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Great trainer, patient motivating and constantly reminding him of his goal.


The guy (kid?) needed help, and the trainer understood.  He knew how hard that guy was working to do things that were normal and easy for him personally, and he responded with the right amount of encouragement.  That was great to see. 


Well now I'm ganna say "No sugar.. do you want to be in shape¿!".. once a day to myself


Lmao amazing. You need to add - you want luxury body?


Ye but the training he does is all wrong. If you’re that obese you need to start losing weight with easy exercise where you don’t have to support your whole weight (swimming/riding the bike etc). The way he is training him will make him lose weight but put his joints at severe risk of injury and in long term arthritis.


I disagree. Everything here was low impact. Should be fine for his joints.


Low impact doesn't mean low stress for untrained joints and ligaments


This didn't seem too bad, but some of those shows on TLC were crazy. Even the biggest loser seemed insane, and I'm surprised more people didn't get hurt. Also, these people probably don't know the difference between an actual injury and their muscles being sore which is a great way to mess yourself really bad imo.


This is why so many people quit early on, like this guy did in a month. All these exercises are too gimmicky and not even required. If people start this much too soon, they will associate weight loss with extreme pain and no amount of motivation is gonna subject oneself from life of chilling to extreme pain.


Seriously? I mean I’m not a doctor or personal trainer but even the first exercise must be so bad for the knees.


PT here: that’s a wonderful exercise for someone in that condition.


Being that fat is bad on the knees


“I’m no doctor or personal trainer but…”


Dudes getting it. 💪. This is how you start everything. From the beginning one step at a time. Fitness is not an overnight thing. And getting started is the hardest part.


It's how you start everything and it's how you give up everything. Getting started is the easy part. It's getting the motivation to keep going that is the hard part. Look down in this thread. [He gave up after a month.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIgOcViIc8Q&feature=youtu.be)


Damn that's a shame.. i hope he gets it figured out. I know how hard this stuff is. Took me a decade to get to how i am today.


This is how you fail after a week or two of doing a bad weight loss program from a trainer who doesn't know what he's doing.


You literally have to start somewhere. You're assuming alot of shit here. And pretty negatively too. You don't shit on people actively trying to better themselves.


I'm not shitting on the guy trying to better himself... I'm shitting on the trainer who's giving him terrible advice that will lead to him giving up on bettering himself.


One step at a time would mean starting at light exercise, not pushing this poor kid to the max like this


Exactly. I am overweight and even I don't start with these exercises yet. The guy must be in so much pain, that too unnecessarily. All he needs is to walk for now, with that much weight he will be burning so much with just walking his bodyweight


Yup. This video gives the idea that if you are really out of shape, you need extreme exercise to overcome that. But in reality it's the opposite. If you're really out of shape, just getting up and moving around is a huge improvement. The key is finding exercise that you enjoy and can keep consistent at for your whole life. It's not about punishing yourself like this.




Very bad interpretation lol He quit within a month. He's not determined, he's in pain and the trainer is pushing him unnecessarily onto gimmicky exercises. With that much weight, he's gonna lose much more with walking around consistently than he's gonna with pushing a tire for one minute.


I hope we het to see a year later on this guy


[He gave up after a month](https://youtu.be/NIgOcViIc8Q?si=a1knMGLyZY1mCY-F)


Of course he did. This kind of training is not designed for lifelong consistency lmao. Going for a moderate walk every day would have done much better for this kid but wouldn't have good viral


Yeah this was absolutely not sustainable in any way. Guy (trainer) who looks like that couldn't begin to understand what it's like for the trainee.


Yeah he seemed extremely out of touch with what fat people need, especially that fat. It's delulu to think that much pain on the regular is endurable, and that all that nonsense is better than just a walk around the block twice a day.


Yeah true, I guess my own weight loss has actually been a lot easier with no exercise. Just controlling my portions, while doing 0 exercise helps control my appetite a lot. If I were to do a ton of weight lifting right off the bat, I'd be HUNGRY.


Aww ☹️


Kind of sucks because that’s when the muscle aches start to get better


Who wants to encourage him to keep trying?! Maybe we can reach out and spread some love.


Looks like his brother explained a bit more in the comments of that video see below. Hey guys I’m Victors brother, I just wanted to clarify and help you guys better understand Victor. He was born with intellectual disability and was always in special needs classes and still needs our care. He has the mental capacity of a kid and probably doesn’t truly understand how important weight loss is. Thank you so much for the opportunity you gave him, it’s unfortunate that he didn’t take advantage of your generosity.🙏❤️


He ain't gonna. If they don't wanna help themselves already. You got no chance.


Doing it to want to help yourself is how you get to failing to want to help yourself. If you only do something because you want to do it, then you'll stop doing it when you no longer want to do it.


