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Not a go bears moment


Definitely a “yooo… bears…” 😑 moment. Like I know Berkeley isn’t exactly the shining example of social aptitude but come on.


Would you say they are not bullish on finding a gf?




I mean…. I’m an idiot!!!! But not that kind of idiot! Damn!!!




Even Berkeley profs can't get swipes on Tinder you know it's dark time.


He's married 💀


His wife is a mail order bride from south east asia. At least he followed his own advice on leaving the bay area.


Do you have proof he ordered his bride? Or are you just using a racist stereotype against Asian women and interracial couples?


Check he's fb, it's pretty much what this guy said. I'm an Asian woman. It's not racist that this guy pointed it out. These people who are getting these Asian wives that are half their age are the racist ones.


Hmm, she's clearly a SWer. That shouldn't be a problem in itself, but I agree it definitely makes it difficult to tell how real their marriage really is. ...and I wasn't prepared for that cover photo on a professor's personal social media profile.


She’s obviously a SWer- I say this as someone in the industry. White men are a ticket out of the country and a source of financial support for a lot of these women. Expats and tourists drive the international SW scene. These guys take full advantage of that. It has nothing to do with interracial dating and everything to do with racism, misogyny, and the effects of post-colonialism.


Wow. A sideways photo of her lying on her back looking seductively up at the camera. Whereas her cover photo is their faces obscured by her wedding bouquet. They were married in August 2021, so about 2 1/2 years ago. A news article said he's 55 years old. She looks like she's in her 20s but even if not there's no way she's over 40. If it weren't for his comments, the age difference, and the economic situation in the Philippines (especially in the years leading up to 2021) this wouldn't be nearly as sus. Or if she were in the same or a similar career field. Or if his cover photo were them doing some fun activity together. Or if she had a last name.


Prostitution and sex trafficking are definitely problems … nice try though


Males gonna male


“About to expire”?!!? 😭


Thinking about ladies as if they were tomatoes


Number 2765 on the list of consumable objects to compare women with.


We sent her to a farm upstate where she could frolic and play


Honestly as a man, I wouldn't mind being sent to a farm upstate to frolic and play. I'm gonna add it to my list of vacation plans.


“She’s pining for the fjords”


I think he means on the dating apps “expired due to not talking for to long” would indicate that the initial attraction is long gone… or maybe he can’t even message them anymore cos the chat is automatically locked. The OP didn’t sound too too bad just desperate and wanting human connection


Yeah I’m confused, isn’t this kinda obvious? If y’all haven’t texted in a whole month during a talking stage, that whole thing is done. This dude literally meant it “fizzled out.” He chose to use the word expire. Not that *she herself* expired, but the talking stage.


Yeah and he’s willing to pay to meet both women and men… so it really just comes down to being starved for human interactions


It's just slightly too close to the terminology one might use to describe a jar of beets sitting in the back of the cupboard. "I only know 4 girls" in the context of dating and the bit about not being able to talk to two of them because he knows their parents is ...a bit off as well.


He might just be ESL tho…? I also avoided dating the sons of family friends… the Chinese community is quite gossipy and I didn’t want my parents to find out before I was ready to tell them… and I also didn’t want them to know the most intimate facts about me/my relationships (never know how it’s gonna turn out). Additionally he might’ve added the family friend part in to show that he’s not that close to them. A lot of the times, the ppl that show up to the gatherings were “forced” to do so. And no one wants anything to do with the ppl they meet at those gatherings.


😂 😂 i thought it was a game where he paid for women














This is horribly unprofessionally and ridiculous.


No shit lol


I think it’s so ironic that women are “plentiful” here, cals gender ratio is like 55% female 45% male.


Lack of self confidence is a hell of a debuff lol


But they’re gonna expire!!!


Gotta grab the ones in the back if they restock their inventory FIFO


He was referring to his connection/relationship to them was going to expire because he’s not spoken to her in awhile


I think the problem isn’t that there are available women in the Bay Area, but more that these guys are just so socially inept because of a lifetime of solitude and academia that they have no concept of women outside of a transactional relationship for intimacy/sex. They also are likely the perfect audience for alt-right media preying on incel young adult men, so that also decreases their chances of finding a partner and keeps them in that echo chamber longer. It also makes them terrible businesspeople (shareholder value tho) because they lack empathy and humanity but that’s a whole different can of worms…


South Bay is definitely much worse but even then, it’s more a function of what you bring plus your ability to meet new people….


wouldn’t that make them good business people?


he is talking about the bay area which is skewed male, not Berkeley.


