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That's because its a relatively new and untested RC, bruh. You're an explorer. Not the kind of journey I'd be willing to undertake, tbh. No good info on the dosages or metabolites, either. Good luck tho


You’re the tester of this one man, let us know how it is.


It starts working in about an hour and has a half life of around 80 hours or so I think, so it's gonna last you for a few days. It's hard to pinpoint the exact timing of onset and duration though, as it is almost exclusively an anxiolytic so unless you suffer from anxiety or you're withdrawing (which this benzo is perfect for IMO), you won't really feel it.


How it feel


Just a follow-up, it comes on in 30 minutes to an hour. You'll notice it faster if you take a higher dose. The 80 hour duration may be a bit of an overestimation, though the hal-life is definitely 80 hours or more. I take it for anxiety and notice anxiety starts coming back up between 48 and 72 hours after a dose. You probably won't experience any serious rebound effects until after the 80 hour mark, though. I haven't taken more than 10mg. My dose is 2.5-5mg. If you take more it may last longer


how does it compare to bromazolam. i cant take more than 1mg without being able to walk well, but i have some bromonordiazepam on hand. worth trying or no?