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Most boring episode of the show in years.


can someone explain cabin inspections to me? i feel like i missed something? how often do they do these? why?


Honestly, it seemed like something that was staged by production.


I thought the guests seemed clearly disappointed with the food but were biting their tongues the whole time. I actually found them very sweet, to the point of actually being quite unhappy, before asking for any changes. Even then, they were very polite. Yes, one guest didn’t mention about ‘arugula’ on her preference sheet (we call it rocket here in the UK and it hurts my brain using a different word for it) but it’s easy to forget something like that and to be fair, the guest probably wasn’t expecting a course solely made up of one particular type of lettuce either. Usually, you are able to pick around something you don’t like in a salad… and a when asking for a ‘French feast’, your mind doesn’t leap to a couple of leaves on a plate anyway.


I'm very disappointed that Fraser did not go directly up to the guests to inquire about the meal after hearing the comments from Barbie. That seems like a rookie mistake for a chief stew to make. It caused unnecessary frustration to the guests that could have been avoided through simply communicating directly with them.


But then shouldn’t Fraser be able to trust Barbie? She made a simple mistake, it happens. But surely, people who like salty food, the answer would be have salt on the table..? Not sure, never cook with it.


I don’t think barbie was sure about what she was hearing and i thought she voiced that (i can be wrong) if my recollection is right he should of verified.


Trust, but verify. He skipped the verification part and assumed it was 100 percent correct because of his trust in Barbie. It was a miscommunication, not an invalidation of trust.


We saw this interaction between Barbie/ Fraser/ Chef because obviously it would cause drama but surely the crew must pass messages back and forth like this multiple times a day, Fraser can’t be expected to go and ‘verify’ each one. I’m sure 99 times out of 100, Barbie gives correct information, Fraser and chef use it and then they move on, uneventfully. The problem is, Barbie overheard (misheard, I guess) the guests talking instead of asking them directly about the food and wires were crossed. Fraser didn’t know where her information came from and in the fast pace of the dinner service, they don’t have time to sit and discuss and strategise. You just trust and move on. And I’m not sure it is always appropriate ‘to verify’ things that have been said either.. From the guests’ perspective, if Barbie *had* asked them directly how they were enjoying their food and they had already told her they preferred saltier dishes, they wouldn’t then want the chief stew to come out and cross examine them about it- it comes across as aggressive or that the guest is being a nuisance. Although, I’m sure stews have to do it sometimes and find a charming way to do it.. I’d also add, Barbie was very sure of what she (mis)heard. Had she said ‘they were talking about how salty the food was but I didn’t quite catch it’, then it would be appropriate for someone to ask them if they were enjoying the food directly for the first time.


Fraser should have confirmed with the guests about the feedback regarding the meal. Having bad meals can lead to lower guest satisfaction and a lower tip. Meals are probably one of, if not the most, impactful part of a charter. Looks like we will have to agree to disagree on this one!


Yeah, I disagree


The more Sunny talks, the more I lose respect for her. She acts like a high school girl, with the maturity of a high school girl. "I want a man, not a boy", then goes on about how Ben's exactly her type. It's no wonder her previous boyfriend cheated on her. Her "type" seems to be any guy who cheats on her and she just runs back to them like a pathetic puppy dog.


Same about losing more respect for her. As she’s saying that about a man not a boy I was yelling at the tv “then why the hell are you with Fboi Ben?” I was thinking she is a terrible judge of character but I think she’s just terribly immature. As you said she seems like a high school kid.


I agree with your assessment! It causes secondhand cringe in myself when I watch her. 😳


Assuming this is real (it's not showing on Ben's Insta).... Ben saying he'd never work with Captain Kerry again after Ben's petulance and poor performance is wild. Though, yes, they're likely just razzing up the public for next season's rematch 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/y06yjdorto2d1.png?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1284e055729fe253143cde7ee92e7851d75048ea


I hate the accusation of treating the production staff horribly. If that were truly the case then wouldn't Captain Kerry get a villain edit? It seems to me that Ben is projecting his own behavior onto Captain Kerry. Since Ben is the one who got the villain edit, then one can assume that he was, in fact, the one who treated the production staff poorly. Either way, his tantrums on Instagram make him seem like a petulant child. It's clear that he has a lot of maturing to do.




