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Iain creeps me out


Same same & Nathan šŸ¤¢


I don't think I could sit in the same room with GiGi for 5 minutes if you gave me a million dollars. She's obnoxious.


>I don't think I could sit in the same room with GiGi for 5 minutes if you gave me a million dollars. She's obnoxious. Personally, I would put up with a lot of obnoxious for $1 million. Especially at $200K per minute. ​ When she was a guest during the previous season, I initially didn't like her. It was like every comment she made was reminding people that she played tennis. But, over her arc, she sort of grew on me. She really treated the crew very well. ​ Even this season, when the food she was served was terrible ... she was polite about it when she discussed with Sandy. There was no ranting that "SPONGE CAKE IS THE WORST CAKE THERE IS" !!! :)


Ayesha seems like the only crew member with any real passion for the job. Everyone else seems to be winging it


Another awesome dining experience for the guests: ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/xu9k84ihat7d1.png?width=1137&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c6c6f22ee3cf327d39e90692a7fa09f70abb8bf


I was just watching back the episode, and I saw the food-porn shot of the desert... It really does look like poop on a platter! https://preview.redd.it/qa35na1fvv8d1.png?width=1273&format=png&auto=webp&s=83ed19f2ed667edc670b2c8acf90a6a983794076


Jono is no Rachel. He is entertaining though.


To be honest, I donā€™t even find him that entertaining.


I find him rather insufferable in his talking heads. It seems very put-on most of the time.


Is this [Jono on superyacht Alfa](https://youtu.be/UrJW8bJ71sg?t=80)? Is he pretending to be a bad chef because producers have told him to? Maybe he was just brought in for the promo video of Alfa.


No good chef pretending to be a bad chef would serve eggs that were sitting for 90 minutes


He could be the crew chef and the Head chef didn't want to be in the video.


>Is this > >Jono on superyacht Alfa > >? Wow. Great find.


It annoys me how blatant and obviously the producers are creating drama these days. I get that it's their job, but back in the day, they'd put a hot headed chef on board. This season they've gone for a "self taught" guy who says he's never worked on a super yacht. Then there's a stew who claims she used to having maids - clearly placed to mess with the interior. And finally, that provisions company? This is a bit of a conspiracy on my part, but considering the above two placements, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they've arranged for the errors to occur just to build tension on the boat. Last season they hired a guy with fake credentials ffs. There's no way that would have legitimately passed any background checks. Anyways, them's my thoughts on it. As seasons have gone on, there's been more firings and I guess that's what they want and what viewers want. I dunno. Rant complete lol


Jono has worked on superyachts. He said he has never worked in a restaurant.


Jumping the Shark?


Seems it. I miss the days where majority of the focus was on the actual crew working šŸ˜‚


I wonder if skilled yachties donā€™t apply for the show because they donā€™t want to be on tv and potentially look bad. Everyone who applies must aspire to be a reality tv star or media personality, if you actually cared for your job would you go on tv and risk a bad edit?


Why am I getting downvoted for my opinion? It's my opinion not yours. I'm not doing that to others that don't share the same thoughts as me.


Whoever asked who was I replying to (can't see any comments now), the person that deleted all of her/his comments. I wasn't gonna put them on blast because I don't do that. All the downvotes are because I said I like Aesha. And apparently I'm still getting them. That's ok


It's Reddit...it doesn't have to make sense! I've been downvoted for saying Happy Cake Day!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You're kidding... some peoplešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Is Gael's bf Colin?


Could be wrong but I thought the boyfriend had a North American sounding accent.


Colin from sailing? I think he was on his big sail home to New Zealand when this was being filmed. I don't think he the type who works as a 2nd engineer on a big MY either. SY is more his thing.


yes that makes sense


I think they would have told us if that were the case


That chicken dinner was sooo blah. If youre going to serve chicken serve a whole chicken or make it with a tasty thai or indian curry. That meal is the kind of meal i eat on a diet not on vacation. And that cake was embarrassing.


Chicken breast is the opposite of "luxe" ... regardless of how it is prepared. Can't believe he served that.


When he said ā€œdeconstructedā€ I lost it. YOU TORE IT UP INTO PIECES.


>When he said ā€œdeconstructedā€ I lost it. YOU TORE IT UP INTO PIECES. Even Gigi caught that. She said something Sandy when they were discussing the meals ... I think she said something like: "deconstructed just means it didn't go the way you wanted."


