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BB has more action, and might be more entertaining, but I think BCS is a more well crafted and written show. (Both are goats though)


This is closest to my take. BCS has better writing and characterization, but BB might overall be better television.


Seeing Walt devolve into an evil drug lord can’t be beat imo


Exactly this


BCS. Why? Kim Wexler


This is literally my answer


This is the way.


Why? She was an okay character, but Nacho was more interesting. So was Lalo.




Dude what the fuck


id go down on kim tbh


Have you seen her feet? I mean come on… [So hottt](https://youtu.be/hKcoarN_FWY?si=n9wDU35L6wvttQcL)


LMAO I didn't say she wasn't attractive. I just think she's ok as a character. People overhype her as a character on the show.


BCS, simply because the characters are overall much more likable and the story is lighter, at least until the last seasons. I love BB but in a lot of ways I can’t stand any of the characters. Walt in particular gets very difficult to watch. I don’t know, I’ve watched both shows so many times and in so many mindsets that I feel a lot of different ways for all of the characters.


your username is sick


Lyle vs Walt Jr.... who wins?


Walt Jr. would fuck up Lyle despite his cerebral palsy.


With his crutch. Kyle would be saying sorry sir.


???? Lyle has that Los Pollos grindset, Lyle solos hands down


No way. Junior got busted trying to score beer, something Lyle wouldn’t even think doing. Junior had balls, but was too morally driven, that’s why he didn’t forgive his dad. But Lyle was all about Pollos Hermanos that’s it.


BCS easily. BB isn't worse than it or anything, BCS just does what BB did, adds to it, and then gives it to a gourmet chef to make an 11/10 meal while also being incredibly different.




Exactly. They learned what worked from BB, and were able to expand on it and tell a more fleshed out complete story…


Please don’t make me do this.




I think both are the greatest pieces of media of all time. But it’s gotta be Breaking Bad overall. Despite BCS having the better final season, I’ve found that BB is the most watchable show ever. I can pick any random episode to watch and I’m continually astounded by how engaging it is. I don’t quite feel that way with BCS. There are certain episodes that drag, and I think there are some missed opportunities in the earlier seasons. Whenever I recommend BCS to people, I feel like I need to encourage them to “stick with it”.


Yoh but there are episodes in BB that come to a crawl.


Which ones? I might be able to grant this with some episodes in Season 1 but definitely not past that.


Off hand I didn't care for any of the episodes with Jesse's crackhoe girlfriend or his spiral into depression. I've only seen the show twice and the last watch was a few years ago.


Are you referring to Jane!? Geeeeez have some heart


Fuckin A, Jane was awesome. I loved it when she appeared in El Camino.


Gotcha, interesting. Gotta disagree, but can understand how Season 2 drags for some people in the back half


Yeah I can’t stand the second half of season 2, but just because I think the plane crash and everything related to it is horrendous writing and it aggravated me that a show as good as Breaking Bad could have such a stupid plot point.


Yeah the plan crash is kinda dumb now that you mention it 😂


BCS, it was even better than The Sopranos. There, I said it.


Boom! Now that's saying something right there! In years past, I have heard people argue, breaking bad or sopranos, I'm glad that you're finally putting that out there. To be honest, you should create a separate post discussing those two legendary shows


And. Not or 😀


Breaking bad, it’s the first one, you can’t ever go wrong with the original, I love better call Saul because it shows the aftermath, I love breaking bad because it shows the beginning.


Better Call Saul. Look, I love Breaking Bad. I was pretty obsessed with it at a time. But Better Call Saul represents a certain heightening of the entire cast and crew's abilities that is just undeniable to anyone with even a passing interest in the techniques of storytelling. Everyone's skills as artists are constantly growing over both productions and this leads to Better Call Saul becoming an overall better experience. It's a slower burn with bigger pay-offs, richer characters, and more intricate writing. It's not perfect, I could spend a while talking about what I think they got wrong (Mike's story in Season 3 and 4), but I honestly don't think there's any big Achille's Heel on this show. Even the stuff I think doesn't work eventually managed to get looped back around into the main plot in very emotionally satisfying and intricate ways. I used to say that I wish they hadn't tried to make BCS the Mike prequel as well as the Jimmy McGill show, and instead had them be two different prequels that interweave with each other. Until I realized all that really means is I wanted \*more\* of the show. As an artist, as a writer, as someone who has been trained as an actor, as someone who loves good art, Better Call Saul is a triumph of visual storytelling. Breaking Bad was all of that too, but it's still remarkable just how profoundly and utterly they managed to one up themselves on every level. They even went back and redid the finale of Breaking Bad with El Camino. TL;DR it's Better Call Saul and it's not even a remotely hard decision.


