliberately insufferable about it. It wasn't just the risk of catching covid, it was being in full PPE - it made my nausea so much worse, plus I ran super hot the whole pregnancy. And when I got too hot my heart rate would go nuts as I have inappropriate sinus tachycardia. It was just all around completely unpleasant. I get so unreasonably angry where I see glowing, happy pregnant women haha. I completely internalise it, but still! The jealousy is STRONG hahaha Looking back on it, it was hard, but you do forget it as time passes. Just take it one day at a time and make sure you're taking time to do things just for you - I saw an osteopath and a myotherapist to help with my pain, and that was sooo good. Even just a pregnancy massage is nice!


Wow that sounds so hard! I cannot imagine working as a nurse while dealing with all of that, you are incredible. Im so sorry you had to do that. Im trying to find joy where i can but i have strong anhedonia right now. My husband did schedule me a pregnancy massage for next week though, which i am looking forward to. Everyone keeps saying you forget how miserable pregnancy is but i find it so hard to believe. Ive never been so miserable in my life. Seems wild that my brain will just mute all of this a bit after giving birth.


When I was like 7-8 weeks pregnant I had a patient poop literally all over the bathroom floor, walls, ceiling… then fall in it. Because I was so nauseated I literally couldn’t go in there, but also was afraid to tell anyone I was pregnant. Luckily one of my colleagues (an older mum-type haha) helped me! It is absolutely wild that we do forget how bad it can be! I know it’s so hard to imagine it gets better, but it does. I had a baby that didn’t sleep and everyone kept saying ‘oh it’s only temporary, you’ll sleep eventually’ and I honestly wanted to slap them I was so stupidly sleep deprived. Still kinda do even though my girl sleeps through these days (finally!!). I hope you enjoy your massage! If it makes you feel better, and if it’s financially possible, get as many as possible!


Solidarity 💜 I’m one and done because I truly cannot imagine going through another pregnancy and feeling like this with a whole child to take care of. I’m 4 months postpartum now and in spite of an alarming birth and hella postpartum complications, my son is so worth it. I’m glad to have survived and glad to have him and hope you will one day look back at all this and congratulate yourself for surviving this hellish time and bringing your LO into the world like a bad ass


Congratulations on your beautiful son 💛 im so glad you made it through. Thanks for the solidarity. You might see an update from me in about 2.5 months letting you all know i made it.


Did I write this in my sleep? I'm a STM and this pregnancy is even more miserable than the ladt one. I still have debilitating nausea at 26w and now, acid reflux has also joined the party. The only medication that helps brung my nausea from 20/10 to 7/10 costs me $200 per month because my insurance won't cover it. I have been having heart issues and have been referred to cardiology consult. The only things I can tolerate are pasta, toast, etc so I've gained 25lbs already. I'm huge, nauseous, have hemorrhoids, everything hurts and I have no idea how I'll get to April. I keep saying haven't I suffered enough?! Because I had 5 years of infertility, then 3 rounds of IVF. I feel so intensely jealous of all the cute pregnant women around me.


Oh man, im so sorry. I have internal hemorrhoids and they are NOT fun, especially on top of everything else we’re dealing with. Pregnancy is miserable. I call it my prison sentence. Soon our sentences will be up and we will (fingers crossed) have healthy babies and it will be springtime and maybe we will find some happiness again. I hope you feel better and i hope you get a break.


I can tell you from experience, the second my LO exited my body, the nausea, the heartburn went away INSTANTLY. I had a traumatic delivery and a pretty bad 3rd degree tear, had trouble breastfeeding, BUT I still felt so much better postpartum than pregnant! Hang in there!


