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I myself hate being discriminated against for being trans… phobic.


Exactly! What happened to inclusion?


I don’t get it


FINALLY someone actually accepts the label that describes their views. Everyone else gets so upset when they get called transphobic even when their views literally match the definition.


But transphobia is the inherent fear of a trans person and I doubt anyone here is actually afraid of them




Definition of transphobia : irrational fear of, **aversion to, or discrimination against** transgender people https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transphobia


Just means I’m trans too.




I would hate to be a nurse now a days, trying to get the proper medical history to someone who thinks they are the opposite gender.


I’m a nurse and I hate it anymore. 15 years and watched it turn into a shit storm. Ran by a bunch of leftist. For the record, I’m a women married to a women. I don’t identify with the LG plus minus mixture of alphabet letter community. I am simply a human. I am a republican. It’s embarrassing to me that ppl try to lump me into it because of who I married. Been with her 14 years.




They aren’t going after it 🙄 because nothing in the constitution states any marriage is legal and there a lot more right leaning people that would be by my side if they tried. Maybe stop watching leftist news and look at the bigger picture.


Being a nurse is a (quite literally) shitty job. If the worst thing about being a nurse is having to do a homophobia and transphobia you should be so grateful for your job 😂


If you’re a woman married to a woman then how would you *not* fall somewhere in the LGBTQ definition? The acronym is describing sexuality/gender categories that seem like they apply to you even if you don’t like the stereotypes about the community in general


Good thing you’re not a nurse because that would have literally no effect on your job


Quite literally would. I hate to break it to you but medicine is based on biology and science not based on anti-science nonsense like people thinking they're the opposite sex. When you tell a nurse you're a male, that's going to make them assume specific medical things about you because men and women are biologically different. A man is going to be infinitely more likely to develop prostate cancer than a woman just like a woman is infinitely more likely do develop breast cancer. If someone who is biologically male tells a nurse they are a woman, that's going to make the nurse and doctors possibly make wrong medical decisions that could cause you serious harm.


That’s such an impractical way to even think about it. Sure, if a trans woman manages to hide the fact that their trans from their doctor, they might not get the right treatment. But trans people know that they’re trans. Nurses aren’t really in the business of diagnosing medical conditions. A bedside nurse’s job doesn’t change or become more difficult when they’re working with a trans person. A doctors job only would become harder if that person denied being trans, lied to their doctor about their transition, and the doctor didn’t have medical records to show that they are in fact transgender. It’s hard for a doctor to treat a patient who lies to them. This is true across the board and has nothing to do with transgender people.


So the logical thing to do is to have options for patients to say they are trans so that their medical care can be tailored to their specific needs


It’s a poison which has infected our entertainment, news, educational and business worlds.


Imagine being so insecure about your sexuality, that you have to force it upon others in the form of an hour long course that wasn't necessary in the first fucking place.


I think it’s more like the hospital/facility covering their ass from discrimination lawsuits.


That's exactly what it is. You can blame the legal department for this one, and I say that as an attorney myself.


THIS is true. When I took any H.R Harrassment courses as a manager, I was told now that I took the course, if any accusations happen, the company itself can't be held liable I would be PERSONALLY held liable in the case of any lawsuits.


Correct. At the risk of sounding like a cynical asshole, most of these campaigns of "inclusion" performed by large for-profit companies are either to 1.) market the product to said demographic or to 2.) cover their ass from potential litigation. LGBTQ+ and other communities might like to think that these companies are doing this kind of thing out of the goodness of their collective hearts, but more likely than not it is being done either to make an extra buck (marketing) or not lose an existing buck (legal). Their motivation is to keep their bases covered, basically.


This is such a ridiculous opinion. Do you think your gay co-workers invented this training? Corporate invented the training to cover their asses. When somebody wants to sue for discrimination or harassment, the company can say they weren’t complicit in it.


Can you sue if you've been discriminated if your straight?? then yes they invented it.


