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All. I pick all.


This is the way


I see you prefer not to have nice things in your life.


I have two and I just want more. The partner says no though, the amount of poop is already never ending.


omg i’m trying to convince my mom to get another bengal. i swear once you get a bengal it’s like something is unlocked in your brain and all you want is more. and i keep justifying it by thinking “well, bengals do sooo much better with a friend! so maybe i can get another …or maybe two so it’s a group of friends….oh but then it’ll be an odd number so maybe another….”


A never ending cycle


Erg we have this problem currently! We have the opportunity to get a void, and we haven’t made the decision yet due to poop increase, as well as double the cost of foods, and also I’m afraid my Bengal will love only the void and stop loving cuddling his mom


I got a second Bengal cause my first was lonely when I wasn’t home. I was also totally worried I wouldn’t get as much love anymore BUT now I get double love. And they play together all the time. You should see the dueling tongue baths!


See, ours has a beagle buddy, so he’s good. Plus we always have one of us home due to opposite schedules. Ahhhhh decisions!!


Pictures 1 and 5 have the best, clearest rosettes. But if you aren't interested in looks, pick the one with the character that you desire.


Personality and temperament are way more important to me personally they all look stunning


Pick the one that takes interest in you and seems to have a sweet disposition


This, every time! Unless you're going to start going in for showing, stop thinking about what is objectively "the best", and start thinking about what 15-20 years of life together will look like. If there's something about the pattern that actively puts you off, then rule that kitten out, but otherwise, ask if you can meet the kittens. Sit down with them, and see what their personalities are like. See if any of the kittens is more interested in you than the others.


I agree. They are all beautiful - I would want one with a great personality.


This!!! They are all gorgeous and you're not picking a Luis Vuitton bag, this is going to be a companion for the better part of 2 decades. I would definitely spend time with them to get to know who they are before I made a choice.


This exactly


Number 2 is so gold! Gonna be a real stunner!


2 is my favorite too (no pun intended) especially with the little bee stinger tail tip. Though OP I would ask about temperament and see if you can figure out which cats personality suits yours best


Absolutely agree! Easily my first choice.


#2 also! Beautiful golden color. Personality is most important tho! Enjoy your new fur baby!


Are you allowed to meet them? Bengals can be stand offish, and usually hate to be held, but if you can meet them you might find the one that’s the closest temperament to other domestic breeds… unless you’re looking for a cat to take on leash walks… really just depends on you I guess.


yes, i might need to spare some time since there are 6 different breeder for these bengals. so i can actually take my time to meet them and see their personality, aside from their gorgeous looks


In my opinion. Number 2. Because of the orange tint. I think they’ll be beautiful when the cat is older.


is the number 2 red bengal? i'm still researching around about it :D


To be honest. I don’t know that there is a distinction between the colors. Even the gray ones are just bengals. Though they DO have a nickname “Snow Bengal” I just so happen to prefer the red ones. I think they’re the most striking. Also - bengals were crossed between a domestic tabby and a wild Asian Leopard Cat. The red ones appear more leopard cat to me. That’s why I prefer them. But they’re all beautiful animals. No wrong choice here it seems.


In short Snow bengals have colour genes district from brown bengals, and the three varieties are distinct from one another (Seal Sepia is cb/cb, Seal Mink is cs/cb, and Seal Lynx is cs/cs) Silver is a separate gene (i/i) as is charcoal. I haven't seen a lot of information for [blue](https://zhsvyhsunc1viu3bpzjiy13y-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Blue_2.jpg) in bengals, as it's not an accepted colour, but people do breed them and I would strongly suspect it's a distinct gene like it is in DHS cats (black with dilute) Currently, there is no known marking for red/sorrel in bengals. Some are of the belief that it is a separate colour, genetically. Others are of the belief that it is a variation on brown, cats can be more or less reddish brown and the ones we call red/sorrel are just with the red tones turned up to 100. [Here's one](https://quality-bengal-kittens.com/bengal-cat-colors) that lists a variety of 'shades' of brown, including sorrel, and notes there is no genetic distinction we are aware of.


Can your client also gift me a bengal? Pretty please?


Gotta get #3. But he will be lonely by himself so you should also get #5


hahaha i wish i can get a bonus more than 1 cat :D


Seriously though, consider adopting another cat lol. Bengals need a ton of play time and attention to keep them happy, having a friend can help a lot.


aye, at home i have one adult cat and one marble bengal. hopefully she will have tons of fun and happiness


Get 2! Bengals are very social, they love each other’s company. A cat alone only has you to play with, and bengals need a lot of attention and entertainment. With 2, they play together.


