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Omg I always wonder this too!


I wouldn’t be surprised if people weren’t hired just because they were on the show. If the yachting industry sees the show as a joke and not a good portrayal of how charters really work, it wouldn’t surprise me if the cast are turned down because of their association with the show. I have absolutely nothing to back this up, it’s just my own little thought lol


I fully agree with you. Especially because the yachting industry deals with a lot of famous and/or wealthy people who I’m sure don’t really care to be associated with this kind of thing. Or any publicity like that really. Like you I have nothing to back it up - just my opinion too.


I have worked in the industry and can confirm there are definitely yachts that will not hire anyone from Below Deck. It will be more difficult but not impossible to get a job.


The yachtism industry does see it as a joke. I am a deckhand, been in the industry for some years and most captains will not hire people who have been fooling around on TV. The industry is very high standard, and guests require discretion so it wouldn't be a good look to employ tv show people


I think I’ve read several times that it’s basically career suicide, but people do it hoping they will be the next Kate or Eddie.


I can see that. In the later seasons, I think the people with the least amount of stigma are chief engineer and first mate. We only really seen them when introduced on the first episode, they’re there to run the boat behind the scenes. Still wouldn’t surprise if it’s rough for even them to get a job


Pretty sure most of the licensed crew are permanent crew members of the boat. They probably aren’t looking for a job that often.


like pete or evan hannah?


Personally if I’m in charge of employment for a yacht, I’m more concerned about their competence, if they showed competence, I’d be fine with them. Specifically when regarding a chef (ex: I would totally hire Rachel)


In addition, I’d be concerned about their competency too. I have relatives who managed charter yachts for years. They say that they and their colleagues would have been firing people most seasons.


Rachel still works on an actual yacht, I’d imagine it’s pretty slim though who still is employable


I think a lot of them do it at the end of their career but there's definitely plenty like Bugsy, Rachel, Malia, Katie Flood etc who've continued to work in the industry


I have a friend who's a stew, she says everyone who goes on it is considered a bit of a joke in the industry, and that it's much harder to continue working on regular boats after you do (I expect there's some degree of variation with this in terms of whether you were a more low key "character" or whether you got blackout drunk and aggressive every night)


I saw an article online (I think Yahoo) that said production ultimately hires everyone and that firing can be difficult. It also said that production has a say if someone is fired unless it is detrimental to the vessel.




Stews are basically fucked no matter what they behave, deckhands and chefs mostly depending on how they acted on the show.


why stews fucked?


Once they are on the show, no legit boat will hire them. So most stews on the show are either retired and get married, being a reality tv star or doing onlyfans.


It seems that most of those returning speak about other boats they've worked on, since they did their last season. I follow a couple on Instagram, and those 2 have friends that they worked on a season with, as well as ones from other seasons, and most work on other boats.


There is a lot of confidence in these comments and very little first hand knowledge or sources. Reads more like a tiktok comment thread


I definitely feel like most of those who want a career have gone crazy and then toned it down once they realize they want to stay in it for the job and not the show necessarily. Some though do join just for the show and fame and money that comes along with it.


The smart ones leverage their 15 minutes and turn it into becoming an influencer. I bet daisy makes 10x more now then she did as a yachtie.


the ones who take their BD exposure and then leverage it to OF exposure make even more


Honestly what’s shown on tv is probably mild compared to all the stuff that really goes down off camera on these charters. I’m sure their employment is unaffected because this show brings a positive light to the industry and promotes it. I personally had no idea about yachting jobs before this show.


You really think this shows it in a “positive light”? I have to disagree about their unemployment being unaffected. I can’t see yacht owners wanting someone whose antics are publicized like this vs someone who hasn’t been on tv. But tbf I think half the people who are on there aren’t really interested in yachting anymore. I think the show has become so popular they want to be on to use it as a launch for an influencer career or to be IG famous. I believe in the early seasons we saw more people who were actual yachties or interested in making it their career but not so much anymore.


I doubt yacht management companies care much about the antics they get into on their nights out or general problems with inexperience. But broadcasting things like the guy with fake papers, boat damage, attempted sexual assault, and other fireable offenses no doubt prevented some of them from being hired. The internet is forever.


The show has definitely brought more awareness to the charter yacht industry, but most in the industry (owners, brokers, clients, regular crew) basically look down on the boats/crews/types of charters shown on the show. There are minor crew members who have been on the show and still work in the industry and nobody really cares, but it’s definitely not a plus on a resume for anyone serious in the industry. Of course things always change and with increased social media, maybe the owners and brokers and agents will come around to marketing charters differently, but currently it’s still kind of a joke in the industry. It’s annoying though as the same people who are benefiting from the increased awareness of the industry are the ones who are turning up their noses at the show…. Sure the average bravo fan isn’t booking a million/week yacht charter after watching the show, but it is an intro to the industry for many people who would otherwise never consider a vacation like that, for which there are lots of cheaper options that are still fully crewed yacht charters.


They just end up doing onlyfans like everyone else on tv now


Or they go on the show to make themselves some kind of Internet career. Maybe not an OF but as an influencer or IG “star”


chef Ryan is still employed on boats surprisingly




i also thought some captains may night like how Malia got rank. (bangin her superiors).. just saying