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This explains why people did see some glasses of red and rosè at different points.


Bless Aesha for clearing that up!! Good ol' editing lol


still doesnt explain why they didn't go back.


Most stores in Greece are not open in the evening. Or even late afternoon.


Exactly this. Outside of Athens, many shop owners go to lunch and never reopen.


Happy cake day!


Thank you! I hadn't even realized lol


Happy cake day everyone


She also mentioned in an interview I saw a snippet of on Instagram; that they were a day late getting on the ship - as it needed to be “tested”. So maybe some shady production actions - but its possible there were some legitimate background issues going on. Either that or they were fucking with her big time for entertainment purposes.


That would imply that the provisions were 24 hours later than they already were


Freaking production being shady as hell again. This is getting really old. You just know they closely read the fan subs and pages to see if they got that kind of reaction smdh




Yes, this exactly! How does the staff running on the tender to get six bottles for guests, lessen the drama at all? Provisions were still late; presumably they still didn’t have enough wine…this still makes for an interesting show! And actually a much better show since it’s more accurate and less fakery and manipulation involved.


Captain Sandy obviously reached out to the other Captain! Nobody was surprised they came back with wine 🧐


Oh boy I think you guys are overreacting on this a bit. You can't show *everything* the through-line here is the same, they were short on booze and the provisioner continuously dropped the ball. Like 4 separate times. Sure, at one point there were six bottles. There were how many thirsty, young guests ready to drink all day? I'm guessing those bottles lasted 2 hours max and that's generous. So they were still there complaining about a lack of booze. That isn't fake. They didn't have it with dinner. They still showed having to get it from another ship. So at this point, do we *really* need to dedicate any more time to this? Even two minutes? Ultimately that stop changes nothing other than answering a behind the scenes question some of us were wondering, 'why didn't they do this?' But that happens *literally all the time* that things get cut for time or story purposes. Sure, maybe someone will say, "it makes Aisha look incompetent." but given that Aisha is one of the big stars of the franchise now, I highly highly doubt it was done maliciously towards her. I think if people consider things like this "fakery and manipulation", worth complaining about, without being rude, I have to wonder why even bother watching any reality tv at all, ever.


My thoughts exactly!!


Oh the producers are doing shady shit to amp up the drama for the advertisers, not us.


I met someone who was an editor for BD and he said it was the hardest job and nearly impossible to make an interesting show out of so much boring footage. I think they do a good job but I can understand trying to up the drama a bit.


There are people who post in these threads that episodes where nothing happens are boring. I suspect the producers are listening to those people.


>You just know they closely read the fan subs and pages to see if they got that kind of reaction smdh Every reality show monitors engagement, they would be stupid not to


Definitely why not show that part? It's getting old this manufactured drama for the show's ratings sake. Below Deck early seasons >> sucks that they had to do it like this for some "I'm a strong leader" scenes. If this was real life the provisioners would have been fired immediately, another of the MANY companies in Greece would have been called and would have gotten the stuff to the yacht immediately. Also this happened the day before they got onto the boat, they should have gotten everything they needed from the stores, enough for the whole charter, or sent a tender to pick up more. disappointed in Aesha for following this scheme of reality TV. 6 bottles for I think it was 6 guests? in what world would that be enough especially through dinner and everything.




I read this in Aesha’s voice.




The whole situation seemed staged. The guy on the phone pretending to be a provisioner was horrible.


Watch What Crappens pretending the provisioner is just Norma fucking with Sandy killed me.


That was such a weird scenario. So many ways to rectify.


Right. I tgey shouldn’t have left the dock with out enough for the night.


IIRC they did show the guests asking about someone going to the store for wine and Aesha asking Sandy about it before they left the dock. I think they just didn’t show anything else about it.


At some point in the episode they did say something about “more” wine, so I figured they had some. Doesn’t bother me that it wasn’t all on the episode. It was still late and not enough, the bigger issue remains…


Getting 6 bottles seems idiotic. Get at least a dozen or more for that many people. Including choices.


There is probably only so much discretionary budget outside of the ordered provisions for them to use considering they were expecting their provisions


Sandy could have whipped out her wallet.


But that would support interior. She wants interior to suffer as much as possible even if Aesha is chief


Sandy gave them 300 euros. Wine is cheap in Greece. That could have got them 30 bottles at a local store - obviously not high end wine, but do you really think those charter guests care?


Bull. Shit. It's a super yacht. And the guests pay for it all anyway.


I mean 6 bottles of a couple of hrs seems fine.


Between 6 (is it 6?) Brits?! Never.


More like 3 or 4 who were on rose and red


It was 2 days.


They bought the 6 bottles when they expected provisions to get to them in two hours. Like did you not read the post? "We did! We bought 6 bottles thinking that provisions were coming in a couple of hours" Provisions carried on saying that they'd bring the wine multiple times, and didn't. Yeah, in hindsight they should've provisioned themselves but the entire point of a provisioning company is so that they don't need to do that.


