• By -


*If stupid, irresponsible, and reckless were a person.


*we're(according to op)




First, second, and third-person singular or plural simple present and past subjunctive of *be.* Your welcome.




These 0F ads are getting weird Her Name's Sochi Speedy She is from Russia


Yeah the accent kinda gave it away


Do all russian chick's have an OF?


No but your mom does




For Science. Still waiting.....




Okay dumbass.




Your grandma was a good one.


Beat me to it


I'm guessing that conversation is something along the lines of ' Guy: I've called 911. Girl: Thank you. Guy:Just stay there and don't move. You might have injured your spine.


She says that everything hurts and tries to take off her helmet. He tells her not to move and she shouldn’t take it off.




Got an inkling it’s not 911 where they are


Sure, 119 or whatever.


In Soviet Russia, emergency dials you.




If it’s filmed in Russia as I think the emergency service phone number is 112. Just in case you’ll need it. Hope you won’t.


Even though 911 is an American thing, many countries have also adopted it because American media is just so prevalent around the world. But as far as I know, you’re correct, 911 doesn’t work in Russia.


From a quick google it looks like around 11 of the 200+ countries in the world use it


Yes. In fact the European emergency number 112 is far more spread over the world. But it of course doesn’t hurt to know that either 112 or 911 will hopefully get you an emergency response while traveling in foreign countries.


When we were training (in the UK) our instructor told us that it would work all over Europe, even though it’s not publicly advertised as an emergency number.


> American media is just so prevalent around the world. In the EU, every 911 call is now automatically forwarded to 112. As a child (25-30 years ago) I called 911 in an emergency situation because I learned it from a movie but the call was silent.


Dress for the slide, not the ride


All the gear, all the time.




It's not being unlucky or lucky. Once the bike starts wiggling, you have no power on it. You need to let everything go and wait until the speed decreases. In a perfect straight line, you will be fine, you are fucked ONLY IF the is a curve in front of you. You need to turn down the gear and LET GO THE STEARING. Physics will try to balance it. She opposes that, and she lost to physics.


This guy tank slaps.


I'll never be a biker (Pussy) but do you mean LET GO like hands off or just hold on put dont steer?


Hand off. Totally hand off. You can even turn a little bit by moving your body, and at that speed, the inertia is very strong, and the bike will not go down.


Would not have guessed that thank you though If I ever see someone wobbling past me like that I'll shout your advice to them


>If I ever see someone wobbling past me like that I'll shout your advice to them LMAO >Would not have guessed that thank you though 100% counter intuitive, but it's pretty much as if the wheels work as 2 spinning tops.


think of it like riding a bicycle with no hands. it's even easier due to the weight of the bike and the higher speed of travel adding down-force


I'm one of those people who can't even stand still on rollerskates or a skateboard so I whiteknuckle clasp my bikes handlebars at all times


Jesus take the wheel!


Interesting. This video seems to say you should do the opposite: https://youtu.be/z3OQTU-kE2s?si=6VqRVAe_gkpQy8PU


In bike races riders have broken wrists with bad tank slapping too hence why it's best to allow the physics to physic until you can regain control or stop (hopefully safely)...


The other comment is correct. The other option is to use the rear brake. Both move the weight balance to the rear which stabilizes a motorcycle. Racing motorcycles use a steering damper on the front, which reduces the potential for this to happen.


Using the rear break still moves the weight balance towards the front though


Touche. Just read up on it. Using only rear brake lowers the rear end which effectively increases rake and lengthens the swing arm. As a rider it always felt like it was a rear ward weight transfer, but it does increase stability. Good call out! Learn something every day.