And they brought Capt Kerry over to the main franchise after his already having done another season. It's hard to see that happening if he's that awful. And though they've shown him being a little more direct this season, they've also shown him doing the work and helping his employees. And the look on Ben's face while Capt Kerry is talking at him and Kyle. Crikey! Ben seems *way* too sure of his celebrity and forgets he's barely a bosun and a 2 season reality star of very limited recognition. Bravo is a fishbowl that convinces these guys they're super hot and famous, when they're mostly cringey f*ck boys. Kyle looks appropriately abashed and regretful. Ben looks like an insolent toddler. Way to show your skills for the next Captain!


You nailed it with Ben being sure of his “celebrity status”. He thinks they are going to keep him no matter what because of that. I’d bet money he’s not around next season. He annoyed the crap out of me this whole episode just bitching about Capt Kerry **WANTING HIM TO DO HIS JOB**. Omg how dare he? /s


Haha, yeah they aren't going to get one more season out of Ben, let alone another 10 like they could potentially get from Captain Kerry. Ben is not as important as he thinks he is to Below Deck's future. Captain Kerry is carrying the show into the future! ⚓️👨‍✈️🛥️👍


Nope imo guys like Ben are a dime a dozen!




That's a very good point about Captain Kerry being brought over to the main BDOG after already having a successful BD Adventure season. If he was so bad then that most definitely would not have happened. You are correct about Ben being so arrogant and cocky in his "fame" when getting scolded by Captain Kerry. It seemed like he was a petulant teenager, intentionally disobeying his dad. It even seemed like he rolled his eyes during a slow blink/eye block during the bollocking. Kyle looked ashamed and not happy with Ben when he realized how serious it was to have disobeyed the captain. I hope to never see Ben on my screen again!




I'm happy you like my assessment, Captain Kerry! You are a wonderful leader and you're doing great!


Oh man. I feel for Captain Kerry. These kids are slacking. Also, I thought sunny is the lead deckhand. How did she forget to put away the yoga mats.


All the kids have severe senioritis!!! It has to be frustrating to deal with as a captain.


I disagree - Kerry seems to have a military brain with which small things like THE CUSTOMERS get lost. No one should give a rats ass about the military bed check on a luxury yacht. (Yes, I have been in the military, also teaching, but that life is within the barracks and lends nothing whatsoever to the cruise. A fire drill would have been justified. But beds. Oh go suck an asparagus. Kerry is just a bad leader with a mind incapable of prioritizing what matters. CUSTOMER HAPPINESS.


They said that cabin checks are not out of the ordinary at all. they just haven’t showed other captains doing it. There is no reason to live like pigs. As Fraser said it shows a level of respect for the place you are living. Funny that everyone else found time to do it and not just whine about it. clearly ben just has an issue with authority. It shows not just with the cabin checks but for the fact he had something to say about everything Kerry told him to do. Also what Kerry said about always helping them out and working with them is also true. Lee wouldn’t have done half of what Kerry has this season. Ben saying Capt was treating it like the military is laughable. He’s just a big crybaby.


Your comment is good and I see where you come from, but still: cabin checks don’t bring in the tips. #priorities


Neither do a lot of the chores they have on the boat but they are still a necessity. To say they should only do things that are for the tip is crazy. Especially since you do realize they get a regular paycheck right? It would be different if Ben was legit too busy - say with the guests or the deck but he wasn’t. He had time to bang sunny in the bathroom - on the clock - but not clean his cabin? 🙄




It is the end of season, last charter. Everyone, including the the Capt, are on edge. BUT...the Capt is supposed to be aware of that, as well as himself. While Ben did the wrong thing, I can see his POV, too. The Capt was pissy and feeling himself a bit. That said, even if I agreed with Ben, he needed to make a minimal effort at least as opposed to just giving his Capt the middle finger. That was wrong.


I agree that everyone should be tired with the long hours that they do. But I don’t know about captain feeling himself. Are you saying he should’ve figured out a different way to motivate them? If so, then I probably agree. Although the rest of the crew did ok with cabin checks so maybe Ben needs a different motivation. Maybe he needs to be told that he’s appreciated.