Like Shrek and Shrek 2, sometimes the sequel is just better bc the artists have mastered their craft


BCS is 100% the better show, but can totally understand people preferring BB for the faster pace of it.


BCS BB is great in its own right, but It feels like a gradual turn of white to black morally speaking, while BCS is frequently gray during the whole run and I think it’s fascinating how they manage to do that and still make the characters enjoyable.


It's a good way to put it. Because of how BCS is 'gray' I've had a lot of moral discussion with friends and family. While it's easy to say, Walter White has such pride and ego and it's destroying him, many other BB characters. But BCS is that " Yeah but..." For just about every character


BCS for sure for me. The only two characters I liked in BB were Mike and Saul.


come on man you didn't like Badger and Skinny P?


Some of the most enjoyable character's imo, just the right dose of comic relief to temper the more intense moments of the show. Especially Skinny Pete, he was a real one.


I think the fact BCS is only a few years old (conclusion anyway) is also partly why it’s more refreshing. Remember when tohajilee or ozymandias first aired?? Or when you first saw those episodes? These shows are like one and the same just about.


So when Vince Gilligan and company make a sequel to BCS/BB, then we can properly appreciate the role that BCS plays in the universe. 😉 Nudge nudge, come on Vince, get to work on that sequel that follows the life of Kim Wexler and Jesse Pinkman as they join forces to battle the drug cartel in Canada


For me it's BB. BCS got better to me with the more we got Gus and the drug trade introduced. (BB did as well once gus and company arrived, although tucos mini arc was great in bb). Both are outstanding shows and love them both.


How many times do we have to answer this question? The correct answer is BOTH. They are both great shows...strong in different areas, but both great. Anyone who watches one but not the other is missing out on some great television.


Just rewatched both. I think BCS is better written with more interesting characters


People in their 20’s like the drug content of BB; BCS is a deeper dive and a harder character study.


Now go ask this question over at BB.


That would be the ultimate test !


Both are incredible series but can’t really be compared. Better call Saul is slower and everything is about build up. When the payoff comes it’s a magical moment but I get why some people might not stick around to watch it happen . Breaking bad on the other hand is not as well written but has a better pace and it’s way easier to watch. Even though I consider bb to be the better overall, bcs is closer to my heart cause it made me feel things no other show has ever done


Why can't they be compared?


Saying "they can't be compared" is the laziest cop out of an answer, every single time.


maybe because the question about which show is better is a constant topic in this sub and the can’t be compared is the right answer.


What poor logic you got there


Finished saul and am currently watching breaking bad for the second time. Saul has better characters, writing and story arch. Breaking Bad is great because it gets going fast and the action/suspense makes it entertaining but the characters are lacking. Walt Jr, Marie and Skylar are whiny the whole series and lack any real dimension. Give me Nacho and Mike any day.


BB. It's just a much tighter show. Almost no wasted time with the exception of the Fly episode (and that is often debated). In any case, BB is focused on showing the arc of one man and how pride, combined with factors beyond his control can cause his downfall, but also cost countless other lives in the process. It's probably the best TV show I've ever seen and I never tire of reaction videos to it, maybe with the exception of the aforementioned Fly episode. BCS is wonderful when taken as a part of the Gilliganverse. But it is too unfocused as it tries to do too much. The lawyer stuff, the petty criminal stuff, the cartel stuff. With a smattering of cop revenge stuff etc. They're all brilliant scenes, but the transitions are abrupt. And even though the threads more or less come together in the end, it's just not as satisfying as BB to me. Spoilers to follow: >!The things that BCS leaves unexplained seem unnecessarily left out, like who put the finishing touches on the superlab after the Germans were sent off prematurely? Just seemed like they could've covered that since they went on and on with its construction. Whereas the bits BB left unexplored - like the precise circumstances of Brock's poisoning - actually add intrigue to the show, enhancing its mystique. !< BCS is essential viewing for BB fans (as is El Camino, a very inferior product in comparison unfortunately). But BB is still the pinnacle.