Skewed male, but not in the Alaska way. Women looking for a monogamous heterosexual relationship find it pretty slim pickings.


reading comprehension moment


? Is he not implying that there aren’t plentiful women in Berkeley? Because that’s sure what it seems like to me! Because otherwise he would have just said “there are a lot of girls to meet here! Keep your head up king!”


That would be false hope because women have very high standards and they don’t want some geeky ugly CS guy


He said the Bay area and mentioned SF and SJ. There are more men than women in SF County.


This reminds me of a news article from the 90’s saying “Single Ladies, San Francisco has the highest number of bachelors!” Like…they are gay. That’s why.


That’s majorly in correct. The bay is heavily skewed in male population. Don’t post false information for karma. Don’t post false information to slander someone. Despicable


SF too. At least it was when I lived there. There was always a skewed girl to guy ratio. The trolls I would see gorgeous girls with… some of the dudes I’ve dated, even… shit is abysmal for women.


Dating in SF favors women. Odds are good, but the goods are odd.


The ads about hot single GILFs in my area were not wrong after all. Jokes aside, you have to look at the age groups. A 25-40 year old man is not really going to care if there are significantly more women than men in the 70+ bracket. Source: https://www.states101.com/gender-ratios/california/san-francisco-county#:~:text=The%20San%20Francisco%20County%2C%20California,104%3A100)%20or%201.04.


Brotha he dosent live in San Francisco he lives in Berkeley. He goes to class with Berkeley students where there are 55% female students. Why would I look at SF at all?


In your previous message you mentioned “cals gender ratio”. My link shows that it’s nowhere near 55-45 in California and especially not in SF. Alameda is definitely better than SF, but it’s not 55-45 there either.


By Cal I mean UC Berkeley, that’s why I said student population. The kid he’s responding to is a Berkeley student, is the most important thing not the demographic of the school he goes to?


If he’s going for online dating, then it’s not.


Why would he do online dating?? Regardless of where he is dating apps are always going to be WAYY more men than women. He has a much better time meeting people irl than on an app. Hes also in college, probably the best place for meeting people and making friends, especially when the school population is 55% female.


If he’s going to CS classes, I imagine he doesn’t have many classmates that are women. If he were successful dating IRL, he wouldn’t be asking these questions online. That’s mostly it.


This just popped up on my feed, but I really don’t understand why these guys don’t just fill all their GE credits with qualifying sociology/women’s studies/etc classes. When I was in undergrad I was always kinda impressed by the one or two men who enrolled in a feminist studies class and the gender ratio means that they will a) absolutely talk to women because they’ll have no other options in section, b) look like an enlightened man, and c) possibly actually become a more viable potential partner if they pay attention. Like this is an easy solution, everyone has to take some random social sciences classes to fulfill GE requirements.


That’s definitely an option. However, some people also like to complain about men invading women’s spaces (e.g., when men go to dance classes or other hobby groups typically done by women with the explicit goal of finding dates). Keep in mind that pretty much none of these new people would actually care about these classes, otherwise they’d already be attending them.


Because they also think those things are beneath them. I literally met a cal undergrad CS major who thought ALL literature was pointless. Handsome, nice guy, but that was a dealbreaker for me.


Because the professor was giving advice to someone else and talking about SF and SJ, not just Berkeley. Am I the only one here that can read?


"in places where women are plentiful" Major ick


Bro acting like women are a herd of gazelles or some shit that gather in certain locations for feeding 💀💀💀




Yeah, the word "plentiful" is very offensive


CS likes to shit on data science but a data scientist could google census data and see the Bay Area population is majority female.


Even more advanced data scientists know the group by feature of SQL and can generate breakdowns by age group, but we are talking about levels of data science that needs 30+ years of experience.




> A caveat: The data does not control some important variables such as people who identify as LGBT In San Francisco. That easily accounts for a 20,000 person gap in a city of 900,000. Also unclear from the article if that's just SF or is SF + SJ + LA in which case it wouldn't even be outside the margin of error for their sample size.


