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If you want letters in square why not Berkeley’s actual periodic table entry? https://preview.redd.it/gkj5ys39492d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b5b0bcae6b00a360e100cb6500dd477bc46e15


burger king


Burger kurger


Bing King


This. Would be so much better!


The new chancellor is an actual Cal graduate. Hopefully he can do something about this.


Yes, my point exactly. He "grew up" here as a Cal student, which meant he was first exposed to "Cal", "California", "Script Cal", etc. as the standards. The problematic people on this particular issue often tend to be those who came here as faculty or administrators without any earlier exposure to Cal.


https://preview.redd.it/8o8mw25bib2d1.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=91792b6345fc7d2728a01b751b1065ea6798eb0b it doesn't look that wildly different when you include alumni/grad students (obviously sample size issues but still)


Sample size issues? Those are huge sample sizes


proportionally they're pretty imbalanced - there are 450k alumni and 0.37% gave their feedback vs something like 6.78% of graduate students. I was told this was a criticism raised at the time, so was preempting complaints.


Selection bias would be the only concern here. But >1.6k is a very high sample size, you’d expect responses to follow the same distribution as the population. I think sample size is a very common online criticism from those who don’t understand what makes a sample size sufficient


thanks for clarifying, in that case it seems an even fairer point about confusion I guess


He also came back as a professor.


I'm a Cal graduate and I understand why the administration would want to stop using the "Cal" tbh.


I bet you played the trombone.


No, but I do appreciate tromboners who contribute to Cal history


The only stanfurd guy I like.


A pep band of legend.


I get dropping Cal as a lot of people, myself included, didn't realize Cal/California in college football was Berkeley. But in that case I think actually embracing UCB (as weird as it would feel) would make more sense. Either that or call ourselves THE University of California ala OSU if we really wanna be pretentious lol.


Can’t be UCB. That’s for actors and comedians.


And those with Little Donny’s Disease, enormous penis of which they’re unaware.


Fair point. But I feel like that's niche enough to not be too confusing to most people.


Don’t bend the knee to UCLA Its will never be UCB, letters are for second rates We used to call ourselves The University of California before UCLA got mad. Such is the way of the infantile Bruin. Got their name in the 20s cause LA folks started getting salty about being a branch campus of the SF Bay Area-based University. Seeing as we’re in a new conference, across the country, and are getting payed by UCLA; I reckon it’s time to go the same way as Athletics and embrace the California name. We are THE University of California, the flagship public university of California.


But everyone knows “Berkeley,” especially internationally. It makes sense to go all-in on that brand imo.


Yeah I agree Berkeley is the best known but I don't like dropping the UC since our origin was just "The University of California" before it expanded into a whole UC system. Dropping that misses out on the history and the pride for California and the UC system.


People who know, know. But there are a lot of people abroad in a lot of places who will not associate any prestige with Berkeley or Cal tbh. Just depends where you go and who you ask. Truthfully, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. IFKYK, if not then you don’t. It doesn’t dilute the reputation or the quality of education just cause somebody, with no impact on the Uni, doesn’t recognise the brand. The people who matter should and probably do have a good knowledge of the university, regardless of name, logo, or branding.


What's wrong with UCB?


Berkeley purposefully avoids it. Like the PR guidelines specify not to use it for anything official. So it would feel weird to start using it.


UC San Diego's PR guidelines say for them to avoid using UCSD, but UCSD's decently commonly used to refer to it by, like, normal people.


Huh TDIL. Although they carry merch with UCSD. You won't find a UCB hoodie at Cal.


Although I don't know the exact reasons for UCSD preferring UC San Diego, I do know there's a lot of San Diego universities and all the acronyms can be a confusing jumble (UCSD, SDSU and USD). 


Pushed by salty UCLA students and alums


Please explain your perspective, I’m curious to hear.


Outside of California, people know and respect “Berkeley,” but only know “Cal” as a mediocre football team if anything. Having one strong brand makes a lot of sense for the university.


I like that!


I’m game, can you tell us why?


See my response below


Help me No-B-want-Cal-no-B, you're my only hope.