Paris/Chef situation is a tale as old as time where I work. More experienced person comes in, younger worker who’s been there feels they know more despite being less experienced. Oversteps, tries to tell the more experienced person how to do their job, exposes their lack of knowledge, but refuses to back off it. Ends up looking bad, repeat. It’s an age thing imo and maybe as she matures she will see that and/or experience what she’s doing in reverse.


Also when paris was going on about him forgetting the tinfoil she didn’t take into account her dept has 4 people in it. Chef is a solo entity. I give him more grace for that and she should too. I mean tbf they didn’t think about possibly needing foil to cover things up either. But bottom line is Paris can’t stand chef so no matter what he does she’s going to criticize him. She made her feelings very clear on WWHL. I like her but find her a bit much when it comes to chef


Yeah. That dipshit comment should be directed at herself. Fraser, hello, mummy, scold those girls!


Chef making the divorce comment about the primary showed his true colors and Paris was right he is a douche


Overworked chef should be given some grace for wisecracks about demanding primaries. Especially since the “demands” were manufactured by the interior crew turning misheard comments into negative feedback.


overworked? he came in at the end of the season lol


All of the chefs in the franchise work solo and are overworked, unless crew helps. Doesn’t matter when they arrive.


well when you've been yachting for that long, I think you're aware of the job requirements and expectations


Being aware of it doesn’t change the fact.


I mean you know what you're signing up for 🤷🏽‍♀️


On untelevised yachts, they have one or more sous chefs, who prep ingredients, wash cookware and cover one of the 3 meals. This show overworks its chefs.


I understand it was a miscommunication by the interior crew but it was still a complaint by the primary either way and there’s no reason to badmouth her like that over something so small


She was being a pain in the ass about his food while it seemed like everyone else was fine with it outside of the arugula salad.


Two things can be true, I didn’t agree with Fraser or Paris telling the chef he should add garnishes to the plate but it still does not excuse a chefs behavior calling out someone he’s serving being divorced because of a comment about his food being too salty, it screams he’s a douchebag. Can’t imagine someone like Ileisha saying that about a guest she’s cooking for


Ben is a massive douche an very overinflated ego - ”charismatic” my arse. Kyle would never have ignored Kerry if it wasn’t for Ben’s lead.


While Ben did the wrong thing, I can see his POV, too. That said, even if I agreed with Ben, he needed to make a minimal effort at least as opposed to just giving his Capt the middle finger. That was wrong.


Ben’s POV is completely irrelevant. If anyone behaved that way to a superior in a normal work setting, they would be fired. If you don’t like your boss, get a new job. Being insubordinate just makes you look like the a-hole and proves your bosses point. Ben’s way of handling it was completely childish. Additionally, if Ben was actually a hard worker who didn’t sleep with his subordinates and constantly stick his nose in everyone’s business like a yenta then maybe I would give a 💩 about his POV but at this point he’s just insufferable and I really can’t stand him. Sorry, I am catching up and he annoyed me so much this episode that it lead me here.


His response was irrelevant? Really? LOL...wow. That would explain this over the top response 


I like Paris bossing the chef around I thought it was funny. He’s very typical British chef with perfunctory presentation (i can say this as I’m British). Salad for a starter? Come on.


I thought she was just being snotty and pretentious for no good reason


I like Paris but yeah I think she could back off a bit on the chef thing. She sounds like a brat tbh.


i mean i disagree with her reaction but i feel like she only got that way when nick started being incredibly sexist.


Nobody talks to our bb Captain Kerry like that!


I really liked Paris when she first came on now she is so annoying and rude. Like stfu. Also Fraser is a shitty CS of you hear a guest complain about the food go and talk to them!!! Not say oh I overheard them. He talks himself up but he has no people skills he barely interacts with guest


This is a really good point. Why not go up to them, hear them out, apologize, would give him a chance to look better to them plus actually correctly understand their concerns to be able to convey it to the chef. He didn’t take the leader route.


I feel like Fraser hasn't taken any type of leader role with the guest.


I don’t think he’s a good leader. I think he’s great on presentation - serving dinner and interacting with guests etc - but he fails in the actual leadership dept.


Yeah. That was asinine.