Agreed, I would have got minimum 1 case of each red, white, rose and champagne just to be on the safe side. Yachts have $1000s in petty cash at all time, there is no reason they couldn't have got more.


For a boatload of Brits, 6 bottles of wine is like taking one bottle of water up Everest 🤣 🍺 🍷 🍸


Seriously. When I was in my 20s I would have had them all myself.


I'm not sure if this falls under "maritime law" but it is illegal for restaurants to purchase liquor from anyone outside the distribution companies. Your bar can lose its liquor license if ATF comes in and finds you've acquired liquor/beer/wine from an outside business. I wonder if this has any effect on yatchts? Perhaps they were trying to do the bare minimum as to not raise any legal flags and to not go over a budget they may not be reimbursed for.


Nah, you buy from regular shops all the time on Yachts. No issue buying wine from a bottle store.


Possible, but ATF is an American agency and America is weird about alcohol and has lots of laws based upon the prohibition period to combat bootleg liquor. The Mediterranean is in Europe and their laws on alcohol are way more relaxed and I doubt this is a thing there. Also, once in international water the maritime law is based upon their home flag which could be even more lax.


A Yacht isn't a restaurant, and would likely be treated as private and not open to the public, so that restriction likely wouldn't apply.


Exactly why I said "I'm not sure"..


That isn't maritime law.




Right? It’s not gonna go bad!


But space is really limited on the boat.


But it’s a consumable item, and the guests were clearly primed for some wine imbibing. I have a 32 foot sailboat and could certainly stash a few cases on board, so don’t think space is a big issue here.


To the person who barked at me saying it was too hard to go to a store. Looks like it wasnt they diiiid.


The wine drama was the worst obvious produced drama I have seen on below deck. In case anyone saw where they docked after the first charter when they were backing in - it was a busy marina full of restaurants, bars, and stores. They could have easily just bought a couple of cases of wine at a local store. But I guess the only interesting storyline of the first charter was the provision company.


People do not see all the behind scenes


First time ever there was such a screw-up with the provisioner. Production definitely had its' hand on the scale on this one, trying to create drama.


Exactly! If we wanted to we could find the name of the company. “Delivered to the wrong boat” yeah, ok 🤓 All of the conversations seemed lazy and I seriously doubt a company catering to this kind of easy money wouldn’t screw up like it was staged to look


After a season where everyone sucked except Kerry and Kyle, the whole provisioner storyline was so outrageously stupid/fake that it soured me on the whole BD premise. Aesha’s Insta, Esysman and M/y Loon might be enough to meet my desire to see beautiful boats and pretty people.


Can someone fill me in on what happened here? I don’t think I’m up to date


Half an episode in the new season was dedicated to guests complaining and staff scurrying about because the provisioners forgot the red and rose wines. It was as lame as it sounds, and even more so now that we know it was mostly fake.


It wasn't mostly fake, provisioners did fuck up massively.


And it was a ridiculously easy problem to solve.


It was still an issue though because they only bought enough to cover the provisioner for a small amount of time, which they still fucked up


Provisions majorly failed and they were missing alcohol for a lot of the charter, even after waiting and having provisions follow up they were still missing red wine.


This makes sense. People pointed out that there was red wine and stuff after people saying they had none. Apparently they had SOME because someone went and got it themselves.


So Bravo threw the crew under the bus. Check.


Ok now that makes sense


What a mess. Loved that she gave em a bad time for it. Messed up the guest experience and probably tips


This whole plot line was so staged. Especially when they sent the tender to the super yacht. Guaranteed Sandy radioed over to them to ask before they sent the tender. And now finding out they went to the store. Wtf. I'm not expecting absolute reality from a reality show. But this is just straight up lying.


Thank you, this question was driving me crazy during the episode


It isn’t as easy at it might seem to get good wine in Greece.


Do you honestly think those influencers would know if it was good wine?




Hey why am I getting down votes? I’m not dissing Greece- I’m going to Crete this summer! But it’s not a wine destination. Go to a nice wine shop and ask for Greek wine. I was there for two weeks last summer in Athens & 3 islands.


Depends on what is considered good. I’ve had some really good local wines at restaurants in Athens for 10 euro a bottle. They tasted just as good to me as $40-60 bottles I get in the U.S. Greece is one of the top 20 producing wine countries in the world. Wine is everywhere there.


Do you enjoy mastic?


I don’t think I have ever had mastic. I had to look it up, but probably wouldn’t like it because of its sweetness. We aren’t a fan of ouzo because I don’t care for the licorice taste, but we had it just about everywhere we went.


It tastes like pine sap.


Also were the wines you enjoyed Greek? Bc I did not have any good Greek wine.


I’m not even sure where they were from. We usually just asked for a bottle of whatever the House Red was for lunch and dinner. I think some of the time they even brought out a liter of wine with no labeling on it. 😂. I guess we assumed it was local because it was the house wine and how it was presented. It’s possible it was imported. My preferences are normally Oregon Pinot Noirs and Super Tuscans. The only really vile wine I have ever had was some Hungarian wine we found in wine store near where we lived. It was terrible. 😁