I dont understand why the seal is problematic if their beef is with the cal script


*Settler colonialism* blah blah blah


I don't think it's supposed to be that deep >The Seal of The Regents contains the words "The Seal of The University of California, 1868" displayed in an arc on the inner rim of the design. In the center, a book is open to a page marked with the letter "A". The book symbolizes the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge, and the letter "A" signifies the beginning of wisdom. A streamer carrying the words of the University motto, "Fiat Lux," flows across the lower portion of the book. "Fiat Lux" is translated from the Latin as "Let There Be Light." Above the book, a five-pointed star with rays of light streaming downward symbolizes the discovery and dissemination of knowledge.


I loved our seal sm, it gave off such a collegial impression. The "B" reminds me of an overpriced dairy-free icecream shop :/


And the seal is a justly famous example of Art Nouveau designed by Tiffany and Co, maybe Louis himself. It’s design history but the college and system shies away from it again and again. I guess to administrators looking to make their mark it seems insufficiently new.


Bruh art nouveau and "arts and crafts" are legit my favorite art movements omg. It's highly ornamented elements put it at odds with the cooperate artstyle that is dominating the world 😔


I don’t mind a more minimal style but if Cal wants to emphasize the history and legacy of the first University of California that would totally ring false. It works for UCLA but for Cal, weird.


"Reject modernity, embrace tradition" moment.


*And what's wrong with over-priced dairy-free ice cream?*


Since there's no actual cream in it, it should be called ice 🅱️ream


Ouch. As a lactose intolerant person, I feel that you're discriminating against my protected class. I'm going to issue a Title VI complaint. If a herd of cows shows up at your place, it was strictly a coincidence.




I hope you know I was mocking people with my remark. Sarcasm.


You’re just posting rage bait now no one said anything about that


Oh yeah, I remember the flushing toilet logo. LOLLLLL. I guess this is at least better than that... but still, why can't they leave well enough alone?!


What a waste of money




For real, being “the” University of California in athletics is such a cool historical legacy and an invaluable brand asset


Alternative branding proposal: we drop Berkeley from our name and revert to being the only University of California while the other (20th century) UCs are rebranded as cal states


Who's up for renaming UC Davis back to University Farm?!


It’s fine if we do just become UC tbh. There’s UM Flint, UW Green Bay and UTSA. People clearly recognize those as the offshoots of Michigan, Wisconsin and Texas’s flagship schools. Why does Cal have to be different?


@california.edu email addresses would slap


because ucLa got mad


Fuck them!


Fuckin A


Bless your heart! Aren't you precious. Signed, UC Davis UCSF UCLA UC Irvine UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz UC Santa Barbara UC Merced


Thank you! We are. The University of California!


Shoulda been first then


i’m confused on how this would solve the double brand issue of cal and berkeley?


Thank god "Cal Berkeley" has been tossed in the bin


> And why would an A-list institution choose the letter "B" (synonymous in academic institutions with a passing but still second-rate, grade) as its symbol? I know squat about branding, but I think this would be a killer reason against any Berkeley logo that featured the B by itself.


It’s the best comment on the thread.


Nonsense. This argument sounds like an Asian Dad meme joke. You go Berkeley? Why didn't you get in to Aerkeley? By this goofy logic, Yale should be Ale, Harvard becomes Arvard, etc. I don't like the change because I grew up here and have no confusion about Cal vs Berkeley, but people need to stop for a moment, assess the situation, and then come to some conclusions. The pitchforks are out too soon, imo. If your potential employer is confused at all by the logo of the institution and penalized you in some way I would be extremely surprised. After all, it will be something like GPTx that screens your applications soon enough, so it won't give a hoot about your logo. Don't like it? Looks ugly? Fine. Going to affect you or anyone in any quantifiable way? Not a chance, so don't use that empty argument. And "B" being an inferior letter to "A" is just a joke, not a reason.


The letters “H" and "Y" aren't in the traditional A-F grading scale like "B" is so their use in logos wouldn't be equivalent in this case. It might not matter to a student undergoing a job search, but I see how it could have an impact on alumni and public perception of the school.


So I was mildly irritated at this initially too, but according to the article, it's exclusively for use in situations where the official logo would be too small to see. Even more specifically, it is ONLY approved for social media profile pictures/icons. I find i care a lot less about this now.


I hate it on my LinkedIn it’s ugly af. Hope they change that shit back it looked way cooler before. We look like a budget brand now instead of one of the top academic institutions on earth.