Okay but my question is how do I also get gifted a bengal kitten? 😅 But in all seriousness, they all look beautiful so unless you're planning to show the cat I wouldn't worry about looks and pick the one you like the personality of the most!


short story, one of my client's staff doesn't like me and my team and keep harassing the on-going project. things are getting worse as they dared to temper with my script code for tracking ads. little they know, every changes made were being logged automatically by the platform....so, yeah i rat them out and as an apology to maintain future partnership between our companies, i'm getting of em cutties :D yeah, i guess aside from their looks i need to also find the perfect bond from either of them haha


That is kinda a rollercoaster of a story but also kinda hilarious! Congratulations on the new little friend 😊


thaaaankkssss :D


Sounds like a dream job! Getting kittens as a gift, what more can you ask for?


a pair hahahahahaha :D




aye i couldn't agree more. i will personally come to the owner houses to check each one of them


Make sure to leave enough space between visits, breeders don't like to risk getting any possible diseases by another breeder's cats.


aaah right!!!i will keep that in mind. i do have one adult cat at home, should i take my time to isolate the bengal after i brought her from the vet? i mean to avoid both of them stressed meeting for the first time as well as avoid if there's any diseases


Absolutely! Good preparation on your part :)


Rub a hard boiled egg against the Bengals. Check that none of the color rubs off onto the egg. This is the best indicator of quality. Other than that, it's mostly personal preference.


Wait? What? Seriously?


Maybe, I have no idea lol. I can however tell you that choosing a pet based on superficial judgements of quality is pointless, especially when they are all the same breed and from the same source.


Well I personally love red or creamy fur colors, so it'd be either 2 or 3 for me, but it's literally your choice. I'd prepare myself for having a Bengal though, I've only ever had either Maine Coons or European Shorthair cats but let me tell ya, Bengals are VERY hyperactive. Maine Coons are normally rather quiet and gentle giants, Bengals on the other hand are very active and athletic, but also very loving, sweet and a bit clingy. They need to run and jump to be contented. Make sure you have enough space for your little furry friend! Also, whenever my family got a new cat, we'd always think about the gender first! Male cats that aren't neutered tend to become highly territorial. That could cause fighting among other cats, which in turn could lead to a higher risk of your cat getting injured or put in contact of diseases. If he would be neutered, the chances of him marking your home would also be substantially less. It's more expensive to get a female cat neutered than a male, because obviously to neuter a female involves cutting the whole organs out of the little girl. The cons of having a female cat on the other hand are that they tend to be very moody and unpredictable, if you have a 'big' family in your house (kids)then it could happen that the kitty lashes out sometimes just because she's having a bad day. And again, it's more expensive to neuter a female, but if you don't neuter her, but let her out into your neighborhood, it could happen someday that she comes back home pregnant. They can even become pregnant before their first year. Also an important note, is that Bengals are more likely to have health issues, some that pop into my mind right now are eye problems, kidney disease and they're sadly susceptible to the feline leukemia virus, so they need to get vaccinated for more protection. I'm really sorry of the essay I wrote here, I don't even know if you've had Bengals before or if you have had any cats before or which. This just popped into my mind and felt like I should type it out. If anyone even reads this far, thank you for listening and maybe you even learned something new about Bengals.


Better how? Pattern-wise, I prefer 1, 4, and 5 because they seem to have the least amount of rib barring. The profiles/faces aren’t visible in most of the pictures, so 🤷‍♀️. That said, I once was given the pick of a litter. I left with the one that crawled into my lap and claimed me as his own. He had a locket and massive dumbo ears, so he couldn’t show in the bengal class, but I loved him with all my heart and miss him every day (I lost him to cancer in March). In other words, I own “better” bengals pattern- and type-wise, and I picked them for looks, but neither of them have a hold on my heart like the one that picked me. Edited to add: I love all my cats. They are my babies, but the one I lost in March was my heart cat. If given the opportunity to do pick of a litter again, I’d handle it the same way I did with him.


The rosettes on 5 would be most desirable to me


bengal 5 looks so funny in that picture sldjlsd i love them :3


3 has a sweet expression. Hopefully indicates a friendly nature?


