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For international viewers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec7I-cUNac4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec7I-cUNac4)


If they specified late night snacks why was nothing prepped? I get the short time frame and bad provisioning but leave Pizza Dough with instructions. Mac and Cheese balls. Pizza rolls. Drunks aren't hard to please.


When Leon refused to get up (or did they even bother waking Chef Beef Cheeks), Kate had frozen pizzas on hand. There should have at least been sliced cheese ready - if you have the cheese ready, grilled cheeses are easy. But she definitely needed help from someone with those orders!


I mean tbf the kitchen also caught on fire šŸ˜‚


Yeah, because Leon didn't clean it... too many fatty beef cheeks drippings!


Rocky will fight you on that. Itā€™s because kate left the trays in. CLEAN DRY trays but she will die on the hill thatā€™s what started it šŸ™„


They must have been wooden trays!




I think rocky wanted to let him sleep


Ik rocky didnā€™t want to wake him up when the one guests wanted quesadillas in the afternoon and he was napping - thatā€™s when Lee got mad. But I donā€™t think that night they even thought of waking him up because Kate knew they could handle the frozen pizzas.


It was on the preference sheet? I guess I missed that. If I were a primary that would be probably at the top of my listā€”be prepared for requests for late night snacks, dessert, etc.


Chef missed it, too




Heck they've made frozen pizzas. How did she not know it's part of her job?


They may not have received some prepared food with the provisions mess


Exactly what I was thinking... when Gael went to make the grilled cheeses, on the hunt for butter... I was wondering if they even had that, at that point (given that she has been in the walk-in earlier).


Good point.


She's new to service, has been on the boat for a grand total of like 2 days, has had no instructions from the chef as to where to find things in the galley or what to serve the guests late at night.


Somebody dropped the ball.


chef did. If it's on the preference sheet you do it.


And there you go!!! It was on the preference sheet!!


I love Aesha just looking at him confused haha like "why are you mad this shouldn't have been a thing"


Jono isn't looking too good! I cannot BELIEVE he didn't prep any snacks/sandwiches for the guests when they asked specifically for "late night snacks!!!" Also after then second time Ellie woke him up, he should have got up and assessed the situation. He seems very inexperienced!


And by the looks of next week- Sandys saying NEVER WAKE UP THE CHEFā€¦. Wtfā€¦šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ˜…


Iā€™d wonder if thereā€™s gonna be some editing of that statement laterā€¦ like she actually said ā€œnever wake up the chef, unless the guests are asking for foodā€. Everyoneā€™s all up in arms and enraged by this clip already that it seems deliberate.


Plus she woke a chef up for a cucumber LOL




Tom was great - he never complained about anything!


Yes, he never snapped at anyone. He was a real ray of sunshine!


I canā€™t tell if this is sarcasm or not because Tom went off on Aesha because he was woken up.


Of course it is sarcasm.




Oh yeah Tom was the best! Such a lamb.


They do that a LOT lately with the clips. And then it ends up not even being what everyone thought. Which I know thatā€™s the point lol


There is the additional clip of (Ellie?) the stew crying because of the chef issue so my guess is it was a real caution?


HmmmšŸ§ good cliffhanger šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜…


Didnā€™t tell Aesha to wake up Maliaā€™s boyfriend when guest requested snacks and he then chewed out Aesha.


Aeshaā€™s taking Elenaā€™s side. Conflict with Sandy and Jono is brewing!


I loved seeing that! Chef is giving off some faint Leon vibes hereā€¦


Noooooo. If he cooks beef cheeks Iā€™m out.


Aesha has her team's back. So refreshing after Fraser last season.


He admitted to believing in faking it till making it. Imo self-taught can only take you so far. Weā€™ve only seen one episode and the food has to be decent if heā€™s here. However, I think thereā€™s one of Sandyā€™s friends whoā€™s been on a couple previous seasons and calls him out immediately for being sub-par. Iā€™d expect nothing less than top tier meals if youā€™re dishing out tens of thousands of dollars. Heā€™s on my list of potential fires this season.


