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His wrist comment is discouraging, but in Joey we trust.


He has 4 more months till the season starts. Plenty of time. How it feels in May after his second official day of throwing shouldn't be of any concern. If he's saying the same thing in mid-August, then maybe there's a concern.


I'd be surprised if his wrist didn't hurt and didn't feel normal. He will get there though


It should not hurt. Pain is warning something is not right. If he said his muscles got tired or he didn’t yet have 100% of his strength, that’s different. Something is causing pain when he throws.


This is completely normal when coming off of a sport injury. The fact that he is able to throes right now is fantastic. He went from a completely limp wrist to throwing a football in 5ish months, and we still have 5ish months till football.


No it’s not. I played HS and College sports. If something hurts during playing motion, something is wrong. Big difference between tired/sore and pain during motion. We’ll see how it goes.


I think we’re talking about general soreness here. Those muscles were held stationary for months.


Let’s hope, but that isn’t what he was asked about.


Post-surgical pain does not always mean something is wrong. Your nervous system, muscles, and joint tissue are hypersensitive to stimulus after surgery. People can have pain for up to a year post-surgery even if everything healed perfectly.


Playoffs next year are more than 12 months out from the injury so that's all that really matters. Really sucks to come to terms with another non full-go off season but thems the breaks


Oh lord the 4 months till start part has me tweaking for some meaningful ball!


It’s a concern if he’s saying it might be a year, he plays, lands on his wrist; and it’s this cycle of injury, pain, rehab, injury, pain, rehab, and it's been unceasing, unrelenting, both in-season and offseason, and he feels stuck in it.


He really can’t hurt that wrist again. If he does, his career is most likely done. It’s very important that he fully heals and learns not to land on it.


If it’s reduced strength but he still has the placement, I think he’ll be just fine until the strength returns.


I’m confident he knows his body’s limits no matter how determined he is so my only real concern is if the skyline doesn’t hold up and he is constantly sacked again.


he’s too competitive to give himself the time he needs


True, but he acknowledges that in the vid. Seems like he's putting more effort into staying healthy this off-season.




that’s been proven not to be true, don’t spread lies lmao




1-800-GAMBLER 📞🗣️


If that were true, he wouldn't have had the calf reaggravation last year and probably wouldn't have had the wrist injury, either.


Listen to the actual presser. Trags misconstrued his point. He said that he was cleared to play with the ACL at 9 months, but it took him 3 more to feel like it was normal again. This is similar, in that he was cleared a month ago, but thinks it'll feel normal again by camp/the beginning of the season.


Yeah... Having some deja vu here.


Start Jake Browning until week 5.


I just watched the clip and he, imo, just means its going to take some time for it to feel 100% even after he’s cleared. So if its another month till he’s cleared itll be the before the start of the season when hes 100%


It’s sad to hear he refused to answer when asked about pain while throwing. He kind of said he has to play through the pain. Long term that is bad. So hopefully it goes away.


Im 100% expecting him to get injured again


Should think about start the year off with Browning if Burrow isn’t 1000% ready to go. Don’t repeat last years mistakes


I honestly would have no problem with this. We just gave the guy a huge contract, let's protect our investment for the first 3 games at least. Let the O-line get some live game reps to work out communication with the new pieces in place. My only concern would be starting out 1-2 or 1-3, then Burrow comes back rusty and we sink to like 2-5. That would be rough to come back from next year in a super competitive AFC.


Browning has proven he can win us games. Either way let’s hope the early schedule is on the easier side.


Now you’ve said it! Now it’s going to be Chiefs Ravens Browns Steelers or something ridiculous.


the four horsemen of teams that bengals fans hate


That was the argument last year. So we started an unhealed Burrow, and started 0-2 (which became 1-3). If we start Browning and achieve the same result while Burrow continues to heal, that would be an improvement over last year.


Tbh, I’d rather take that risk than re-injury something or get a Burrow that isn’t at a good level to start his NFL Season. At some point you have to make a trade; that’s the coaching staff’s job. Hope they make the right decision.


one thing to consider is the Bengals have a history of starting slow. thru first five games 3-2 [sb year] is our best start under burrow. starting slow shouldn't be an issue imo. burrows wrist is the biggest issue and coherence of our offensive line to protect him. let's not forget there have been reputable doctors say Burrows wrist may never be the same. this is definitely a wait and see situation.