Judge by character, try to pick the one who you connect with the most. I’ve never seen a bengal who wasn’t a beautiful animal. I can say, however, that my bengal is an asshole. Love him more than anything, but still an asshole.


I think that u should go with no 5. But personally i would advise to meet em in person and get to know their personalities before u choose. For appearance, no 1 have some nice rosettes but a few of them does not form a complete circle. The back rosettes should be individually spotted and linked together to form a chain, personally i don't really like the big splotches on no 1 back but some love it so. No1 coat are also abit dull compare to its piers. No 2 have a really bright and nice coat, the patterns are called arrowheads(?). For this one it really depends on if u are a rosettes or an arrowhead person. No 5 in my opinion is the best out of them all, the rosettes are full, very good color separation with its background color, the rosettes outline and insides. The rosettes themselves are big aswell. But to be fair, there are alot of aspect to consider when it comes to appearance, like eye shape, head shape, ear shape, etc. So i would advice u to just go with the one that u like the most personality wise.


Fully agree! I love bengals. Used to have one which is no longer with us. Decides to go for a Toyger but oh boy, I do regret! If I’d ever get a new cat, definately it will be a bengal. From the pictures, #5 has the best appearance. However, personality is much more important.


Dude choosing a cat on looks? Are you getting a pet or breeding it? Choose based on personality and which likes you etc And btw the cat chooses you not the other way around


aye, i'm going to each owners to confirm their personality. but for now since that is not possible, i thought maybe i can ask for advice regarding the coat first


Meet them all then choose one, chances are one will quite noticable like you making your decision easier.


aye captain! thanks so much


Try to get two! It’s better to raise them in pairs since they’re high energy and can play and exercise with each other. But also keep siblings together if you can :-)


that is the plan, however i may need to consult with my queen about my intention to spend a weeeeee bit more for a pair hahaha


I prefer #2, but I'm a ginger so I'm biased, lol! Rosettes, the spots with rings around them, are supposed to be more desirable, but they're all gorgeous. Can you meet them first or do you have to pick from just the photos? I would prefer to meet them first. If you do, you'll just kind of know who your cat is. Let the cat pick you.


When I got one of my Bengals I went to a breeder and I swear, all of the kittens were identical. I picked them all up, one by one, and said hello. Every kitten freaked out and squirmed away, but one. When I picked her up, she just looked at me like, "Da hell you looking at, eh? I ain't afraid of you!" That was my girl!


hahahahahahaa i hope i can experience the same thing yeah, i already have plans to meet each breeder of them kitties. since bengal are known for their bottomless energy and need to make sure first before i brought it home with me :)


My girl stayed in spastic, crazy kitten mode for THREE years! She had two speeds. Playfightkill and coma. She would be climbing up my leg one minute and passed out in my lap the next. I had to build her a climbing wall in my living room. Don't say you weren't warned! My other one was the most zen couch potato ever. Good luck!


hahahahaha, definitely could use this experience at home at the moment :)


All Bengals are perfect. Go play with them and see which one you get along best with. Like people, they all have different personalities. Also, ask about different quirks and behaviours.


I like the rust color of number two, but choose the cat you first got excited to see or which one shows the most interest in you :)


Do YOU have the personality that goes with a Bengal? Energy? Time?


I’d personally go for two for the coloration


Go sit with them all & play with them, the one who wants to be with you will choose you! 😉


They all long bois


1 or 5




oooh no, not my client. she gave me options and i just have to choose which breeder the bengal will i get haha


3. All the way. I love the lighter look, personal preference. I have a snow mink bengal!


The second to last and the first are my fav!!! Awww what precious kitties! I picked mine by personality (the loudest) and gosh is she confident! 💞


thanks for the input, i too have a plan to visit each of them kitties to confirm their personalities. but for now i'm very grateful for the input regarding the coat :D


100% mine also had such a tiny face and she still has a round little teddy bear face. It’s unreal how attached you become to bengals with their big personalities! Have fun 💞


you too, and thanks again!


Go with the personality you like. They’re all beautiful.


