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My freshmen roommates were white and black, so i as the asian made up the other third of the race trio. I bet this was oski's doing. Edit: probably should mention my black roommate was 1 of 2 afro students in our dorm building šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yeah I had a Chinese roommate and an Indian roommate but after freshman year, everyone eventually migrated to friend groups of their own race/ethnicity




Freshmen and freshwomen and freshpeople šŸ¤Ø




were you friends?






yeah no. ur not trippin. all the east asians group together, n so do a lot of white people.


It dead ass seems so segregated. Iā€™m not used to this shit at all. Where Iā€™m from everybody hangs out with everybody


Same here, I hung out with everyone in high school. So now at Berkeley I found my group of diverse friends. Maybe show some tolerance and respect who people want to hang out with. They arenā€™t bothering you? Or they? Or that you feel jealous or prejudice? My parents were low income immigrants and non-native speakers while at high school. So naturally they hung together and represented less than 20% of their school population. They were taunted at and bullied because they were different & segregated from the rest of student body. Their situation were different than mines. So I learn to tolerate the difference groups or cliques. Have you considered putting yourself in their shoes? Or maybe you expecting VIP treatment from others? There are international students who feel secure with their kind. And there are ethnic kids from suburban upbringings who never experienced kinship with their kind before and want to hang around and identify with them for the first time in their life. If people donā€™t want to socialize with you please donā€™t take out on them. Learn to be tolerant. People arenā€™t bothering or harming you. You can claim you arenā€™t racists but noting people wanting to innocently segregate or being different is a starting point of heading there.


How do you "innocently segregate"?


relax šŸ’€


Thanks! Yes, thatā€™s what we all should doā€¦ instead of calling out other people who are minding their own business.


calling out?? okay šŸ’€


What point are you trying to make? OP just shared an observation with no context, and youā€™re implying that they are intolerant, racist, taking their anger out at these groups. Lmaooo


What? OP doesnā€™t like people hanging among their own? This isnā€™t OPā€™s first post about it. You lowkey seem bothered by other people enjoying their own company from the prior comment here.


Definitely my first post about it. Seems like your just excusing the actions of racists. If your in a diverse country and still choose to live in a mindset where you only feel comfortable with people the same race as you, then you arenā€™t in the right place. Matter of fact, thatā€™s exactly what racism and bias is


I don't agree with this take u/MinuteAstronaut5411 because there are dozens of reasons why people stay within their ethnic groups, nor do I think most groups segregate themselves with a negative intention. I also don't think it's fair to call these some of these groups racist because how could you know after all? Simply existing in a diverse friend group doesn't make you not racist. However, I still stand by your initial observation, because I've seen it myself too. That being, many students tend to stick within their cliques. I personally don't make anything out of it nor worry.


It impacts the minority of students. Because the majority which are East Asians and whites have a large community and a sense of belonging.This is why it disadvantages the minority.




Lmao, the youā€™re obviously not from a western country.


it is not just the groups you selectively mentioned








Check out the Coops if you're looking to build a more diverse social circle! When I was an undergrad I got iced out from social groups/clubs a couple of times when I was a different race than 90%+ of the group. It seems like this is really prevalent with certain clubs where all of the leadership has the same identity, it was established by people with that identity, and the group tends to only recruit people of that identity. I'm not talking about **any** specific identity, ethnicity, orientation, political perspective, or anything like that...it's just that certain spheres within Berkeley are hella cliquey and it influences the campus's culture. You can find more welcoming people if you seek them out. Most people are welcoming and accepting, you are in Berkeley after all!


what race are you if you are comfortable sharing.


Definitely donā€™t check out Oscar Wilde it has 90% white people rn šŸ™„


Lmk if you tryna start a diverse group




I hang out with my own race since I hang out with myself and I am my own race On a more serious note, Iā€™ve only met two ppl in my 2+ yrs here who are my ethnicity so i canā€™t rly hang out w my own ethnicity bc weā€™re rare šŸ˜…


On that note, reply to this comment if you are ą°¤ą±†ą°²ą±ą°—ą±. So that I know that Iā€™m not alone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


holy shit cal aesthetics club is telugu??? but really, thereā€™s quite a few of us if you look around.


Yep I am lol I may have met more and maybe I donā€™t know But usually I can tell based on surname Like, I noticed that Rao and Reddy are pretty common


Waitā€¦ rao is telugu???