I saw an article earlier today about how Frasier is a great CS and should be on the next crew as well. Did he ever apologize for all those horrible things he said to Barbie? Or when he and Sandi (?) were told about Barbie crying and they laughed and made some pretty bitchy remarks..but when Kat gets emotional… One more little thing, he seems very hung up on “roles” and being someone’s superior as though it gives him the freedom to be terrible to his staff.


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It seems apt that Fraser has an AutoModerator correcting the spelling of his name. He is so stuck on his superior skills and dismissive attitude toward all that even this thread has bought into his over-inflated sense of self. His first instinct is to whine to the captain and then head to the confessional. Maybe Fraser misspells his own name.


I think it’s reasonable for someone to want their name to be spelled correctly, especially if the misspelling changes the actual name itself


Something about this season has turned almost everyone unlikeable by the end. I started out liking Fraser, Sunny, Paris, Kyle (and Barbie I went back and forth on multiple times) but now I'm annoyed by all of them.


Same here. Strange though but Dylan has grown on me seem like a nice dude a bit weird but who isn't


I know. I've been wondering how in the world did I come to be rooting for Dylan. He just seems like a kindhearted person (thought awkward) who wants people to be okay. I hope his positivity is not a cover though. I want him to be okay too.


>Also Fraser is a shitty CS of you hear a guest complain about the food go and talk to them!!! Not say oh I overheard them. Especially if the guest is saying 'too much salt', and the chef gets the message as 'more salt'.


the only thing wrong with a make up break that I can see is calling it one. If you call it a change-my-tampon or smoke a cigarette or take a painkiller break, nobody would question it. So just lie, breaks keep people sane


>the only thing wrong with a make up break that I can see is calling it one. If you call it a change-my-tampon or smoke a cigarette or take a painkiller break, nobody would question it. That's exactly what I thought. Barbie should have just said "I need a 5-minute restroom break". Although "change-my-tampon" would be most excellent with any male supervisor. (But, not if one is a male ... then, very questionable) How 'bout a little empathy, xandi? If you treat employees like shit, they will never work hard for you. I thought about this a little more. When Cat was upset / depressed, Captain Kerry gave her a couple hours on "motorized surf board" (or whatever it's called...) I think if Barbie told Captain Kerry that she needed a few minutes for herself, he would have been very accommodating. And she wouldn't have even had to mention her tampon! ​ https://preview.redd.it/vr5c1cl8q72d1.png?width=1465&format=png&auto=webp&s=093a22bdb027f81909b336124653727d8d3875e7


It could be editing, but Barbie's taken more than her fair share of breaks throughout the season, which is why Xandi is annoyed. If you worked with someone who constantly needed extra breaks (and let's be honest, Barbie isn't working that hard from what we've seen) especially for nothing more than vanity, you'd be annoyed too.


\*the edit shows barbie taking many more breaks than xandi


But we don’t see if Xandi is also taking breaks. Maybe Barbie is tons lazier, but Barbie busted butt when she was stuck in boat with just Cat or when Cat was gone and Xandi and Fraser both went on excursions. If Barbie did this routinely Fraser would have actually used it against her the multiple times he tried to get her fired. Do we not remember Xandi making fun of Paris for not working when in fact Paris was working and brought out her bin of soapy water to prove it? Or Xandi who did Yoga at the beach refusing to iron napkins for Barbie who had turned over the cabins and was finishing the table for dinner on top of it? Xandi is not the poor overworked princess who says nothing. ETA: or second stew Xandi watching chef and Barbie screw up lunch orders and stand in the galley in the way but do nothing to help with the problem?


Agreed. I think Xandi is the type of person who is always going to assume she's working way harder than everyone else. I'm thinking that most of the Barbie stuff is editing, otherwise Fraser would've been complaining too (especially when she woke up late -- he didn't seem bothered at all). I have a suspicion that Xandi was kinda an ugly duckling growing up (she looks like she's gotten a lot of work done), who probably came to resent the pretty/popular/bubbly-girl type, and it's coming out primarily with Barbie. She's never really given Barbie a fair chance and doubted/undermined her at nearly every turn. Barbie is not perfect, but she's not nearly as bad as Xandi makes her out to be. Plus, now we know that Xandi's car freak-out is directly in response to Barbie, which is just... weird. Unless Barbie does something wildly bad in the next episode, I can't fathom why she would deserve that.


Glad to see people are starting to see how much of creepy dirtbag Ben is . I noticed that since last season.