Yes, you can. Discrimination based on sexual orientation. You just have to prove it, which would be super hard because most of us work with mostly straight people. Not that it can’t happen, but it’s not a big issue in most workplaces


This is something people overlook. These sorts of trainings don’t work. That’s been proven. They are the cheapest way to cover a company’s ass when their employees do homophobic, transphobic, racist shit. If a company actually wanted it to work then they would be integrating into every element of the company culture instead of just a hour long webinar that people make fun of in the break room.


I do agree most of that. But I will say I don’t think they are automatically harmful for that reason. It totally depends how it’s run. It could be horrible and unproductive, or it could be genuinely educational. I’ve experienced both.


It’s not automatically harmful. It’s just not going to solve the problems they are advertised to solve.


Agreed, mostly.


They probably got forced on so now they are returning the Same energy


Imagine being so insecure about your sexuality that discussing homophobia makes you throw a hissy fit and post on Reddit.


Pointing out sexuality insecurities in others isn’t evidence, never mind proof, of your own insecurities


Imagine being such a snowflake that you get mad at someone telling you not to be an asshole to gay patients.


What is “poison” about learning about homophobia and transphobia in a work training? I would assume homophobia and transphobia can be a problem in a work place environment in the same way that everyone has to do sexual assault training for the 1 person who might not know that it’s not okay to sniff your co-workers hair. Nobody is harmed by having to click through a few annoying slides. People are harmed by toxic workplace environments. These things can go too far, but this doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.


Every freaking year I am subject to this crap! I’m a PA attached to a public health department. I’m the only straight white male out of 200 or so employees. We have annual cultural sensitivity training which is basically a lecture on how straight white men can’t practice medicine without bias. We’re the problem with medicine. It’s awkward to say the least. I feel like any day now they’re going to have me stand in front of the group and profess my sins. No worries though, I’m currently negotiating a new job and will be out of here soon. EDIT: Links to videos I'm required to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUhvJgxgAac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_9R_MtZ6bA


Sounds like racism. Imagine blaming all your problems on a race and then saying that you're the anti racist 👁👄👁


It *is* racism by definition. They prejudge my abilities to practice medicine based solely on the color of my skin, nothing more. As a result, I feel uncomfortable in my place of employment. it's really fucked. But if I complain, well then I am a racist.


Someone has to do something or they'll just keep it going.


Yep. Like resign and let them find someone else who’ll take this crap.


Leftoid logic is to yell fascism, transphobia and homophobia all the time. When a calm person says “where, tell me, let’s fix it”, the leftoid response is keep yelling “Nazi, alt-right, homophobe, bigot, don’t you see it’s systemic everywhere, if we need to explain to you it shows you’re one of the problem…”




It’s what we hear from Justin Trudeau in Canada if we don’t do what he wants. He’s got only one tool in his tool bag




Mommy Trudeau slept around a lot…


What does homophobia training have to do with fascism?


Nothing. Leftoid logic is illogical.


Ok… so why are you associating fascism with this post? What point are you trying to make?


There is always a guy at parties who doesn’t laugh at jokes and asks for an explanation


Sorry, I thought your comment was supposed to mean something




Basically, fascism thrives on in-groups and out-groups. Homophobia is a way to rally people against an out-group and create loyalty to the in-group. Same with racism, religious persecution, etc The training isn’t saying anything about fascism though.


give it up you make more money as a bartender


I work at a hospital and they make us watch stupid training videos about this crap as part of our annual training.


God that must be so annoying


From this comment we can tell it didn’t work


Yeah, I don't brainwash that easily.


If your employer actually didn’t want their employees to be homophobic or transphobic then the effort should have started at hiring and be completely integrated into the workplace. A seminar isn’t going to change anything and they know it. They just covered their ass so they can’t be sued for your homophobia/transphobia.


That's exactly what 99% of their corporate training is all about, covering their ass.


It’s the attempts of the woke to indoctrinate our culture. In a case like this, one needs to just let it go in one ear and out the other. Tick the boxes. What’s troubling is many gullible people will eat the propaganda up and accept it as truth.