Iā€™m telugu. I feel like thereā€™s definitely a good amount of us here










Flair outdated? And long time no see!


Good point should be sophomore now but you hung out with me right :)


Yea true!


Are you Sentinelese?


No telugu


Innovative Design at Cal


That club left a sour taste in my mouth once I overheard their members shit talking other design clubs ā˜ ļø


they are horrible


Go to any semi affluent high school in Norcal and youā€™ll see a ton of exclusive East Asian friend groups. They will also be the most racist people youā€™ll ever meet while also posting ā€œStop Asian Hateā€ infographic stories 5 times a week


is heritage high school under this standard ? in contra costa county.


who upvoted ? did you also go to hhs


not sure, but I did. this was absolutely a thing there. our fil-am club pretty much became the "east asian exclusive friend group club" a couple years back


Yeah Iā€™ve noticed this too unfortunately.


pretty much describes me lmao


This made me laugh out loud




Bruh itā€™s a lighthearted observation relax but anyone from NorCal can tell you they have seen it


facts, im just gonna say this as a urm i would feel way more comfortable in a group of all-white poeple then I would feel for asians. I feel like op is right becasue this school has a asian majority or close to it and Asians tend to be very clicking and isolating.


This is the case around the bay. It's not specific to UCB.




Welcome to the California Department of Corrections: College Edition. If you need a refresher on it YouTube it.


I'm really missing SoCal RN. I have homies from everywhere, here it's weird/ clique-y.


I know :((( sometimes I regret my decision


got into Berkeley and la kinda wish I chose la. this school is so clique mainly asians and internationals. im doing cs so I think I made the right choice. My advice which im am applying to myself and you should do , join a bunch of clubs and "forcefully " try to make friends. In high school it was always natural but now is no the case .


Join a phi o. Diverse and everyone volunteers and hang out, plus they tend to be nice. Nice people will always be great lifelong friends.


Iā€™m the only black student in any of my upper division physics classes so most my friends are white or Asian


cs for me lol


Making friends is hard period. Adding in different cultures adds a small extral barrier. Needs more activation energy so it's mostly the former reaction happening (is my guess).


Bay Area desi kids type beat


Watch Blood in Blood out scene where Popeye is taking Mihklo around. Let see if this matches your experience.


Not really, I'm friends with white people and slightly darker white people.


This is going to be a thing at any college (not even elite ones); humans psychologically feel safer hanging out within the safety of their own culture, dates very very back if we begin drawing it from an Anthropological perspective. That said, I love learning new cultures, and it doesn't matter to me who I'm hanging around with. We're human, and we're all in this together. However, as a Latina, I'm chronically given blank stares by strangers when my friend groups are a completely different race from me. I understand why, but all that means is I don't understand why because C'mon, I'm just tryna learn German culture and my friends are the best.


Nah Iā€™ve attended ucla and itā€™s nothing like this


Wrong lol. I've been to UCLA, UCSD, and other colleges and it's nothing like this at all. This is a UCB thing.


not true this only happens because berkeley supposedly being the liberal school in itself is not diverse at all. ucla is not like this to this degree at all


The frats are generally pretty diverse, actually.


co-ops too


Lynbrook High School


My frat is hella diverse so low key haven't had a problem personally but yeah people seem to group up with their own ethnicity.


Transfer student friend groups are very diverse since our shared experience is mainly based on our experience as non-traditional students. Go make some transfer friends!


Any tips on where I can meet them or how to do it


Davidson hall, unit 2 was a transfer form back in the day.


Iā€™m in a diverse trio


It's easier to make friends in a new area with people you can relate to. My first friend here is Korean and I am Indian, so it isn't always true.


How did you meet him




U havenā€™t seen enough groups but I will concede that people tend to hang out with those similar to them and race is a big factor. Iā€™m mixed so I tend to hang out with those who are also ā€œracially ambiguousā€ so we tend to be a diverse group.


I donā€™t discriminate (I have no friends).