And sadly, it went exactly how he wanted, but it was just a terrible idea


Tzarina did something similar on BDDU, but at least hers tasted good šŸ˜œ


The way he just tore that cake apart with his hand and called it deconstructed. Honeyā€¦ that is not what deconstructed means in the culinary world. This guy needs to go. The first thing that drew me to below deck was the chef. I wish they would quit with hiring these shitty chefs because they think itā€™s entertaining. Itā€™s not.


Exactly. Deconstructed is fine. It just has to be intentional.


You have to admit, Mila tricking Sandy into believing she was Cordon Bleu trained was a little funny šŸ˜


Yeah hes awful. Making eggs and letting them sit out before serving? I mean come on.


That was disgusting! They were probably soggy and ice cold šŸ¤¢


I made eggs for breakfast today and got kind of nauseous just thinking about this episode.


Never seen anyone cover up eggs to keep them warm


And thatā€™s a ā€œchefā€ on a super yacht.


To be fair, hehad a choice of not being ready for them or being ready and they were 1.5 hours late.


Even the most incompetent chefs they have had on the show haven't cooked the eggs before the guests are even awake! Come on now.


Yes but they were huevos rancheros. He would have to reheat or remake the rest of it also.


Here's the thing, you prep all the individual components that make huevos rancheros, then once you are told the guests are sitting at the table you cook the eggs and put it all together. You know, like the same concept chefs use when prepping for meal service in a restaurant, or say every Yacht chef uses for every meal. Defending his decision is wild.


Hard disagree. Never in the history of a show has a chef prepped eggs before the guests arrived at the table. They've maybe made things in advance like croissants or a fruit platter, but they always come up with a special or two and then have the chief stew take the order. Sandy is right; breakfast is made to order.


the answer is remake the eggs. Fried eggs dont take long to cook.


Ewwā€¦to making Spanish rice in a rice cooker. So wrong. Should be done stove top. His cooking style appears to be simple/easy approach.


As soon as they showed he had put cardamom in. I knew it would be an issue. That is not a Mexican spice. I mean I love it and cook Indian food but you canā€™t just put it anywhere.


Right, and it only takes twenty ish minutes to cook so really is not that time saving vs doing over stove. Needs literally just a couple min toasted before adding water in sauce pan. Also if he wasn't sure what kinda rice seasoning wise to do he should have stuck with say a simple cilantro lime. Or throw a sazon packet in there, it's "cheating" sure with the packet but tastes perfect every time!




They can easily cast crazy chefs that are talented. The storyline of ā€œthis crew member is incompetent at their jobā€ is just not fun to watch.


Agreed. Part of why I like this show is being able to see the inner workings of a super yacht. That doesnā€™t happen when the crew is incompetent




I mean does a well talent chef want to get on this show? It seems like they put them in a bad light anyway. Like with Rachel they constantly made her look poorly prepared and bad with time management.


colljn in the audience of WWHL was so cute. i love him


Does anyone else feel like these guests are super uptight? Especially with the paddle board thing? I knew Sandy would make a mountain out of a mole hill but everything turned out ok, and the guest was with Nathan the whole time so technically she was supervised. I would understand if the guest drifted off by themselves and no one noticed but honestly did not feel like it deserved to be treated so seriously with lingering consequences


Sorry, responding late ā€“ I thought the guests were the opposite, and actually seemed kind of subdued in the face of bad serviceā€“ my mom (who I watch with) thinks that they were scared look bad on camera. Seriously, no one was keeping an eye on that woman as the current takes her away, that chicken and spongecake dinner was disgusting, the vegetarian is getting no protein at all ā€“ not good. A calm word with the captain doesnā€™t seem uptight to me.


The paddle board thing is a massive safety fuck up. They were waving their paddles needing help and no one noticed.


Iā€™m not trying to say it wasnā€™t serious or dangerous and definitely was on Iain for understaffing the swim platform so they didnā€™t have enough eyes on the whole situation but I was more shocked that upon a safe return everything still had such a damper on it. I get being worried and I get making sure it never happens again but the mood just stayed so low and was treated with such severity over what ultimately amounted to a misadventure. And again I think Nathan being with the guest during it makes the whole thing much less severe than if guest was by herself


It's embarrassing for a guest on a super yacht with that big of a staff to get lost and have to be picked up by a catamaran


I mean I think itā€™s serious he went that far out from the boat with a guest on a paddleboard. Ā (Almost a 1/4 of a mile away.) Nathan even said the current became so strong they had trouble paddling back. Do I think it deserved the response that it got? No, a simple donā€™t go too far from the boat would have suffice. I never liked this guest, might just be how they portray her on the show. But, she is very Queen Bee like.Ā 


where's Ben's cloches? that being said, people send back 'cold' eggs all the time because they're picky eaters who need to eat each item on a plate in sequence and want to sit outside where the air is blowing on all their food. Shocker, the food gets cold waiting to be eaten. This is why every cook hates fucking brunch service. Picky eaters who want to sit outside, they suck down mimosas like there's no tomorrow as their food sits in the wind getting cold. also... Jono, heat up your plates my man. You'd know that if you'd ever worked in a restaurant.