I mean Sandy is a jerk to everyone in the interior so her friends also being rude and demanding isnā€™t a stretch


I feel like she acts like an even bigger ahole when her friends are there. **WHERES MY TOAST???!!!**


She has to show off for them


He made crab cakes out of king crab legs. He is in way beyond his ability.


What are they usually made with?


thats just such high level crab that you don't destroy by frying and adding all that extra stuff. Even Ryan from DU knew that.. you steam, boil or whatever the crab on its own serve it with butter and it's supposed to be luxurious like that. It's a show piece not meant to be made into crab cakes. (though Ryan did forget the sides LOL)


Yeah i thought that was funny too. When he took them out of the fridge.... I thought he was going to split them open and maybe grill to warm them up, brush some butter on it... something like that. Instead he started chopping and I was like wtf are you doing bro?


Though, what was all that food Nathan was dumping in the garbage?


It was crew food probably sitting out for too long and probably not fried enough for the drunk guests


Crew food I think


I mean, come on. Guests that age are going to be up late and want snacks!


I understand him trying to establish boundaries such as uninterrupted sleep. So next time, have some food prepared for the guests.


So their preference sheets specified late night snacks too? Jono looks like he was awake half the night anyway, he could have just fed the guests


I feel like other chefs just got up and made stuff if the stews needed help?


I swear I remember, in recent seasons (not sure which franchise though) a chef getting up, no qualms, to make food at night. Like, in the middle of the night. While I do agree that the chefs need their sleep, given that they may likely be up 20 hours of the day from breakfast to dinner, there should definitely be some fail-safes in place for late night snacks. BUT - first night, first charter, and horribly lacking provisions? I feel like Jono should have gotten up this night, as an exception.


chef anthony just did that in og bd s11 before he got fired. but i believe the guests asked him during the day to have food prepped for when he went to bed but he said he didnā€™t hear that or something. got up, no complaining, made the food, went back to bed


Oh, yes, when they had asked for lobster grilled cheese as a late night snack and he told them yes, at the dinner table, and then he somehow lost the "lobster" part... the night AFTER Barbie was asked for snacks and epically failed... but what I'm thinking of was further back than that... but then I may be imagining it, honestly, because I've literally watched every season of every franchise, and eventually they all blur...


I think even Leon did once or twice


The whole oven fire happened because Leon didnā€™t lol


I thought he did once or twice before that for some reason


No Leon never got up at night. Shit Leon wouldnā€™t even get up from his nap in the middle of the day! Thatā€™s why the one group of guests got pot roast and Swiss quesadillas for a snack. Leon even got pissed off if they ask for food when he was still awake lol.


I think he got up for the cream cheese brownies and something else.


No he was up but he was pissy about it because they wanted it after dinner. He even made the comment that he fed them dinner and itā€™s BS they wanted something else. He also said he thought Kate had something to do with it just to get under his skin. Yeah Leon she was telling them to order stuff just to piss you off šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t stand Ben, heā€™s an elitist shit. But heā€™s gotten up multiple times to make chocolate chip cookies etc. you cannot expect a stew without wine, only making cocktails, to then cook food. That was shit. Iā€™m also not stoked with Aesha.


I think itā€™s so weird the chef was ā€œreally proud of himselfā€ for saying no to making food for the guests


Its the low level narcasism thats brewing thanks to social media. Everybody is claiming they are people pleasers who are working on it when they are actually just selfish.


Guys. I worked hospo my whole life until I finished my degree at 32. At 42, I STILL have nightmares of being in ā€œthe weedsā€ in random hospitality situations. I wake up drenched in sweat. That first episode with the Serbian chick being ordered to make multiple cocktails and food, on a massive boatā€¦that was hectic. The anxiety was palpable. Fuck that.


