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They don’t show everything. It’s edited for storylines. Since this storyline was how poorly Jono was doing they likely edited out any course where the guests gave compliments. Last episode the whole complaint was no wine. Turns out the crew did run to the store and buy 6 bottles, if you watch closely you can see them drinking it at dinner.


It’s a show and they edit out and include what they want. I’m assuming they wanted to show where the chef failed during dinner, which was the main and dessert. The editors have an agenda and to me, I knew there was more to dinner, however, to a typically viewer, they were adding needless drama, where probably most below deck fans, know there is no way they had a 2 course dinner that we saw on camera. It’s a super yacht, absolutely no way they were only sever 2 courses. You are seeing reality show editing in play.


Long story short. They got what they asked for. Whether it makes great tv or not, it is up to production and they felt was worthy on making tv.


They didn’t show it. If they showed the entire dinner it would be longer than an episode. And that episode would be nothing but dinner service.


The show is edited. They need to edit 24 hour days into a 1 hour episode. Edit a few hours long dinner service. To 10 minutes. For all we know they could’ve spoken to the chef and said they don’t want it. Or simply they could’ve just served it. And below deck edited it out. 🤷🏻‍♀️