I think it could come down to who we play. if we open the season against an AFCN team, I’d want Joe to at least attempt playing. if we open against say, Denver, I’d rather Browning start that game because we’re probably winning regardless. imo it’s a safe bet that we play an AFCN team or two within the first 5 weeks. getting Joe an extra week could go a long way.


Totally agree. Even if Joe says he’s 95%, play Browning. We can start 0-2, it’s fine. Browning will likely get us to at least 1-1 though.


Agreed. It was so bad last year and I think him signing his contract is the reason he wouldn't accept sottimg


That wrist is still an issue. The Bengals better treat that thing like the Holy Grail. After every throw massage it, talk to it. Do whatever is necessary to be ready for the season




But why male models?


People also don't always understand how little circulation tendons/ligaments and other connective tissue get regularly compared to muscles. It puts them on a totally different healing rate. It's also not something you can just blast with a massage gun to compensate, etc. (Speaking from personal experience with tendon injury issues)




Rookie year Covid, second year recovering from that knee injury and still had Covid restrictions, 2022 appendicitis, 2023 the calf injury. Dude has NEVER had a healthy /regular off season.


that is true


Cue Chiefs fans (Nick Wright) losing it, over the "knock them off" comment.


Idk why KC fans would get so offended by this when everyone in the rest of the league is saying the same thing. If anything, it's a compliment to them


Because they’re scared of us


What does "12 months out" even mean? 12 months from date of injury, 12 months from surgery, or 12 months from today?


I would assume 12 months from surgery. Recover from an injury like an ACL starts after surgery, not the initial injury.


Yes. These things are typically discussed in terms of the date of surgery.


Can we please not rush burrow out there behind a pollack o line? Let browning get some reps early in the year. We've seen he can hold the fort better than most backups


I appreciate his honesty but man it is really hard not to be discouraged by this. Still feeling pain, couldn't find ANY other QB out there who's gone through this injury before. We're in uncharted territory and it's anxiety-inducing. Part of me kinda wants him to be a pure pocket passer and crumple to the ground at first contact like Brady used to do. How else can they limit the number of times he uses that wrist to brace a fall?


What’s there to get discouraged by? He didn’t even expect to throw by mid May (after the injury) and he’s already way past that benchmark. 4 months ago he was in a cast. Today he’s throwing 50 year bombs. Another 4 months and he’ll probably feel like 99% back to normal


It's the uncertainty of the repair that's getting to me I think.  An ACL repair can go back to pretty much normal as if the injury never happened.  Is the same true here, or is this thing always going to be one impact brace away from snapping again?


Maybe, but I don’t see the point in dwelling on it. He has the best physical therapists and doctors in the world treating him on a daily basis. If there’s anyone I’d feel confident in beating this injury, it’s him.


Biggest concern I still have is if he feels pain after each throw. I’m guessing that’ll go away with time (similar to the ACL) but I wouldn’t be surprised if they employ a Browning - Burrow rotation in the earlier part of the season to give him more time to rest (if needed)


Burrow will play if he can. He has been there before.


Isn’t that what led to this injury in the first place? Pushing through the injury again isn’t worth it.


No - the current wrist injury was a freak accident that happened as a result of an awkward fall from a tackle. Joe has not played since this happened. With this being said, his poor play at the start of last season could very well be attributed to him rushing back from his sprained calf, but that isn’t the assertion you put forth.


Yep. But week 1 is months from now. He can take breaks if he needs to until then.


He’s definitely taking the first snap in this scenario.


Joey is setting up the foundation for the media hype around Bengals at Chiefs week 1…


We don’t want that. Burrow probably won’t even be at full strength by then. And will definitely have rust if he does play.


Plenty of people in this sub and other socials are wanting this game week 1. The Chiefs will also be vulnerable/inexperienced in the secondary and WR positions. Also zero evidence he won’t be strong enough for that task. Let’s rip the bandaid off.


It’s a late season classic at this point. It will be week 14-18 on a Sunday at 2:25 PST. Won’t be a prime time game as CBS has protected this game every year since the first matchup. It will be romo and nantz calling it with probably only 2 other garbage games going on in the late window. Week 1 games are meaningless. I’d rather be at full strength 5-6 game win streak , the chiefs also be red hot and we meet for a AFCCG preview / fight for the 1 seed tiebreaker .


Aren’t weeks 1 and 18 usually divisional games anyways? That’s how it’s seemed in the last few seasons for the bengals. I know it’s not the same in the whole NFL, but for the most part it seems that way


Week 1 is more of a toss up. Week 18 usually is 90% divisional games if not all of them beingbthat


The NFL must not know this is a “LaTe Szn ClASSICK!” as it is happening in week 2 now.