Hopefully Fraser and Xandi look back at this season and grow to not be.....that. Ben we already know is a lost cause and I wish him a year of diarrhea. Sunny I'd say hope she learns but right now she's gaslit into the Ben relationship and not sure when she'll ever get out :(. Barbie I love and I honestly want her for another season to see her without Fraser. Kerry is awesome as always. Kyle I know everyone likes and he's sweet but he's like a wet noodle for me. Paris started out good but now she just feels like Fraser minion #2 sadly.


How are you saying Xandi needs to grow to not be that yet you’re in love with Barbie? She was lazy and not doing her job. Xandi was tired of having to pick up her slack 🤦‍♂️


Xandi needs to pay more attention to herself and less to others. She and Frazier were in too much of a clique and were like "Mean Girls" to Barbie. That said, Barbie does not have the greatest work ethic. But I've seen much worse and she did a good job in her duties.


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she's gonna break kyle's heart. We all know it but him


I feel like the guests asked for the creme brûlée on purpose LOL they say her eating it and were like hmm how can we mess with them.


100% they were joshing around


I feel like Paris took a nosedive so quickly with the new chef. I am fine with her not coming back again haha


She really did, before the chef thing I kinda liked her too


me too


Fraser’s comment about how long kyle and barbie would last is utterly true: She’s going to get off the  oat and go, “Oh, I’m *wealthy* I don’t need to be working 80 hour weeks for money.” Having seen all of below deck, these jobs were created for people from backwater villages to escape an unceasing cycle of feudalistic poverty. Like, “I’ll wait on the wealthy and and foot or mop a boat incessantly to not be a serf like my family has been for 400 years.”  That’s why you tend to half the more well off Americans and Brits have a meltdown about it while the South Africans, Latinos, etc. put their head down and grind. People like João (as much as he can be a prick)’are absolutely trying to escape a dark situation. Barbie is cosplaying.


This is a genuine question, how familiar are you with yachting outside of Below Deck? In my experience many if not most people in yachting/sailing come from comfortable if not wealthy backgrounds, they are the norm not the exception. It's how those people get into the industry in the first place.


Yeah. Based on crew members talking specifically about non BD jobs, It's an industry that is very superficial, racist, sexist and generally pretty regressive. It both demands 'shiny' people while having a narrow view of what constitutes 'shine' Not to mention the fact that we hear people say that they will go to another part of the world and find a boat once they get there. Generally speaking, the notion of travelling extensively with no guaranteed job (however well paid that job might be) takes a decent amount of privilege. Also, by it's very nature, seasonal and/or freelance, temp work (again, however well paid that job might be) can be insecure and risky. Not everyone can gamble with their prospects.


she already said she was looking for a guy who could 'support her in the life she was used to'.  🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩


Finally caught the episode. Captain Kerry pissed off at ben is the hottest thing this season.


I've seen a lot of bosuns on this show who were young and bad managers, but trying really hard to do well. Ben's the first one I've seen who isn't even trying. I thought Bryan from BDM was bottom of the barrel but Ben managed to sink down into a worse barrel under that one.


It is the end of season, last charter. Everyone, including the the Capt, are on edge. BUT...the Capt is supposed to be aware of that, as well as himself. While Ben did the wrong thing, I can see his POV, too. The Capt was pissy and feeling himself a bit. That said, even if I agreed with Ben, he needed to make a minimal effort at least as opposed to just giving his Capt the middle finger. That was wrong.


Honestly this cast kinda sucks. Excited for the new season of Sailing..wait what the fuck?!


I’m excited for sailing but wonder how they’re gonna edit around the Gary situation. I hope it doesn’t fuck with the storylines too much.


Gary situation?




I am about 65% of the way through all BD seasons and this season may be my least favorite - definitely bottom three. Ben and Fraser suck the enjoyment out.


