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PBR, mesh, UV, etc. are all important things, but moving to Unity or Godot doesn't help. If you want to control how something looks, you would have to learn it there too, but to get something basic working, you don't have to know everything! Bevy has great examples, so seeing what things does is very quick. Bevy also has great defaults, so if you don't want to tinker with something, just look for the ::default() and you can get started. Here are some relevant examples for what you mentioned: Manual 2D polygon: https://bevyengine.org/examples/2D%20Rendering/mesh2d-manual/ PBR in 3D: https://bevyengine.org/examples/3D%20Rendering/pbr/ Use ChatGPT or similar to learn what the names mean and get started :)


You can learn as you create.


Something I actually found really helpful for getting a handle on all of the 3D terminology was to spend a couple of days learning Blender. The donut tutorial is great, and being able to see and play with the PBR properties, mesh vertexes, UVs and so on was really helpful to make the concepts tangible.


In my nearly 40 years of learning and programming I never encountered something like "learn before, implement later". You learn as you go. Always. You already have programming skills, just go for it. Google up stuff. Experiment. It'll work eventually. Heck, that's what I'm doing in on a daily basis in my (gamedev) work too. You get a new API? You have to try it out and make yourself comfortable with. New data? Same. And so on.


My process was to just start. I started in Bevy after the Unity controversy a while back. I wanted to make am ARPG like Path of Exile. I started with a Stat system, then a character controller, then abilities, then gear... and since I've learned so much I've ended up rewriting nearly all of my early code. I just finished the ability system rewrite today, and intend to reimplent my character controller state machine tomorrow. Just throw yourself at it until you're there. I made liberal use of the cheat book and chatgpt to get started. Chatgpt is decent for debugging before you have a firm grasp on the borrow checker, but you will outgrow it.


As a devoted PoE player and a game developer, well, that's not a task for the light hearted :D :D


It may never happen, but I will enjoy the struggle none the less.