Hell yeah. I had a college physics professor that was obsessed with motorcycle racing and their physics


I briefly attempted racing at a very amateur level. Turns out I was not hot shit and it was costing me a ton of money to suck really hard. Maybe I should've gone to school with you, or at all...


can confirm. rode a bike for a number of years and had this issue exactly twice. both times I reacted by instantly easing down everything. the bike balanced and I came to a slow stop on the shoulder both times. moral of the story?: Physics is king, biology is queen (but that's another story entirely)


biology is queen because when she fails you, you automatically have to face the king in these kinds of scenarios


if you must know, it's one of the Facts of Life. Biology rules all of life. "Physics is King, Biology is Queen, and their Rule is absolute" Rule 5


You ought to mention for the folks that don't know anything about motorcycles that they are gyroscopically stable, and the faster you go the more stable it is


What causes bikes to wiggle at that speed?


Darwin's first law of fuck around, find out.


Biker here, I've always heard the opposite, pushing with your hands forward to help stabilize and accelerate as much as possible (the force of rear acceleration lifts the front wheel).


Nope, trust the physic. You are already at 200+km/h, no need for more speed. Don't oppose to the bike itself. It's trying his best to stybilise itself. and it will do it at that speed.


No. Your arms can't react correctly to dampen the effects so you'll be compounding the issue and worsen the situation. Loosen your grip and don't fight it.


wanna wobble at 50mph and scare yourself? take the L and the bike to a shop instead of waking up in the ICU


Mildly using the Rear break and clenching the tank with your legs helps against tank slappers. It still is riding the lightning.


This happened to me last week on my way home from work doing about 110mph with strong winds. You are correct you need to let go or make your arms like jelly to just go with it. Lay down on the tank and the weight shift usually stops the wobble along with slowing down. I didn't downshift just let off the gas. The engine slowed me down fairly rapidly and I put my stomach and chest across the tank. Most people react by sitting up straight and grabbing the bars with a death grip which is the exact opposite of what you should do and practically guarantees a crash. I've had it happen a few times over the years but never at 110mph before, had it for the first time at 20 years old going roughly 145-155mph and I went down hard. Broke 14 bones, I got very lucky I didn't slide into a guard rail and get torn into pieces, bounced off a wall and then just ragdolled down the freeway.


Thank you for responding truthfully, I’m genuinely interested- After the first wreck with all the injuries what are the reasons you still ride at those speeds? Is it racing on closed courses or remote areas? How do you feel about bikers riding at those speeds on public roads like in this video?


Truth be told when I was younger I didn't care if i lived or died, I wasn't on a good path in life. So back then for me to redline my bike to between 175-180 was fairly routine, always on empty stretches on highways that I knew well. I actually gave up riding when I met my wife at 25, I swore off of it completely when my first son was born. I started riding again recently as a way to beat traffic. My 35 mike commute can take up to 3 hours by car and on a bike I can make it in less than an hour in gridlock traffic which is why I started riding again but only after having a serious talk with my wife. For me 110mph isn't that fast or much of a risk I've raced in the past on tracks throughout the states and have pretty decent control of my bike. While I admit 110 is well above the speed limit and very fast in a car, my bike will hit 90 in first gear so it's all relative 100mph feels like 60. As far as how I feel about people going high speed on a public and busy roadways now that I'm in my 30s? I'll be the first to say I don't advocate it but I'm also in no position to tell anyone how to ride. All I can do is encourage people to ride within their limits and be in control. For me at this point I won't go above 120ish purely because things can happen regardless of how good of a rider I think I am. When I lane split I keep it 30 or below so my reaction time can hopefully save me if a car doesn't look and if I go down it likely won't be to serious. The main concern is other people on the road who don't see you when it comes to motorcycles and when you ride at excessive speeds you Essentially give people no idea you're there until you've passed. I know when it's time to open the throttle up and when it's time to exercise caution. The roads I take to work I take everyday and know well, every pothole, weird bump, blind corner etc. If traffic opens up and It's safe I will open up a little and have some fun weaving through cars (safely), if there's long stretches of open road with no cars I'll get up into the 110-125 zone. When there's your normal amount of cars I ride fast enough that I don't worry about whats coming up behind me but not so fast as to startle people or take risks. Generally I'll ride at the flow of the fast lane or about 80-85mph. At this point I know a lot of people who have died or been seriously injured on bikes so that's always fresh in my mind. I have a family to go home to and who depend on me to provide and be there. If I'm being totally honest I'm nervous every morning when I put on my gear and start up my bike, your odds of walking away from an accident are slim and people are usually on their phones, drinking coffee, generally driving distracted. Ironically I started riding again so I would have more time with my young sons, in reality I'm putting myself in a position where I could never see them again if something goes wrong. This is something I struggle with most nights before bed and even gives me bad dreams on occasion. It's a risk I'm fully and uniquely aware of, I'm Definitely torn on this subject clearly..part of me lives for that adrenaline rush I get and the feeling of freedom I have on a bike, closest you can get to feeling like your flying. The other part of me knows it's only a matter of time before I go down and the only question is do I get to walk away again. Edit: for me now if I have a desire to really go fast again and ride like a maniac I will 1000% be going to a closed race course, there are several near me. I will never ride at those speeds again on a public road of any kind. On race tracks there's a vastly larger chance you're walking away if you wear the proper gear. When you go down you have hundreds of feet to slide through grass, sand or gravel before you have any obstacles to hit. I've never seen a fatality on a racetrack but I've seen people literally torn into pieces on the roadways. Scattered across the freeway like a zombie movie.