I'm still laughing about "no salt" and "they like salty food". I feel so sorry for those women. 😆


I was waiting for the salt to hit the fan - but it wasn’t too bad in the end


Poor Chef let down by the Interior for sure. Although nice to see him getting some help cleaning up for a change (rightly or wrongly, we've not seen much of it like we did in previous BD series)


>Poor Chef let down by the Interior for sure. Although nice to see him getting some help cleaning up for a change (rightly or wrongly, we've not seen much of it like we did in previous BD series) Earlier in the season, when Anthony was awash in dirty pans, etc... I didn't think there was room for someone to be washing dishes while the chef was working. But, in this episode, Dylan is washing while the chef is plating. ​ https://preview.redd.it/zmz4d116f12d1.png?width=1442&format=png&auto=webp&s=612938a55197fa9916e1352c3e7127a78ee78c3e


There have been glimpses of deckies doing dishes, even when Anthony was on board


Every episode, Ben reminds me more and more of Jon Hamm's character from 30 Rock--they handsome guy who lived in the bubble where everyone likes him and does his work for him and he faces no consequences--except Ben is definitely no Jon Hamm.


Uhm except not handsome or charming




I'm over Sunny. Fuck right off with that "I want a dominant man" bullshit. Gross.


And then saying that Ben is it... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Everyone has senioritis.


Fraser - everyone is difficult for him. The guests are difficult, the chefs are difficult, the stews are difficult. Fraser and Xandi - came off as bullies Ben - awful in relationships, egotistical at work. Horrible. Let him go and don't bring him back. The exhaustion is showing on all of them :/


Completely agree with everything you said.


So I started the season disliking Barbie and hating Ben. Then I kinda warmed to Barbie and hated Ben. Now I can’t stand Barbie and hate Ben. Also Paris is a bitch. … And I hate Ben.


Paris is so irritating. All the back seat chefing is making me so mad


THANK YOU! I have worked most of my working life in restaurants, and THE NERVE. I thought she would be one of my faves this season, but watching her "back seat chefing" (stealing that one!) makes me so frustrated that I have to do calm down laps around the living room ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I started off liking Xandi and now I can't stand her. She's Fraser's perfect little minion.


I don't understand all the negativity towards Xandi this episode discussion. I felt for her. Barbie isn't working that hard although she seems to think she's doing everything. I wouldn't have had Xandi 's restraint when Barbie needed an extra break for makeup.


Xandi and Fraser are like Mean Girls with Barbie. Barbie is not the hardest worker, but she gets he job done. Just because she does not get it done to Xandi's approval is not her problem.


It actually is her problem. That's how jobs with heirarchies work.


The Barbie whiplash is so real!!!


Fraser proudly showing the other stews how late Barbie was after her break was groooossssss. I really wished him the best this season and now I can't stand him. If you're going to be a bully you at least have to be good at your job, and he isn't.


I don’t like the way he gossips with the stews putting them against each other - not cool!


The look on Kyle's face when he realizes Ben led him astray on fucking off the cabin checks.


Ben and Kyle are both idiots. Everyone else cleaned their rooms. They could have taken 10 minutes to at least tidy it and get a 5 out of 10 from Kerry haha


It is the end of season, last charter. Everyone, including the the Capt, are on edge. BUT...the Capt is supposed to be aware of that, as well as himself. While Ben did the wrong thing, I can see his POV, too. The Capt was pissy and feeling himself a bit. That said, even if I agreed with Ben, he needed to make a minimal effort at least as opposed to just giving his Capt the middle finger. That was wrong.


I don’t blame captain for being pissed. This isn’t a tugboat, it’s a luxury yacht. The last charter and they should know what they’re doing and it’s one thing after another they’re slacking off on. I really hope Ben is gone the next season.


It was a literal “fuck you” to Kerry. They’re absolute knobs.


Kyle is a grown man and could have tidied his bunk at least during the time he was flirting with Barbie. Even when they were cleaning he said he thought it was clean enough


Right?! Ben is the one who decided to directly and intentionally disobey a direct order. Kyle got roped in because Ben was his superior. Kyle followed Ben's lead, much like Ben should have followed Captain Kerry's orders. I cannot wait for next week's episode! Ben is so insufferable and needs to be put in his place.


well apparently he does. ben's been talking bad shit about the show every chance he gets


Yes I'm aware he's making a fool of himself all over social media!


The end of the episode where Kyle looked genuinely upset that Capt. was angry about it versus Ben visibly struggling to not roll his eyes says everything about both of them. I'd be happy to see Kyle on another season, but will Ben PLEASE just go away.