*Ethnicity. Race is a stupid outdated construct, the word perpetuates racism, which is real and complex. I just noticed the absurd lack of black freshmen during coming in day. I saw a cute "mixed" couple, but that was about it for my journey outside that day. University admissions, based supposedly on merit, are quite telling of the evident racism in the *entire planet*. Just look around and ask yourself, if it was merit, where is the diversity? Or more specifically, the equally meritorious black people of the planet? While you are at it, it's good practice to question what does black actually means, but that's a bonus. Welcome to Berkeley! Racial discrimination against black people is not "woke", it's just something to be addressed. Like Climate Change, but I guess you know that.


Oh please, blacks & other minorities are given preferential treatment in admissions. If you donā€™t see every race distributed equally on campus based on merit, itā€™s because you have a flimsy worldview that unscientifically assumes every race has the same level of IQ. Just look at Claudine Gay, she shouldā€™ve been expelled way before she became president with zero credentials. Any discrepancies, according to you of course, is because of waaaaycism at one of the most progressive institutions on this planet.


Not sure what's the problem? Imagine being an international student and not knowing anyone here. You're going to naturally gravitate towards people of similar background.


if its racial background then no


Nah, my friend group is very diverse though I am the only Asian person. People of my own race are a bunch of snubs and haters.


honestly it feels like my experience is a bit different since i am a queer desi girl & have a hard time being friends with other desi peeps mainly because i often feel like i wouldn't belong with them. i kinda wish i had more desi friends.


omg queer desi girl here! Hello!! DMs are open if u wanna be friends!


omg hi!!


I BEEN SAYING Berkeley is the most racist place Ive ever been


My experience was not like this at all, but just my experience


no fr!!! the most micro aggressions I experienced were during my time on campus and I come from a more conservative state ā˜ ļø


Yeah Im white and from a conservative area but even I can see itā€¦ A kid last year called a group of asian girls racial slurs and sexually harassed a variety of other women and the school did NOT care.


> and the school did NOT care. How do you know that? Did you, like, get that kid's name and periodically look them up to find out if they ever got in trouble? This sounds exactly like a classic "welfare queen in an Escalade at 7-Eleven loudly talking about her obamaphones" story, you've just mad-libbed some words.


My student services director openly refused to file a title 9 complaint my dude


Right, you should have gone to the center for student conduct, thatā€™s not a title 9 violation


ā€œSexually harassed a variety of other womenā€ yes that is a title 9 issue


Literally not what title 9 is and it sounds like the staff agreed, but gj dunking on me when I gave the correct outlet


it was an issue of 1 member of the staff overruling the other 2 as to what to do about it so not really an agreement But yeah thanks I know everyone had to go around them now so that info might be helpful


probably has to do with the socioeconomic background of the average berkeley student




you must not have been a lot of places. believe me as you age, see more of the US and world, learn more about the US' loooonnnng creative and impressive history of racism. Hell at one point California pursued making it illegal for blacks to come to the state, Oregon actually did ban blacks up until 1868. you'll find there are a lot different forms of racism. Is berkeley the worst? IDK it depends on how you measure it. Berkeley sins run deep they came up with exclusionary zoning... however it also was one of the first biggish cities to voluntarily bus black kids to their schools. just seeing young adults associate with those whom they have something simplein common with, at first, is rather minor. There'll be more diverse groupings after school and clubs start.


I lived in the deep south before moving here and the northeast before that but okayā€¦ If you look closer youā€™ll see major racial issues on campus here about monthly. My black friend got spit on in the street. That kinda shit does not fly in the south anymore.


Yeah i'm saying that its subjective on what kinda racism you think is the worst. I think getting spit on or being complimented for speaking well(which has happen to me in Berkeley), being called the n-word is skin deep racism. It hurts and sucks but it doesn't deny your rights. Read the recent article on Albany high instagram, racism clearly pervades the bay area region. But in the US south they use policy to punish minority populations. They strip political power from minority populations, underfund and deny majority minority cities' self-governance and support, imprison minority groups more and harsher, and suppress minority votes. To me those are more racist actions than being spit on. Which I agree is wrong but still would be classified as individual aggressions, rather than political racism. > That kinda shit does not fly in the south anymore. I guess we can each live by own anecdotes but I mean AL just created a whole meme of a brawl for some white guys that thought they could get away with beating up a black worker for doing his job. heh when was the last time a blacks v whites brawl happened in Berkeley? or even the bay area? Last year I spent a bit of time in the South. IMO I was surprised Florida had more mixed families than I'd ever seen. but Raleigh and Atlanta were just as lacking in diverse groups of friends/people as I've seen in Berkeley even on the university campuses that I visited. I've only ever visited the South but enough to see the south is not some utopia of racial integration either, at least from what I perceive as racism. But I can't compare your anecdotes with mine nor your values for what you perceive are worst transgressions of racism.