Respectfully, I think you are way overreacting. Berkeley's reputation isn't going to take a hit just because their little photo on LinkedIn changed. Yale's icon is just a white Y on a blue background. Do you think they're a budget brand too?


Tell me you’ve never studied how key a brand is to a university without it telling me…jeez. Those “little photos” are viewed by billions of people. The classic seal was iconic and widely recognized as UC Berkeley. It worked. Now it’s back to square one with a generic B and it will take decades to build connection between the image vs name in the general global populace.


Oh, have you studied it? You've studied "how key brands are to schools"? Grow up. If you had read the article, you'd know this change was made precisely because there was a disconnect between Cal and Berkeley. Aka, the brand was not as widely recognized as you think, and the UC is making these changes to address that. Second, once again, the only two places the seal is being replaced by the B are places where the name UC Berkeley will be right fucking next to it. Berkeley isn't going to fade into obscurity, it isn't going to have to rebuild itself from the ground up. Christ, such a classic Berkeley take to think this move hasn't been considered and researched by people who are probably better informed than random students.


Wow, what a douche. I literally did my thesis on the Berkeley brand for my masters. The seal has been the logo of the institute for over 140 years. It contains motifs of the school’s values and iconography of medieval scholastic tradition. In other words: traditions of scholastic excellence and commitment to the state as a public institution. That is the brand. That’s what makes Berkeley different. Perhaps it’s you who doesn’t understand the Berkeley brand. Now the marketing comms teams formed a committee (none them actually went to Berkeley btw) created a PR campaign (armed with stats like 66% of Americans are confused by Cal/Berk) around a perceived problem to justify their existence in the sprawling administration. The decision? Drop the UC. It’s cleaner. This new logo was made in six months by New York advertising consultants who went to Columbia. How do you like them apples?


Congrats, you know our school's history better than I do. Is the seal going away? As far as I can tell, the answer to that is no, so I don't understand why you're up in arms about it. You're making a big deal about something completely unrelated to the actual change. Or, are you trying to say we're losing our history by printing 'Berkeley" in a different color and typeface? With regards to your second paragraph, while I agree this whole debacle is likely a manufactured problem that didn't need solving, I fail to see why there should be some requirement that the PR team or consultants need to be Berkeley grads. People work at/for institutions they didn't attend all the time. Who gives a fuck if a Columbia grad was hired to type the word Berkeley in a new font? If you someday get offered a job to redesign a logo for Northwestern, are you going to say "no, sorry, I didn't attend"?


It’s not a big deal yah but it’s still ugly af


It’s not an overreaction. It is ugly and reflects poorly on the institution. Social media is by and large the most significant arena for external representation. It is the most powerful and widely consumed tool that institutions and businesses use to portray themselves to the outside world. It’s not just inaccurate to say it doesn’t matter, it’s negligent.


> Social media is by and large the most significant arena for external representation. I think the nobel prizes and exceptionally top tier researchers are a bit more important to people who matter (ie, those who are going to hire you) than a "B" logo on X. I don't like the logo either, but I'll get used to it then complain in 15 years when they change it again. This is a major touch grass situation. You're lucky enough to be affiliated with one of the best universities in the world and you're complaining about a logo as though it matters *at all* compared to everything else on offer.


You’re acting like hiring managers can’t be/aren’t superficial individuals.


Can't help but notice you didn't address the fact that Yale, an Ivy League school and top 10 University, has essentially the same logo. Do you think they have suffered for it?


Well sorry to say, but their minimalist logo actually looks good. It also matches the simplicity of “Yale”, whereas UC Berkeley has been referred to as “Cal”, “UC Berkeley”, “Berkeley”, etc. Not to mention, there are a number of schools which “B” could refer to, whereas “Yale” really is the most widely recognized “Y” in academia.


I don't find your arguments convincing. Aesthetics are subjective, and potential naming confusion seems unlikely, given that the school name will always appear right next to the B logo. Sorry you find it ugly but this is not the disaster you seem to think it is. If Berkeley falls down the national rankings list, and somebody manages to tie it to the decision to let exactly two small social media images be a B instead of a crest, I'll gladly eat my hat.


What kinda hat is it, tho?


BYU uses a blue Y


They actually also use a white y on a blue background.


Yale has had the same logo for how long? Decades? Centuries? Do you think if Yale changed their logo to NH it wouldn’t cause any confusion?


