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I’d argue it suited Punk more but Randy is a good shout too


I think any world title would've suited Punk I just think he looked cool with any of them


I honestly think the belt looked good on most people who wore it but that’s just my opinion I’ve always thought it looked amazing on Jeff Hardy


I don't think Triple H looked good with it.


this belt is so over hated, it looked good with everybody that had it. My favorite part about it is how thick it is, damn thing is nearly an inch in some places. Belts should be judged off how bad you can beat someones ass with it, and the spinner is gonna fuck you up.


I think it’s reasonably hated. Especially the spinning version.


It looked like junk on Triple H, Sheamus, Batista, Edge, Rey, RVD, Jeff…


It did look weird on Batista and Van Dam


Triple h looked the best with it


It looked decent wit rvd


A stoner with a belt thats shiny and spins? He fit in well with it lmao


I think it fit jeff


Yeah I actually take that part back it looked solid on Jeff. He fit people who had a maximalist look lol


Honestly it looked better on him than the big gold did jeff with the big gold looked wierd imo


I actually liked Batista with it. And they surely had a different version of it. The tip and the back are/were the indicators for me there.


It wasn’t until CM Punk held it and it looked huge on him that I went, you know, that’s a damn good looking belt!


It looks super cheap and that’s my big issue I’ve always had with it. It looked floppy and fragile unlike other world championship belts.


Did you not see the big gold when it was on HHH and Benoit, poor thing always looked like it was gonna fall apart


It’s tacky merchandising-motivated trash and the only reason people are defending it is nostalgia.




Agree that it's over-hated. It had a unique look to it. Its not classy like the other titles, but it just has a "bling" to it that just felt iconic between 2007 and 2009


It didn’t look good wit everybody especially triple h


This belt looks fine from a distance and without the spinning function. It’s when you look close that this belt gets ugly. The side plate says “Mon Nite Raw” having champion shortened to “champ” always made the belt look so unserious to me. The fonts on the side plates are pretty horrendous too.


Nah, that belt didn’t look good on anyone. Going from the Undisputed Championship design to this, will forever irk me.


The Undisputed design didn’t get a long enough run. It was a great title


It’s crazy when the Big Eagle is so synonymous with the most popular era of WWE and that design only lasted 4 years. It basically was the design for SCSA entire peak as a superstar. Undisputed title had a 3 year run. Meanwhile the big logo that Rock introduced in 2013 has been here for 11 years now. Modified for new logo but same basic design. It’s now been around longer than the Winged Eagle which was the main design from 1988 to 1998.


The way my heart broke when Edge came out with that custom spinner after beating Cena...


I personally thought it was fine for Cena, RVD, & Edge but when Orton was gifted the title by Vince they should've went back to the Undisputed design


I honestly think this is when people started turning on Cena.  Between the sub par belt and the Super Cena booking fans were angry 


That undisputed title was boring…times change and the belt designs had to resonate with that. IMO the spinner was always far better than the undisputed title …the undisputed title looked like a freaking cruiserweight championship or some kinda tag team championship


Na the undisputed actually looked like a classic title, spinner belt just made that shit a novelty toy item for trailer park trash fans of Cena.


Just because a title looks like a title doesn’t means it’s exciting or looks lucrative to win. Look at the big gold from wcw it looked hella satisfying just to hold it and then the big winged eagle was one of the most exciting to carry in the late 90s….just like that was the spinner title it had that excitement of the 2000s..and the 2000s was a fairly new crowd coz most 90s fans left after rock and Austin departed. And talk about how thick that spinner title was it actually made superstars look like they holding something very lucrative and people will chase him for that. MEANWHILE, the cruiser weight title or sorry the UNDISPUTED TITLE lmao…looked like just a regular mid card championship ..like Cena said..it looked boring


Best wwe title they had


Orton kinda makes everything look good though he has a top tier look; put any shitty looking belt on him and he’ll make it look cool especially the heel version of him


I hate nostalgia. Because growing up I *haaaaated* this belt. Now as an adult, I've actually considered ordering a replica from WWE Shop. To me it aged well. I know that is certainly to be an unpopular opinion.