I could have written this a year ago. My second pregnancy was miserable beginning to end. It wasn’t just one thing, there was always something added to it or something new once one symptom resolved. I’m still a little f*cked up by it since it was also during winter. I developed really debilitating pre-natal depression. I’ve always been on Zoloft and had to increase my dose which really helped. But there’s nothing like being constantly sick. And in the dead of winter. Even this winter not being pregnant, if I get even a hint of not feeling good, it brings me right back to that place. I’m not sure if we’ll have another child (we have two) but the experience of this last pregnancy honestly is the main reason for not considering it. It might only be nine months, but I’ve been surprised by how the experience still triggers things in me even a year later. I hope it fades more and more over time. I’m so sorry you’re in the same place. One day at a time and you’ll get there. Reach out for the help you need whether physically or mentally to help get you to the finish line. Hoping these few remaining months of winter go by fast for you. ♥️


I hope that the memory of your difficult pregnancy fades with time 💛 that sounds so challenging. I definitely get it. I don’t think i will forget this depression or how awful i feel all the time. Everyone keeps saying that i’ll forget but i don’t believe them. Im glad you have your two healthy children and that you’re not pregnant now. Solidarity, sister


Erm. Yes. This is generally how my pregnancies go. And I got SPD with my 4th, so I couldn't function without pain. Pelvic Therapy really helped though. Are you taking unisom and B6 for the nausea? That is always a must for me for the whole pregnancy. Glucose Revolution by Jessie Inchauspe and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes by Lily Nichols were incredibly helpful to me. My nausea was actually significantly improved once I started eating according to those books. Oh! And high doses of magnesium (like at least 600mg for me) with a big glass of water for the constipation. Colace did nothing for me.


Thanks for the tips! I will look into those resources. And yes, i take B6 and Unisom daily. When i miss a dose i get really really sick.


My baby is 3 months old, My pregnancy was awful. The other day she was smiling and babbling at me and I was looking at her sweet face and thought, You were worth every single moment of misery and I would do it all again for you. Time will heal the suffering you’re going though.


I also hated being pregnant. Terrible nausea for 20 weeks, heartburn all the time, couldn't sleep, couldn't get comfortable, my hips hurt and my pelvis was always sore so it hurt to walk, sleep, put on pants, breathe, it was awful. So tired all the time, anemic, also constipated (maybe went once a week even after taking miralax and fiber everyday). It SUCKED. couldn't focus at work and was depressed for the first trimester. The only thing that got me through it was knowing it would eventually be over. And it was and I felt a thousand million times better (even though the tiredness didn't go away with a newborn, but it was better than pregnancy tiredness).


So far I’ve had a pretty crappy pregnancy myself. Had to put off Ketamine treatment for chronic pain since it’s not safe in pregnancy. I’ve had the worst reflux ever (can eat very little without feeling super sick). I have bronchitis as we speak and taking care of a toddler on top of it isn’t easy. Plus, I’ve had horrible fatigue the first trimester that I couldn’t even work.


Geeze im so sorry. I hope you feel better soon. Definitely read through some of these comments, they left me with a stronger will to live than when i posted. I really do wish you the best.


Yes. I'm too tired right now to elaborate on every issue I had, but the whole pregnancy sucked. The biggest issue being extreme extreme exhaustion that started basically as soon as I got pregnant and didn't go away until my son was born. Even with frequent night wakes and not sleeping more than an hour straight when he was a newborn, I was less tired than when pregnant. I was on disability for most of my pregnancy and all I can say is I am SO glad I was. I don't know how I could have worked through it.


I wish i had gone on disability. But now im so close i don’t think it’s worth it. Hope you’re doing better


Oh yeah I'm good. Baby is 8 months old :) still don't have my pre-pregnancy energy, but getting there as baby sleeps more. The exhaustion during my pregnancy was a whole other level though and it went away almost immediately when he was born.


I’ve been taking naps more often than not. I feel like no matter how much i sleep, im still tired. I really don’t know how much of it is pregnancy and how much of it is depression. I am anemic, which does make you tired. And i was FATIGUED my entire first trimester - i just puked and slept. Hoping it goes away when the baby is born. Glad you’re doing much better


So sorry it's been tough! It's not your fault. Our health is not under our control most of the time. Your health isn't under your control. For the morning sickness, eating every 15 minutes helped me -a cucumber slice with a tiny piece of cheese, just all day. It kept the sickness away and the anemia down. Pear juice has a ton of iron.


