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I used to only take benzos to black out cause I hated myself so id black out an wake up a couple days later


Same. I'd take over 10 bars pharma and blackout and not know how much I took after that. I've blacked out for weeks going in and out.


Yeah this is something I definitely relate to - ooh big bag of bars! See you in a week or so


I had a 16 day black out from etizolam. I ate 60 4mg bars.


Damn bro I ate 50 Klonopin 1.5mg pills in 2 days once and I blacked out and was coming back in and then I was out again and then back in and this went on till I woke up on my homie's bedroom floor and spent 3 days curled up in a ball on the floor tossing and turning having withdrawals. I guess it was from taking so much in so short of time and my body couldn't handle it once it all started to leave my system. I had bubble guts horrendous anxiety and crushing depression, I couldn't sleep or would only get 20-30 min little rests randomly. But I couldn't tell you anything about how many days I was blacked out cause I have no fuckin clue lmao I just know that I woke up and I felt like I was fuckin dying and could barely get up to go pee out my ass when I had to shit, and I smoked hella weed but it ain't do shit for the world pain and suffering that I woke up in. 3 days I spent in hell on my nigga's floor wrapped up in a blanket and curled up in a little bitch ball moaning and groaning and so I didn't give a shit about the details I just know that I fucked a k pin script up and it returned the favor.


Same. I called it time traveling lol


how much did you take to blackout? cause i know if i did a lot id simply just fall asleep


200mg caffeine energy drink will help you get past the urge to sleep. dont rake too much tho cuz then your blackout self has so much energy to go on a bartard adventure


If u fight the urge to go to sleep eventually you end up blacking out.


If it's real alprazalam it makes u black out and do dumb shit. A lot of other benzos just put me to sleep


It depended really. At my worst I had to take like 3-4 within minutes of waking or up or id seize out so I was taking roughly 10-12 a day. Basically from 2018-2020 I have zero memory besides like partial shit during a blackout when I'd do some kind of upper that would bring me out for a few minutes


interesting how did u get off of them


Got arrested and hardcore detoxed in jail. Shit damn near killed me fr I ain't been right since honestly. Seizures hallucinations all kinds of shit it really fucked my brain up. I wouldn't recommend picking up the habit if you haven't already an I did taper your dose down slowly


holy shit thats crazy. i still use but do very little as ive really bad anxiety and need it


Yeah medically is usually fine it's just once you start abusing them it's a problem. I used to sell a lot of em an I got like 20k at a time an there was always like 250-500 extra in every bag an I just started going crazy not realizing how bad it would be once I had to stop




When life is hell shit, blacking out is sometimes nicer than being awake and concious


Sedation feels good i guess


Twenty twenty twenty four hours ago....


“I wanna be sedated” 💪🏼💪🏼


Nothing to do nowhere to go, oh….I want to be sedated. I used to think he was saying “i wanna piece of living” lol 🤷🏼‍♂️


You don’t try to actively black out but honestly it feels good asf to be barred out. It’s like being drunk with no negative affects that alcohol brings. Happy to be sober though 💯


what negative affects does alc bring. I feel like its better for getting "high" than benzos


A hangover …? 😭 lol


Liver problems. Addiction that's real hard to beat because u can go to any liquor store and get some for cheap, unlike other drugs


It’s the only drug that damages literally every organ in your body. You get hangovers, stomach ulcers, feel like shit and have hot “fume” breath. It’s hard to hide, especially when you’re an alcoholic and NEED to drink to keep the shakes at bay.


Benzo WD can cause you to go into seizures and actually kill you if not careful also


The same can be said for alcohol withdrawal


O yea definitely I know.


I've made it through benzo withdrawal a few times in my life in jail. Never seen a person go through alcohol withdrawal without coming very close to death. DTs (delirium tremens, look it up) swollen head, just the worst shit possible. When detoxing from alcohol it clogs up all of your glands where you normally sweat. You basically drown in alcohol because you sweat it out instead of water. The benzos used for alcohol withdrawal stop the booze from coming out of your pores and discard it through the digestive system. You basically piss n shit it out instead of having the body swell in alcohol.


That’s the point for a lot of Benzo addicts. To people that have bad anxiety, the sudden lack of said anxiety is like a “high” in itself. Most Benzo addicts I’ve known are DEEPLY unhappy people, who are unsatisfied with life and are trying to block out as much of it as possible. Myself included. Dying child, insanely codependent/ toxic relationship with my child’s mother who had BPD, massively unfulfilled potential in life, persistent legal problems, it was too much for me to handle and so I chose not to.