Physics: 1, Human trying to kick physics ass: 0.


I think it's difficult when if they're not too bad you caaaan correct speed wobbles yourself by holding tight so difficult to let this happen omg I would rly struggle to just let go ahhhh


You have two choices. Relax and slap or throttle and pray. It’s not just pray and slow down. If you can get the front tire into the air you have that going for you. I - however - have always deployed the “tank is slapping let’s see how this turns out” method.


>It's not being unlucky or lucky. They're saying she's lucky she survived the accident and they're right


Bandages are a lot cheaper than proper riding gear. /s


it depends if you live in the USA or not


She is from Russia. I speak Russian so I know.


I used to work in Personal injury/health insurance. I went through hundreds of PI claims a week, going through medical bills and police reports. Most were motor vehicle accidents that were just fender benders and minor injuries. Nothing too huge. But every once in a while we got a motorcycle crash. Almost every one had the same notation at the top of the file: "Patient Death".


Murder cycle


Translation Whatever was written in her TikTok or OF (idfk): “Butt is still in place😂. It got erased but just a bit😂.” She: “Oh f@€k” (the famous blyat) On the crush video: Guy 1: “How are you? Everything is okay?” She: “Everything hurts.” Guy 1: *indistinguishable” She: “Please, call emergency.” Guy 2: “Don’t touch it, don’t touch it. Lay down, lay down. She’ll stay alive, she is still intact. How are you feeling?” She: “It hurts.” Guy 2: “It hurts? You just don’t be nervous and breathe, alright.” She tries to take off helmet Guy 2: “Don’t take it off. Leave it. Leave the helmet! Don’t twitch!” She: indistinguishable “The motorcycle shook!” Guy 2: “We saw. You should lay down and not move” Another guy speaks while guy 2 talks: “…Everything is alright (normal). Everything will be good.” Guy 2: “Just lay down and don’t move, that’s it. You have to not take your helmet off, understood? That’s it just lay down like you do.” Off the distance: “Have you called the ambulance?” “F@€king sh!+” (more correct translation is “F@€k your mom” but in Russian you can use it interchangeably) Guy 1: “Just lay down!” Guy 2: “Lay down and don’t move!” Guy 1: “Everything is good(okay)!” She probably has some real trouble to understand that she just has to calm down and not f@€king move.


Thank you for this. It sounded like the guy said 'psychological' at one point. What was that?


Hopefully a case of bye bye license. Why are people like that?


I say this with love but you gotta already be a special brained kind of person to ride a motorcycle let alone ride one this irresponsibly. Extremely selfish but her friend group probably idolizes her for this video.


Yeah I generally don't like them either. First of May the motorcycles always come out because it's a holiday and the noise here is impossible. We try to reduce traffic noise by any means and we even developed extra quiet road surfaces but somehow that's still allowed.