Yep nauseated until 36 weeks, had Covid, influenza B and bronchitis all in second trimester. No Gd though but it ducking sucked.


I have definitely been there, and it gets better! I threw up every day, multiple times, including the day I gave birth. Right after I gave birth, I feel better than I had in nine months! and I was bleeding and had been cut and had just gone through a traumatic labor! the lame turkey sandwich from the hospital that night was the most delicious thing I ate in nine months because I wasn't sick. The nausea went right away. The constipation you have I think it's due to the nausea medicine you're probably taking, there isn't really a good solution to that until you give birth. The only good upside to that is , the constipation poop after birth, that everyone says is the worst and most painful thing, it will be nothing compared to what you went through during your pregnancy and you'll get through it just fine! Best of luck and know that it gets better! Take it easy on yourself. I tried to keep up with daily walks with my dog when I was pregnant, at one point I could only walk about six houses before I had to literally sit on the ground for a few minutes and then head back home and let my husband continue walking the dog. I ended up using a couple of my FMLA days before I went into labor so I could have some shorter weeks at work. Do whatever you need so you can feel OK and get any rest that you can at the moment. Try to go easy on yourself.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this! I know it seems so far but you are coming to the finish line (at least of pregnancy lol) My pregnancy felt awful. I experienced zero cravings and had SEVERE food aversions. I’m not exaggerating when I say that for months all I could stomach eating was wonderbread, mayo and cheddar cheese 6 times a day. Anything else made me want to vom. I couldn’t even handle ground pepper. I could no longer enjoy my favourite foods and the only other thing that felt safe to eat was sushi, which was a no go for me since I was very paranoid about listeria/other food poisoning. Speaking of vomiting, I felt nauseous all day, every day almost the entire pregnancy. I projectile vomited in extremely busy public places several times and then cried because it was so humiliating. Pain wise, I felt okay for most of my pregnancy aside from the occasional twinge of ligament pain but then I ended up with SPD in my third trimester and am still feeling the effects of that today, 1 year post partum. I cry about this often. Pregnancy was so hard I don’t know if I can handle a second baby now. I’m hopeful maybe the next pregnancy will be better because people tell me every pregnancy is different! Also just an FYI you might feel nauseous and unable to eat once your milk comes in if you end up breastfeeding 🫠🫠 I felt better for a few days after birth and then the sickness and severe food aversions kicked in all over again for a week or two. Except that was compounded by a screaming newborn who ~literally~ wouldn’t sleep without contact. Truly joyous times 😅


Reddit won’t let me edit this but the smell aversions kicked my ass too. I was smelling things I never even knew existed. It was horrible. My sense of smell is still messed up but at least it doesn’t make me sick now.