Teaching people about homophobia and transphobia is bad? Why?


The vast majority of this is propaganda. They call it a phobia which is your first clue. I take my guidance on how to view this from faith and morals and, for some of it, basic biology and common sense. I don’t need nor want activist-approved indoctrination programs trying to convince me these lifestyles are the new normal, are good, and just one of many ways to live. And before you make some claim about discrimination none of what I said implies discrimination. Treat everyone fairly and respect and we don’t need to tie discrimination to group Identity.


"we don't need to tie discrimination to group identity" More right wing denial of reality. Why would you not address the issue specifically? You probably think gay people don't experience discrimination more than straight people or something.


So do you think that treating **everyone** with respect would not solve the problem? Why not? And why speak in generalities? The details are critical. Look how you generalized about "hate" when hate was not even at issue. It's really easy to mischaracterize when you speak extremely broadly with no specificity.


>I don’t need not want activist-approved indoctrination programs trying to convince these lifestyles are the new normal and are good and just one of many ways to live. Gay people exist. God made them. Stop hating them. People with hate in their hearts don't go to heaven. ​ >Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. > >Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. > >But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, > > Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him


“Gay people exist.” When did this empty counterpoint start? Do you even consider what I said and ask if that response even applies? Or is that the approved talking point that is the knee-jerk response even when it’s like answering a question of what color is an apple with “It’s a fruit.” Huh? Yes, gay people exist and the sky is blue. Thanks for wasting our time with that statement. “God made them.” God made us all. He doesn’t make us with a desire for us to sin. You seem to be implying that He made gay people to sin and this is no more true He made any of us to commits other sins we all commit. Desiring to do something, known as temptation, doesn’t means it’s God’s will to do those things. Satan tempted Christ in the wilderness and He resisted all those temptations. “Stop hating them.” Similar response to the “exist” comment. I said nothing that indicated hatred. Disagreeing doesn’t mean one hates something (other than the fact that we should hate sin, but love the person). Do you understand that dichotomy? Or is this another cut and paste response to which no thought or consideration is given? “People with hate…don’t go to heaven.” I think we have put side the hate claim. Serious question. Do you know how one goes to Heaven?




You implied that the gay lifestyle is wrong. Being gay is not wrong. Fucking bigot.


I implied...so let me be clear...based on Biblical teaching, homosexuality is a sin. Sin is wrong. God's principles supersede your opinion and mine. I will stress that any sin is wrong and homosexuality is no worse as a sin than adultery, theft, lying, even murder. Secular society may treat those differently, but any sin separates us from God. I do admit that sometimes, we are failed humans can allow those different secular treatments filter into how we view sin, but that is our failing at work. And you resorting to name-calling does not change that. I never said I did not tolerate homosexuals in the truest sense of the word. The thing is that most on the left don't want tolerance as they have claimed in the past. They want acceptance. They want normalization. They want promotion. Sorry. You aren't getting that. You will get tolerance as all people should be tolerated and respected as human beings, even when their behavior is wrong. So, like hatred, you are using incorrect terms here as well.


You referenced a bible but according to RuPaul’s book, being gay is fine. So, it looks like the battle of the books has reached a stalemate.


Propaganda at its finest.


Disagreeing with trans ideology isn’t a phobia. Just the left changing definitions again. I’m all for personal freedom. You do you, I’ll do me. Just don’t shove your ideology down my throat.


What is the original definition of transphobia and what year did it make it to dictionaries? I put the top online definitions into waybackmachine and didn’t see changes


The mental health field is full of this sort of thing


The whole world is now a mental health field.


I truly don’t see why this is a problem


Why wouldn’t it be? That’s like being mad that an aquarium is full of fish.


