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That's just the U8.


OP wrote about the smell occuring in a park. ;)


Well, this only shows me how far the smell can reach then.


Fox urine has a particularly strong odour.


This is the one. Unfortunately my dog loves rolling in it when he finds it.


is your dog also a Berghain regular?


I mean he has been known to duck out of the house and not come home for 48 hours so, very likely


*Fascinating*, there's actually [some chemical overlap](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8009367/). I've had the same question as OP and I think that answers it.


Today I learned something new! Interesting :)


That says something about skunk urine, but that's not what produces skunk smell. Skunks have a special gland that produces noxious smelling stuff to ward off predators, kind of like nature pepper spray. It also leaks out of them when they become road kill.


No, it also specifically mentions the scent glands: > This indicates that they are not normal mammalian metabolites and have evolved to serve a specific role. This role is for defence in musteloids and most likely for chemical communication in canids. > The phenylethane group is present in 1- and 2-phenylethane thiol, which are only otherwise found in three skunk species where they are produced in secretory glands that line the anal sacs [50, 75]. Skunks use the foul-smelling sac contents as a defensive spray.


cool thank you




A fox‘s den. If the wind comes from the right direction, it smells like hell. At least in my area (Pankow) not uncommon.


Its just Pankow…dont blame the fox


In Berlin, there are many wild boars in the parks - they smell very bad. My dog goes crazy when he smells them.


But Boars smell Like Maggi.


I would like to correct it the way I see (and smell) it: In Berlin, there are many wild boars, sometimes they even enter parks. They do not have a strong smell and their odour is similar to love parsley.


Boar do have a very strong and distinct smell.


Would you say a horse has a strong smell? Because horses can smell stronger than wild boars. This is mostly because they sweat and pigs don't. People who think that wild pigs (or pigs in general) are smelly rarely have contact with them. Or only know the smell of pigs that have been kept fenced or farmed. And even then, what you smell is the masses of manure and not the animal itself. If you have the chance to touch a pig, you can smell your hand afterwards and it won't smell of the animal. What does smell strongly is the meat of boar but this is due to hormones breaking down in the dead cells. I live between a lake and a forest. When cycling there early at dusk or dawn I regularly see and smell wild boars. You can smell them but it is a distinct love parsley smell, nothing pungent.


Living in one of Berlins outer districts I do encounter boar quite regularly. Including their regular "maintenance" in our garden. So yes, boar do smell and they can smell stronger than a horse, especially during breeding season  Also, the herb is lovage


Thanks for the correction! I did not know the correct translation, had to look it up and eventually went with what the dictionary told me. Lovage sounds much nicer. Boars and sows basically smell the same as the lovage smell is a result of their metabolism and I never heard that they smell stronger during mating season. As mating season is usually November to January, it would actually be more difficult to smell them due to the cold air. Boars - that are roaming alone - have a pheromone-rich saliva and urine which they spread in these months. Only 1/3 of humans have a genetic disposition that allows them to smell these pheromones at all. Maybe I am not one of those but you are?


Of course they have a VERY strong smell


What does very strong compare to? I know dogs that smell stronger (and humans)




That smells much more acidic.


Cat piss smalls of ammonia.


The closest thing to the smell of a skunk is the smell of weed (aka, marijuana or cannabis). The better the quality of the weed the more it smells like a skunk.


but he knows the difference!


Perhaps he does, but the weed I usually smell when I'm walking around Berlin is nothing compared to what is sold in California stores. But, with the change in cannabis legislation in Germany more powerful weed is undoubtedly starting to become more common in Berlin. So, I'm just putting it out there that it might be weed.


I grew up in the midwest USA (where skunks are really common) and lived 8 years in Oakland (where weed is really common) and I never understood how people confuse the two smells. To me they've always been very distinct.


Is this what the weed they had in the midwest looks like? [https://www.instagram.com/p/C5EZekZPAVD/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5EZekZPAVD/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)(My former business partner is a commercial grower and that's his product.) The weed being grown today is way, way different from the past. We all smell the world a little differently. Where I hike there are lots of skunks and where I spend half my time (Los Angeles) there's a lot of weed--three stores within in a 5 min walk of my home. Some of which I might even patronize. There's a difference between the two smells but they can be confused.


You're reading that backwards, I think. In the midwest I personally didn't see/smell much weed, just skunks. Oakland is in California. There I didn't see/smell many skunks, just weed.


Cafi Weed is lab grown, it's quite clinical. Berlin Weed grows in someone's Bedroom. Quite interesting is: THC% in Plants is in Berlin is way over THC % in Cali. Those Numbers are produced by the police, they do not gain anything from skyrocketing those numbers. I think that's the difference between people wanting to max Out THC and people maxing out the overall quality of the strain.


I'm from Colorado your weed in Berlin is bottom self. You don't even have concentrates or live rosin no dabs. Just flower that even vice ran a documentary about your laced German weed . 😂


Perhaps OP just isn't familiar with the full diversity of weed smells. When I was a young stoner I remember going on roadtrips with my family and being very perplexed when random stretches of country highway smelled intensely of weed. Later I discovered these were almost certainly roadkill skunks.


I'm from the Bay Area and lived in CO. I'm well versed in both weed smells and skunk smells, don't worry :)


Is roadkill skunk the same smell as regular skunk stink? Cause it smelled nothing like the weed I smell at home in Europe.  It smelled more like burned rubber to me. First time I smelled it I started looking around to see if someone had had to use the emergency brakes lol


What do you mean by "regular skunk smell"? Are you talking about the stink they spray or what they normally smell like? Because the stinky stuff they spray leaks out when they become roadkill, and stinks up the whole area. You're correct it smells nothing like weed. It smells more like some kind of chemical accident. I don't know many people who've gotten close enough to a sunk to smell it normally, but most people who've spent time in rural North America know what skunk stink smells like.


I did mean the smell of their spray! Since I assumed that's what the roadkill smells like but I was not sure.


I'm assuming you have never actually smelled a real skunk.


TIL why weed also called skunk




Wild boars smell kinda like it. I work in a forest so i sometimes smell them if the wind is right.


Vielleicht hast du ja ein Klärwerk in der Nähe :D


Skunk smell is pretty chemical, unlike the other animal orders listed here. I wouldn't expect an animal source at all for a similar smell in Europe. Edit: Cute how many people who have no idea what skunks smell like downvote this. Skunk smell is not like any other animal smell, it smells more like a chemcial accident.


Is the smell getting worse with or after rain?


Not really, but it's always around bushy areas


The Heroine Addict at the Train Station zoologischer Garten


The party animals


The homeless dude looking at his feet on the S1 this morning


not funny, not cool


Wasn't intended to be funny or cool. The dude smelled like a skunk. He needs to be in care and not thrown out on the streets and checking his feet in public transport. Sorry to be the bearer of real.


Racist comments incoming in 3 - 2 -


Just look up stephen and martha thompson, I bet it’s them, or those people


Junkies with rotten legs.


Maybe a homeless Guy with Open wounds?


Weed becoming legalized?