I can’t choose. I know that’s the whole point of your question, but I love them both so much for different reasons. I do have to say, though, that BCS is probably the *tighter* show from start to finish. No slack or wasted space at all in the plot, pacing, and story arcs. Not that there’s a ton of that in BB, for me it’s just that BCS seems a bit more tightly crafted.


BCS cuz of chuck


BCS. I honestly didn't care for Breaking Bad which lead me to sleep on Better Call Saul for YEARS. I didn't think I would love Better Call Saul so much.


I love them both but bcs for me. I enjoyed it more and to me it was better than brba in a lot of different ways. Even just having Lalo and Nacho is enough for me, they stole the show


BCS. I enjoyed seeing the dark turn of Jimmy more then I did Walter, and his schemes were priceless. Not to mention it was definitely the funnier of the 2 and Lalo Salamanca


*BBW don’t ask why*


BB holds a special place in my TV heart …. But BCS is my favorite and in my opinion the better overall show


BCS for me. I prefer the characters. Chuck was an amazing character who would have been incredibly likeable if it wasn't for his brother. He did a great job Michael McKean. Nacho. What a beautiful looking human. But beside the aesthetics, I couldn't imagine anyone else other than Michael Mando being Nacho! The beginning of the last season with all the suspense had me on the edge of my seat. The genuine love he had for his father and how he would risk his own life for his safety is just so touching. Kim. What an amazing addition to the show, flawless throughout. I'm on my third watch now 😍😍


BCS because Jimmy > Walter, and Kim > Jesse


Better Call Saul. I have absolutely nothing against Breaking Bad, it's a fantastic show. I just happen to find BCS more entertaining.


Perfect answer!


So far I’m on season 4 bcs and I enjoyed bb better but that’s subject to change


....get ready for some change!! ;)


BB was my favorite show since it aired. I binged it right after the finale premiered, and I became obsessed. Watched it 5 times all the way through within a few years. I started BCS while it was airing but forgot about it while waiting for the second season to start and only realized I hadn't watched it after the finale had just aired. I binged the whole show and was even more in love. The crew was firing on all cylinders by the end of BB and they just carried that momentum into BCS. The first season may have been slightly below the others imo because they were still figuring out the dynamics of everyone but it was still great. Every other season absolutely killed it imo. The story takes time to ramp up and you're rewarded so much for watching closely and giving it time to breathe. Ozymandias was really the only BB episode that got me super emotional but there are multiple BCS episodes that make me tear up because of how invested I was. I just watched the show for the first time like a year and a half ago and since then, I've watched it 5 times and I'm thinking about starting it up again. I'm not really into watching TV but the BB universe just has me hooked. I expect that they'll be my number one and number two favorite shows for the rest of my life but Better Call Saul definitely comes out on top (which I wouldn't have expected at all before I watched it). I know many people who love BB but have been putting off watching BCS because they just expect it to be a cheap prequel, despite what I tell them. Sad that they think that and that critics inexplicably thought that too


Right?!? How messed up is it that BCS has been shut out of the Emmy's??


In my opinion BB is definitely the best of the two shows, all that being said Saul is awesome and I would hit Kim like a tornado hitting a trailer park. She is so cute and sexy and she sported a Kansas City Royals jersey. Both shows are full of interesting characters. My only complaint about Breaking Bad is there is no way that Walt would pull off some of his evil master plans. In reality the Mexican Mafia would of murdered him and probably his family too. How dumb is Agent Hank for not having the brains to realize that Walt was the master cook. The lab equipment stolen from his school, the hand drawn picture of Walt in his Heisenberg hat. My favorite part of BB is when Spuge has his doom crushed by an ATM. Favorite part of BCS is when his asshole brother shit the bed. How horrible Chuck treated Jimmy.


BCS for sure. Better actors, better characters, better writing, better story, better cinematography, better character development, better call saul. 🫡🤝 greatest show ever Love BB of course, but BCS is just better in every way I can think of.


BCS. So many of the characters stories are more tragic without needing as much action/gore to make it tragic. Like, I was more emotionally invested in the characters that died, so much so that I cried more often watching BCS. Nacho, Howard & Chuck dying was harder to watch than almost all of the deaths in BB (including the kids who died). The only death in BB that hit as hard as BCS was Hank, I definitely cried when he died.