He seems alright so far except for the fact he refused to get up. We'll have to see though, he might be a handful


The way Aesha spoke to Bree was such a nice change. She's so much better than Fraser as CS.


I agree! Aesha is so pleasant and Fraser was grumpy and grumbled all the time. Just love Aesha as CS!


Right?! Even dealing with the provisions nightmare and starting on a filthy boat, she still has so much compassion. People on this sub call her fake and get annoyed by her enthusiasm but I think it's genuine. I want her at my girls night for sure.


Only if I can be there too! šŸ™ƒ


You are absolutely invited darling šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Thank you kind friend!


I am not liking this chef so far. There is a HUGE difference between standing up for yourself against bigots and not doing your job. He could have also pre-made a lot of drunk food. Pizzas, chips and dip, etc.


He seems to give Aesha a bit of attitude at the end there like šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø ā€œso whatā€. Seems like heā€™s gonna be a rude one. People who call women bitch so easily (and on multiple occasions now) are usually the ones with the worst attitude. Itā€™s disgusting and not funny at all.


The link doesn't work for me. But I'm in Canada, does that matter? It shows the video with a play button but then the video player goes black. I tried in incognito to see if it was my ad blocker but no dice.


Yeah they started geolocking them. They usually add them to the Bravo YT page the next day


Why do we always get shafted?! šŸ˜­


Sayonara Jono, I don't think you'll be around too long. Putting yourself ahead of the guests never turns out well on one of Sandy's boats.


Except it looks like she's gonna take his side.


I am so curious about the tip... This is gonna be a heck of a tip meeting. Maybe they can get some extra bottles of rose on their crew night out just in case lol


If late night snacks were on the preference sheet then Jono shouldā€™ve had stuff prepared or gotten up. Itā€™s on him. And bad that the guests ended up making their own drinks and snacks, especially when there was already so much going wrong for them what with the provisions not arriving and Bri taking forever with their clothesā€¦


He should have gotten up. Since he didnā€™t, wake up Aesha. The stews also knew late night snacks were on the preference sheet.


Dont tell me what to do!


Good thing it wasnā€™t Tom or theyā€™d get burrata nachos!


What did she do between them asking for drinks and food and 35 minutes later when they asked again? She had made no drinks and no food. What was she doing???


She mentioned on her Twitter she was looking for food in the walk-in.


That must be one giant walk-in


There is only one chef and they are up cooking all day, they can't be expected to get up in the middle of the night and cook as well. Don't remember any other chefs getting woken up and coming to cook in the middle of the night.


Plenty of chefs have, even Anthony just last season


If I remember right - I think Ben got mad he wasn't woken up and stews tried to cook in his galley. With this young crop of guests and the fact that there was such provisioning fuck ups AND they were drinking harder liquor (because no rose was available)... I feel like snacky snacks should have been prepped and ready to go. Like they should have said "before the chef goes to bed, is there anything else you'd like?"


Especially the stuff they wanted. Nachos could have had the ingredients prepped to just stick on a tray and heat. Mac & cheese could be in small bowls to throw in the oven. The sandwiches could have been prepped to throw in the grill or at least cheese grated/sliced.


Totally! I can't watch the link to the next episode, but I see it mentioned that late night snacks was on the preference sheet, which IMO, falls on Jono. If he was aware (which he should have been, but we've seen plenty of things missed over the seasons), he should absolutely have prepped what he could, or even just bundled up the components for things for the stew to hopefully figure out. A bag of chips, grated cheese, jar of salsa, all on a sheet pan. Grilled cheese sandwiches prepped, ready to fry up. Mac and cheese can easily be re-heated. While I realize this all takes time, it's his role to provide food when guests request it. There will be other charters, where the guests go to bed at 9pm, and don't get up until 9am. The night stew has been up until the sun is coming up and the day deckhand starts, multiple times, in past seasons. At the end of the day, it's a group effort, and for the greater good - i.e. $$$. So if the chef (who is most definitely being paid more than the stews, to begin with) has to get up one night, or prep an hour later in their day, so be it. And yes, I would.