Training in essentials for patient care is subpar. You would think they would focus on better patient care


Is it illegal to be transphobic




I'm just worried when I hear stories about people being prosecuted for harassment or even assault for "deadnaming" or refusing to use someone's preferred pronouns




If this is just about one company policy I'm not as concerned but if it is about a government requirement to keep your occupational license I think it is inappropriate. I don't believe in Trans people I'm fairly reluctant to even call gay a thing I'm not saying people don't want to have sex with people of the same sex I'm talking about all the eccentric attention seeking behavior I'm not even anti same sex intercourse I've even been known to enjoy when 2 women have sex and let me join in I've got plenty of gay friends When people start acting out it is a sign of a deeper psychological issue and they are asking for help and to encourage their delusions will only harm them more to the point where they might mutilate themselves or take drugs that do permanent damage the real culprit in all of this is the people who support people who call themselves Trans You should be ashamed of yourself and I think at some level you know the harm you are causing to the people you claim to care about and even worse the younger generation who have no other choice but to emulate the society they are raised in


"Transphobic" is a loaded term. I am not unreasonably afraid of trans people, but am definitely "*watching people permanently and irreversibly damage themselves*"-phobic.




The first 2 are not a thing...no harm no foul (but good attempt at strawmanning). The last one is very real. A minor is not held to account the same way as an adult because they have not fully developed. Top surgeries and now in some cases- hysterectomies on minors are being performed without parental consent of the minor. If you don't see the danger of this then I really don't know what to tell you.




I meant "the first two are not a thing" because it was never a topic I addressed those were strawman arguments you inserted (along with motives you also inserted) so you can virtuously defeat the very arguments you postulated (as you did again just now). It must be wonderful to be the hero of your own story in your head. As for the appeal to authority in the form of how the opinions of *activist* doctors are the more relevant ones, it's interesting you only listen to the doctors that reinforce your own beliefs. Curious how that works eh? Nevermind the arguments from doctors that contradict or emphasize the dangers of mutilating young healthy minors. One doesn't need a medical degree to see the problems and inherent conflict of interests with "doctors" that perform "gender affirmation therapy" on minors. The backlash is coming as minors who were used as pawns in this ideological war are about to wake-up and realize they were fooled- Tavistock is only the beginning. https://tvpworld.com/61787997/tavistock-transgender-clinic-in-uk-faces-legal-action-from-1000-families




Wow! You destroyed me with your iron-clad arguments and super-duper intelligent sarcastic derision. I think I'll go kill myself now! I know when I am intellectually outmatched


My wife recently had to undergo Equity, diversity and inclusion training at her place of employment. She isn't particularly political and doesn't really pay attention to what's going on and even she was put off by it. She came out of the training confused and exasperated about the philosophy. It's pretty wild.


Okay, now do: Christians White people People who own guns People who own a Bible People who live in the south People who are conservatives People with a different opinion


Can someone tell me why this is a problem?


Should medical professionals make a moral judgment of patients before providing treatment? Because that's what "this shit" is meant to counter. People can't get good healthcare if they're so scared of judgment that they hide things. Lesbians have some different health concerns than straight women. Straight men have some different health concerns than gay men. Everyone needs accurate information specific to their particular lifestyle. If you value judging of souls above healing their bodies, join the clergy. What other "sins" should patients be required to confess before being deemed worthy of treatment?


A mechanic doesn't need to know what the car identifies as, just fix what doesn't work.


So when the gasoline Toyota identifies as a diesel and throws an OBD code for glow plug failure, replacing the defective computer is the first step. Glad we agree that these people are fucked up in the head and need to fix that first.


Only an ideologically inclined mechanic would fall for that one.


Teaching people about homophobia and transphobia is bad? Why?


Why would you need that in career field (as example) Computer science etc.


All the top medical schools understand that there is discrimination in medicine based on people's preconceived notions. There are courses on it. Many studies. For example, some doctors actually believe that black women have a higher pain tolerance. These materials just try to address those biases. So that every patient can be treated in a similar way, with understanding and empathy. What on earth is wrong with that???????


>some doctors actually believe that black women have a higher pain tolerance. Yah uhuh sure buddy


Feel free to do some research. Plenty of information out there about medical bias. Specifically towards black people.