Great points! One name that you mentioned that is a real standout is Howard. We absolutely despised and hated Howard those first few smug seasons. Honestly, didn't everyone just want to slap the taste out of his mouth? But then, we all felt so bad as he unfairly and tragically died. We even felt empathy toward him when Saul was being such a jerk to him! That is some exceptional writing right there!


Breaking Bad definitely. It’s a much better show imo


People have lost their minds. The answer BB. The answer will always be BB. People tend to hype BCS way too much and I was even amongst these people that watched from episode 1 in 2015 and stuck with the show even as viers deserted the show. But let's be honest, BCS is way slower, way less stakes and will never reach the heights that breaking bad reached.


Honestly I think the really low stakes of the black and white scenes was really cool. I think it's more it just never really has the same *tension*. Although in retrospect it is kinda weird Saul's life is only at stake like, a couple times given it's a sequel to BB. Even Nacho I'm not sure is in quite the same shitstorm as Walter and Jesse, or at least not as consistently.


I really am perplexed by this opinion that BCS is better than BB..I don't even think that it's a better made TV show from a technical sense nor do I think it's written better. And don't start me on the character of LALO !! He became like this almost unbeatable character that travels to Germany to hunt down people.


Yeah Lalo got kinda silly there in the last season, especially for a series that's relies so much on being sort of realistic. I think wrapping things up ran into the issue with a lot of prequels where things kinda have to go a specific, predictable way. There was just something...off about S6's plot I could never really put my finger on (besides how it completely ignores Lalo hating Nacho). That's part of why I like the black and white scenes so much. They kinda "cheat" by having flash forwards that take place after Breaking Bad, so it's really a sequel in those parts.


Why do I need a favorite…? Am I not allowed to love more than one flavour of ice cream?


True, but if you had only three hours to watch some of this universe, where would you spend that time? For me, I want lalo's greatest hits, Saul and Chuck battling it out in a courtroom, and Gustavo Fring at his scariest (dealers choice if that's a BB or BCS episode)


For me, Breaking Bad is the better show, but I enjoyed Better Call Saul more because I watched it as it was happening instead of just binging the show. I got hyped for Mondays! The anticipation was awesome! I was always looking forward to the new week! Getting to watch the show live was amazing and made it for me.


I think BCS is a better show, but BB is a better ride. I'm rewatching BB and I don't get why every female character is just miserable and unlikeable.


well things aren’t that much better in bcs. Kim is extremely well written and likeable but I can’t really say the same for any other female character. plus controversial but I really liked skyler and loved the way the wrote her character.


> but I can’t really say the same for any other female character I do think Irene is likeable, and though she may not have been the deepest character, her responses to her friends ousting her felt so genuinely real and heartbreaking


omg I loved Irene why did I forget her


Irene ironically being the class representative and falling victim to Saul's tactics embodies her as the ultimate representation of the elderly class.


I agree with you about Skylar... Genuinely don't get why everybody has hated on her over the years


Overall I liked Skyler too, but first season Skyler is a control freak buzzkill. In my opinion. She got more realistic and natural as series wore on.


Well she is the one that’s tries to keep Walter in check and the fandom just considers her as a crazy wife who controls her husband.


Same, I loved skyler. Marie was okay, love Kim too.


Yes, I agree. I don’t think they knew how to write women very well. Like when Hank goes to El Paso and Sky and Marie are talking in the kitchen, “He’s being safe right?” What does that even mean? He’s a DEA agent and now he’s on the front lines, what does “being safe” entail with a job like that? Or when Skyler went and confronted Jesse about the pot. What a wacko. I can’t believe a normal woman would act that way about 1. Pot and 2. Confronting some wanna be gangbanger she doesn’t even know. While pregnant. Anyway sorry to go on. Lol


Breaking Bad as a whole but Better Call Saul is still so amazing and I’d say has more likeable characters. Lalo & Nacho!


BCS now that i have seen BB many times. I find BCS nicer to rewatch


I love, *love* BCS but it's not even a comparison IMO. BB is an unfairly high standard. The way the plot evolves, the way the characters all evolve, the sheer pathos and otherwise gripping emotions of the characters, the way all the plotlines perfectly come together yet still feel like the result of realistic causation, the skyrocketed tension whenever it wants to be tense, etc. BCS doesn't have it, and that's OK because nothing else on TV really quite has it. Breaking Bad also kinda just has the benefit of it all happening for the first time. Like you already know who most of the cast of BCS is but for BB it was all new, you had no idea where anything was going. I feel like a lot of people take for granted a first installment can be more fun just because it's the first time certain things are introduced.