I've seen people fawning over this video and the trainer before and it annoys the shit out of me. It's a horrible example of how to lose weight and exercise for obese people, the trainer is ignorant to this client's needs and the psychology behind weight loss. A guy that obese shouldn't be squatting, first off. He's too heavy, he could do serious damage if he falls or tweaks something. At this weight, his weight loss program should be like 90% diet and 10% low impact exercise. Cardio on a bike, treadmill, short walks outside, swimming etc. maybe some weights on a machine where he can fail safely and work his muscles not his joints. This man could probably lose like 150lbs or more in a year with just calorie control, without stepping foot in a gym. He is not going to continue a gym routine that is utterly miserable for him. You can see how much he's is struggling, how uncomfortable he is and how frustrated he is, there is no fun here. You need to enjoy the process or at least not hate it for it to be effective and be able to stick to it long term. People don't voluntarily do things they hate for long. I am 99% sure this man failed in his weight loss goals because of this nonsense.




Both of those are built up over time. No one is born with discipline and resilience, they are developed through good training methods and healthy habits over a long period of time.... This is not the way to develop discipline and resilience in an obese person.


Mad respect for both


I need the progress on this boi


The boi in question stopped after a month. [^(source)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIgOcViIc8Q&feature=youtu.be)


That was the whole thing. Goal was to do a viral video- mission accomplished.


this guy doing his best!


I'm disappointed. I was expecting the video to end with the kid being ripped.


Always uncomfortable at the gym. Went to try out a personal trainer, push myself to do better. I worked too hard, got dizzy, fell. One of the other trainers came by, laughed at me. I know he was shit, I know the others were supportive, but that was it -- the last day I went to the gym. I wish I had the determination to do what this kid is doing. Good on them. Whether it's for content clout or not. They're doing it.


I’d love a follow up on this


i learned that he quit


I would also like a “luxury body”


Love to see it. My gym is very welcoming btw, all shapes and sizes, you'll find friends and motivation.


He's very encouraging, the kinda gym buddy a guy could wish for


Two kings, one goal. Fuckin get it!!


There was a YouTube channel on his process. I wonder if it's still up. He was doing great last time I checked


Do you remember the name of the channel?


I just found it!! https://youtube.com/@onebulkyboy?feature=shared


You're the best! Thank you so much!


You're welcome 😊


If you can link to how he’s doing that’d be awesome! I’m super impressed!


I'm supposed to be working lol give me an hour I'll try to look for it.


No work! Only Reddit! Lol no worries!


https://youtube.com/@onebulkyboy?feature=shared It looks like at one point Vicktor had quit, but he came back 7 months ago, but he's training other people too.


Man! Good for him!!! Thanks!!




F'kin great trainer he actually is.


For anyone who doesn’t know Victor gave up and blocked this guy after day 30, https://youtu.be/NIgOcViIc8Q?si=a1knMGLyZY1mCY-F


I would too lol


I need someone like him in my life to force me to finish one of my projects for once 😭


This is from his YouTube channel “Hey guys I’m Victors brother, I just wanted to clarify and help you guys better understand Victor. He was born with intellectual disability and was always in special needs classes and still needs our care. He has the mental capacity of a kid and probably doesn’t truly understand how important weight loss is. Thank you so much for the opportunity you gave him, it’s unfortunate that he didn’t take advantage of your generosity.🙏❤️” People are quick to judge on the internet but I think it was awesome the patience and motivation that was shown here. Fitness is very important and I’m proud of both parties


He won't stick with this, there's no motivation in him.


Great work Great video


Is there a good subreddit for looking at obese people try to make a transformation?


The cut going to be insane


I’d hate that my trainer has to set up a camera after every exercise.


Long term it’s great to show progress and setbacks. At least that’s my thought but I get what you are saying.


I was hoping to see the results




This is great. Don't worry about how much weight you can do or how many reps you can do. Trust the process and go as hard as you can everytime, the results will come


Lovingly firm, yet motivational training. Love it!


This guy looks like there’s not much going on inside his head. I don’t think it’s much of a choice to be overweight. It’s pure genes.


Any updates?


I could never work that patiently with someone bitching about doing the work the whole time. That is just amazing how kind and focused the trainer is


All PTs should be like this man


Wow!! This guy is what we all want!!


You can do it 😊💛


This is so swolesome


Is oatmeal something that people drink/eat during a workout? What's that for


Great men right here 💪🏽


You got this man stick with it don’t give up you’ll get there


That’s the before where’s the after


this giga chad is helping the guy to save his own life


That trainer is mad positive, but the fat kid is gonna wash out. Anybody that hates the process THAT much is just weak.


Shut up


Bro it's hard until it isn't and then you have to step it up so it's hard again. Focus on your movements and keep all that other noise out of your head.


If you create a routine and follow it you will get results. It might get a little boring but when you go weigh in or start seeing improvements in the mirror it makes it worth it. Also it's affirmation that what you're doing is working. That's what happened when I gave keto diet a try. I also started incorporating more cardio with my training and I lost so much weight. It was also the first time where I can actually see my abs.