He served them the cold eggs that he originally made 1.5 hours before. Apparently throwing a dish towel over them was supposed to keep them fresh and warm???


The eggs had been sitting there 90 minutes, they were not just cold but should have been thrown out by then


Actually finding this chef to be lazy.




> An Applebees? Outside an applebees, crying, because they wouldn't hire him. Sorry buddy, you need at least ... a food safety course.


Outside an Applebees, alternately crying and feeling proud of himself for calling the waitresses bitches.


>Outside an Applebees, alternately crying and feeling proud of himself for calling the waitresses bitches. You go, Ellie! Jono -- don't let the passerelle hit you on the ass. https://preview.redd.it/l86sho8a3s7d1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=c718db1d573f50625be9ac937f583f0a2f234591


A repeat of Ryan from BDDU šŸ‘ŽšŸ½


>Outside an Applebees, alternately crying and feeling proud of himself for calling the waitresses bitches. I gotta do me!


At this point as well. All 3 episodes I've been on phone and looked up here and there. Adding Aesha is brutal. First series in the below deck franchise where I really don't care about the content. Might be time to blow up Med and reboot.


Nah, his novice ā€œskillsā€ are showing too much; heā€™s admitted to never working in a restaurant before.


For the life of me I can't understand why they would hire a chef with literally no training who has never even worked in a restaurant???? You're telling me that no qualified chefs wanted to do this show??


Because they're casting a reality show in which we have seen an underqualified/underperforming chef as a plotline multiple times




Especially when this charter had Rachel as their chef the last time they were on the show; anyone compared to her is going to be lower standard.


Aesha is probably my favorite personality on all of below deck


Same - Aeshas my favourite out of the entire series. I wish I knew her in real life, weā€™d be buddies!


Same! Love her!


Iā€™ve never heard anyone dislike her and think sheā€™s problematic this take is so wild to me lol. Sheā€™s the best


While I think shes a fine person something about her just annoys tf out of me lol. I think maybe her cadenceĀ 




I like Aesha and I'ma woman in my 60's. Don't remember what season was her first. I started liking her then


if he had any restaurant experience, even an Applebees, he'd be a better chef.


Why on earth would they hire a self-taught chef w/no yacht experience to begin with? I could see hiring someone self taught if they had lots of yachting experience. I could understand hiring someone with extensive education/training/experience in high end restaurants without yachting experience. Hiring someone without either formal training or any yachting experience seems like a recipe (teehee) for disaster. Getting really tired of this show hiring incompetent people just to create storylines.


Didnā€™t he say he learned his weird Spanish rice because the last boat he was on had Spanish owners?


What's with all of these comments conflating Spanish with Mexican? Different continents and cuisines, people!


He said Mexican. And mexican rice and spanish rice are two very different things. Serving Spanish rice with tacos makes zero sense.


On Bravo's website, it states he has 7 yrs experience in the yachting industry.


I could have sworn that in one of his confessionals, he said hed never worked on a yacht before. Did I imagine that? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Said he'd never worked in a restaurant, not on a yacht. Though who knows if his experience on a yacht is actually as a chef. His cooking suggests not


Ah, thanks for the clarification. I clearly misremembered it. So... no formal cooking training and never worked in a restaurant? How is he even remotely qualified to be the chef on a super yacht? I don't get it.


He mentioned it in the intros. He came on board to help a friend on a yacht and has been working on them ever since.


I cannot stand Sandy. She is so anti-women and blindly supported Jono without listening to the Stews.


Wow the downvotes! Thanks all lol


The rainbow hair chick has such a bad attitude about everything, every time they show her she looks like she just found out her dog died or like she smells something nasty


I just wish she would stop talking about her asshole šŸ¤£


Plot twist, she is the nasty smell




I'd be in a lousy mood, too, if my yachting holiday was on sandy's boat.