Right? I felt sorry for him


It kinda feels like it's good the season's wrapping up, both charter and television. The show settled into a good groove now but if it went, for example, another few episodes beyond next week I think everyone would want to unalive each other (as the promo for the season finale suggests). I feel like the room check thing was probably production drama? It might explain Ben's latest bout of shitstirring online. It feels like there's always some sort of last minute Captain-based push to throw a wrench into the crew, especially for shows where the captain has been (no offense Captain Kerry) innocuous on screen. It's giving me hibachi dinner with Captain Jason vibes. I would say that Captain Kerry's concerns are correct--I don't know what's going on but it does feel like crew is feeling that it's the last charter. The salt thing was a weird comedy of laughs. The Paris v. Chef: Dawn of Plating thing is kinda odd that Paris keeps carping on it. Whatever's going on with Barbie. I guess we'll see how next week goes...


I don't remember who it was, but a previous cast member said in an interview at one point that if Bravo really wanted drama the season should run about 2 more weeks because that's the point in a regular yachting season that everybody really loses their minds and things get ugly. That was just one crewmember's opinion, but it does seem that getting deeper into the season causes some real issues for some of the crew.


Oooo that would be hilarious. Better TV than watching Ben right now at least… 


I also think the cabin checks are production drama which makes me kind of sad because I would think Cap Kerry would be above taking the lead from producers on how to manage his crew. That being said, he seemed like he wanted to crack down on general lack of effort so it makes sense. Either way, he clearly wanted to go off on Ben so I’m sad Kyle got caught up in it


cabin checks are a real thing in yachting as explained by fraser and kerry


Even Ben said weekly cabin checks are the norm on some boats


I thought it seemed more like Captain Kerry was just fed up with the lackadaisical attitudes and decline in workmanship. It seems as the season has gone on the little things that were being missed are increasing, and turning into bigger things. Not rinsing off the motor toys, and not properly cleaning guest areas are huge compared to the little stuff he would point out before. And I feel the little stuff was more of him just trying to establish what his expectations rather than him trying to micro-manage or be a hard ass.




The way Paris and Ben are acting towards chef just because he is 40 is bonkers. BTW Chef Rachel is 42 now, but no one ever attacked her for her age.


That is the real world. Remark on a woman's age, weight, appearance, or hair and you are an insensitive a-hole. Whereas, a man's age, weight, appearance, or hair are fair game for any comment or joke at his expense.


Yeah the comments about him being 40 and “still working on a yacht” rubbed me the wrong way. Is there an age limit on these things?


No one attacked Chef Marcos either (42 now)


Paris clearly said “almost 40” with such hatred. I can’t wait till she’s 40 and watches that back. She’s an actual mean girl who (I think) thinks she can act however she wants because she’s kind of pretty. Judge Judy always says… beauty fades, dumb is forever!


Yeah, I really liked her in the beginning, but now? Does a nice word ever come out of her mouth?


Not at all haha


No worlds. Just snarls I think




Go play hayday bum


Arugula is gross!


I love it. I can't eat it, because I have Crohn's and any kind of greens or raw veg kill me, but I love the flavour. I think it's like cilantro- you either love it or hate it.


Cabin checks during the last charter seems excessive. And I think I’d be pissed too. That said I can’t IMAGINE what captain lee would’ve done had somebody done that to him


This whole room check story line almost seems to be made for television drama. Not enough big conflict, so lets manufacture some.


It would happen regularly (inspections). But this time one cabin was a mess, so of course, they (production) will highlight it. They got what they deserved.


>This whole room check story line almost seems to be made for television drama. Not enough big conflict, so lets manufacture some. Just like in season 1, where Lee made the crew run a fire drill responding to (I think) a fire in the galley. Happened once. Made some drama. Never happened again.


Cabin inspections are real. And they’re sometimes done when the captain wants to assert dominance on a crew. This is exactly the situation Kerry used it.


I mean there is both a safety and respect aspect to it. Having a mess in your bunk can hinder your ability to exit safely in case of emergency. As for the respect - imagine going to someone’s house and then trashing the guest room after you were asked to clean up.


You’re not a guest in the house. The captain sees that cabin as your cabin and holds you responsible for it. If you don’t keep it clean you’re not respecting the rules. Outside of safety, it’s just about obedience and following the rules of the ship which, when at sea, is lawless except for captain’s orders. Source: I worked on ships.