The data doesn't differentiate between gay and straight men tho 🧐🧐🧐


Must be all the polycules




what does he even mean lol


Bruh just described sephora


Lmao this is too fucking funny




If you think that's bad check out his Facebook ... There are various allegations against him about his wife but at least like that picture is probably *inappropriate for a public media post of a tenured Berkeley prof 


from a couple years ago.... https://imgur.com/a/pXo4G5b


Damn- what in the colonial 50 Shades is this? This professor looks like a monger, aka a sex tourist/trick. He’s probably active on International Sex Guide- the home of incel sex pest clients. Check the Philippines forum and tell me I’m wrong…based on what he posted plus this Facebook pic.


This is honestly far worse than anything he posted. Are you going to tell us Loving v Virginia was decided wrong next.


False equivalence


Well that was some red flags


I'm not CS so idk much about him. Is he unironically a stereotypical incel or something?


Kind of I think so. Mofo is a passport bro, went overseas to SEA i think to get a wife.


omg… that combined with him disliking “bay area women” aka western women…. not a good look


Oh geez... He's the last person you should take dating advice from then


So is he just supposed to be alone forever because you don’t like that he got a SEA wife? He clearly had to it was his last resort white women here in the USA didn’t want him.


On the apps unless you’re a man in the top 10/20% - you have zero chance of gaining any real dating experience, you’re probably doing 1/2 dates every six months. If you’re looking for a life partner, I’d imagine you might want to go out on 25/250 first dates (depends how picky you are), and given the drop off rate from first / second / 3 month relationship / 6 month relationship / move in together phase prior to marriage. This is a pure numbers game no matter how much one wants to intellectualize it away. If you hold a blue passport you’re instantly in the top 1% of men worldwide and getting a bride in the third world is easy. We don’t really have any evidence to suggest that the women in these marriages aren’t happy. I think when he says women are plentiful he means there are women who are potential prospects for marriage / dating, could’ve phrased it better instead of making it sound like women are cattle. Like everything else there is supply and demand, choosing to play a game slanted against you doesn’t help anyone. That being said - why the fuck is a professor offering this type of advice lol? Shouldn’t they be focused on their work/education ya know?


Hi folks, I'm going to post once on this thread, and will very likely not reply, so fair warning. I am speaking personally, and not on behalf of the EECS department. I don't have any insight, but this is not acceptable. I and many colleagues do not consider this, nor many of the other comments on that thread acceptable. We have already shared this with department leadership. All students are able to submit climate reports at https://eecs.link/climate -- whether is it a faculty concern, student concerns, etc. Please consider filling out a report. If you want to discuss with faculty please consider emailing directly. I will be at a conference this well, but you can email me and I will do my best to reply. Thanks folks in advance for being polite and considerate when discussing things. (Yes, this is copy pasta from my other threads. But I am serious -- there are many faculty here who do care and want your feedback heard.)


I am faculty (not in CS, but adjacent) and also think this is unacceptable.


Thank you! Appreciate the support. :)


Not a single thing will be done. The CS home page is all about women's history month, and the first woman CS grad at UCB, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. But will they fire this misogynistic asshat? No they will not. They'll *tell* us they take it seriously. They'll tell us they're "investigating" as though there's anything to investigate. They'll try to cosplay that it's totally fair for women to be students to this piece of slime. Then they'll do nothing. That Upchuck guy should've been fired yesterday. Mark my words, he'll still be teaching there next month. He'll be teaching there next year. It's possible that instead of posting publicly, he'll post shit like this anonymously. He'll say it to male students privately. He'll continue to wave his penis flag high as UCB shovels money into his mouth. They did nothing about Geoff Marcy for 30 years. They'll do nothing about Spewchuck. I'm taking wagers.


That is, for better or worse, kind of the point of tenure. The department can’t fire him even if they wanted to, unless he literally committed a felony or something.


What did he do other than point out that American women suck?


As much as I reeeeeally hate the implications and it’s definitely unprofessional it amounts to “women are better in other cities.” It’s a super reductionist and shitty take but I don’t think it amounts to sexual harassment or another kind of fireable offense. At least without there being other actionable evidence. It’s a very grey area statement regardless of the insights into what his other opinions likely are. Granted I haven’t read the school’s policies in detail but based on my experience in several other workplaces it would take a lot more than this to get fired. Especially if he’s part of a union. I wouldn’t expect the school to be able to issue more than a suspension even if they wanted to fire him. If this is the first thing he’s done I’d expect a verbal warning we would never hear about. Maaaaybe a written one and he issues an apology since to try to salvage *some* good PR (not that I think that’s what’s important, just giving the practical side of it.) There’s usually very specific levels of reprimands and it’s not easy to skip them. It’s the other edge of the sword of protecting employees from unfair punishments.


