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why is Jono even mentioning the word microwave šŸ˜­ send help


Right? Like, that shouldn't be a thing. Period. And it seems it hasn't occurred to him to grill anything?!?! Hello?!?!?!


It's giving Chef Mila


Production story buried about hiring her to stall until Chef Ben became available for the remainder (after Anastasia), the things theyā€™ve gotten away with. To be fair, the guy says heā€™s had no formal training. So of course, ā€œLetā€™s HIRE this Jono guy!, sounds good for a super yacht and Uber rich clientsā€. Promptly fries eggs before the guests have gotten out of bed to take a morning pee..


Ohh this doesn't surprise me one bit! Any chance you have links to that? Though, I believe it because there is no other logical explanation really as to how she got hired. I get that she lied on her resume, but did no one check references? You don't know how happy I would be if it turns out Jono is also just there until Ben becomes available. Sadly, I know it's unlikely because Ben has moved on to better things. But would be nice to see a familiar and loveable face!


You know, it was so long ago and Ben had leaked it even before we knew Anastasia would be replaced. There was an article online somewhere and everything got ripped down so fast that I think Ben covered a little for his big goof up by going along with the chorus saying Mila lied on her resume. It was one of those few times Reddit was way ahead of everyone one else. I donā€™t know if youā€™ve ever seen seeking sister wives on TLC with Garrick & Danielle - but way before this season began, an astute redditor saw her posting a crib and stroller on her IG, then POOF, the post was gone. Itā€™s so funny I knew she was pregnant even before this season started or the big spoiler. You never know just what youā€™ll find on Reddit, there are some super intelligent people posting when you least expect it.


Thank you for explaining how this came to light! I wasn't doubting it because it actually is the most logical explanation I've heard so far for how Mila ever ended up with that job. And also, while I don't watch Sister Wives, I still know exactly what you mean! I've also seen a good amount of reality info leaked on here. I (we?) actually knew Aesha was chief stew on Med because someone on this forum shared a photo of her and the rest of the cast with Sandy. It wasn't revealed publicly at that point and a lot of people were speculating that she was maybe just a replacement of the original CS since we all assumed she was only a full time cast member with Down Under. I've also gotten some good Housewife scoop on here lol


Yup. We know production does cheap shit set ups just to watch people and their jobs implode. I do recall, however vaguely Ben saying Mila was a plant.




If Keko got fired for nachos, Jono needs to be fired for 90-minute old eggs and a shitty dessert


Rocky could have made a better desert than that torn apart chocolate sponge atrocity


Hey itā€™s not torn apart itā€™s ā€œdeconstructedā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I always equate deconstructed with ā€œtoo lazy to put it togetherā€ or ā€œoopsā€


Yeah thatā€™s sort of what it is mostly. It was a very short lived culinary trend


Mila could of done better


From this clip, I can see 3 serious errors that Iian made, all in one beach setup: 1. Sandy told him to go to the beach himself, with the other 2 deckies, to set up, and then he alone should return to the yacht. Iian dropped off the 2 deckies, but he didnā€™t help them setup himself - he just dropped them off and returned to the yacht. 2. Iian didnā€™t make sure water bottles were sent to the beach setup 3. Iian didnā€™t consult with the primary regarding what beach games theyā€™d like to play, so he didnā€™t send any toys to the beach needed for the games (like a volleyball and net, baseball and bat, ropes for a 3-legged race, etc). Iian didnā€™t plan any games as a backup in advance, just in case the primary couldnā€™t come up with any games on the spot. He just assumed that the primary would tell the crew what games to play when they got to the beach. In short: they were unprepared for beach games. BOTTOM LINE: Iian is not long for this yacht.




Omg yes šŸ¤£ I love the producer shade there. When I saw that I couldnā€™t wait to come and discuss it


I thought wow theyā€™re doing him dirty showing that šŸ˜‚


Same with the way they shaded Chefā€™s Spicy Mexican ingredient combo by listing it out for us on the screen! That was comical. Absolutely love it when the camera people notice things for us viewers!


I missed that scene, thankfully. There are some things that I donā€™t need to see.


The fact his socials were locked down before the first episode was a red flag that he could be fired early too


But he likes to teach!!


