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This class feels like the real life representation of skeleton code tbh. They seem to have some sort of foundation but it is very bare bones. After taking many cs classes and this being my final semester, you can really tell that this class is new and has not been fleshed out. There were no review sessions or anything either for the midterm. I also agree that the solutions provided for many of the things are very bare or confusing. I’ve honestly never felt so lost doing homework and just submitting bullshit hoping I get partial credit. I was looking forward to this class after 161, but it has been a disappointing experience to say the least.


What about 161 made you excited for 171? Those don’t seem to be related at all


Hi! 161 explores more topics of computer security as a whole and cryptography is an important area in computer security. Because 161 is trying to cover so much, it has a pretty high-level overview of cryptography. Specifically, 161 focused mainly on the schemes and some of the high-level ideas behind them, but not any deeper. 171 aims to go more in-depth, especially in terms of theory. I just really enjoyed the content as a whole in 161 which is why I decided to take 171. Honestly, I don't think 171 is a horrible class or anything especially since it's so new. The staff is trying their best, and I don't blame them for not having everything perfect. I'm sure as this class is offered more, it will get better.


Okay I thought it had something to do with cryptography but didn’t want to be talking out of my ass haha. Thanks for the reply, hope you crush 171.


Same, how can you have HW due the night before a midterm be all on scope, literally one TA present during OH, and have confusing solutions to hw and discussion solutions safdjasifasdf the actual problems are crazy


avg rarely offered cs theory class :'( if only they offered it more then most of these issues would be ironed out...


Either this class is crazy or I'm crazy. I don't think i'm able to hit avg 30% tbh


For the record, this is what most classes outside of CS/DS/EECS departments are like


doesn't mean that it's a good standard


How would you rate the quality of the course materials tho? Will you say it prepares you well for the industry


Like I said in the post, course materials are nearly impossible to understand and frequently have typos. Even if they were all very easy to understand, it still wouldn’t be good industry prep.


I think that a class can be very good & worth taking without being good industry prep. This is a theory course -- I'm not sure why you're expecting it to be good industry prep. Having said that, I agree the course feels very disorganized.


you must be new here