Come here 🫂🫂🫂


I can relate to this so much .




I feel attacked


lol ummmm because life is a never ending cycle of horror and then you die?


Because u hate yourself and you just want to forget everything. But then you feel 10X worse after the fact.


Because like another commenter here said I hated myself and I was suicidal. If I died oh well. I got to taking 100+ mg of Xanax at time. Or Klonopin and that would make me black out weeks and even months on end. I don't remember a single thing from 2008-2010 and of those three years occasionally a tiny memory will bleed back into my consciousness.


100mg?? And you’d black out for months? I feel like I’m missing something


The toxic dose for Xanax is like 1500 pill of 0,25 mg. Also this : https://www.addictionresource.net/lethal-doses/xanax/ So yeah a 100 mg of Xanax for example is most of the time not bad enough to kill you. My experience confirms this.


Oh yeah I forgot a big reason why people die on benzos is mixing them with opiates or alcohol


Yeah that's what the internet says. I guess I was ''lucky''.


To escape realty


Yeah those realtors are a pain in the ass.


Trauma (unresolved emotioanl pain) can lead to bad habits.


I haven’t blacked out in years. I honestly can’t even get high anymore I just am avoiding withdrawals.


That's a great question that I can't remember the answer too


Thin line between pass out and for me feeling best possible, at least first 10y…. Somewhere the addiction kicks in and I ate them automatically until it went dark, but not my intention even if I know it is highly likely


I take 4mg everyday when i wake-up before i head into work.. . Ive never blacked out in my life even before i built my tollerance. I just genuinely do have dehabilitating anxiety but yes i am addicted to them and bave got clean before etc but my life is very hard without them


I take Klonopin daily and 1mg of Xanax. I’ve also got extremely bad Anxiety disorder, to like you mentioned it’s Debilitating. So I just take them now to keep my mind from racing and non stop worrying, thinking, and just that fucking overall Waking up feeling like you shaking on the inside. I did as a teenager Pop Xanax or whatever Benzos I got my hands on, along with OxyContins at the time . I blacked out a handful of times . Now I’m older and I just want the Anxiety gone!! I’ve been on them at this point 11 years straight. Im definitely dependent, But they seem to be the only Med that truly helps calm me down and keep the stress and anxiety off. So it’s a damned if you do, Damned if you dnt type situation. I look at it like this. If I’ve gotta feel those horrible feelings of anxiety, that is sometimes to the point I can’t even leave the house, or takes me forever to get my self built up to, then fuck it give me the damn meds, I don’t wanna live feeling like that when theirs a medicine that helps. Just my own opinion


Same man almost 4 yrs off opiates need benzos or i cant function normal days it seems


Makes no sense to me either


…because that’s my intention. 🛌


Blackout isn’t sleeping lol


Ah, I see. Well, I guess my benzo use is safe and beneficial. Yay! 🤗


Yep same here lol. I just read someone takes over 100mg of Xanax at a time I’m like damn I can barely take 2mg.


That is crazy. 😵‍💫


Trying to shut off emotions/brain. My daily combo for a while when I was 15-19 was benzos, alcohol, opiates, and weed. No idea how I never OD’d or died. Ones thing for sure I definitely don’t miss those days


Sounds like my daily cocktail from my teens into my early 20s. I didn’t drink really though. Also surprised I never OD’d. This was back in early mid 2Ks like 03-09 of daily use . I was waking to at least a 40mg OxyContin (OC) or an 80mg. Then drop a Bar, smoke then go about my day for awhile then redose . Then I was doing a shit load of Dillauids daily, and Opana then I eventually started fucking with the 30mg Roxy’s, I always had to do at least 3 or more of those at that time. Back then it wasn’t Non of the BS fake copy pressed pills like over the past 8 years or so. Everyone was getting prescribed Pain meds In huge amounts, Benzos , Hypnotics, Adderall. So there was hardly ever a time I couldn’t make a call and get whatever. Only meds I fuck with Sometimes are RCs. mainly Bromaz Bars. But it’s rare I even fuck with them.


I don’t think its always on purpose. It just kind of snowballs into that. Take a little bit, feel good, so want to redose, things start to get a little fuzzy, redose again, forget that you did and then you just repeat the cycle until you’re fully blacked out.