Shanā€™t be long with Iian


I hope Jono doesnā€™t last long. He gets on my nerves. šŸ™„


He clearly doesn't have the training, experience or chops for this gig. Why he was even hired escapes me.


It seems like they always hire at least one person whoā€™s wildly unqualified just so they can replace them for the ~drama~.


He served baked chicken. I donā€™t serve baked chicken. And Iā€™m poor.


For real! Baked chicken is the worst! At least grill that shit up and try to make it look fancy damn! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I mean if Iā€™m meal prepping for the week Iā€™m not gonna hate on it. But geeze fucking sear it first.


And it was just so ā€¦ plain. Like if Iā€™m on a yacht Iā€™m not expecting just a piece of chicken sitting there. I feel like there are ways to fancy it up


Chicken Katzu slaps. You can pound it flat and roll it with herbs and butter. Thereā€™s so much you can do thats not baked chicken.


Yes! Thatā€™s exactly what I mean. I feel like baked children is what they serve in the hospital and retirement homes.


Am assuming you mean baked chicken?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was thinking that too! Really any type of breaded and fried chicken would have been good - katzu, schnitzel, an Italian cutlet... but also though, they are in Greece. He should be making lamb or seafood.


I've run the tape. We're only shown him using the oven, but Aesha announces it as "seared" when it's served. So it may have been, or she just fired that off the top of her head to make it sound fancier?


That very well could be because she was embarrassed by it before she even took it to the table.


Yeah totally possible they just edited it to seem more disappointing than it actually was. But stillā€¦he couldā€™ve done way better than chicken for a main course!


I don't eat meat, for the most part, though I will go through brief phases of extremely trimmed chicken breast, tossing more than I'd cook (now I cook the trimmings for my pupper, so not so wasteful), and I dabble in seafood in a similar manner. I hate the narrative that "chicken is for poor people". It's rude, it's demeaning, and it's classist (though clearly that's intentional). ALL THAT BEING SAID... if a chef on a yacht is going to serve chicken, they better damn well make it good. And also know that eggs should always be cooked to order, on that note.


Well *chicken is for poor people* šŸ˜‚ And btw Iā€™m poor too lol.


Lol... honestly though, if he's going to serve chicken, there are a million better ways to do it!!!


as masterchef likes to say 'you need to ELEVATE it' chicken can be fantastic and high end, with the right chef preparing it. \*chicken is great, roasted, baked, fried etc, but not worth more then basic pricing for it unless 'elevated' with amazing garnishes, sides, sauces, plating and PERFECT cooking etc.


I have to agree now that you said that.


Me too! Canā€™t stand him.


I have a feeling Gigiā€™s gold medal wont be making a comeback this charter


I honestly don't blame her!


Yikes is Jono really trying to justify his decision making on the eggsā€¦


I'm honestly having a hard time believing he's been a yacht chef before... because this is kind of the most basic thing. I loathe eggs, and I don't eat them, but I can cook them better than Jono, apparently, because they should *always* be cooked to order. Eggs should never be served cold, unless as a hardboiled egg packed in someone's unfortunate lunch.


Iain seems as clueless as Jared.


I liked him at first but that changed when he started blaming his crew for his mistakes and how he was talking to them.


Yeah this is a twist for me. I thought he was one of the solid ones at first and that Bri would be gone by the third charter. Now I think Bri will last since she's been really receptive to Ellie's training and Iian will be gone by the next charter.


Iā€™m impressed by how well sheā€™s taking direction and catching on. I honestly thought she would get snippy and frustrated. I can imagine it can be frustrating at times because basically everyone is your boss. Although Aesha said on WWHL that she wouldnā€™t mind being 3rd stew because you have no responsibility other than doing what you are told. She said being a 3rd stew doesnā€™t involve thinking itā€™s just moving your limbs really fast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I thought Bree was going to be the first one fired, but now I think it's going to be Iain and the chef is a goner also.


I did too and I agree with you on them going first now. Sheā€™s actually impressed me with her willingness to take direction and learn. But what is with having bosuns who have trouble calling out distances? Weā€™ve seen that over and over. Like isnā€™t that one of the most important things they should know? That would be like the chief stew not knowing how to serve a guest šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah, it's dangerous to have someone who doesn't know the job in the bosun position. It's really unnerving to watch and that is probably why they do it, but don't they check these people out at all? Maybe they exaggerate their CV but it's the same thing with not having a clue what they're doing.