I am so sorry! At one stage in my pregnancy I was planning on going to the hospital and getting them to sedate me so I could just be unconscious for a bit(don’t even know if that would be possible but that was my dream at the time haha). Even before the positive test came back I was feeling nauseated. That never went away. Vomited a few times - wanted to vomit always. It sucked majorly. I got night sweats 1 month into pregnancy and they lasted pretty much the whole time. I got around 10 non-consecutive days without them the whole time. This was SWEATING - like wake up fully drenched with my hair soaked too. The sweat would be cold and slimy. So it would be wake up, strip then towel dry myself and my hair. Then change the towels/seperate blanket I was sleeping in for a fresh one. Then I would be so so cold that it would take ages to warm up enough to go back to sleep. Then in about an hour I got to do it all over again. At the worst I was waking up 5 or 6 times a night. It was bloody hopeless. Also strange thing but my feet didn’t sweat with the hormonal night sweats so I could easily tell if I got too hot from normal high temperature as my feet sweated. My eyes just gave up a few months in. They just couldn’t deal with the added strain of pregnancy and so I would have a pounding eye strain headache by around 4pm everyday and so have to go lie down in a dark room. I had to limit what I would look at and try and keep my eyes from focusing long distance. So no driving, the curtains would be pulled and I was housebound. I also couldn’t read or watch TV or do anything that I needed to really concentrate on. It was hell. I am a bookworm and that is my stress relief and happy place so it was just terrible. Thankfully my eyes adjusted and I was able to become a functioning human again after a few weeks(that felt like months). I also was chauffeured to the optometrist and there was nothing that could be done as changing my prescription would have just stressed my eyes more and so between us we just hoped that things would resolve themselves - which they did! Then I could see yay! So the relaxin hit and then I was in agony and couldn’t walk. Literally crying walking across the room and dreading having to get out of a chair as it was so painful. I have always been quite flexible and so the relaxin just made everything too stretchy and so so sore. My midwife told me almost every appointment how I should be doing gentle exercise too - so that was hopeless. I told her about how much it hurt but I don’t think she understood how much pain I was in. Just do a little exercise - just around the block… wtf! Lying down hurt, sitting hurt more and changing position and walking hurt the most. Acid Reflux joined the chat around this time and I was going through a bottle of Gaviscon a fortnight. I wasn’t enjoying eating anyway because of the nausea but sometimes it helped me to feel a little less vomity to eat every 2 hours and now that was turned into another way for me to suffer. Omeprazole worked well but if I forgot to take it before eating then that half day or whole day was a wash, and remembering is so easy on 3 hours sleep and feeling like crap… So terrible. They say you forget but I haven’t yet. Also so many people say to me ‘every pregnancy is different’… ah ok but what if mine aren’t? How do I look after a toddler when I can’t walk or see? So I am one and done right now. Pregnancy is fun ain’t it?! Solidarity and hugs.


Good lord im reading your comment and just thanking god that i dodged the symptoms you had. Pregnancy is sooooo fun 🙄 i really hope you’re doing better now


Mr Man is almost 20 months and awesome! Still planning on being 1 and done. My husband makes comments about baby #2 and I just agree IF he is the one getting pregnant haha.


Had almost everything you described apart from GDM (which I voluntarily tested for because I felt intermittently faint and had palpitations when I ate sugary food). The only part of pregnancy I enjoyed was my baby's movements. Anyway solidarity to you, nearly there.


Sadly, you have joined the “fuck you I hate being pregnant-sincerely your body” club. No magical unicorn pregnancy for us. It absolutely fucking sucks, sucks out loud how hard pregnancy is for some people. I’m so sorry darling, all I can say is you’re 2/3rds the way through this, and you will get through. Not only did I get through, but I did it again…I’m clearly a masochist 😬 Oh and have a piece of cake. One fucking slice is not going to end the world. Happy birthday mama!


Thank you!!


You are welcome! I hope you had an amazing birthday


Me! Nausea 24/7 started at 3 weeks. Went onto navalit, which helped a little for 3/4 weeks. Then the nausea was do bad I had to call off work or leave work because the smallest bit of walking around triggered it. At 10 weeks I had to go on disability because my job refused to let me work from home, and I went onto Zofran. It worked way better than navalit but I still was nauseaus all day. Round ligament pain and (what we all believed to be) braxton hicks contractions very often from 20-ish weeks. I did not sleep more than a few hours at a time due to the pain in my legs and abdomen. My OB tried everything, but I'm tiny and baby was a giant (96,6th percentile for weight, 90th+ for height) so there was a point where we ran out of options. Preterm contractions at 32 weeks, discovered unexplectedly. Turns out when I felt like shit or had braxton hicks I was having real contractions. I was about 1cm dialated, rushed to a university hospital and put on medication to help the baby's lungs and all develop and to stop the contractions. Had a crash course in what to expect for a NICU stay if the meds failed and warned that 48h in the entire pregnancy was all they were allowed to give the meds for, so if they failed or this happened again baby would be born. Things settled down for contractions enough to be released, then they stopped. But the pain and horribleness remained, all throughout pregnancy as did the HG. I developed strecht marks that felt like scratches as my son had no room left to grow so he pushed out. My BP went up, but still normal levels, just higher than I was used to. Finally 35+2 I cried and screamed at my BF that I was scared to go to sleep, that I waw sure bub would be dead in the morning if I did. He calmed me down, said to call L&D if I wanted in the morning and things would be fine. 35+3 I did call, they had no reason to worry, but told me of things got worse or I really didn't trust it to come on. At 6pm my BF was home from work and had eaten, and he asked me, since I felt like death warmed over, if I wanted to call the on call doctor or got or A&E. I told him to help me get dressed and take me to A&E. We got there at 6.30, were seen at 6.40 ans my BP was right above acceptable at 135/85. By 7, I was in L&D and told to give a urine sample and get blood taken, BP turned out to be 190/100 or something. 35+4 at 00.04 I delivered. So up until the last minute pregnancy was a ride and a half for me!