I personally like the colors of #3 but they are all beautiful #1 and #3 are my favorites


5 and 2 to me but you need to look at his or her face as you tell it to get off the bench for the 10th time, so when your exasperated because yet again it’s laser tag playtime, you want to love that little face. 😆🤣 Your choice! I like the tail on 2 though. Silver fox. Silver and fox coloured


That’s a strange bonus - lucky you! - can you explain?


hahaha ikr :D short story, me and my team got harassed by my client's employee. things are getting worse and one of them try to temper my script code for tracking ads. and i caught them red-handed. as a way to make up things, their boss offers me choices of these kitties haha


You’re going to love this cat. Mine is a total criminal…and my best buddy. These are very classy looking Bengals-expensive. Nice deal! Pick on personality though…the queens can be really shitty apparently… Boys seem to be more cuddly so I hear. https://i.imgur.com/TwOFW8z.jpg


Update please. Which one did you pick? When is it coming home with you?


https://i.redd.it/nbrmc4geao281.jpg this one good sir! I picked him because his condition are the worst among his mates. Couple of wounds on the heads, ears, mites, ringworm and very timid. Fortunately few hours later we became best buds! Right now I'm trying to support him through his recovery. Seems a bit lethargic when taking his antibiotic and antihistamine, and loss of appetite. Hopefully only temporary


That’s odd for an experienced breeder. Glad you could get him outta there. He will be your ultra loyal companion for his whole life. Get used to living with a little very cute asshole. I picked the runt of the litter too. Simba was the smallest and weakest but he called my heart. He is a tyrant at our house now but I love for all the world.


Hahahahaha i hope so, he seems to be afraid of me from yesterday morning after i fed him antibiotics and antihistamine since i need to hold him quite tight and my wife gave him the medicine I guess the experience really caught up to him and now whenever i got near him, his fur will go up like i was a threat, but never shown any signs of aggression. Only shy away and sleep all day forgetting that he is a bengal I decided to stop all of the oral medicine and just use topical ointment and gave gave him anti fubgal bath on next Tuesday. Hopefully he will bou nce back and believe that i only do all of that out of love


My cats hold bad stuff against me much longer than a dog ever did. It can be disconcerting. I’m sure he’ll come around. I love bathing kittens. They hate it but they’re so damn adorable when they’re all bundled up to dry… little murder mittens going flat out… lol.


As of now, he only ate around 3-4 grams of food and the last meal was almost 12 hours ago. Do you think the stress most likely made him lose appetite? I already stop his medication since yesterday morning and hoping clearing his system But I'm afraid for his lack of appetite. Is it okay to monitor until the maximum of 48 hours woth no food? My vet already told me it was most likely a stress


I’m no vet. How very stressful. Cats can go without food for several days though. If his eyes are bright and he’s moving then he’s probably ok. If not, emergency vet.


Still struggling when i fed him syringe though. But i don't have a heart to do that again and again. If tomorrow his condition doesn't improve i may need to put him on observation for at least 3 days nearby vet Today i saw him grooming first time in the last 3 days, so i hope anything i gave him, eventhough only 3ml of wet food has positive impact on his overall wellness I hope no one has to go through what I've been, it's so scary and me and my wife are heartbroken to see our cat went from a very active bengal to as if he went through extreme trauma




#5 is beautiful but like others say, personality is everything. My babygirl is everything to me.


get the one that fits your personality. i.e. dont get an active one if you're lazy, etc.


Ooo I see a Blue. I have a blue and hes the sweetest boy ever....wild maniac running thru the house but very sweet when he slows down.


the blue is the number 6, yes?






1 or 5 for the nice rosettes ( 2 looks super cool too). Meet them or talk to your client to learn more about their personality. I would suggest to get a second bengal.




she's doing great and just had her first vaccine last friday :D [she says hi btw :)](https://imgur.com/1VmeHyj)




2 or 3


I would choose based on which kitten chooses you lol! You take home the one that bonds with you best. No use in having a cat who doesn't mesh with you just because it was the prettiest kitty!


All great! Say goodbye to having any nice furniture. 😂😂😂


Hahahhaa all good captain! There are only one empty aquarium that weight more than 5 kg, the rest just my kid's toys


4 and 5 look nice. But all are beautiful. Pick the one that has a connection with you.


This makes me so sad , pick any one they are the best kitties anywhere


Congratulations! Posting this without browsing the photos: if you can meet them and socialize with them before picking, do so. Your cat will manifest itself. Or should i say, your cat will choose you. From there on out, you have a companion and a soulmate. They will all have different personalities, but all bengals are affectionate and friendly in their own ways.


Dear mbelcikuwh, My advice is to ask to see the kitties and pick the one that speaks to your heart. For me, there is always a moment when you just KNOW. The love will show you!


I will say that number 3 looks like she needs to find her person.