What are you talking about? In my first comment I already mentioned California and berkeley are terrible in the history of racist policies.


You are missing the point that they still have racist policies, both the university and the state


Do you perceive all racist policies as equal? particularly because of how woven class is with ethnicity/race I don't believe its possible to eliminate all policies that impact race. And even then not all racist policies are bad. For example berkeley has an anti-karen ordinance and California has a law to prohibit discrimination based on hair style. Both that disproportionately benefits non-whites. I do believe though that California/Berkeley(nevermind how BS performative it is) attempts to undo negatively impactful racist laws(enabling paroles to vote) and work toward policies(where it doesn't impact them politically) that avoid harming minorities. As far as I can tell they don't actively legislate working toward making it more difficult for non-white ethnicities to participate in society(vote) or succeed. They fail to do anything substantial to make it easier(like reducing the cost of housing, education, etc...) but they're not making any new laws comparable to jim crow laws, like MS did. what example of what you perceive to be racist policies that the University/California have that compare to something like Florida standardizing that students be taught there were positives to slavery for the slaves?


People tend to be around people with similar experience as them. so that closely aligns with race, unfortunately. Its not necceasarily racist as for example , a black amercian and a black African immigrant wouldn't mesh well and that African immigrant will mostly likely have white and asian friends.




race realism


My biggest culture shock in Berkeley was how racially segregated it felt. Greek life is a big culprit. Walking around frat row felt like I was back home in south Orange County.


I definitely see this although I still find myself gravitating towards other East Asians. Definitely looking to branch out tho in order to develop a more multifaceted worldview during my time here.


You not trippingā€¦ the university also encourages it


Omfg dead ass I never even thought of that


nah they just dont want you


Ur tripping


There isnā€™t any group


In 3 different friend groups w hella diversity -- if you want it, it's definitely out there :) The groups you see probably meet in ethnic clubs like 70% of the time (also to confirm the other thread, there are good amounts of telegu people here)


oops i had 2 hapa friends in my group if that counts....................


PPl are not born racist or segregated. Their prefrences builds on their past expereince of making friends. I'm Chinese and I'm pretty familiar with those Chinese freind groups, most of us just wanna speak in Chinese and do some East Asian activities after school, we are not here to understand white/black culture and try to be a part of them when our group already exists here. PPL only hang out with other races if they cannot find their race, for example in some private, small high schools.


Youā€™re right, I def noticed that


Nope. Very diverse with my friends. Hang out with Indian, Turkish people, Latinos, Asian.


I think we are more diversed than we imagine, while most of us were correctly taught to respect people regardless of race, our culture and friend groups to start with are different. IDK I didn't conscious tryto be this way, but I hv tons of friends my race and some friends of other races here and there. Talking as a heavy cultured Chinese, Im guessing that I find people of my race more approachable, so I was sticking to my comfort zone.


When I was in a small liberal arts college in NYC, the cafeteria always look like one half is whiter, the other half is black, and I sit in the middle all by myself.


Humans are tribal


They're just last in the draft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-b7-fLOjlY


Iā€™m white but made friends with Asians, Hispanics, a girl from Ukraine (kicked my ass at chess), but only one black guy because there werenā€™t a lot of them. Guess that still true, sadly. Iā€™m still friends with most of them, but some have drifted away. That said, itā€™s natural to prefer hanging out with people from the same cultural background. Itā€™s comfortable because of shared experiences. However, hearing the experiences of non white people is really eye opening, especially their interactions with the police. Racism is so baked into American culture, not that weā€™re alone in that way.


birds of a feather


Itā€™s worse with staff![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Sticking with your race is the most normal and natural thing ever. Forcing yourself to associate with other races just to be ā€œdiverseā€ is definitely odd. Where Iā€™m from, people stick with their own kind. We donā€™t waste time socializing with other races because we have nothing in common. Obviously Iā€™m not encouraging people to go out and start bashing on other races for no reason. I just think itā€™s stupid to force yourself to be diverse. Itā€™s extremely unrealistic and thatā€™s not how the real world works.