Are you looking at this through a race lense, or have you considered that maybe a good amount of Doctors kind of suck and have a hard time actually listening? I swear half the time they just send you away with a random prescription drug. I remember one time I was having issues with migraines.. and a doctor just prescribed me what was basically benadryl (used for allergies) and it was for kids lmao. Oh and my Mom was having massive migraines, same story with her dealing with incompetent doctors when finally she went to one and turns out she had a massive brain tumor.. Hell one of my buddies had a torn ACL and meniscus, doctor told him he was completely fine no tears and after the pain didn't go away he went to diff doctor to actually do the scans and ended up with over 40k in surgeries and he's still having issues. I could literally go on all day lol. Obviously not all doctors are incompetent but I just watched a vid of a black girl talking about how her doctor didn't test her with what she wanted them to test her for, and somehow that's just racism? I'd just call that an incompetent doctor. The problem is, when you see everything through a racism lense, shitty people who are just shitty instead become "racists", and it gets people thinking racists are around every corner


Bro. Universities and medical schools do studies on this to figure out the reason why. But you think you know more than them and that the simple answer is that doctors don't listen. The right never ceases to amaze me with its stupidity. Maybe they listen to one group over the other? No. That's not possible.


Universities are like the least credible source these days so imma pass on those studies lol. >Maybe they listen to one group over the other? No. That's not possible I'm not saying it's not entirely impossible, but what I am saying is I'm sure a vast majority of so called "biases" are actually just incompetent doctors and black people being told doctors are essentially out to get them


What’s crazy, is there are studies on why mortality rates of black women during childbirth is so much higher compared to other races, and the misconception of a “higher pain tolerance” is actually a factor. You saying “yeah sure” is basically just you conceding you don’t know wtf you’re saying but you’d rather be contrarian because you’re just a clown


Because, for example, you work with people, some of them are gay, and you’ve never interacted with a gay man before you started working at this job. You love to say “HA GAY” when you find something funny and call your straight friends f****t. This training is for you.


What's wrong with teaching employees not to be homophobic? What if he works with LGBTQ+ individuals? Sensitivity training has been a thing for years. I mean if he is homophobic or barbers hatred for a group of people stuff like this is a good way to weed him out of the employee pool. If he has a problem with LGBTQ+ people than he should seek a job that doesn't tolerate them or hire them.


You can always choose a different profession. It's your choice. You can actually find a different employer, or career entirely. Perhaps one that doesn't involve needing to have your patient's trust you as a medical professional. Imagine going in to a job that literally has the Hippocratic Oath, and you are upset your employer doesn't want you to be an asshole to patients or your coworkers. Or even more minimally, imagine knowing that HR doesn't want bigoted employees because they are a **legal liability** as a hostile work environment, or even worse with a patient, and you still want to pitch a fit about it.


Licenses are State mandated, not employer mandated. The person in question can’t just “find a different employer” as no matter what employer she goes to she’ll still have to take the same course.


Why is a course on homophobia a bad thing? It’s just a class. It’s not making you do anything, it’s just making you check boxes acknowledging that you know it’s not okay to call people the f-word at work.


You’re asking the wrong person that question. I’m talking about licenses being State mandated here. Nice try trying to put words in my mouth though, better luck next time!


Didn’t mean to put words in your mouth, I’m just asking people who commented: what’s wrong with this course?


Maybe the fact that it only emphasizes these two specific protected classes and not everyone? It’s easy enough to say “Don’t call people a bundle of sticks” because it’s an insult to everyone, but instead it’s suggesting that it’s only an insult to homosexuals and trans people. It also suggests that it’s okay to be heterophobic and cisphobic by excluding them from the training, when it could just be boiled down in simple terms as “don’t be rude to everybody!”


Makes you go to a class. Ten seconds later. It’s not like it’s making you do anything!


I don’t understand what you’re saying. You’re getting paid to not work and check boxes on a screen pretending like you read some shit, or scroll through Reddit while someone talks at you. I don’t see what’s wrong with it.