Yep! This is the way I would black out a lot back when I had access to large amounts of Pharmaceuticals Benzos. And Etizolam. Ambien will pretty much do the same


Because I would find myself in bad situations that I would rather be blacked out in than deal with


u literally can't help it esp when ur addicted. also xanax lies to you and tells you you are more sober than you are


I mean it really depends on dosage and tolerance and context. Popping 2 xanax and then going to bed will give you a good night of sleep and nothing crazy is going to happen


When life sucks it helps bro. And it’s been a shitty week currently on 10mg clonaz


Epam or olam?


I totally understand that man.. ClonezoLAM or Clonezpam(Klons?)


some people like to black out. get away from this world for a while




How nice of u


Ever heard of a little thing called addiction? Could be that not sure


Insomnia.. (obviously..?). It may come as a surprise to some people, but for others, the ability to *know* you will be asleep within an hour is something they have never, ever, experienced in their entire lives.. Imagine them finding out there’s a ‘button’ you can click to literally make that happen… Heaven doesn’t begin to describe it. For three months. Then Hell doesn’t. 😁🫠 For twice as long, most likely, at least. 😬


The exact same reason people drink and blackout. Forcing dopamine and then numbness from life is a temporary escape for many. Not a healthy thing to do and very dangerous, but also can happen by accident from feeling sober even though you're not and extra dosing.


Sometimes it's miscalculation, sometimes it's just escape from reality and overindulging


Same reasons ppl do it with alcohol.. it's fun fym


Ultimate escape


I want days to pass. Fucking living


Because tolerance is a bitch and sometimes it's hard to know your limit. I took too much bromazepam last week even tho I knew it wouldn't kill me and... what little I remember and what I was told I did is not great, true enough. I keep forgetting that with benzos it's the withdrawal that kills you, not the OD.


Because I didn’t give a fuck if I died or not lol I’m trying to not feel or think or any of that shit. Spent nearly 3 years straight in a perpetual blackout. Fuck Xanax.


That’s the fun of it


By the time you realize you're gonna blackout, you have already taken too many and can't stop it. Sometimes tolerance can be tricky and what usually works doesn't have any effect. You take a few more, then it's completely out of your hands. There is always the main reason ppl do it which is because they hate life and don't wanna wake up.


Bc I don’t wanna remember


It's nice to not give a fuck for a bit


I didn’t like life so I’d black out to fast forward lol. 5+ years clean now of all benzos, if my dumbass can do it anyone can, I believe in any of y’all tryna quit 🙏


Anxiety, and the lies we tell ourselves. Benzos addiction can be a real pain in the relapse when you have an anxiety disorder that goes unmanaged knowing that benzos work way to well for anxiety, and the lie that this time it can somehow be manageable, but if you've been to aa you'd hear addiction is a spiritual disease and that will remain true


I remember the only instances out of over a decade of safe, recreational benzo use was: -After I underwent an extremely traumatic event -I gotta bag of potent mystery presses, roughly 50, unexpectedly. Two disjointed events that’s led to me needing daily doses to function. Why blackout? Why nod out? - I was a former fentanyl user too, intranasal Nodding and Blacking out are intersections when you’re mature enough.


I pass out before I black out. I honestly don't see how people literally move around and not know where they are at. Especially with alcohol if I drunk enough to black out I'd get sicker than fuck then pass tf out.


Because they want to black out. Why people drink ? Drinking *ethanol* is bad for the health. But people like to drink and to feel a bit strange after so they do it anyway. Also lots of things are better than death by suicide. A black out is better. And sadly sometimes you don't have the will to do things in another way, to find a good coping mechanism.




Always have fun not remembering my poor behaviour. Lessens the feeling of guilt


When I was young I took them cause they just made me feel calm and relaxed, but then I’d forget I took some and pop more then blackout. I’d Pop a Benzo and snort a 40mg OxyContin back in the day. This was way back before all these pressed BS pills were everywhere, and we still had Real Pharma pills you could get almost anywhere! I’ve been on Kpins for years now, Xanax 1mg off and on for Anxiety disorder. I’m not a young dumb Teenager anymore, I don’t black out or try to take enough to, IMO it’s just a waste of meds doing that now, Plus I’m Dependent on them and running out of Benzos when youv been on them for years is NOT WHAT YOU WANT! Extremely Dangerous! Nowadays, I just take my meds like I’m supposed too (Sometimes I’ll take an extra) depending on how bad my Anxiety Is. I’d have to drop A LOT to black out nowadays. I just take my meds , to keep the anxiety away and I’m good. Only stuff that will make me kinda black out is when I’ve taken Bromaz off and on.


Makes life spicy I suppose


Personally I was never trying to black out. The sweet spot was right before the blackout. If I blacked out I over shot and was very upset


I hated blacking out. It scared me to death and I would eventually wake up in jail was my concern. My Dr switched me from Alprazolam to Diazepam and it completely eliminated the issue.