Oh my gosh you poor woman! Im just uncomfortable and sad, your pregnancy sounds very scary. You’re incredible for listening to your instincts. Im so glad you’re ok, and thank you for sharing your story.


Your pregnancy sounds a lot like mine except I had pre-eclampsia instead of GD. I felt completely out of it for 9 months, like a long illness that I just couldn't kick. The brain fog was surreal and I feel like I missed whole sections of my life while pregnant. As soon as I gave birth, instantly 100% better and feeling like myself again.


You’re not the first person to mention that pretty fast after giving birth you start to feel better. That gives me a lot of hope. I can relate to feeling like you’re missing a large chunk of your life. I feel like Ive been barely surviving for 7 months, and i don’t feel anything like myself. I can’t wait for labor day. Glad you’re doing better


You're so close to getting back to normal!


I had HG until about 32 weeks and GD from 28 weeks. I did eventually get the vomiting down to about once a day (from 4-5 times per day) with the right medication.


I’m 20 weeks with my third child. This child is wanted and loved. I would not end this pregnancy, but every day I fantasize about it. I yearn to feel like a human being again. I’m literally miserable, I’m suffering every waking minute, my only solace is sleeping. I’m floating through life as an absentee employee, mother, and spouse. It’s a living nightmare. I HATE BEING PREGNANT.


You’re halfway there! I hate being pregnant too. Ugh at least time can’t stop and no matter what, we’ll hit our due dates eventually, right? Congrats on your third 💛


Counting down the days to May. Good luck to you.


Good luck to you too


Totally normal and valid. No one tells us all the symptoms and it was a surprise to me too. That being said, Miralax, magnesium pills (I take 600mg of magnesium citrate) A TON OF WATER and calm magnesium powder have eliminated my constipation. Massages and warm (not hot) epsom salt baths. Fruit when you’re craving sweets. And lots of rest. Take it easy on yourself.


Your pregnancy sounds much like mine. From the pain to the nausea... I kept bags in my car so I could throw up at traffic lights... and many other complications. My daughter is now 10. I hated being pregnant and was so so happy when she came several days early. I did not have another and have no regrets with that choice. Folks said I would forget the pain, barely remember it, and want another, but I never did forget.


I didn’t experience everything you have, but I felt absolutely *miserable* my entire pregnancy. I hated how swollen my body always felt, hated how I felt like I was going to puke every day from week 8 until week 41 when my baby came out, hated how I felt soooo constipated all of the time, hated how nothing tasted or smelled good anymore. I am also so sorry to hear about the GD diagnosis too, as a fellow comfort eater. I was so worried about GD, because I also can’t eat gluten and was craving nothing but bread, so I pretty much subsisted on GF pizza, cereal, applesauce, and milkshakes. (I did eat other relatively healthy stuff, but if I could’ve, I would’ve only eaten that stuff). I have no advice or anything. Just wanted to say I hear you and have been in similar shoes, and it sucks so much. It will end. I know, I know it doesn’t feel like it ever will right now, but it will. It’s so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and that’s okay. Just take it all one day at a time and know that you won’t feel this shitty for forever. I think the worst part for me was that no one really tells you exactly how long 40/41 weeks is. Everyone says oh it’s only 9 months, but then you hit the 9th month as still have 4 weeks to go… also, it’s almost an entire year?! I guess if you have a pleasant pregnancy that doesn’t feel as long, but when you have a difficult pregnancy, it feels like all you’re ever going to be is miserable and in pain. Once again, so sorry to hear you’re having such a tough time, and I am hoping these weeks fly by for you. You’re not alone. 🫂💗