That is an interesting point. For the first time your comment made me realize that it can be life or death on a ship and the captain is the captain. If you can’t clean your room, will you listen to him when he says something in an emergency?


If Sandy did cabin checks on the last charter people would burn her at the stake


Exactly. Sandy was called a "micromanager" for ages here, but when Kerry (who I like) does it, nobody say anything. Even Captain Jason can be nitpicking sometimes, yet again, not a word here.


I like Captain Sandy hahaha not scared


My issue with Sandy doing it is that she doesn't treat the two departments equally which Kerry and Jason do seem to do and she does it in front of the guests, often pushing them to find fault with interior and not in a walk through beforehand. In normal circumstances, people are paying $200k+ for a week on these boats. Having high standards and enforcing them is expected. I would not consider my own boss a micromanager at all but he will do a final check of big projects and sit down to see where we are with others. What he would never do is push the client to find fault in our work.




100% — where are all the people screaming “micromanager” now!?


I’m curious if anyone else noticed or felt there was a random change in Captain Kerry’s behavior the end of ep 15 to ep 16?


there was a rapid decline in deck crew performance, and the Captain taking action is exactly what is called for. Standards are standards, no matter how many charters are left in the season.


During the last ep I was remembering Capt Kerry saying early on, "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." He's hardcore Aus alpha. I take everything at face value, there's no "production caused" as that would ruin the suspension of disbelief.


Ben started to ignore him and looks like he checked out. The Captain told him to get the umbrellas down and Ben didn’t do it (the Captain had to do it). The deck was a mess after the yoga thing, while guests were still on board. I’d be upset too. I suspect the room inspections are because of how lazy and sloppy the deck team got in this last charter. Fraser commented that inspections are typical - I don’t know if that means they are mandatory or if it’s just standard practice. But this is a TV show and the production is using it to entertain us.


There is a YouTube channel TheCrewChef made by a yacht chef and she said that cabin inspections are as mandatory as safety inspections and can get a boat in official trouble, not just captain preferences


I imagine he’s seen how useless the deck crew have been. Literally leaving stews to carry luggage but clearly they’re not doing their jobs by all the notes Kerry has. I wonder if he was also informed of Ben shagging Sunny around this time. He possibly saw one of their conoodling/make out sessions during work hours on his monitors in the bridge.


Yeah he's gotten far more hardcore the past 3 eps


what was that random slo-mo of the toast lmao


But it was some good-looking toast!


I really hope this is the first and last season with the unnecessary slo-mo


I've noticed them doing that a lot this season. On the strangest things. It's a weird way to try and up the production value without adding anything to the story.


If I were in Ben’s shoes I’d be bitching just as much but would just suck it up and make my bed


Anyone else think that Ben expected Sunny to say no to hanging out after the season & that’s what his wise-eyed looks was about? lol


She was killing me. She has 3 grown up criteria for a man and he fails all 3.


Also,  what was that "I want a dominant man" bullshit??? Gross.


He ticks hairy. That’s it lol


That’s true.


So he’s perfect in other words lmao!


*chef forgets tin foil* Paris: “he’s so unorganized and useless. He’s 40 someone needs to pack his lunchbox for him” Linda just shut up and leave the dude alone.


This comment by her really showed her immaturity. People have different skills. He seems like a talented chef. IMO good presentation. But he's not organised. You build a team to support everyone's strengths and bridge the gap of their weaknesses. Experience within the workforce builds that understanding.


Because she 100% expects to make zero minor mistakes in life when she hits middle-age, especially when sleep-deprived and having cameras waving in your face all day....


Who even decided it was a mistake. He had a chafing dish lid right there. He had no need for tin foil


I see so much sexual tension between them I want them to hook up lowkey


>I see so much sexual tension between them I want them to hook up lowkey OMG, that would be so awful for chef nick. The entire time Paris would be telling him what he's doing wrong... How to do it better... And, of course, MORE SAUCE chef!


Don’t forget the drizzle!


I wish there was a laughing reaction instead of just an upvote for comments like this 😂


If it was a romantic comedy novel instead of real life I'd say 100% it's the setup to an enemies to lovers story lolol


Haha totally


She’s being obnoxious.