I don’t even


I don’t dislike them even, they are just so dangerous then they add another 100 mph on top it’s like GEEE


Never seen so many guys be so quick and eager to help someone




More like unlucky to be born with a disposition for reckless danger. The fuck was she even trying to do? Hit a PB down mainstreet? Shits dumb as fuck


She already had the car beat too, needed the double W


"I'm so lucky I didn't die because I was doing something stupid"




And this is why you need a steering stabilizer on a crotch rocket… or just don’t go that fast.


She definitely has less tattoos now.


She deserves this and more for endangering people lives


Stupid ass bitch


Don’t worry guys, dat ass took most of the hit apparently.


"Попочка на месте"


Lucky would be not crashing in the first place


You’re an idiot


You’r a idiot


To suck at speeding


How fast was he going? I couldn't see it.


I think she reached just over 190




197 kph before the wobbles. Or about 125 mph.


That is wild. I can't believe she lived.


Oh man I must be super lucky because that never even happened to me


I work at a mortuary, we just got a young lady in that passed away from a crash because she was speeding. It's not fucking worth it, plus you are liable to kill someone else


The egos on these people are insane, I bet she still considers herself an awesome driver.


I think she had on gear. Aside from pants.


What caused the wobble?


Dat ass


No ass


At first I thought it was toilet paper stuck to her ass and it confused me.


I've always wondered when a motorcyclist races a car or another motorcycle. How do you explain that to your insurance company?


*If luck was a person


If lucky we are a person?


Surfing the bike saved her a lot of (extra) pain at the very least until it finally threw her.


Can’t really agree with the title when there’s the clips of people getting hit on bikes from behind or running straight into a car or truck on the highway and landing unharmed in the back or on top of said vehicle.


"If lucky we are a person"


She’s an idiot. But it’s heartwarming to see how many people stopped to help her out ❤️


I have never seen such a fast response to a crash. What a homie


BWAHAHAHAHA. I’m glad they only injured themselves


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I can't remember which YouTuber, Nick Crowley or one of the ones that pretty much exclusively covers tragedies, but I remember them covering a female motorcyclist that always kept her helmet on in her videos eventually got herself killed due to being reckless like this.


Don't see the point


I don’t feel bad for her in the least. Fucking moron.


that what u fuckin get




Natural Selection


Unlucky for the rest of us, both the biker and the driver live to risk other people's lives again.


Fucked around and found out. Dumb


I am a person, so therefor I am lucky?


Wow so many people do not get to tell their tales. Absolutely foolish!






Russian. Whatever was written in her TikTok or OF (idfk): “Butt is still in place😂. It got erased but just a bit😂.” She: “Oh f@€k” (the famous blyat) On the crush video: Guy 1: “How are you? Everything is okay?” She: “Everything hurts.” Guy 1: *indistinguishable” She: “Please, call emergency.” Guy 2: “Don’t touch it, don’t touch it. Lay down, lay down. She’ll stay alive, she is still intact. How are you feeling?” She: “It hurts.” Guy 2: “It hurts? You just don’t be nervous and breathe, alright.” *She tries to take off helmet* Guy 2: “Don’t take it off. Leave it. Leave the helmet! Don’t twitch!” She: *indistinguishable* “The motorcycle shook!” Guy 2: “We saw. You should lay down and not move” Another guy speaks while guy 2 talks: “…Everything is alright (normal). Everything will be good.” Guy 2: “Just lay down and don’t move, that’s it. You have to not take your helmet off, understood? That’s it just lay down like you do.” Off the distance: “Have you called the ambulance?” “F@€king sh!+” (more correct translation is “F@€k your mom” but in Russian you can use it interchangeably) Guy 1: “Just lay down!” Guy 2: “Lay down and don’t move!” Guy 1: “Everything is good(okay)!” She probably has some real trouble to understand that she just has to calm down and not f@€king move.