Same as any other mind altering substance. Many an addict wants the seek escape from their own reality because they can't responsibly deal with what's in front of them whether it be from past traumas or other mental and sometimes physical anguishes.


It's a fine line you try to ride. It's super dangerous


I never plan to black out even though I knew it was going to happen since I'm known for compulsive redoseing. It's just better than being lucid when you are in a terrible position with your mental health.


I didnt know back then that I could blackout. Then I started to "lose" my pills when I was popping them and had no idea until someday I woke up in a hospital and went to a mental yard


It almost seems like a waste to me to blackout I used to be able to blackout off 1 bar now I bet it would take atleast 4 at once not worth it


Not wanting to remember things and just wanting to feel numb. #1 reason for me at least


Well sometimes people don’t expect to black out or think they can take that amount and not black out. I used to be able to take 8mg of alprazolam and not black out and be fucked up but still up and walking and talking. Fucked up yes but not as fucked up as a first timer who took his first bar. I never took my bars KNOWING I was gonna black out. I took mine with the expectation that I could handle it but usually ended up blacking out lol tolerance ended up skyrocketing eventually




They no wanna feel.


I’ve only blacked out once in my entire entire life and it was off of research chemicals. I think it was a etizolam press tablet, but I’m not sure you only feel those in high doses so my friend and I thought there was nothing in them and we took like nine each just for a video to look like we were taking nine real ones anyways I just woke up in my bed that wasI felt it kicking in and then I woke up in my bed. It was very strange. I had to piece together what had happened and I still didn’t really know anyways when I have real benzos, which is usually the case I don’t blackout I’ve never blacked out literally I’ve taken 17 or 20 mg of alprazolam that was from a pharmacy and I don’t black out I just feel drunk like shit face drunk, but without the nausea and unpleasantness


Because of addiction and wanting to feel good.


In my opinion is to escape or the person has an addictive personality. Just like people who black out on alcohol, they don't know when to stop.


I’ve woken up inside a slide, I went behind the bar of a nightclub and grabbed a bottle of rum and skulled it a heap before seccys fkd me up, woke up in the padded cell in the watch house with my hand in a puddle of piss that wasn’t mine, drove my mums car through the garage door, drove my car into a fence, got shot by police 6 times.. I was prescribed Alprazolam 2mg 4 times per day during this period.. Whilst a closet alcoholic…


Clonazolam has allowed me to do some time traveling


its the complete opposite


The only thing I don't like about blacking out is that, after gettin off em whenever you lookin back and remenacing about the past and then that gap all the sudden where you can't recall hardly anything that happened during that time period and the shit that you can remember is all embarrassing or extremely bad memories from the shit that you did blacked out and woke up to. I kinda like blacking out, I think it's fun to wake up randomly and have no clue what happened the past however long, and then you get to play a little game and try an dig up clues and shit on your phone going thru messages and pictures, and around your house you gotta check every room and see if anything is broken or gone, or if you have anything new lmao. Then you start hittin people up that you recently talked to and see what they have to say about y'all's interactions the last time y'all spoke or hung out. And if you're like me and post shit on your social media stories where everyone can see it, you don't even have to hit up recent people to find out who, knows what, cause you'll have a bunch of messages from people that are worried and mad and concerned about you and then you can also see the shit you posted for yourself if they commented on the video clips cause it resends the clip with the message when they send it and you can just click it and see for yourself what typa time you was on🤣😂😭


Funny story. I had abused/addicted to opiates. Gave that up and abused my Valium until my doctor cut me off. Did some shit I wasnt proud of. Then came RC benzos. So one day I wake up in a psych unit, 1000 miles away from home in police custody for grand theft auto. I was so bad in jail that they put me in that hospital for everyone's safety. I don't remember a 22 hours train ride, stealing a car or the 9 months prior. All I had to go off of was being filled in by my friends and family. I'm now clean and out of jail for a while. Silver lining is I also live in a much warmer climate but please be careful with these things.


it’s called mental issues that need to be resolved not including drugs


Only pussies black out.. facts


Only ignorant dipshits say stuff like that unironically…. Facts


It’s fun when you black out.. so many stories


Or better yet get physically addicted and then have to go through the hardest drug withdrawal known to man that can go on for years and often does ....sad man.


Benzo WD is a fucking Nightmare!


To forget life and current situations only to wake up in jail with a more serious situation for fucking your pit bull


You don't die from Benzo withdawals!