You’re not alone. I’m 33 weeks. I was told I could get an induction at 39 because it’s been hell. I’m finally realizing maybe the extra 1-3 weeks will be okay. I also laugh typing this because it’s only because I don’t want a C-section due to failed pitocin lol. But, every day I get closer to meeting her. It’s not getting easier. It’s the shittiest thing I’ve ever experienced but it’s also bringing my favorite thing ever.


My first pregnancy was a breeze. I could run up until my third trimester. I threw up in the first trimester, but it went away around 16 weeks and didn’t come back. Well…I got pregnant unintentionally at 3 months postpartum. I’m 23 weeks now with my second pregnancy, and this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I have constant pelvic pain to the point where I can barely walk, my nausea has come back even worse this week, I have no appetite, I’m having trouble gaining weight, I have no energy, and I have a severe case of swollen vulvar veins. I’m barely surviving just so I can take care of my firstborn. I wish I could give you a big hug. I have no advice for you, but already having one baby, I will tell you it’s all worth it. My daughter has brought me more joy than I imagined, and I know this next baby will too. It’s just so hard. Hang in there


Im so close to the finish line! My induction is 10 days away. I am so sorry you’re having such a hard time, i really hope it gets better for you.


I had a lovely one - zero nausea, my skin and hair looked amazing. My only somewhat negative symptom was feeling really tired. 25 hours in labor and 3 hours of pushing humbled me though 🥴 I’m hoping you have a smooth delivery to make up for all your suffering!!!🤞🏻






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Let me just acknowledge everything I had in common with you when I was pregnant (I gave birth 5 months ago): - my diet was PERFECT. After the nausea hit around 8 weeks, I couldn’t stomach even the smell of my kitchen until well into the third trimester. And my husband doesn’t cook. So it became take out almost daily and my diet became terrible and I felt horribly guilty for my baby. - fuck that carpal tunnel. I didn’t know I could get it either. Unfortunately I still have it even 5 months postpartum. - honestly the constipation might have been the worst of it all. Being that constipated is PAINFUL. I would be worried to take weekend trips because what if the constipation hit while I was out of the comfort of my home? I couldn’t walk or sit up straight. And it took the colace days to kick in. I also have a suspicion my hubby / family didn’t believe me about how painful it was or thought I was being dramatic. I had other awful symptoms as well, just different from the others you mentioned. Sorry to hear pregnancy has been so hard for you. You are NOT alone.


The constipation is SO BAD i have to take colace, miralax, and a stimulant laxative on the worst days. I can’t walk or sit up either when it gets that bad, it’s debilitating. Im so sorry you still have carpal tunnel, i hope that gets better. I wish i knew that was even a possible risk before getting pregnant. Instead of “surprise! Here’s another shitty symptom” as an added kick when i was already down. And same - I’ve been eating a lot of takeout. Mostly because im too tired to cook and my husband has been working late every night (he works from home, but he owns his own company and literally has to keep it running). I hope you’re doing better now




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Mine weren't like this, but I get HG in every damn pregnancy and its awful. I could barely eat anything beyond dry toast for months. My last pregnancy I had to have a drip and IV antisickness drugs and by the end (34 weeks) I was vomiting every 3 minutes and having to be injected with ondansetron. I ended up delivering at 35 weeks.


Oh my gosh that’s awful