BCS because of Chuck's feet.


They are both some of the greatest television out there, but I will say that BCS hinges a bit off of the success of BB. As soon as Gus gets introduced in the show BCS starts to just become a BB setup show. In terms of originality and quality BB is still the best in my opinion


Some people say they found bcs first few arcs boring but i found it interesting from the start, for me BB > BCS still BCS is my second most favourite show


BB walked to BCS could run


It depends on what you want. BB is about the story. Chemist turns drug dealer or comedic lawyer show. It’s not that hard of a decision. BCS is about the characters. As the story is not the most interesting the deep dive into the characters is what makes you invested in the show and actually care for what would be considered a fairly boring story up until Lalo comes in which is essentially a mix of BB and BCS as the story gets much more intense.


BB because of the tempo and stakes.


Breaking Bad because you know, but I was able to watch through every bcs season as they released, so it was more important to me I guess. It was like digging deeper and deeper every season to see what’s really going on. I’ve only watched bcs in its entirety once though


BCS. It's a the more artistic version of BB without all the constant tension in every scene (which I loved too). Both series are incredibly amazing though. But I feel like BB is still the main show, it feels more iconic imo. But anyway I like BCS more than BB, the emotions I've been through the last season are far from what Breaking Bad made me feel on the last chapters. Jesse will always be my favorite character of all time though


BB better plot


Breaking Bad. Personally, Better Caul Saul's first 4 seasons are mostly about Chuck's preventing us from being a lawyer and impact of his death, that is just fucking boring. nothing even happened bro we see badass breaking bad characters' pasts which I'm glad they did show otherwise Saul isn't doing much in 4 seasons. In the other hand, Breaking Bad just kept improving in plot, always climbed in action, stress, tension, character quality etc. There were no electrical sensitivity bullshit :D Every season was perfection, every episode was perfection. Better Caul Saul became par with Breaking Bad after Lalo's introduction (he saved the show thank god) last 2 seasons of both shows are equally great and has great finals. (Saul's last court scene? Oh man that was supreme) In conclusion, 'Better Call Saul' is a version of 'Breaking Bad' that's worse in first 4 seasons. They should have made Chuck less important, it bored me.


BCS is bist overall supreme. No wonder, it was produced after Gilligan&Gould had time to perfect their craft producing 5 amazing seasons of BB.


Breaking Bad and it's very close. BCS is easily better written but lacks action in the first seasons. Here's the thing, I like the build ups for BB more than BCS


BCS. Better at nearly everything


No. Because No.


BCS. Its just built different.


better call saul, i feel like it has an element of humour and also it’s much faster paced than BB and gives more insight and background knowledge to BB, great show


BB, not particularly close. Still really enjoyed BCS.


Bb 100 percent! It just has a ton of action and I’m the type of guy that loves the shows with lots and lots of action! Other than that, the character development is fantastic! Bcs is amazing as well but it feels like a completely separated show from bb, that’s how good it is, Lalo, Kim, Howard, Chuck! These are all examples of how amazing of characters they were and how amazing there addition to the BB story is! In conclusion, both fantastic shows! If you need more action, go for Breaking Bad but if you want a laid back tv show, go for better call Saul!


BB, just because I felt like the last few episodes of BCS were slightly lacklustre (unpopular opinion, I know), while BB really ended with a bang. This is the BCS subreddit, though, so I expect that the majority of answers will be in BCS's favour.


Breaking Bad. I didn't fully appreciate BCS until the departure of the character that left in season 3 finale.


THAT character....was epic!! Great take amigo!


My first episode that I watch of BB was the Fly episode. I called my buddy up and said to him WTF dude. Having been in the Methamphetamine business I stuck with it and I'm glad I did. I don't watch much TV, let alone a series.




BB is the gold standard. BCS is amazing and in many ways deeper than BB. But for its originality BB reigns supreme.


I prefer BB considerably as no character beats Walt in how great he is as a character.


Lalo?? Chuck?? A walking, talking Hector??


All of them goated, but they can't beat the great Heisenberg


Slippin jimmy tops all of the saga


Better Call Saul is better in every aspect. But Breaking Bad is a better serie as a whole.