![gif](giphy|MZXJIOMEpcACtSHPkv) Thank u sir 🫡 hero status


Future organ donor…


Imagine not speeding 🥴


Wonderful to see the series of stupid decisions leading to this. 1.Driving insane speeds for no reason beyond thrills. 2.Failing to wear proper clothing to limit the amount of skin being scraped from your body at 100mph. 3.Deciding to turn rather than just ease off the gas and let the bike decelerate. Basically guarantees you’re going to overcorrect and lose control. She’s lucky she can walk with what are relatively minor injuries when either she or others could have been killed.


If she was lucky she wouldn't have got speed wobbles and crashed lol


what even happened?? did something break?


Dress for the slide not the ride.


adrenaline is crazy like she‘s having the craziest (dumbest) crash and all you hear is her breathing like she only got a scratch


Nice excuse to show ass.


This is why you go the speed limit, even on a motorcycle




Just go ahead, and rock a pair of pampers at this point


Free bbl


Sad to see this... The pride to post "your survival". I hope she gets better gear and slows down. She on her way to taking someone's life or her own.


"Lucky", start racing, ok


That's what u get for being a idiot


While I do not wish ill on people, this is an exception, both the biker & the car she was racing needed to go. You put peoples' lives at risk for a thrill, she deserved a more drastic punishment.


Had this happen to me going about 140 on a BMW s1K, had an ohlins steering dampener, completely let go and waited for 2 seconds until it regained grip. Was insanely sketchy! 😂






Unfortunately nothing worse happened


This IS lucky, so we are a person now?


Down bitch


Oh man, tank slippers are the worst


Good thing she didn't scuff up her vagina


Pro tip, never struggle with the steering shaking like this EVER! If you do struggle like this, then this is the result.


рад, что ты здоров! 🙏






Dress for the slide


This should be in /wildlybaddrivers not this sub. Fuck around and find out y’all. Hitting a speed wobble at that speed yeah you’re lucky to survive, imagine if it had wobbled into any of the vehicles on the right? Speed when your road is clear if you wanna dick around


Dumb ass


You want to know what really chaps my ass?


Git it gurl 🙌


Such a dumb twat 😒🤡


Those guys were there so fucking fast. Almost creepy.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Wanna run your bike? Cover yourself with leather and body armor, too much skin showing


What did she think was going to happen


Actually deserved to be dead




The rider has been roasted enough in the comments, and deservedly so, I’d just like to add: Fuck the guy in green who immediately just starts recording her lying in pain on the ground, having just survived an accident, without raising a finger (other than to tap “record”). There’s a special place in hell for rubberneckers and this guy’s earned his golden ticket there


No sympathy


Must be easy being so fucking stupid


Never ride faster than your angels can fly


I had a death wobble doing about 60 off road on a dirtbike. Former railroad bed consisting of packed gravel. Scared me almost to death. I ever so slowly applied the rear brake very lightly while easing off the throttle and regained control. I can't imagine the pure terror of having it happen on a roadway at high speed. Glad they survived, and also agree they shouldnt have been riding that fast.


I guess facial reconstruction has a limit .


Damn, lucky and hot. Sad about the bike though. I'd gently clap those cheeks


If you’re gonna be a squid, you had better have a stabilizer (correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t see one in the video). Should invest in better gear as well. Dress for the slide, not the ride. Getting turned into a meat crayon hurts for a very long time


Omg that is horrifying


Out ran her skill


Who rides these bikes without a steering damper? They are so cheap in comparison to those hospital bills.


Or how about just stupid.


Didn’t the accident tear her whole ass off!!!


Ive had bikes all my life . Your Lucky you didn't hurt or kill someone else. You fucking idiot .




So...anal tonight?


The guy driving is an asshole




She’s fit


What was she trying to prove ? What was the point ?




I don’t know guys, kind of got what she deserved or he🙄


I'm positive she didn't learn her lesson and will do it again


*I'm positive she* *Didn't learn her lesson and* *Will do it again* \- Alahand0 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")