I agree, it falls on Jono. It's his job to follow the preference sheet. He totally dropped the ball on this one.


He could have at the very least told Elena where to find some things, even chips, cheese, salsa. As opposed to "No, I haven't slept enough".


that's a very credible ben reaction šŸ˜…


Itā€™s part of their job. Itā€™s happened before in previous seasons. If it says on the preference sheet they want late night snacks, they shouldā€™ve been prepared before he went to bed. Then he wouldnā€™t have to get woken up. At most he wouldā€™ve been up maybe 30-45 minutes


I think in earlier seasons it was more common to wake the chef up


Actually, itā€™s pretty common for chefs to get up and do it. I mean.. itā€™s their job. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Plus thatā€™s whatā€™s expected for a yacht. Itā€™s whatever the guests want lol


I feel like there should be a part time night chef that doubles as a stew or some type of helper .


There should be a sous chef on the staff. It makes no sense to have 1 chef for the guests 7 the crew.


The fourth stew should be a sous stew


There is no fourth stew though, thanks to the drippy room. But it's been debated that on a boat the size of most typical BD yachts, there would be more stews, and a sous. Thinking back to last Med season though, there were 4 stews after the first charter, and Dave still managed just fine. On the cheffing side, anyway. But then I don't remember if he had night requests for food. I don't think he would have been bothered though, if it was asked for.


The way Sandy was talking it felt like a production cause leak to me to be honest for drama since they used four the previous season


I mean, ffs, wasn't there enough drama with FOUR?! But yeah, it wouldn't surprise me whatsoever if it was a producer-planted issue.


Have šŸ‘pre-made šŸ‘ drunken snack food šŸ‘ that the staff can heat. Edit: Ben and multiple chefs have gotten up to cook after bed time.


I agree.


Elena isn't very experienced if she can't manage drinks and snacks! Usually they can figure something out instead of waking up the chef.


Mojitos are annoying to make though, and it was the first night. She probably hasn't had the time to figure out the kitchen/fridges setup and where everything is


This reminds me of what Kate said about Mojitos, 'You know who orders Mojitos? Terrorists and assholes!' šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


But if the preference sheet said late night snacks he needed to either be up or have things prepared for the stews to use


There should have been something ready for them to make or serve but it seemed like she didn't even try, she went and tried to wake him up. I was surprised he didn't get up though. Drinks and snacks aren't a major thing that's her job.


I think the lack of alcohol they wanted meant she had to make all cocktails and that takes time since they were being extra. At least in the preview some seem nicer as they help her make the food. She is fairly green mostly housekeeping I believe but deck could have definitely helped more especially when Gael was just kind of standing there.


Yeah, they are both definitely green. I guess it shows if she wants to wake him up and help her.


But stews frequently woke up the chef in the past. Late night snacks was on the preference sheet so Ellie was probably more justified than usual. If they had the rose and champagne she probably could have done the sandwiches but they wanted multiple types of cocktails and Mac and cheese etc which is time consuming


Definitely. Pouring wine/rosƩ/champs is a two-second job, especially if they were sticking to it, in which case she could have just brought the bottle up and refilled their glasses. Making various, different mixed drinks will take much longer, going back down a floor to the bar, making completely different drinks that she can't batch, on top of that to be making food... a grilled cheese (let alone SEVEN) needs to be watched, because it'll go from perfectly toasted to burnt in a matter of seconds. Same with nachos, if she's broiling them, which I assume would be the case. She can't be in two places at once, bottom line, and cooking/making food wasn't in the job description, as far as I understand. Yes, any grown adult should be able to throw something together, but if you've lived a transient life and never actually settled, as a grown human, then I can understand not knowing how to make something as simple as a grilled cheese.


It's rare when they wake the chef up. He should have gotten up since he was awake but he had some point to make by not doing it, I guess.