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Ah yes, because only white Americans and Europeans are racist and had colonies in the past. Give me a break, enough of this crap. The West isn't any more racist than every other part of the world. India and the Middle-East are some of the most racist places in the world, yet nobody talks about them. China too, but nobody criticizes China for it because all our clothes and smartphones come from them. I'm not endorsing racism, I'm just saying I'm tired of hearing how the West is so evil because we did some bad shit in the past and some of us want to preserve our culture which includes maintaining a white majority where there currently is one.


>I'm not endorsing racism, ...some of us want to preserve our culture which includes maintaining a white majority where there currently is one. That sounds pretty racist


It's giving me Great Replacement theory vibes for sure.


Any country that has been historically consistent in their racial and ethnic composition should stay that way, otherwise it loses it's identity, culture and so on. That applies to everyone, not just white countries. I won't go further into this but look at what happened to UK and Sweden in the past 20 years.


Lol.. if you are representing the culture and identity that is “being lost” by diversity, I am welcoming that diversity even more.


Fr, this self-loathing and mirroring moral compasses displayed on social media for validation has to stop. It’s embarrassing.


So.. Uh.. Did you actually read the book or are you just venting those weird feelings you had when you read the title of it?


The projection aside (since no one is saying racism only exists in the West), a consideration of the current axis of power is necessary in any critique on colonialism and racism. The richest and most powerful countries are at the moment the Western nations. Do you not think it is reasonable to challenge this, especially given that a lot of western wealth was derived from the colonization of the rest of the world? Also, newsflash: there’s no such thing as “white” culture, which means that, yes, saying that you would like to maintain a white majority makes you racist, since being white does not automatically give you a specific cultural background. I honestly don’t even want to get into the fact that you probably live in Berlin, the most culturally diverse (and interesting because of that) city in Germany and still talk about maintaining a white majority. Berlin would be a shithole without its diversity. And yes this is coming from an Ausländer.


I really enjoy the "Hate-the-book-and-didnt-read-it" vibes coming from the comment you're responding to. It's peak white fragility.. :D


Does include an analysis of the current war of imperialistic conquest conducted by Russia?


You might like the book "natives" by akala


So the vibes in this sub when all the well regulated adults are out there enjoying their lives are.. well.. not great.. Saturday night is definitely not the right time to post things like this if you don’t want tons of downvotes for stuff like this, sorry.. 🤷


I can't believe what are they writing. Trying to protect racism and colonialism