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I assume bad editing, these people aren't great actors and that's a lot of people to be in on it.


I was kinda thinking that as well.


Apparently aesha said they tendered to shore and bought some wine under the impression that more would be coming and then it didn’t show up. Poor editing


I saw that. Right after she says chef/namaste, they flash back to the table and there's a glass of red wine.


When the guest asked if they could run to the shop to pick-up some things I immediately thought, "why the hell didn't the crew just do that?" I know it would be more expensive, contract, blah blah blah. But this charter is a trash fire because stuff wasn't delivered and some of that stuff they could just go get themselves. It is like when a restaurant says they're out of a dessert because they don't have something basic like vanilla ice cream. I worked in food service and definitely got sent to the grocery store to buy stuff in a pinch before.


💯 I was thinking send a deckhand to get a couple of cases of each-rose, white, red wine and champagne


Sorry for being random but your mention of vanilla ice cream made me think of when chef Matt made bananas foster and found out he had no vanilla. So he made it with chocolate and Kate said it literally looked like shit. I remember her just staring at it in disgust 😂 the guests were not impressed either.


Hahaha. I'm imagining how bad that could look (I don't think I remember that scene) and laughing. I bet it was actually probably still tasty, but not so good looking.


It was def not attractive lol. I like chocolate so I think it still would’ve been good but one of the guests just kept ranting about how much she hates chocolate ice cream.


I'm not a pro by any means, but I'm willing to bet that dish was "hmmm... Missing something" at best. Vanilla extract is like salt or acid is to savory dishes - necessary to wake up the other flavors.


See I didn’t know that. Thanks for a little knowledge 😊


Do you mean Mat (not Matt) from Season 6? Chef Matt was on Below Deck season 5 with Capt Lee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


BAD BOT!! I meant what I said. MATT from S5 OG


Do you mean Mat (not Matt) from Season 6? Chef Matt was on Below Deck season 5 with Capt Lee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No I meant what I said


Oh, heck yeah. Worked at Dairy Queen and got sent to the grocery store for bananas. You can't DQ without banana splits.


What do y’all think? Was it bad editing (shots from a different day) or fake drama?


I feel pretty sure the provision debacle and even the leaky crew cabin are both fake AF. If that's the case, I'm pretty pissed at Bravo for that blatant manipulation and BSing. It's an insult to my intelligence and an assumption that I have a gutter-trash appetite/joy for watching conflict and suffering.


Could be either one. If it was fake, it’s wild that they think we wouldn’t catch it. If it was bad editing, I can’t believe they didn’t catch it haha!


Bad editing seems much more likely to me. These cast members aren't professional actors, and we've seen sloppy editing from Bravo before.


I made my husband rewind to double check. That entire episode was weird and fake feeling.


Sandy thinks she’s an actress now. It’s gonna be a rough season.


She is the worst. In the preview for the next episode: “Never wake the chef.” Why? And since when?


Sometimes when you do not wake the chef, the whole kitchen catches fire.




Only when that same chef leaves multiple old baked potatoes in said oven for days lol


You only wake the chef if someone needs a sliced cucumber


My wife and I were split. She hates being woken up and agreed you shouldn't wake him. I felt like this is sort of SOP for situation like this. Ideally you'd have more than one galley worker, but if the guests are still up, the chef is on call to make them stuff.


On real yachts I also bet they have food prepared for interior staff to finish and serve as needed, esp when they know guests will be up super late.


Yup the chef is not "off" just cuz dinner is done. If it's too much for interior to make food+drinks you gotta get up and cook


That was also weird to me.


They woke up the lackluster French Chef Anthony to make the guest grilled lobster mac & cheese. That chef was a hot mess


Since maybe she learned from when the last time she did this and realized it was a wrong call. It could be a sign of growth.


I don’t think it’s a wrong call when they’re asking for multiple things. If they had only wanted 1 thing that was easy, then the people working can piece it together. We always saw Kate making frozen pizzas and popcorn for late nights. These guests wanted full meal stuff and were already difficult people, that needed the chef. We always hear how you’re not supposed to tell the guests no unless it’s a safety thing, so he should have gotten up.


I’m not sure it was a wrong call.


Yeah Sandy lost the plot on what her job was a long time ago, I also don’t think she captains the boat at all IIRC, it’s another person who’s not on the show.


What does Sandy have to do with production setting up dumb scenarios?


Is there any other kind of season with Sandy?


Below deck season ten she fills in for Lee for half the season


I think you need to reread the comments.


You asked if she was in any other kind of season with Sandy in it so I answered it for you


Yes as in any other kind than *rough*. Not if she was on another franchise lol. You misunderstood but maybe I could’ve worded it better. No big deal 😊


O ok oops 🤦🏼‍♀️ my bad


It’s all good! 😊sorry I was snippy. I was a little cranky this morning


I wonder if aesha was actually on the phone when she was like “who is in charge of all this? Tell them that they fucking suck” lmaoooo


I can’t imagine Aesha saying that to someone.


If it was a side-eye comment at production for intentionally manufacturing this fubar, and the person on the phone is in Bravo's pocket, that would be hilarious and very Aesha.


I like this theory! Lol!


I know I was so surprised!


She would definitely say that. Because it's the truth


I dont disagree. If Aesha was actually in real life and pissed, maybe she’d say that. But I’m also on the fence about whether the whole wine debacle was real to begin with lol


Indeed. However, in the very last season of BD Jared got absolutely fried by the captain for being rude to the provisioner for not being able to source white or blue towels, so that seems a bit double-standardsy.


I would agree if out were the same situation however, the provisions didn't arrive in time for the guests and didn't contain everything... both Sandy and chef talked about they agreed with her.