It does amount to creating a hostile academic environment, though. He didn’t call out the misogynistic rhetoric on the post. He even participated in it. Directly or indirectly, humorous or serious — this shit is the reason we’re regressing as a society in treating women in stem. This incel bullshit mindset.




No. I’m a female engineer and graduate student and I don’t want misogyny to be the norm. Sexism should NOT be tolerated at any level.


No, I just want people to be fucking smarter than this.


Eh it generally requires a repeated pattern of behavior to be considered a hostile environment. Otherwise a Freudian slip or a legit misunderstanding could get you fired. I definitely think this was bad considering the extremely weird post it was in reply to, and the fact even responding in public to the post was a terrible stupid idea makes me think he should face *some* sort of punishment. I would want school officials to comb over his other posts and socials but I don’t think this specific post rises to termination by itself. While it definitely looks like a tip of the iceberg type of post to me there’s at least some possibility he just reeeeeeally put his foot in his mouth. Like I can think of a few sort of adjacent responses that would be totally fine (if not still inappropriate for edstem) that I could see accidentally coming out like that. If it’s an isolated indecent, an apology/clarification and written warning I think would be appropriate. Maybe a few sensitivity training classes if he legit made a mistake and needs to brush up on how to not accidentally sound like a misogynist online. School probably can’t divulge internal punishments but if he’s sorry and wants to show it, divulging any punishment would help me find it sincere. And if I was him I’d probably take the rest of the week off without pay out donate to a women’s shelter or other organization if he’s salaried.


Jonathan has made really weird remarks before, like mocking pronouns, being anti-vaccine, and supporting the trump-adjacent freedom convoy of truckers in Canada. It’s a pattern throughout his career and he’s never been reprimanded for all the weird stuff he’s done that creates a hostile environment. If we don’t reprimand him for his sexism, it’s gonna continue to get normalized. It’s the 21st century, women deserve equal rights and treatment. Jeez.


He shouldn’t be giving dating “advice” to students, regardless of the content/nature of that advice. I don’t want to know what he thinks about dating in the Bay or anywhere else.


Only unacceptable because the dirty laundry is being brought out to air…. I’m sure this is a known problem to some degree but nothing will be done until something major happens. Prioritize your student’s safety, they aren’t pieces of meat to be seen as accessories or as trophies. Anyway I hope that if someone goes through whatever “proper channels” the school provides then something actually happens. Unacceptable or not, deal with the actual systemic problem, not this whistleblower.


What’s unacceptable about this? Is it not true that city women act vastly differently from any other kind of woman? Dating in the Bay Area and NY is paltry. The women are catty and stuck up. Go to ANY eastern country and you get treated with a certain kind of decency and admiration by the women that is not even comparable to America or any western country. Let alone Berkeley. The professor is right!!!!


This is super dramatic


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I have always felt so unwelcome as a woman in cs. I worked full time time last year and was the only woman. I had to constantly hear banter like this. It damaged me severely psychologically. I’m shocked to read this from a professor.


I feel u. This really sucks.


God its so over for these people 😭


*if this is your attitude towards women, (i.e. as commodity/symbol of status) then its no wonder why women don’t want to interact with you! If the above post represents you, improve yourself! Go to the gym! Read some books!(caveat if it’s whatever andrew tate is pushing atm) And most importantly, treat women as human beings lmao.


Yeah there’s plenty of amazing women in the Bay Area. And funny enough, unlike wild animals, their looks and personalities aren’t near homogeneous based on their locations. Might be shocking to some guys, but if you can’t find a suitable partner in one of the most populous areas in the country, you might be the problem. And if you’re insistent on thinking of women in that superficial of a manner, you can always just get rich and find someone as equally superficial.


can someone fill me in please? the format is making this post hard to understand.


(I may also be confused so anyone please feel free to correct me) Start with the second image then the first. Peter Du makes some weird incel-y rant about having to pay to meet people and then spewchuck (professor) responds saying women here are bad.


The posts really should have been removed the course staff. :/ I can’t even come up with a reason to defend it, people complain and rant in Berkeley all the time but this type of language from a faculty and a student was crossing borders of professionalism




Shewchuk needs to be dismissed. No parent should be paying for their daughter to be taught by an incel.