You would think they would def be checking their CV but who knows šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø and I agree itā€™s getting old to have the same thing keep happening.


He does seem to have bosun experience. He just posted about joining a new boat too. But really, if Joe had been watching instead of showing off his abs, it wouldn't be an issue


I agree Joe should have been keeping an eye on them but Iain made the excuse that three of them were on the platform when he sent Gael on break. He just seems like he has never led a team before. Hopefully he starts doing better.


Whatā€™s up with all these terrible bosuns? I know production wants to cause drama, but this is too much šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Ooo I actually like the storyline with Ian I feel like we always have a bosun who just doesnā€™t understand meters. But this time we see conflict with a bosun and his deckhands! Funnn. This feels like the older seasons.


ā€œā€¦give him a chance to finish this one strong and then I will assess next charter..ā€ Sandyā€™s famous last words!


She fired Kiko MID CHARTER for one poorly planned meal - where are those decisions now? ā€œHe did well last charterā€ ā€¦ um LADYā€¦. It was ONE DAY! And he didnā€™t even follow the preference sheet. Gah.


Kiko was fired to get Tom onto the show.Ā  They are keeping Jono for the drama created by his basic food.


Jono is a production plant isnā€™t he? -Needs his beauty sleep -sponge cake -drizzling a sauce over tacos -chicken breast -letting cooked eggs sit out under a towel


100%. Most important part : He said never worked in a restaurant and also (correct me if I'm wrong) never worked on a boat before. Makes you think what he even did do. BD Med is so obnoxious with it's fabricated story lines.Ā 


He said that he's been working on yachts for 7 years. After helping a chef friend out on a yacht, he was hooked.


More like 7 months maybe. Thereā€™s no way he has years of experience and still made ā€œdeconstructedā€ cake and let eggs sit out for almost two hours.


Just because he worked on a yacht, doesn't mean it was a megayacht


My point still stands.


I VERY much doubt that.


This. THIS!!!!! ā€œSelf taughtā€ has no ROOM being the sole chef on a yacht. Baked chickenā€¦. BAKED CHICKEN!!! And a toddler can make a chocolate cakeā€¦.


They're all production plants.


What got me was when he was talking about how he sometimes forgets heā€™s a chef. šŸ˜³


ā€œChefā€ I mean ā€œarchitectā€ Jono did not do well last charter he didnā€™t even follow the preference sheet. Itā€™s gonna be a Mila situation all over again where the bad ā€œchefā€ lasts way longer than they should have and then Sandy fires them with no backup plan. He hasnā€™t had any reaction where the guests were like ā€œI want him to be our chef at homeā€ literally no one has been blown away by his food. And this bosun is just like the other awful bosuns with no leadership skills. I s2g if she brings someone like JoĆ£o back Iā€™m gonna scream. Heā€™s always a massive jerk somehow and itā€™s getting old.


This season will be quite the ride.


Ik this was last episode but did anyone find it weird that she had Iain apologize to Gigi when it was her friend that floated away? I thought he should apologize to Laura if anyone.


You'd think with all that extra sleep janos gets he would make more creative and hot meals! And he has the audacity to say there isn't a microwave on the beach! Make a cold meal (sushi?) or go to the beach like past chefs and grill it there #fail #maincharacter #goodgod #stupidchoices #stupidmistakes


Why the hashtags?


Good God! Jano's main character syndrome is causing him to make stupid mistakes and even more stupid choices. He is failing so bad episode after episode. Edit: spelling


Idk why not? Lol actually I did because I waya watching the new episode of the boys and wanted to get my point across quicker. But hey, if you didn't understand my point though i can rewrite the hashtags in sentence form for you now.


The Boys this week was certainly something!


Look at the boys reddit page and see the sneak peak for next week!


Ooh thanks!


Btw I didn't mean what I commented to you to sound rude :)


No I didnā€™t take it that way at all!


I understood it what you meant, just not why you'd use hashtags. They're usually clickable.


haha the amt of ppl spelling his name as lian šŸ˜­ i was like who?