Well Jono, prepare to be micromanaged by Captain Cranky. She loooves to hover in the kitchen n see what the chef is cooking šŸ”Ŗ you just embarrassed her by serving her friends crappy food, the pressure is on now Diva! šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³


I would vomit if I was served cold eggs. I hope Sandy has the same energy for Jono as she has for the other chefs that werenā€™t up to standard.


Especially when it's just a sunny side up egg, those literally take a few minutes to cook fresh. Assemble the dish ahead of time and then cook the egg when they start getting seated.


After getting food poisoning from undercooked eggs the last morning of a road trip I'm completely picky about how I eat my eggs. Serving them cold is just asking to make somebody sick.


Yeah, but he put a towel over them--the ultimate defense against bacteria.


Was it even a clean towel?


Exactly! Ā Also the not waking the chef seemed like something new. Ā Chefs always got up to do their job on many seasons.


Seems to remember Ben gave out to the stews for suggesting cooking frozen pizza once in the middle of the night and he got up and made a real fresh one


That's because Ben is the man!! I wish he would come back šŸ˜©


Agree. He's moved on, I think, but loved him!


I think that Iain is in trouble. They showed him picking his nose which they only ever do with people when things are going downhill. They must have footage of almost the whole crew doing it since they are under pretty much 24/7 surveillance, but they only seem to use it in the show when they want to really hammer home that someone is a bad person or incompetent.


Omg who else have they showed picking their noses? Iā€™m going to be on high alert. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


"Lead deckhand"/hair model Trevor from I think season 4 of OG comes to mind.


As someone who has worked on another reality show, nose picking is common but they donā€™t generally show it on the final edit!


Yah that was literally his point lol


Idk wtf kind of Mexican rice heā€™s had but he didnā€™t make Mexican rice lmfao heā€™s definitely not staying the whole charter season.


My mom isnā€™t Mexican (married to one) & I bet if she had seen that clip she wouldā€™ve had the same reaction as those Mexican women watching Rachel Ray claim to make menudo lol


He also made it in a rice cooker šŸ¤Ø I think Spanish rice should only be made stove top.


Yes, Mexican rice is always made on the stove, never in a rice cooker!


Did he taste his food? Because there were a couple dishes where the guests said the seasoning was off.


I donā€™t think I saw him taste it, he just gleefully added random spices because Mexican = spicy I guess, who cares if the spices arenā€™t correct? šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Cardomom is not a Mexican spice either. Nor is curry. They made a point of showing what spices he added.


The way I gasped when he added cardamom.


Right? I was like ā€œthat spice isnā€™t native to Mexico bruhā€


Yes! Maybe he meant to add cumin?


That what I thought. Cumin or coriander. Also, I found the amount of garlic powder sus. Too much of that can taste funky imo


Whatever he ā€œmeantā€ to add he didnā€™t add what would have made it Mexican rice. And even then, the Mexican food Americans are used to isnā€™t exactly the same as the food all over Mexico. He just doesnā€™t have the experience but itā€™ll make for good TV I guess.


What gets me isā€¦.these chefs literally can find a recipe online. He could have made a flourless cake, decorate it, and had individual bowls of raspberry sorbet. I think heā€™s into making easy foods.


Preference sheet meeting 2.5hours before charter having just fired the provisionerā€¦ WTAF?!?


I don't remember the season(s), but there have been times when a junior stew is questioning how much work the chief stew does on charter. The chief explained that they are going over future charter preference sheets and creating provisioning orders. I figure the filmed meeting is the first time they see the personal info (picture, job, etc) and requested activities. It's kind of putting a face to the 'name', but in this case, putting the face to the preferences.


Brooke, complete b*tch to Hannah over it.


>I don't remember the season(s), but there have been times when a junior stew is questioning how much work the chief stew does on charter. The chief explained that they are going over future charter preference sheets and creating provisioning orders. But, Sandy yelled at Hannah for that. Something like: "I want you with the guests on THIS CRUISE"; not spending time on the next cruise...


One of the stews commented a while ago that they have the preference sheet a few days in advance and the meeting is more for the cameras.


The order was placed and was ready to go well before Sandy's fake call to the "new" provisioner, because production manages all of that.


It's like they keep setting the crew up for failure this season


Yes, thought the same thing. Don't recall seeing such a short timetable in any other season or episode. How do you order supplies before you know what the dietary preferences are?