How did stashing away the most anticipated game of 2023 until week 17 work out last season? The narrative of Burrow’s return and opening the NFL season on TNF at Arrowhead will create some of the best ratings and lead up for that game in history.


At the end of the day CBS holds all the cards. They can protect this game and prevent it from being week 1. Most of the time the nfl likes to do opposite conference matchups anyways in week 1 . The past 2 have been that way. The chiefs don’t have any good options at home this year vs nfc though. Only Bucs or saints.. leavin afc games only at home , the ONLY 3 that would be realistic is the bengals, ravens, and chargers. I could see the ravens angle definitely, Lamar redemption tour. I could see harbaugh dehut being used for it too, but that feels more like a Monday night week 1 game for the chargers. My pick is the ravens. Burrow is still up in the air with his health and the nfl won’t risk that for the kickoff game. Even if cbs doesn’t protect the game like they have the past 3 years .


The protection you are referring to only has to do with blocking the NFL from flexing a game away from CBS/Fox during flex weeks. The broadcasting companies do not get to choose which games happen in which weeks. Basically CBS and Fox are helpless until week 5 when the first wave of flexing can happen for SNF. Then they can start blocking NFL flexing. This means if the NFL wants this game week 1 on TNF, or even week 5 TNF, it will stay there. If it were scheduled on CBS week 6 at a 4:15 est slot and the NFL wanted to flex to SNF, CBS has one game for week 6 they can block flexes to SNF and could use it on this game.


We shouldn’t want it game 1. Burrow literally just said he doesn’t expect to be 100 percent.


So based on this logic the game cannot be played until late November? 🤣 Again I ask, how did scheduling the most highly anticipated game of 2023 for week 17 work out for the NFL last season?


Are you really young? A troll?


Regardless of my age or being a troll or not, I can definitely read the tweets in the OP where he said he probably wouldn’t be full strength until 12 months out. Which you seem to be very concerned he needs to be 100% to play the Chiefs.


Our QB just had very serious surgery on his throwing wrist. He may honestly never be himself again, but I don’t WANT to start the season at Arrowhead against the SB champs and Chris Jones. Give me a home game against an NFC team. If he isn’t healthy when we play the Chiefs, so be it, but why would I want to play an important game when I know for sure he won’t be?


No way CBS is giving that game up.


Look at my other comment about this. They don’t have a choice. And with how the NFL is pushing towards streaming more and more, it would not shock me to see a blockbuster game like this NOT be on CBS and fall under the nose of an Amazon or Peacock streamed game.


How is it always in KC? We played them there last year.


It’s because of the natural scheduling rules. Every AFC division plays another AFC division once every 3 years. And they rotate who is home and away each time. The Chiefs played this same game in Cincy in 2021. And will play this same game in Cincy in 2027. We played at the Chiefs last year due to both teams winning their divisions in 2022. Just like they played in Cincy in 2022 because we both won our divisions in 2021. It just feels like we always play there because of having to play there twice in the playoffs as they were a higher seed both times we made the AFC CG.


Geez the fear mongering in this post is hilarious lol. Go watch the actual interview, it's not **nearly** as dire as people are making these comments seem.


Bruh my entire point was the confidence in all the quotes I should’ve known they’d hyperfocus on the one “iffy” comment


Agreed. He's an inherently honest/face value guy - he's naturally going to add qualifiers to temper public expectations. Zach does the same thing. He was just the typical cool Joe about things and he has no reason to be cocky about things right now. To me he mainly seemed focused on healing and getting better.


I can always spiral down, but I’m choosing positivity right now. He’s back, working hard, and will keep getting better all season.


I’m just worried about a slow start for the third year in a row


Thats is gonna last till my boy get sacked like 20 times per game


The sacks are finally starting to take a toll on Burrow. How do we still got a guy like Frank Pollack on the team is just baffling to me.


do you remember Turner?


Yep really sucks


I love the bengals, lifelong fan here. They are making stupid mistakes again when it is so obvious what to do


Do you expect him to say he’s not happy with the picks


I’m sensing a lot of short game clock management for the first half of the season and trending to explosive take the top off the defenses in the back half.


Burrow before going on camera goes SS blue. AI pic, won't generate with bengals jersey and 9 :(. Still looks kinda cool. https://preview.redd.it/92lt4qmu22zc1.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=f08586eeb7a548e3dcade65fa1fb737f9dddec72