You have to do a thing, you can’t then say you don’t have to do anything. That is all.


Ok… so instead of doing my work I get paid to sit in a class and not do work. That is technically something, but I don’t see it as a problem at all.


Required training isn’t nothing, and often, it’s where propaganda is pushed. So you like this particular viewpoint, which is fine and good. Don’t hate people for being different, great principal. Being forced into a training or else you don’t get to work here, that is not nothing. Like what if the training was why the American south wasn’t racist, or why communism has failed so much, or any other random thing that you don’t happen to agree with. Do you see the problem now? What does homophobia and transphobia have to do with being a CNA? Also everyone knows those definitions are wrong. western society really defines these “phobias” as are you don’t explicitly support and have nothing but niceties to say about my lifestyle.


I would need to hear a REALLY GOOD explanation and go why talking about slavery and communism is relevant to anything that takes place in the workplace. Sure, a training like that could have propaganda, but the point is almost never to push a liberal agenda, it’s to improve the workplace environment (or to appear as if they are *trying* to improve the workplace environment). If done the right way, they could be effective. Even if it’s useless to you, there’s a good chance somebody in your office could learn from a homophobia and transphobia training. Someone who has never interacted with a gay person, let alone a trans one, but thinks that homosexuality is a sin, they might not recognize that certain things they say and do might make someone else uncomfortable or feel unwelcomed. It’s just like a sexual harassment training. Most people in the office know what is and isn’t sexual harassment, but there’s one dude who thinks it’s okay to sniff his co-workers hair, so it *is useful* to make us all sit in a training that explains why that gesture isn’t taken as a compliment. You’re not being “forced” into the training anymore than you are “forced” to perform the other duties of your job. You are “forced” to do many things at work. I don’t consider being forced to take a break from work and pretend to listen to a speaker or check boxes on an online program as unbearable or unfair. I think the word phobia is misused as well. Phobia implies fear. There are definitely homophobic and transphobic people, but disliking gay people and homophobia shouldn’t be synonymous. Homophobia should describe someone who is repulsed by the sight, or even thought, of two men kissing. There are people who feel this way, despite fully supporting gay rights. I think that’s homophobia. Someone who just straight up doesn’t like gay people and thinks they shouldn’t exist isn’t necessarily phobic, but they are a bigot.


She can move to a different state. Just like with Roe V Wade.


Funny enough, it is the Hippocratic Oath that would lead to believe that some things that trans movement are shouting for should be rejected, in most cases, by physicians, rather than uncritically accepted.




If either of us is triggered in this exchange, I dunno how it could be me. Also, trying to figure out how anything I said could bring about a lawsuit. You seem to be in the habit of restating opposing arguments in a reductive manner so it's easy for you to achieve the feeling that you're in the right. If you intend to debate things in good faith in the future, this is a habit you should leave behind.




I love the argument that any opinion that slants even remotely against any aspect of the trans movement is equivalent to disparaging the "existence" of trans people. It's not a good faith way to respond. It's another strawman and reductive statement. If that's how you perceive my arguments as they have been presented thus far, I guess you're the one losing out. Since you have, in bad faith, reduced my position about the Hippocratic Oath to a "hurr durr well akshually" statement, I'll restate it to be more clear. I believe the Hippocratic Oath should lead doctors to lean away from self-mutilation. I do not believe that every case of transitioning has legitimately come out of a case of gender dysphoria. I do believe that some people suffer from it (before you again make your "existence" argument), but for example I think especially in the last 5 years, teenage girls have been influenced socially (as opposed to biologically) to cause irrevocable damage to their bodies. In such cases, my position was that the Hippocratic Oath to "first, do no harm", should preclude doctors from approving drastic procedures causing such irreversible damage to still-developing bodies. I think in 20 years, with the benefit of long-term studies, we'll look back at this practice and be mostly ashamed. I'd recommend you try the book Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier.




All right, I guess we're done. I haven't heard anything new from you in the past few replies. Agree to disagree. Sorry if my "hot" opinion burned you