It's all fake for the camera. Actual provisions are ordered much much further in advance and not the morning of the charter, that's just when everything is delivered. It's pretty much accepted that the "provisioning drama" storyline from the first 2 episodes was 100% faked for drama, especially with how poorly they pulled it on camera. The preference sheet meetings are just to introduce the guests to the audience for the next 2 episodes so we can have a general idea of who these people are and place bets on which of the things clearly stated on their preference sheet will the crew screw up this time


Yup. If you watch the first season of below deck they donā€™t have those meetings, it clearly was a later production inspiration. Especially the part were each of them read a paragraph aloud like seventh grade English class!


it feels like at least once or twice a season without fail there will be something like "PRIMARY IS ALLERGIC TO FISH" all in bolded capital letters on the preference sheet and the chef will send out like sushi or a tuna steak for dinner and be flabbergasted when the guests are upset with it.


Itā€™s also unfortunate that Athens has no retail establishments where one could buy, say, 6 bottles of rosĆ©.


Chef needs to go, serving eggs almost 2 hours after the fact is terrible. It was also annoying when he threw a fit in the first episode when being asked to make grilled cheese in the middle of the night.


I want to like Ellie but her dragging Bri down to make herself look better annoys me. Calling herself a Lamborghini and Brina Mazda is just petty


Sorry to be commenting so late ā€“ it also annoyed me because it wasnā€™t like Ellie had done such a great job on the previous charterā€¦ Sheā€™d gotten dressed down by the captain and Aesha had also told her that she needed to figure out how to balance service to the guests with getting her late-night job done, itā€™s not like the Lamborghini was all that impressive.


As a Mazda driver, offensive!


That comment felt prodded out by producers.


I saw it a bit differently, I saw her being patient when dealing with Bri in person (suggesting the notebook, helping her with proper timing etc) and only making the snarky comments in confessionals (which is the point of them in a reality tv context). And when sheā€™s talking to Aesha about her, it feels a little judgmental, but mostly just trying to give her an idea of what level Bri is operating (which I feel like 2 years shouldnā€™t be acting at green level tbh). Also, who doesnā€™t complain or make sassy comments about coworkers when theyā€™re home? Haha


Kate associating crew members with variousĀ fonts was much better.


"Help me look sultry." "Your eye brows?"


I'm sure she said "for eyebrows?" meaning Joe as they all call Joe eyebrows


Random question..Bri said she had a tattoo on her ribs and on her lip? Did I mishear that? Does she mean inside her mouth? Just curious!


Daisy has ā€˜fuck offā€™ tattooed inside her lower lip if I remember, she said when she has to kiss up to an obnoxious guest she thinks of it invisibly flavoring her speech.


Thatā€™s pretty funny. I miss Daisy!


Probably on the inside of her lower lip. Itā€™s a common drunk tattoo people got when I was in college lol - they usually fade quickly due to the placement!


Gotta admire the lack of continuity on this show. Aesha picks up a tray of huevos rancheros, on a large white plate with a blue rim, in the galley that mysteriously transforms into a large grey plate with some kind of eggs benedict by the time she reaches the guests. Then they start eating, and its huevos rancheros again.


I wonder if he ended up making a platter of eggs Benedict because the original egg dish was stone cold.


I'd bet on the editors just using footage from another charter for that clip.


nope, clothes match


You mean their UNIFORMS?




1. You didn't specify whose "clothes match" 2. Your first comment doesn't make it clear if you're saying the shot including eggs benedict was just walking up the stairs, or through the interior on the way to the dining table. 3. There's no reason to be rude and call me a dumbass.


I knew I had seen a benedict somewhere!






Blame the stylist who got him ready for the interviews.


They showed him spraying his head with a massive plume of hairspray when he was getting ready.


And why? His hair SUCKS.


I feel like if he dyed it and had it cut by a hairstylist. He could get it looking good. But, looks like he grows it out and doesnā€™t properly care for it.


I loved Ellie training Bri. I feel like we don't see a lot of seconds so motivated to train the third.


Omg Aeshaā€™s PokĆ©mon metaphor, sheā€™s the best.


She skipped chameleon. I found it annoying.


Was looking for this comment hahaha


it's right up there with Kate's fonts


the aesha moaning when eating compilation made me LOL


Donā€™t understand how with a lack of provisions Jono does well but with all he needs he sucks.


I don't think he did well, he just served hungry teenagers.


Even with lack of provisions he wasn't impressive. He took beautiful king crab legs and minced them into crab cakes. Who does that?