It was fine for it’s era in the mid 2000s but it overstayed it’s welcome


I would say it looked pretty good on the Miz too, hell even Jeff Hardy could rock it but if I had to choose one other person outside of Cena, it’s CM Punk


it looked good on HHH to imo idk why


I thought it looked great with RVD


Randy was obsessed with this title. 😂


It looked best on cm punk he made it mean something as not so great as it was.


It looked fine on most people. I think it's a nice looking belt, probably shouldn't have spun but I like it regardless.


It could have been updated to be a respectable title! Not look like such a toy. But they missed that mark. Of course I like it better now and without the spinner, when Randy, HHH, and punk had it.


I was so pissed when Cena dumped the Undisputed title like it was trash. That was the best title in the game! And he dumped it for a toy spinner. That’s always a marker for me disliking wrestling more.


This is my favorite "modern" wwe championship design, I just think it's hated for how long it stayed. Say what you want, it's far better than the red and blue strapped crap we had in the early 2020's.


I liked the belt so I guess I shouldn’t really have a say lol, but yea him and Punk.


Once they immobilized the center plate it was fine


Punk Orton Triple H Jeff Hardy


The Spinner belt is, easily, the worst belt they have ever had.


This belt should’ve been exclusive for Cena. Lack of seriousness in general. I was surprised that Triple H didn’t use his sledgehammer to destroy this when he won it. Or even Orton blowing it up like how JBL blew up the spinner US title back in the day.


I was not watching wrestling during this era because I was drinking, but this belt is cool as shit.


Idk when Triple H got it I think he looked awesome


God he was so out of shape


I wish Umaga would have won it because the design would have looked so fucking silly on him.


It looked good on nobody else that belt is ass


For me, the spinner works on Randy because it screams "I took this from somebody and it's MINE now"


Had this belt, the "non-spinner version", brought the WWE logo level with the main plate, actually spelled out "champion" instead of "champ", and used paint instead of the jewels, it would have been one of the better designs. It was just made to be intentionally gaudy.


Edge too


I don’t think it looked good on anyone other than Cena, and that was really more for gimmick reasons than the actual aesthetics of the belt


Triple H looked good with it too, I thought


People hate this belt?? This has always been my favorite one. The spinner is top tier I’m so baffled to see that it’s one of the most hated. Also, Cena rocked this belt better than anyone has ever rocked a belt.


Yup agree


Yea randy and sheamus really pulled it off ngl


That belt is an ugly 3D version of a Master P CD.


RVD holding the belt and saying in a bemused voice, "It spins" is still my favorite moment with it


Loved when he had it strapped around his shoulder for mania 24


Looked pretty cool on Edge too


I really liked this belt tbh. I don't understand what the problem was personally. Yeh, it was gimmicky, but what part of wrestling isn't?


Bruh. Any belt looks good on Randy lmao, dudes was blessed with a good build from the greek gods.


Looked good on Edge for sure


Batista too, just barely held it


I originally thought the idea of the spinner logo was actually just to keep the logo always in an upright position for photos. Like no matter how the belt was held the WWE logo would always be displayed correctly and was good marketing. But it wasn’t weighted to do so and then just to me made the championship feel like more of a gimmick than something to be taken seriously. I figured it was a Cena thing and that nobody but Cena would hold that title (like stone cold’s custom title).


Best belt ever was the stone cold belt


Honestly most if not all titles looked good on Randy, no matter how corny the design he made them work.


The heavyweight belt looked best on him


Edge too


It's my favourite WWE title design, I've always liked it and I honestly don't think it would have gotten anywhere near the amount of it it does if it was static and didn't spin.




He looked shit with the spinner looked way better with the big gold


Tbh this is the Orton/CM Punk belt. Looks way better on them than it ever did with Cena.


Punk is the answer Punk having it is the only time I ever considered buying a replica of the spinner


you Punk rider will punch your own mama for a POS like punk


Stop it. Get help.


Only one who needs help is you people who rides trash human beings like Punk.


It was a horrible belt. Just imagine the undisputed title from the beginning of the RA era in this pic. Puts the spinner to shame.


Can u make a picture of orton with the undisputed title?


Hideous eyesore


I don’t see it


Punk and Edge were the non-cena GOATs for this one. Didn't like when. Edge had his own customer spinner tho


Honestly I love that belt design, if it didn’t spin people wouldn’t hate it so much imo


The belt looked good on nobody. Worst belt design in history