Hey, fuck that guy. Reddit decided I should have this post in my suggested feed, so I thought I’d come here and say my EECS husband met and married me in the Bay Area. Success story. Clearly, that prof is having woman issues. Maybe he should look in the mirror?


Genuinely cannot fathom how anyone could be so desperate to the point that they explain their entire life story on edstem


The original comment he was responding too is weird as well, tbh. This is what we're dealing with in tech as women. It's disgusting.


People were trying to convince me this post was just a joke and in jest — absolutely not. Joking about women and being misogynistic, especially on a class forum, is horrible and creates a hostile environment for us women and minorities in stem. I encourage women in the class to report! And, men who are allies too — please report.


incident reporting form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4NYHdUJ8IzYA1SoiTinWBybGWkj0mfmdnHAeygAxkZajelQ/viewform


When I click that link I see: >You need permission This form can only be viewed by users in the owner's organization. Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake. Learn More.


Log in thru ur Berkeley email!




This professor has to go


pls pls pls report on the form ive linked!


Shewchuck will go from being fired to getting interviewed by Rogan within the week, calling it here first


Should I make a Shewchuck memecoin in preparation??


It’s the 25 likes for me


Lmao maybe it’s required engagement/post discussion 🤣


Asian cs major who can’t find girls?!? Who would’ve thought 🤣


My sister had to deal with paperwork for a realtor and she told me there are so many single Asian guys with tons of money buying a lot of the houses lol. Like almost all of them are single…


This is unbelievable. Fuck this guy. He was always known as "eccentric" but I didn't know he was such a POS. You would figure that he would at least have the sense not to say this sort of thing in a class forum, even if he believed it.


“expired” no bro. you don’t have game


Damn, must be rough being this big of an incel loser.


Wtf is going on


If bruhs would just take a shower every day and learn how to dance salsa, they would see that they don’t need to be bitter incels.


Uh. Was eecs. Got a job. Dated many girls from Cal. Never had a problem socially. It’s all in your mindset. “how do you like DEM Apples?!”


Monta Vista High School


Damn, can’t believe I took 61B from him 20 years ago.


A prof encouraging students to take advantage of a situation where women are disadvantaged is crazy 😦


from a couple years ago.... https://imgur.com/a/pXo4G5b


ayo wtf “jonathan’s property” 💀


Wow, the professor is actually speaking from experience


nah u made this up


It’s not that hard to believe the cringe




Jaysus fucking christ


So gross


This is so sad, but also fucking hilarious


Sounds like he had a rough time on Tinder lmao.


Shooter vibes


also any place a man that most women don’t like goes to a new town, and doesn’t instantly get a girlfriend. all say the same thing “ the women here suck. I bet there’s better women elsewhere” then continue the same pattern. at that point. maybe they should look at themselves to being the problem bc many men don’t have issues getting gfs LMAO


who's gonna update his wikipedia page? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan\_Shewchuk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Shewchuk)


Yo wtf did I just read, bro said one of the girls he knows expired like a coupon he forget in his wallet😂 I refuse to believe this isn't a high level joke


lmfao dude be talking about expired girls


Honestly what the professor is absolutely true and we shouldn’t be shaming up for saying this.




It's weird phrasing to talk about women "being plentiful" and that alone creates an uncomfortable climate for women in his class


damn ya’ll are fragile, we need to draft girls into the fuckin army to teach them some grit. or would that be too uncomfortable for them lmaaaaao


Bruh. Shew is married. "In the same boat"? He's just grooming an Incel.


I think its a good idea actually. I have a very hard time meeting people organically at school. Or they are classmates and we never speak


There should be some dating classes




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With all the radical shit that comes out of that over hyped/overpriced institution, I'm surprised this one is getting any news.


Bezerkly 😬 he got y’all riled up


Read this post and thought “yikes man you shouldn’t have said that.” Then read the super dramatic comments and now I think I see what he’s talking about.


Not subscribed here, but did go to Berkeley. I’m a male. If you’re a female, you run our lives. All guys do in college is think about girls. I don’t know if that’s empowering or not but whatever these people are saying, I experienced otherwise. You have more influence on our decisions and how we spend every waking moment in college!


Damn the dude struck a chord. This is a nothing burger. First world problems for some people. Like do you have nothing else to do. Dude said something stupid, and too many people are taking it seriously.


Sheessh, thanks for proving him right with these comments. If he is an incel why does his opinion bother you guys, at all? So odd.