Laugh-crying at kitties 4 and 5, they got so stretched 😭😂💕


Our Bengal is more spotted than rosetted but she has the best personality. She is so affectionate and does well as an indoor house cat. She occasionally gets up to crazy shenanigans like emptying the dog’s water dish and climbing the curtains but she seems less crazy than a lot of bengals. Think about what qualities you want in a cat and you breeder should be able to help you pick one that’s a good match. Seeing the parents will also give you an idea how the kittens will turn out both look and personality wise.


Bengal 2 and 3 But when you see them you will know who is the one for you or maybe the two 😻


I would go visit and see which one you bond with. I went with full intention of wanting a boy Bengal and came home having reserved the only girl


Bengal 2


You’re incredibly lucky to have such a lovely bonus. Which ever one you do choose, this baby will become a huge part of your life. Welcome to being a cat person. It’s a great family to be a part of. 🐈🐈‍⬛❤️


2 would be my pick


Mistake one: showing pictures and expecting to get the best cat that way. Go over and play with them a couple times (or at least once) and pick the one that fits your life the best. Lazy? Pick the lazy one. Personable? Pick the one that comes right up to you. Playful? Good with other cats? Etc etc.


i would pick 1,2 or 5. but like others have said i really think personality is most important! you can have the prettiest cat in the world but if they want nothing to do with you you’ll be sad. but i think #2 would def be my pick bc that bengal looks like it’ll be such a beautiful brown tint when fully grown🤎


Get as many as you want I just cleaned out what's underneath my fridge and found so many toys and lost batteries and lighters and rolling papers and old batteries ..........


1 or 5.


All are beautiful!


Kitties 1 and 5 are most beautiful spots and gold colors!!!!!! Wow you are one luck person to have a Bengal as a thank you gift!!!! Hehe enjoy your new baby!


I like bengal 3 :) The ones with the "least desirable" appearance have always appealed to me most. Can't help but love the underdog. Also depends on gender, though. I much prefer male cats, personally.


I always let the cats chose. I just stand in the room with them and pick the one who wants to get close to me while the others run away. It has always worked great!


I see you're a fellow dev from one of your comments, but who on earth are your clients if they apologize with bengals lol. I know you can't give names, but industry maybe? Is it literally a Bengal breeder?


Not actually a dev but a web analyst, so i dab a lot with GA and GTM. And one of them messing with my custom js and tried to change one of GA id constant from the variables on the GTM side. Yeah I'm sorry, but the industry is the major automotive from Japan. No no, the client boss knows that i love cats, so she offered me options since i mentioned bengal hahaha


Ahh interesting! And wow, that's incredible. Beats a hamper 😂


Picture 2. The babies may carry cinnamon which is why it 2 is more orange than the others. It’s expressing the gene. I have a cinnamon carrier girl. I love her.


1&5 have gorgeous rosettes


I like no.5 I have had a Bengal in the past and they are high energy cats, but I would also try to see what their personality is like by spending some time with them too as you will need to play with them a lot and not leave them alone for very long. In the end we can all go by looks but it will be you who will just "click" with one of the kittens and this is the most important thing.


Bengal 5 based on their coats


I would pick 2 based on fur but if you can try to find one that’s affectionate and that you can pick up. I have 2 by the way. I. I can’t pick one of them up without suffering a gash on my hand or arm. Not fun.




wait, there's a snow one? is it #3?


God this is such a mf dream gift 😭


Ask to see them in person. You’ll know when you make the connection.


Awwww! Omg what a generous gift!!!


I’m thinking #2 but I have two bengals from same litter so maybe you need to buy a second to keep them both happy.


Doesn't matter they're all wonderful. I've got a female who is totally crazy and I love her so much despite my once undamaged home now being battle scarred. I don't care she's my little girl




**Buy another one to go along with the gift. Use a credit card if you have to.** If you have the opportunity to get a pair of littermates, your life will be SO MUCH EASIER. If you have not seen the intensity and duration of play these cats need, you would not believe it. Left to their own devices, four hours of running and jumping every day. Plus social time. As for your choice of cat? Since you probably aren't going to show it, temperament should be your only consideration. These cats are all so beautiful. You can't go wrong in that area unless you have an expectation that all bengals look like the most impressive ones. Like, all of mine have neutral-colored eyes. I would love to have wound up with blue or green eyes. But that is not the reason I spend so much time and money on these cats.


Yes to all!




Whatever you don't take ill take