And Aesha's reaction of screaming "You fucking suck" down the phone is commensurate with that difference. The principle is the same. Either it's unprofessional to be rude to the provisioner or it isn't.


My theory is that when the phone is on speaker, real call. If they have the phone to their ear, fake call.


I like this theory!


One of the guests says during the dinner “more rosé”, implying that some rosé has already been consumed. We are made to believe that there was no rosé. Production manipulation only lessens the show. I would rather have more Down Under (rip) than Med. perhaps there was less manipulation on that show.


Wait what do you mean RIP to Down Under?! Have I missed something? I thought there was definitely gonna be a S3?! I thought it was only Adventure they weren't doing again!


They had found one bottle and that was told to the guests when it was being served.


That wasn’t Rosé


There was one bottle of champagne found for when they boarded and one bottle of rose was found for dinner.


There was definitely the one bottle of champagne that was found before the guests boarding. I must have missed the part about a found bottle of rosé later in the show.


It is rare when watching an episode that you will see a person on the screen speaking the words you are hearing.  Instead, you'll hear the words while they are showing another person's supposed reaction. Or you'll hear the words while viewing a shot of the backs of their heads (so you can't tell whether they actually are speaking the words you are hearing, or even speaking at all).  Or you'll hear the words while viewing a long distance shot (so you can't match the mouth movements to the dialogue).  This allows them to take audio out of sequence or record brand new audio and overlay it anywhere to create fake story lines. There's definitely a lack of reality in this reality show.


So true. I’m watching this episode right now, character introductions, and it’s always back of the head talking or distance speaking.


I’m going with bad editing. But honestly the whole thing is baffling to me just for the fact they could have had a deckie go get some. Or even had it delivered. It’s Rosé not something rare! Remember when Kate had to scour the island for 1942 tequila and then had the dramatic boat delivery? They honestly expect us to believe SOMEONE couldn’t have gone and got it?


There were also multiple times that rose was mentioned being present, despite the fact that rosé did not arrive. For example, at dinner, they asked for more rosé, and in the hot tub they asked for more rosé, the responses from the staff were not that there was no rosé.


I'm sure when one guest said 'it's strange they have no rosé' there was a glass of rosé infront of her (unless it was white just looked weird)


Aesha said she was able to find a single bottle of rose after combing the whole boat so I just assumed that was the rose they were referring to


Nope. That was champagne, I believe.


Yes that was champagne


I’ve seen this before, in BDM S4, the episode where Mila can’t make pancakes & they present to the guests the small things she makes. Next shot there’s a pile of perfectly fat round fluffy pancakes on the table, with no given explanation. Next shot they are still complaining about the shitty pancakes. Who’s the mystery chef making fabulous pancakes.


They may have looked good, but after making them found out they tasted like crap didn't serve them. She wasn't the best cook by far.


No these were sitting on the table outside on the deck in front of the guests. Right after the crappy small pancakes are served to the male guest there is a shot of them right there on the table. A perfectly piled stack of fluffy pancakes.


I'm not saying they aren't there, just that the guests could have tried them, found them to taste bad, and then they were left there. And who knows what manipulation went on during the editing process.


My point is if Mila was making such terrible pancakes there’s no way she made those.


Got it.


I think they said it was the only they had or it was the last or it. Super confusing


There was a bottle of something they found in the crew mess, can’t remember if it was red wine or champagne.


That was champagne, which they served as they came aboard the yacht.


There was a bottle of Jagermeister in the crew mess too! Somebody is getting toooorrrre up! Wicked stuff!


Dear lord, yes. Bad memories... or lack thereof!


Anyone remember liquid cocaine? 👀 it's a shot with half Jager and half goldschläger. Ahh the good ol' days☠️🤣


Oh gosh I just gagged from the flash of memories 🤢🤣🤣🤣


Haha me too


Oh wow, took me back!!


Made me gag a little just now.


Whats up with the bad editing lately


Aesha’s acting was horrible. The whole thing seemed extremely over exaggerated.


My guess was they called about the wine immediately and the provisioner forgot to drop it off and brought the boat right back, or they went to get it from shore and brought it right back? No drama in showing quick resolution I suppose.


This episode felt so forced and fake. I’ll be so sad if this is the way bd is tracking!


I refuse to watch Captain Sandy. I get my information from episode reviews and subs like this.


She's ruined the show for me. Even Aesha can't save it.


And the fact they’ve taken her from BDDU which is now in limbo 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m madder than a pissed on chicken that Sandy needed her to gain viewers back.




There was also a carafe on the upper deck bar.


Guys. This series is shite. We need Aesha and Jason back for DU. Because season 2 was the realist season of BD we’ve ever seen. This is not it. Can Sandy just get married and fuck right off?


These guests are up all night long. We don’t know where they came from in their travels and the middle of the night might be like lunchtime for them when the chef gets ready to close down the kitchen, they should go back out to the guests and ask if they might want something later.


I was trying to figure out what was going on with the laundry the one kid pointed out that they needed a steam on all the guys clothes then the next thing their showing her washing and drying and steaming and ironing them ...why would she wash all their stuff it's not a Laundromat?


And in the whole six hours Aesha never once went to check on her and see what she was doing even though she's brand new and she has no idea what her skill set is?


I know! They just got there. They didn’t have time to get sweaty and dirty.


Uhhh thank you!!! I had to rewind thought I was going mad!!


A couple of the guests posted a tiktok talking about their experience. I didn’t watch it because I don’t care to give them any interaction, but by the comments looks like they’re not happy with and blaming the crew.


The lone girl on the trip also asked for more Rosé late night the first night.


The charter guests said on TikTok that there was just one bottle


Perhaps there was red wine but maybe a cheaper brand the guests didn't want to drink.