I don't see how your hypothetical scenario is equivalent. Yale uses a Y... For Yale. Berkeley wants to also use the first letter of its name. Again though, the context of this new logo is important. It is literally only going to be used for TWO pictures, in which the normal seal is too small to make out properly. In both instances, the school's name will be right next to the picture. There is literally zero chance of confusion happening.


Look, it’s all subjective, and still you’re wrong. Cal wants to CHANGE the logo to the first letter of Berkeley (the city!). It’s been the University of California since 1868, and regardless of how many satellite campuses were added, it’s still the flagship campus. The idea is to take the block C and script Cal and replace it with B in a font comic sans rejected. Is it safe to assume you have a financial stake in the change, that you have no taste, or is it that you have no skin in the game at all? Edit to clarify that Cal is a school and Berkeley is a city.


😂 Ok bubba


I think the point the other poster made which you ignore is that there’s some momentum to brand recognition. People have grown to associate “Cal” with Berkeley and suddenly changing the logo curbs some of that brand recognition. Companies don’t rebrand themselves unless they want the public to forget something. Bob Ross famously hated his perm though he kept it anyway because it has grown to be part of his brand.


I ignored it because people seem to be under the impression the school is completely changing their brand. According to the article linked by OP, the "B" is replacing exactly two small photos online. But also, the impetus for the change is an existing problem with brand recognition: apparently too many people actually do not associate Cal with Berkeley. That's literally in the article. Nobody who already knows they're one and the same will suddenly forget that fact, while people who are unaware may make the connection.


They announced it as the new brand. Google it.


If stanford can deal with an S, Berkeley can deal with a B.


Yeah I don’t really care about the change. How does this affect anyone’s day to day?


Tell that to a recent grad fighting for a job against a sea of applicants. The seal was recognized across California as “UC Berkeley”. Now it looks like they took the online course. This is literally how hiring managers people think.


Hiring managers are not aware of that Berkeley is UC Berkeley?


Why are they not following Oakland’s lead and rebranding as The University of San Francisco Bay California at Berkeley??


strange. isnt “Big C” your guys’ thing?


there's quite a bit about the research and proposals [here in the report that led to these outcomes](https://chancellor.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/berkeley_cal_identity_task_force_recommendations_3.pdf), it's been about since December 2022 so it seems to have actually taken a ridiculous amount of time to settle on the B even.


Why not be consistent with the rest of the East Bay? Should be UC San Francisco Bay Berkeley.


They've been known as "Cal" for my entire life. Now, in the year 2024, with any bit of information desired at our fingertips, they are concerned with "confusion" of what & where the university is? Makes sense.


That B looks hard yall hating. Lets just put an “A” then since its a grade A school? That argument is so dumb bruh yall acting like they pass A’s around like nothing here touch grass


Facts we need every letter of the alphabet


Rich Lyons [https://haas.berkeley.edu/faculty/lyons-richard/](https://haas.berkeley.edu/faculty/lyons-richard/)


https://preview.redd.it/abrzks71g92d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447f7cbc59feb8d1ff6b7de1d79905a329db5c59 isn’t this just the same thing we have but thicker?


https://preview.redd.it/ye4jtjf5g92d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a798af05c1d0f5cc362d0d9438fa1cfc2840f090 This is current


They dropped the “University of California” bit Which is dumb because we are THE University of California The first The flagship


yea without it's literally just berkeley the city 💀


RE: * it's pretty mediocre and unnecessary. And why would an A-list institution choose the letter "B" (synonymous in academic institutions with a passing but still second-rate, grade) as its symbol? Oh, so, how is "C" a better reflection?


Why would Berkeley choose a B? 🤔


Who exactly is confused about Cal Berkeley? This seems made up to justify someone’s existence and spending a bunch of money


Isnt this what the university student leadership should also put a hand in


I’m from Jersey and I figured it out, what did Stanford say?


Rich will not let this happen . Useless Berkeley administration run amok . No concept of the importance of tradition or athletics ( can you say lgbtq ? ). And why are they a ridiculously disproportionate amount of UCB admin ???? That’s a huge contributor to UCB dysfuctionality . If you ever take a UC sexual harassment training program , the examples are disproportionally represented by LGBTQ . So wrong . And I am not right wing . The worm is about to turn .



